The answer & explanation for this question is given in the attachment below.
Final answer:
A SavingsAccount class extends a BankAccount with specific features like an annual interest rate and separate savings numbers for different funds under one account number. It includes a postInterest method that calculates and deposits monthly interest.
To create a new class called SavingsAccount that extends BankAccount, you must first understand the basics of inheritance in object-oriented programming. Inheriting from the BankAccount class allows the SavingsAccount class to use its methods and properties. Additionally, a SavingsAccount has specific features such as an annual interest rate and the ability to have multiple savings numbers under one account number to keep funds separate for different purposes, like a Christmas club account.
Here is an example of how you might define such a class:
public class SavingsAccount extends BankAccount {
private double rate = 2.5;
private int savingsNumber = 0;
private String accountNumber;
public SavingsAccount(String name, double initialBalance) {
super(name, initialBalance);
this.accountNumber = super.getAccountNumber() + "-" + savingsNumber;
public void postInterest() {
double monthlyInterest = getBalance() * (rate / 12) / 100;
// Additional methods and constructors can be added here
The postInterest method calculates one month's interest using the annual rate and then deposits it into the account, thereby compounding monthly.
g Write a program that prompts the user to enter two integers. The program outputs how many numbers are multiples of 3 and how many numbers are multiples of 5 between the two integers (inclusive).
Final answer:
The question involves writing a program in C++ and Python that counts multiples of 3 and 5 between two user-entered integers. Examples of both a C++ and Python program are provided, demonstrating how to prompt for input and calculate the counts.
Counting Multiples in C++ and Python:
A program that counts multiples of 3 and 5 between two integers can be written in multiple programming languages. Below are examples in both C++ and Python that accomplish the task. Both programs prompt the user for two integers and then iterate through the range, counting the numbers that are multiples of 3 and 5, respectively.
C++ Program
using namespace std;
int main() {
int start, end, count3 = 0, count5 = 0;
cout << "Enter two integers: ";
cin >> start >> end;
for (int i = start; i <= end; ++i) {
if (i % 3 == 0) count3++;
if (i % 5 == 0) count5++;
cout << "Multiples of 3: " << count3 << endl;
cout << "Multiples of 5: " << count5 << endl;
return 0;
Python Program
start = int(input("Enter the first integer: "))
end = int(input("Enter the second integer: "))
count3 = len([i for i in range(start, end+1) if i % 3 == 0])
count5 = len([i for i in range(start, end+1) if i % 5 == 0])
print(f"Multiples of 3: {count3}")
print(f"Multiples of 5: {count5}")
Final answer:
To solve this problem, you can write a program that prompts the user to enter two integers and then displays the number of multiples of 3 and 5 between those two integers.
To solve this problem, you can use a loop to iterate through each number between the two integers provided by the user. Within the loop, you can check if a number is a multiple of 3 or 5 by using the modulus operator (%). If the remainder of dividing the number by 3 is 0, then it is a multiple of 3. If the remainder of dividing the number by 5 is 0, then it is a multiple of 5. You can keep track of the count of multiples using two separate counters and display the results at the end.
Here's an example of how the program might look in Python:
num1 = int(input('Enter the first integer: '))Write a function called committee to compute the number of ways of forming a single committee with r members from a collection of n people. This is the same as computing the number of ways of choosing r people out of n to sit at the first of two tables, and is therefore n! / (r!*(n-r)!). Make sure the function returns an integer, not a floating point number with a decimal point.
This program is written in C++. The explanation of the code is given below in the explanation section.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
//factorial calculation
int fact(int n) {
if (n == 0 || n == 1)
return 1;
return n * fact(n - 1);
int main() {
int n, r, comb; /* n represent number of people (population), r represent the number of selection from population and combination represent number of ways or combination */
cout<<"Enter n : ";// prompt user to enter population i.e. total number of people
cin>>n;//store into n
cout<<"\nEnter r : ";//prompt user to enter number of selection from population
comb = fact(n) / (fact(r) * fact(n-r));// calcuate combination- number of differnt ways to form a committe
cout << "\nCombination : " << comb; //show the result
return 0;
Write a program that has variables to hold three test scores. The program should ask the user to enter three test scores, and then assign the values entered to the variables.
Create a program that prompts the user to input three test scores and saves those values in variables. An example in the Python language is given to demonstrate this.
Explanation:To write a program that handles test scores, we'll need to create variables to store the scores, prompt the user for input, and then save those inputs into the variables. Below is an example of how this could be done in a common programming language like Python:
# Prompt the user for test scoresIn this program, the input() function is used to get user input, which is then converted to a float (in case scores include decimals) and stored in the variables test_score1, test_score2, and test_score3.
Final answer:
To accept three test scores in a program, declare three variables and prompt the user to input their scores, which are assigned to these variables, as per best programming practices.
To write a program that accepts three test scores, you would need to declare three variables to store these scores. The user can then be prompted to enter their scores, which are assigned to the variables. In many programming languages, this involves using input functions.
Here is an example in Python:
# Declare variables
test_score1 = 0
test_score2 = 0
test_score3 = 0
# Prompt the user for input
test_score1 = float(input('Enter the first test score: '))
test_score2 = float(input('Enter the second test score: '))
test_score3 = float(input('Enter the third test score: '))
# The scores are now stored in the variables and can be used for further processing.
This snippet demonstrates how to use variables, prompt the user for input, and assign values to variables. As outlined in programming best practices, the variables should be defined at the top of the script to reduce bugs.
A foreign exchange student brought his desktop computer from his home in Europe to the United States. He brought a power adapter so that the power cord would plug into the power outlet. He tried turning on his computer, but it wouldn't power on. What is likely the problem
Desktop computer is probably single-voltage
The problem is most likely as a result of voltage difference. He have to get a dual-voltage switch that can accept both 110-120V and 220-240V. As the voltage of the the United States will most likely be different from the voltage in his home country. Or get a power adapter (single voltage) that suits the voltage of the US.
You have been given the job of creating a new order processing system for the Yummy Fruit CompanyTM. The system reads pricing information for the various delicious varieties of fruit stocked by YFC, and then processes invoices from customers, determining the total amount for each invoice based on the type and quantity of fruit for each line item in the invoice. The program input starts with the pricing information. Each fruit price (single quantity) is specified on a single line, with the fruit name followed by the price. You can assume that each fruit name is a single word consisting of alphabetic characters (A–Z and a–z). You can also assume that prices will have exactly two decimal places after the decimal point. Fruit names and prices are separated by a single space character. The list of fruit prices is terminated by a single line consisting of the text END_PRICES. After the fruit prices, there will be one or more invoices. Each invoice consists of a series of line items. A line item is a fruit name followed by an integer quantity, with the fruit name and quantity separated by a single space. You can assume that no line item will specify a fruit name that is not specified in the fruit prices. Each invoice is terminated by a line consisting of the text END_INVOICE. As a special case, if a line with the text QUIT appears instead of the beginning of an invoice, the program should exit immediately. The overall input will always be terminated by a QUIT line. (5 points)
import java.util.*;
public class Invoice {
static final String endPrices = "END_PRICES";
static final String endInvoice = "END_INVOICE";
static final String quit = "QUIT";
public static void main(String... args) {
Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
//HashMap to store fruit name as key and price as value
Map<String, Float> fruits = new HashMap<>();
//Loop until input is not "END_PRICES"
while (true){
String input =;
//Come out of loop if input is "END_PRICES"
float price = Float.parseFloat(;
//add fruit to hash map
fruits.put(input, price);
//ArrayList to store total cost of each invoice
List<Float> totalList = new ArrayList<>();
Float total = 0f;
//loop until input becomes "QUIT"
while (true){
String input =;
//Break out of the loop if input is "QUIT"
//Add total price of the invoice to array list and set total to "0f" to store total of next invoice
total = 0f;
int quantity = sc.nextInt();
total += (fruits.get(input)*quantity);
//Iterate through all objects in the total Array List and print them
Iterator itr = totalList.iterator();
while (itr.hasNext()){
System.out.printf("Total: %.2f \n",;
When you double-click a file, it will automatically open the Application for that file type.
Question 10 options:
Answer: true
Double-clicking which is the act of pressing a computer mouse button twice quickly without moving the mouse allows two different actions to be associated with the same mouse button. It was developed by Bill Atkinson of Apple Computer, Double-clicking executes the function associated with that objec and also opens the application on which you double clicked.
The laser printer in your accounting department is printing faded prints that are getting lighter over time.
What is the most likely reason for the faded prints?
a. The printer has foreign matter inside the printer.
b. The fuser is not reaching the correct temperature.
c. The printer is low on toner.
d. The paper pickup rollers are worn.
Faded prints in a laser printer are typically caused by the printer being low on toner, which results in less toner being transferred to the paper and subsequently, lighter prints.
The most likely reason for the laser printer in your accounting department producing faded prints that are getting lighter over time is that the printer is low on toner. In a laser printer, a dry black powder called toner is given a negative charge and attracted to the positive regions of the drum. Next, paper is given a greater positive charge to pull the toner from the drum. The paper with electrostatically held toner then passes through heated pressure rollers which melt and permanently adhere the toner to the paper's fibers. When a printer begins to run low on toner, the amount of toner attracted to the drum is reduced, resulting in lighter and more faded prints.
Write a program that prompts the user to enter two characters and display the corresponding major and year status. The first character indicates the major. And the second character is a number character 1, 2, 3, 4, which indicates whether a student is a freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior. We consider only the following majors:
B (or b): Biology
C (or c): Computer Science
I (or i): Information Technology and Systems
Note that your program needs to let the user know if the major or year is invalid. Also, your program should be case-insensitive: your program should tell "Biology" either user type ‘b’ or ‘B’.
Here are three sample runs:
Sample 1:
Enter two characters: i3
Information Technology and Systems
Sample 2:
Enter two characters: B5
Invalid year status
Sample 3:
Enter two characters: t2
Invalid major
What to deliver?
Your .java file including:
1. (Code: 5 points, Comments: 3 points) Your code with other appropriate comments.
2. (2 points) Four sample runs with the following four input:
(1) i3
(2) T2
(3) c2
(4) F0
Note that you need to run your program 4 times. Each time you run it, copy and paste the program output to the top of your program. After you finished these 4 runs, comment out the output you pasted so that you program would continue to run without any issue.
import java.util.Scanner; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner input = new Scanner(; System.out.print("Please enter two characters: "); String inputStr = input.nextLine(); if(inputStr.charAt(0) == 'B' || inputStr.charAt(0) == 'b'){ System.out.println("Biology"); } else if(inputStr.charAt(0) == 'C' || inputStr.charAt(0)== 'c'){ System.out.println("Computer Science"); } else if(inputStr.charAt(0) == 'I' || inputStr.charAt(0) == 'i') { System.out.println("Information Technology and Systems"); } else{ System.out.println("Invalid major"); } int num = Character.getNumericValue(inputStr.charAt(1)); if(num >= 1 && num <= 4){ switch (num){ case 1: System.out.println("freshman"); break; case 2: System.out.println("sophomore"); break; case 3: System.out.println("junior"); break; case 4: System.out.println("senior"); break; } } else{ System.out.println("Invalid year status"); } } }Explanation:
The code consists of two main parts. The part 1 is to validate the input major and print out the major according to the input character (Line 10 -22). If the input character is not matched with the target letters, a message invalid major will be displayed.
The part 2 is to validate the year status to make sure it only fall within the range of 1-4 (Line 26 -45). If within the range, the program will display the year major accordingly. If not a message invalid year status will be displayed.
Write a program numbers.cpp that defines a function bool isDivisibleBy(int n, int d); If n is divisible by d, the function should return true, otherwise return false. For example: isDivisibleBy(100, 25)
bool isDivisibleBy(int n, int d){ if(n % d == 0){ return true; } else{ return false; }}Explanation:
To check if n is divisible by d, we can use modulus operator such as %. If n % d equal to 0, this means n is divisible by d. Modulus operator is to calculate the remainder obtained from a division. If a number is divisible by another number, the remainder will be 0.
By making use of this concept we can create if and else statement to check if n % d is equal to 0, return true (divisible) else return false (not divisible).
Here is the function in Python:
def isDivisibleBy(n,d):
return True;
return False;
Lets see how this works. You can call this function in main program to check if this function isDivisibleBy() works properly.
print("It is divisible")
print(" It is not divisible")
Now the bool function isDivisibleBy() takes two arguments, n and d. bool function returns either true or false. If the number in n is divisible by d the function returns true otherwise it returns false. The number n is completely divisible by d when the remainder of this division is 0. So modulus operator is used to check if n is completely divisible by d.
In main program if condition is used which calls the isDivisibleBy() function and checks if the function returns true. The function is passed two values 8 and 2 where 8 is n and 2 is d. If this condition evaluates to true then the message displayed in output is: It is divisible. When the if condition evaluates to false the messages displayed in output is: It is not divisible.
The program along with its output is attached in the screen shot.
In Cybersecurity terminology, a risk is defined as ________. Select one: a. A weakness that threatens the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of data b. Something or someone that can damage, disrupt, or destroy an asset c. Estimated cost, loss, or damage that can result from an exploit d. The probability of a threat exploiting a vulnerability
The probability of a threat exploiting a vulnerability and the resulting cost
The whole idea of IT security is to protect our data from bad things. Risk in cyber security is the potential to harm people, organizations and IT equipment. It is the probability that a particular threat will occur and as result, leave a system vulnerable.
You are given a string consisting of parenthesis style characters ( ) [ ] and { }. A string of this type is said to be correct if: (a) It is an empty string. (b) If string A is correct and string B is correct then string AB is correct. (c) If A is correct then (A), [A] and {A} are all correct. You are to write a program that takes as input from the keyboard a series of strings of this type that can be of any length. The first line of input will contain a single integer n telling you how many strings you will be testing. Following that integer will be n lines (each ending in a new line character) that represent the strings you are supposed to test with one string per line. Your program should output Yes if a given string is correct and No otherwise. For example if the user types the following as input 3 ([]) (([{}]))) ([()[]()])() Then your program should give the following output: Yes No Yes You will note that if you do your program correctly there is no prompt for data and the yes and no answers will be interspersed with your input data when you enter it manually. The following would be a more accurate representation of what you see on the screen when you cut and paste the input into your program. 3 ([]) Yes (([{}]))) No ([()[]()])() Yes You may find it useful to use a text file for testing your code so that you do not have to keep retyping the tests. You can do this from the command line by typing the name of the executable file followed by a less than sign and the name of your file. For example, if my executable is named day7 then I could type: day7 < input.txt This would redirect standard input so that the input instead comes from the file named input.txt. You should note that the input.txt file needs to be in the same directory as your executable file for the above command to work. Alternatively you can give the complete path information for the input file. You may not assume anything about the size of the test strings coming in. In fact, some of the test strings may be hundreds of thousands of characters long… COMP1020 Day 7 Daily Adams Summer 2016 How do you solve it? The trick to this problem is realizing that our stack interface can be used to solve the problem. One way to approach the problem is to read in a character, if it is a left marker then push it onto the stack. If it is a right marker then check the top of the stack (if it exists), if it is the correct left marker then pop it out and continue testing the string. If you encounter a right marker and the top of the stack is not the left hand version of the marker you just picked up or the stack is empty then you can determine that the string is not correct, clear the stack and go on to the next example. If you finish a whole string (encounter a new line) without encountering a problem then you can determine that the input string is correct. You should submit your program to an online checker that will test it for a small set of input values by going to, making an account, and submitting your solution as a solution to problem 673. Even though the problem I have given you is a bit harder than the problem given there, your solution to this problem should have no problem solving their version of problem 673 that they have on the site. Submit your main.c and your stack.c, stack.h and any other support files you need along with a text file containing a copy of the email you get from the UVA online judge. Your stack.c implementation file should contain an implementation for the stack that can hold characters instead of integers and should use a linked list implementation of the stack.
The C program uses a stack to check if a series of input strings with parentheses, brackets, and braces are correctly formatted. It reads the number of strings, processes each string, and outputs "Yes" if the expression is correct and "No" otherwise. The stack is employed to keep track of opening symbols and ensure matching with closing symbols.
Below is a simple C program that checks whether a series of strings, representing expressions with parentheses, brackets, and braces, are correctly formatted or not. The program uses a stack data structure to keep track of the opening symbols and checks for matching closing symbols.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
// Define the stack structure
typedef struct {
char data[100000]; // Assuming a maximum string length of 100,000 characters
int top;
} Stack;
// Function to initialize the stack
void initializeStack(Stack *stack) {
stack->top = -1;
// Function to push a character onto the stack
void push(Stack *stack, char ch) {
stack->data[++stack->top] = ch;
// Function to pop a character from the stack
char pop(Stack *stack) {
return stack->data[stack->top--];
// Function to check if the expression is correct
int isCorrectExpression(char *expression) {
Stack stack;
for (int i = 0; expression[i] != '\0'; i++) {
if (expression[i] == '(' || expression[i] == '[' || expression[i] == '{') {
push(&stack, expression[i]);
} else if (expression[i] == ')' && ( == -1 || pop(&stack) != '(')) {
return 0; // Not correct
} else if (expression[i] == ']' && ( == -1 || pop(&stack) != '[')) {
return 0; // Not correct
} else if (expression[i] == '}' && ( == -1 || pop(&stack) != '{')) {
return 0; // Not correct
return == -1; // Check if the stack is empty
int main() {
int n;
scanf("%d", &n);
getchar(); // Consume the newline character
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
char expression[100000];
fgets(expression, sizeof(expression), stdin);
if (isCorrectExpression(expression)) {
} else {
return 0;
Create a new collection class named SortedLinkedCollection that implementsa collection using a sorted linked list. Include a toString method as described inExercise 30a. Include a test driver application that demonstrates your class workscorrectly
Since you have not mentioned the way toString method was implemented in your class, I am just providing a sample implementation of it.
Please find the code in file attached.
Please see attached file.
Write a program that receives a series of numbers from the user and allows the user to press the enter key to indicate that he or she is finished providing inputs. After the user presses the enter key, the program should print:
The sum of the numbers
The average of the numbers
An example of the program input and output is shown below:
Enter a number or press Enter to quit: 1
Enter a number or press Enter to quit: 2
Enter a number or press Enter to quit: 3
Enter a number or press Enter to quit:
The sum is 6.0
The average is 2.0
theSum = 0.0
data = input("Enter a number: ")
while data != "":
number = float(data)
theSum += number
data = input("Enter the next number: ")
print("The sum is", theSum)
theSum = 0.0#defined in the question.
count=0 #modified code and it is used to intialize the value to count.
data = input("Enter a number: ") #defined in the question.
while data != "": #defined in the question.
number = float(data) #defined in the question.
theSum += number #defined in the question.
data = input("Enter the next number or press enter to quit ") #defined in the question "only some part is modified"
count=count+1#modified code and it is used to count the input to print the average.
print("The sum is", theSum)#defined in the question.
print("The average is", theSum/count) #modified code and it is used to print the average value.
If the user inputs as 1,4 then the sum is 5 and the average is 2.5.Explanation:
The above code is written in the python language, in which some part of the code is taken from the question and some are added.The question has a code that tells the sum, but that code is not print the average value of the user input value.To find the average, some codes are added, in which one count variable which is initialized at the starting of the program and gets increased by 1, when the user gives the value. Then that count divides the sum to print the average.Final answer:
The program asks the user for a series of numbers and when the enter key is pressed without an input, it calculates and outputs the sum and average of the entered numbers. A counter variable is used to count the number of inputs which aids in calculating the average.
To receive a series of numbers from the user and calculate the sum and average when the user is finished by pressing the enter key, you can complete your base code as follows:
theSum = 0.0
count = 0
# Get initial input
data = input("Enter a number or press Enter to quit: ")
# Loop until user hits Enter without providing a number
while data != "":
number = float(data)
theSum += number
count += 1
data = input("Enter a number or press Enter to quit: ")
# Check to prevent division by zero when calculating average
if count > 0:
average = theSum / count
average = 0
print("The sum is", theSum)
print("The average is", average)
This program initializes a counter to keep track of the number of inputs, asks the user for numbers in a loop, and adds them to the sum. It also increments the counter by 1 for each valid input. After the loop, if the count is greater than zero, it calculates the average; otherwise, it sets the average to zero to handle edge cases where no number was entered. Finally, it prints the sum and average of the entered numbers.
The variable most_recent_novel is associated with a dictionary that maps the names of novelists to their most recently published novels. Write a statement that replaces the value "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" with the value "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" for the key "J.K. Rawling".
Final answer:
To update the most recent novel of J.K. Rowling in the 'most_recent_novel' dictionary, assign the new novel title to the key 'J.K. Rowling'. Be sure to correct the author's name if it was misspelled in your dictionary.
The student's question involves updating a value within a dictionary in Python. If most_recent_novel is your dictionary and you want to update the novel associated with the novelist J.K. Rowling (correct spelling), you can do this by assigning a new value to the key representing the novelist. Here's how you can write the statement:
most_recent_novel['J.K. Rowling'] = 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows'
Note that the spelling of J.K. Rowling's name is incorrect in the question. It's important to use the correct key when updating the dictionary value. Assuming 'J.K. Rawling' was a typo, the correct key is 'J.K. Rowling'.
which of these is an example of an open source software
internet explorer
When we talk about open source software, we are talking about software that is free to download and its source code repository is made available and public to its users. Open source code can be modified and distributed with the users’ rights if they want to. Thunderbird is an example of open source developed by the Mozilla foundation. All known web browsers like Chromium and Safari are open source apart from Internet Explorer. Internet Explorer has remained closed source for a long time now.
Multidimensional arrays can be stored in row major order, as in C , or in column major order, as in Fortran. Develop the access functions for both of these arrangements for three-dimensional arrays.
Access functions explained below
Access functions for Three Dimensional Arrays:
Let M, N and P refer to the size of the 1st 2nd and 3rd dimensions respectively.
Element_Size is the memory size the array element.
Generic access functions for Row Major:
If character data is used then Element_Size is 1.
For i=0 to P do
For i=0 to N do
For i=0 to M do
Address_of _array[i, j, k] = address_of_array[0,0,0] + (i * P + j * N + k) * Element_Size
Store data into the Address_of _array[i, j, k]
Display data from Address_of _array[i, j, k]
Generic access function for Column Major:
if For i=0 to M do
For i=0 to N do
For i=0 to P do
Address_of _array[i, j, k] = address_of_array[0,0,0] + (i * M + j * N + k) * Element_Size
Store data into the Address_of _array[i, j, k]
Display data from Address_of _array[i, j, k]
Consider a multi-level computer interpreting all levels where:
all Level 1 instructions are converted to 10 Level 0 instructions; all Level 2 instructions are converted to 8 Level 1 instructions; all Level 3 instructions are converted to 5 Level 2 instructions; all Level 4 instructions are converted to 5 Level 3 instructions; and all Level 5 instructions are converted to 5 Level 4 instructions.
If a Level 0 instruction takes 29.1 ns to fetch, decode, and execute, how many microseconds does it take to execute an instruction on Level 5?
Level 5 = 291 ms
Given Data:
Level 1 = 10 X Level 0 Instructions
Level 2 = 8 x Level 1 Instructions
Level 3 = 5 x Level 2 Instructions
Level 4 = 5 x Level 3 Instructions
Level 5 = 5 x Level 4 Instructions
Level 0 execution time = 29.1 ns
To Find:
Level 5 Execution Time = ?
Put value of Level 1 in Equation of Level 2
Level 2 = 8 x 10 Level 0 = 80 x Level 0
Put value of Level 2 in Equation of Level 3
Level 3 = 5 x 80 x Level 0 = 400 x Level 0
Put value of Level 3 in Equation of Level 4
Level 4 = 5 x 400 x Level 0 = 2000 x Level 0
Put value of Level 4 in Equation of Level 5
Level 5 = 5 x 2000 x Level 0 = 10,000 x Level 0
So, Level 5 have total of 10,000 Level 0 Instruction. Each level 0 Instruction takes 29.1 ns time to execute. So, Level 5 will Take
Level 5 = 10,000 x 29.1 ns
= 2,91,000 ns
Level 5 = 291 ms
Explain each of the three important concepts behind the Federal Networking Council's definition of the term Internet. Explain how each technology contributes to the functioning of the Internet today.
The three important concepts in the Federal Networking Council's definition of the Internet are, namely;
Packet switchingThe TCP/IP communications protocolClient/server computingExplanation:
Packet switching involves the transfer of data which are grouped into different packets and then sent over a digital network to their respective destination. After the data are received at the destination site, they are then extracted and used by the application software.The transmission control protocol/internet protocol allows one computer to connect or communicate with another one through the internet. The internet protocol defines how to route and address each packet to ensure it gets to the right destination. The IP address of a particular device on a network is usually unique to that device.Client/server computing describes how a server provides services by taking requests from clients computers and sharing its resources with one or more computers.The important concepts in the Federal Networking Council's definition of the Internet include:
Packet switchingThe TCP/IP communications protocolClient/server computingIt should be noted that packet switching means the transfer of data that are grouped into different packets and then sent through a digital network to different destinations.
The TCP/IP communications protocol is important as it enables a computer to connect with another computer through the internet.
Lastly, client/server computing describes how a server is able to provide services by taking requests from client's computers and then sharing the resources with the computers.
In conclusion, packet switching, TCP/IP communications protocol, and client/server computing are important to the functioning of the internet.
Learn more about the internet on:
What is the value of the cost variable after the following code snippet is executed? int cost = 82; if (cost < 100) { cost = cost + 10; } if (cost > 50) { cost = cost * 2; } if (cost < 100) { cost = cost - 20; }
Given the codes
int cost = 82; if (cost < 100) { cost = cost + 10; } if (cost > 50) { cost = cost * 2; } if (cost < 100) { cost = cost - 20; }The initial value of cost is 82.
The if condition in Line 3 will pass and therefore cost = 82 + 10 = 92
The if condition in Line 8 will pass and therefore cost = 92 * 2 = 184
The if condition in Line 13 will fail l and therefore the if block will be skipped.
At last, the we get cost = 184.
2. When a process executes a TRAP or is interrupted, the operating system uses a separate stack located in memory unavailable to user processes to execute any operating system code rather than the stack of the current process. Why might operating systems designers select this type of implementation?
See the pictures attached
// This program accepts any number of purchase prices// and computes state sales tax as 6% of the value// and city sales tax as 2% of the value// Modify the program so that the user enters// the two tax rates// at the start of the programstartDeclarationsnum pricenum STATE_TAX_RATE = 0.06num CITY_TAX_RATE = 0.02num totalTaxnum totalstartUp()while price not equal to 0mainLoop()endwhilefinishUp()stopstartUp()output "Enter a price or 0 to quit"input pricereturnmainLoop()totalTax = price * STATE_TAX_RATE + price * CITY_TAX_RATEtotal = price + totalTaxoutput "Price is " , price, " and total tax is ", totalTaxoutput "Total is ", totaloutput "Enter a price or 0 to quit"input pricereturnfinishUp()output "End of program"return
Hi there! This is a good question that tests the basics of loops and user input as well as constants and methods. For the sake of simplicity, I have implemented the program in Python. Please find the implementation of this answer below.
Simply save the below code in a file called and run it with python 2.0. If using Python 3.0 + then you'll need to change the line:
"price = raw_input("Enter a price or 0 to quit: ");"
"price = input("Enter a price or 0 to quit: ");
def calculate_total(price):
totalTax = price * STATE_TAX_RATE + price * CITY_TAX_RATE;
total = price + totalTax;
return total;
pricenum = -1;
price = pricenum;
while price != 0:
price = raw_input("Enter a price or 0 to quit: ");
price = int(price);
except ValueError:
print("Invalid input!");
price = -1;
// This program accepts any number of purchase prices
// and computes state sales tax as 6% of the value
// and city sales tax as 2% of the value
//Modify the program so that the user enters
// the two tax rates
// at the start of the program
num price
num STATE_TAX_RATE = 0.06
num CITY_TAX_RATE = 0.02
num totalTax
num total
while price not equal to 0
output "Enter a price or 0 to quit"
input price
totalTax = price * STATE_TAX_RATE + price * CITY_TAX_RATE
total = price + totalTax
output "Price is " , price, " and total tax is ", totalTaxoutput "Total is ", total
output "Enter a price or 0 to quit"
input price
return finishUp()
output "End of program"
Modified Program below
// This program accepts any number of purchase prices
// and computes state sales tax as 6% of the value
// and city sales tax as 2% of the value
//Modify the program so that the user enters
// the two tax rates
// at the start of the program
num price
num totalTax
num total
while price not equal to 0
output "Enter a price or 0 to quit"
input price
totalTax = price * STATE_TAX_RATE + price * CITY_TAX_RATE
total = price + totalTax
output "Price is " , price, " and total tax is ", totalTaxoutput "Total is ", total
output "Enter a price or 0 to quit"
input price
return finishUp()
output "End of program"
The actual methods used to protect against data loss are __________ controls, but the program that identifies which data to protect is a ___________ control.
The actual methods used to protect against data loss are Technical controls, but the program that identifies which data to protect is a Procedural control.
In technical control, different software has been installed and protocols has been deployed to avoid any data loss in network security. As all the devices and protocols that we need while installing a network needs technical support. This is the reason, these things are called technical control of the system.
Another control in network security is procedural control. In this type of control it has been identified that, which data should be protected or which data should not be accessed to unauthorized users. This is called procedural control.
Which of the following statements is false? Each class can define a constructor for custom object initialization. A constructor is a special member function that must have the same name as the class. C++ requires a constructor call for every object that’s created. A constructor cannot specify parameters.
a. Each class can define a constructor for custom object initialization : This is True
b. A constructor is a special member function that must have the same name as the class : This is True
c. C++ requires a constructor call for every object that's created : This is True
d. A constructor cannot specify parameters : This is False
a. The name of its string instance variable is initialized to null by default, when an object of class account is created, .
b. Constructors often have the same name as the class been declared. They have the duty of initializing the object's data members and also of establishing the invariant of the class.
c. C++ absolutely generates a default copy constructor which calls the copy constructors for all member variables and all base classes, except the programmer provides one, directly deletes the copy constructor (in order to avoid cloning) or one of the base classes or member variables copy constructor is deleted or not accessible (private).
d. When an object is created, each class declared optionally provides a constructor with parameters which would be used to initialize an object of a class. Thus, in order for fields to be initialized in the object at the time of creation, constructors need to specify parameters.
Therefore, the last statement is false
The statement that cannot be considered as true statement in this question is D:A constructor cannot specify parameters.
Option is right, because it is very possible for each class to define a constructor for custom object initialization.Option B, is also correct, because there should be the same name for both constructor which is regarded as special member function and the class. Option C is correct, because for every created object, there must be a constructor call for C++ .Therefore, option D is correct.
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Scanner can be used to read tokens from a String literal Scanner can be used to read tokens from the console window (user input) Scanner can be used to read tokens from a file Scanner can be used to print tokens to the screen
Scanner can be used to read tokens from the console window (user input)
Scanner is a class used in some programming languages to obtain inputs from users.
It is mostly well developed in Java programming language and used exclusively for taking and obtaining inputs.
Scanner takes input in primitive types such as doubles, floats and integers. IT also takes string inputs.
Here is a code snippet where the class scanner is used:
Scanner input = new Scanner (
The code above creates an object of the scanner class
If an individual column is listed in a SELECT clause, along with a group function, the column must also be included in a(n) ____________________ clause.
GROUP BY clause
The GROUP BY clause is used in SQL as a command to select statement to organize similar data or same values into groups. The GROUP BY clause is used in the SELECT statement in conjunction with aggregate functions to produce summary reports from the database. It combines the multiple records in single or more columns using some functions. If an individual column is listed in the SELECT clause, along with a group function, the column must also be listed in a GROUP BY clause.
Suppose you were assigned to develop a logical model of the registration system at a school or college. Would you be better off using a top-down approach, or would a bottom-up strategy be better
top down approach
Top down approach is process of breaking down system into sub-system which helps in formulating the overall system. At the end every sub system can be refined with more details.
While bottom up approach is process of gathering systems to design large complex system.
Top down is better as basic information is present and resources can be utilized effectively without impacting maintennance and operations.
Final answer:
Choosing between a top-down approach and a bottom-up approach for developing a school registration system depends on the project goals and context. A top-down approach is hierarchically structured and policy-driven, while a bottom-up approach focuses on detailed, user-centric components. A hybrid approach may offer the best of both methodologies.
When developing a logical model of a registration system at a school or college, choosing between a top-down approach and a bottom-up approach depends on the specific context and goals of the project. A top-down approach generally starts with defining the high-level processes and structures of the system based on the policies and requirements of the institution. It is methodical, following a hierarchical path from the general to the specific, which can be beneficial when there are clear objectives and standards to adhere to.
On the other hand, a bottom-up approach builds the system from the lowest level of detailed requirements, often focusing on user needs and individual system components before integrating them into the full model. This can be advantageous when needing to understand complex details from the outset or when user feedback is critical in shaping the system's functionality.
In the implementation phase of a policy process, one might consider elements from both strategies. For example, important federal policies might require adherence to regulations (top-down), but the practical and on-the-ground impact of policies might be best understood by considering local circumstances (bottom-up). Thus, developing a registration system could potentially benefit from a hybrid approach, combining the structured, policy-driven aspects of the top-down method with the detailed, user-driven focus of the bottom-up method.
Suppose that you need to access a data file named "students.txt" to hold student names and GPAs. If the user needs to look at the information in the file, which command could be used to open this file?
f = open('students.txt', 'r')
In the computing world, a command is an instruction to a computer program to execute a particular task. These instructions might be issued via a command-line interface, such as a shell program, or as a input to a network service as a component of a network protocol, or can be instructed as an event in a graphical user interface activated by the respective user selecting an option in a menu.
the f = open('students.txt', 'r') command line would be used to open a file named "students.txt", There are also various other types of commands for executing different task, for example:
1. ASSOC for Fix File Associations
2. FC for File Compare
3. IPCONFIG for IP Configuration
4. NETSTAT for Network Statistics
5. PING for Send Test Packets
6. TRACERT for Trace Route
7. POWERCFG for Power Configuration
A bug was discovered in Canvas where the website crashes if 2 or more students are writing a discussion post at the same time. It's the weekend and Canvas support is unavailable. The entire class needs to submit a discussion post but the system keeps crashing. Use your creativity and implement a system that ensures only one student is writing a discussion post at any given time. Describe in detail which tools, communication methods, and safeguards are used to ensure the following:
Guarantee mutual exclusion: Only one student may be writing in canvas at any given time.
Prevent lockout: A student not attempting to write a post must not prevent other students from writing a post.
Prevent starvation: A student must not be able to repeatedly come back and edit their post while other students are waiting to write.
Prevent deadlock: Multiple students trying to write a post at the same time must not block each other indefinitely.
Final answer:
To ensure exclusive writing in Canvas, a system can be implemented using locks, semaphores, timeouts, fair scheduling, and a deadlock prevention mechanism.
In order to ensure mutual exclusion when writing a discussion post in Canvas, a system utilizing locks and semaphores can be implemented. Each student attempting to write a post will need to acquire a lock, and only one lock is available at a time, preventing multiple students from writing simultaneously.
To prevent lockout, a timeout period can be set. If a student doesn't actively write for a certain duration, their lock is released, allowing other students to access the system.
To prevent starvation, a fair scheduling algorithm can be employed to ensure that each student gets a turn to write without being able to monopolize the system. Additionally, to prevent deadlock, students could be required to release the lock if they are unable to write within a reasonable time frame.
Your customer, Maggie, wants to buy a gaming PC, and she specifically mentions that she wants an Intel CPU and intends to overclock the CPU. How can you identify which Intel CPUs are capable of overclocking?
Intel produces a series of unlocked CPU's that can be overclocked. These CPUs are from the "K" or "X" series. Example: Intel Core i9-9900K, Intel Core i9-10940X.
These are the few things that are to be kept in mind while overclocking:
-Motherboard: Motherboard should support overclocking. Example: Intel Z series, most AMD motherboards.
-Cooler: Boosting the clock speed increases the temperature. The cooler has to be upgraded to keep the temperatures low. Example: Water-cooled. Also, the heat sink has to be checked if it's working properly.
-Be ready to test your system in BIOS. Make sure the temperature, voltage, memory speed is stable for the set clock speed.
Write a Python program to replace at most 2 occurrences of space, comma, or dot with a colon. Hint: use re.sub(regex, "newtext", string, number_of_occurences)
The "re" module in python provides various functions to perform complex string operations easily.
For example, you can check whether a specific word exists in a given string or to replace it with some other word.
Some of the functions in the re module are:
We are particularly interested in the re.sub() function, we can use this function to replace the occurrences of space, coma or dot with semicolon.
re.sub(pattern, replace, target_string, n).
Where pattern = space, coma or dot
replace = semicolon
target_string = any string containing spaces, coma and dots
n = number of times you want the replacement to be done
import re
target_string = "Hello world,code,code."
replace = ":"
pattern = "[ ,.]"
print(re.sub(pattern, replace, target_string, 2) )
Hello world,code,code.
It replaced the first white space and coma with semicolon, if we increase the n to 4 then the output is
As expected, it replaced all of the space, coma, and dots with semicolons.
Final answer:
The solution is to write a Python program that replaces up to two occurrences of spaces, commas, or dots with colons using the 're.sub()' function from the 're' module.
The question involves writing a Python program using the module re to perform a substitution on a string. The task is to replace at most 2 occurrences of a space, comma, or dot with a colon. Here is an example of how to do this using the re.sub() function:
import re
def replace_characters(text):
# The regex pattern matches a space, comma, or dot
pattern = '[ ,.]'
# This will replace at most 2 occurrences of the pattern with a colon
result = re.sub(pattern, ':', text, 2)
return result
# Example usage
input_text = "This is a sentence. With spaces, and commas."
output_text = replace_characters(input_text)
This program will output "This:is:a sentence. With spaces, and commas." after replacing the first two occurrences of the matched characters with colons.