Assume you have a byte-addressable machine that uses 32-bit word (integers are 32-bit) and you are storing the following information: the string Inventory followed by a value (569)10 followed by another string Price followed by a value (49.75)10. Also, assume that floating point numbers are stored as single-precision IEEE 754 with 127 excess. a) Show (as hex numbers with word boundary) how this is stored on a big-endian machine. b) Show (as hex numbers with word boundary) how this is stored on a little-endian machine.


Answer 1

Final answer:

The question involves displaying how a string and numerical data will be stored in hexadecimal format in memory on a machine with both big-endian and little-endian architectures. The storage pattern involves converting ASCII strings and numbers into hexadecimal format and then storing them sequentially in memory according to the endianess. Exact hexadecimal values would require ASCII and IEEE 754 format conversions.


The given question involves storing textual and numerical data on a byte-addressable machine that uses 32-bit integers and single-precision floating-point format, according to the IEEE 754 standard. The data to be stored includes a string 'Inventory', a decimal integer value (569)10, a string 'Price', and a decimal floating-point number (49.75)10. We are asked to show how this information would be stored in both big-endian and little-endian representation. Firstly, we need to translate the ASCII strings and numerical values into hexadecimal, suitable for storage in memory:

The string 'Inventory' is broken into 32-bit words and converted to hexadecimal.

The integer value 569 is represented in hexadecimal as 0x00000239.

The string 'Price' is similarly broken into 32-bit words and converted to hexadecimal.

The floating-point number 49.75 is converted into IEEE 754 single-precision format and represented in hexadecimal.

For big-endian representation, the most significant byte (MSB) is stored at the lowest memory address:

Each character of 'Inventory' and 'Price' is represented by its ASCII hexadecimal value and stored in sequential memory addresses, starting with the MSB.

The integer and floating-point numbers are stored with their MSB first in the 32-bit word boundary.

For little-endian representation, the least significant byte (LSB) is stored at the lowest memory address:

Each character of 'Inventory' and 'Price' is represented in reverse order compared to big-endian.

The integer and floating-point numbers are also reversed, with the LSB first.

The exact hexadecimal values in memory would depend on the binary representations of the strings and the specifics of the IEEE 754 conversion process for the number 49.75.

Related Questions

2.32 LAB: Input and formatted output: House real estate summary Sites like Zillow get input about house prices from a database and provide nice summaries for readers. Write a program with two inputs, current price and last month's price (both integers). Then, output a summary listing the price, the change since last month, and the estimated monthly mortgage computed as (currentPrice * 0.051) / 12 (Note: Output directly as a floating-point value. Do not store in a variable.). Ex: If the input is: 200000 210000 the output is: This house is $200000. The change is $-10000 since last month. The estimated monthly mortgage is $850.000000. Note: Getting the precise spacing, punctuation, and newlines exactly right is a key point of this assignment. Such precision is an important part of programming.


Final answer:

To solve the student's problem, input the current and last month's house prices, calculate the price change, compute the estimated mortgage, and correctly format the output presenting the figures.


To create a program that takes the current price and last month's price of a house as inputs, and outputs a summary of the price change and estimated monthly mortgage, follow these instructions:

First, prompt the user to input both the current price and the last month's price of the house.Calculate the difference between the current price and the last month's price.Compute the estimated monthly mortgage using the formula ((currentPrice * 0.051) / 12).Finally, format the output to include the current price, the price change, and the mortgage estimate. Ensure that spaces, punctuation, and newlines match the example precisely.

Here's how the output should look like:

This house is $200000. The change is $-10000 since last month. The estimated monthly mortgage is $850.000000.

Main answer:


current_price, last_month_price = map(int, input().split())

print(f'This house is ${current_price}. The change is ${last_month_price - current_price} since last month. The estimated monthly mortgage is ${(current_price * 0.051) / 12:.6f}.')



The program takes two integer inputs, representing the current house price and last month's price. It then uses a formatted string to output a summary, including the current price, the change since last month (calculated by subtracting the current price from last month's price), and the estimated monthly mortgage computed using the given formula. The use of f-strings in Python allows for concise and readable code, embedding expressions directly within the string.

The map function is employed to convert the input values into integers. The program calculates the change in price by subtracting the current price from last month's price. To ensure precise spacing and formatting, the f-string includes the required text and variable values in a structured manner. The estimated monthly mortgage is calculated using the provided formula and formatted as a floating-point value with six decimal places.

The code adheres to the assignment's emphasis on precision in spacing, punctuation, and newlines. By using f-strings and the specified formula, the program produces the required output with clarity and accuracy.

Develop a menu-driven program that inputs two numbers and, at the user’s option, finds their sum, difference, product, or quotient.



import java.util.Scanner;

public class TestClock {

   public static void main(String[] args) {

       Scanner in = new Scanner(;

       System.out.println("Enter num 1");

       double num1 = in.nextDouble();

       System.out.println("Enter num 2");

       double num2 = in.nextDouble();

       System.out.println("enter \"s\" for addition\t \"d\" for difference\t \"p\" for the product\t and \"q\" for the quotient");

       char op =;

       if(op =='s'||op=='S'){

           double sum = num1+num2;

           System.out.println("The sum is "+sum);


       else   if(op =='d'||op=='D'){

           double diff = num1-num2;

           System.out.println("The difference is "+diff);


       else if(op =='p'||op=='P'){

           double prod = num1*num2;

           System.out.println("The product is "+prod);


       else if(op =='q'||op=='Q'){

           double quo = num1/num2;

           System.out.println("The Quotient is "+quo);





Use Scanner class to receive the two numbers and save in a two variablesCreate a new variable for Operation (op) to store a characterRequest the user to enter a character for the opearation (e.g s=sum, p=product, q=quotient and d=difference)Use if/else..if statements to implement the required operation

Calculate the shear stress (lbf/in^2) for a given normal stress (lbf/in^2) that is applied to a material with a given cohesion (lbf/in^2) and angle of internal friction (degrees). (See MohrCoulomb failure criterion



In 1900, MOHR-COULOMB states Theory of Rupture in Materials which defines as “A material fails due to because of a critical combination of normal and shear stress, not from maximum normal or shear stress”. Failure Envelope is approached by a linear relationship.

If you can not understand the below symbols see the attachment below

 f   f ()  

Where:      f = Shear Stress on Failure Plane  

       ´= Normal Stress on Failure Plane

 See the graph in the attachment

For calculating the shear stress, when Normal stress, cohesion and angle of internal friction are given. Use this formula:   shear stress =  f  c   tan 


• f  is Shear Stress on Failure Plane

• c  is Cohesion

•  is Normal Total Stress on Failure Plane

•  is Friction Angle

Create an E-R Diagram for the following:An art museum owns a large volume of artworks. Each artwork is described by an item Id (identifier), title, type, and size; size is further composed of height, width, and weight. A work of art is developed by an artist, but the artist for some works is unknown. An artist is described by an artist ID (identifier), name, date of birth, and date of death (which is null for still living artists). Notice that the name of the artist is a composite attribute, composed of first, last and preferred names and it cannot be empty. The artist DOB is also required). Data about both artists of works currently owned by the museum and artists that have otherwise been featured in the museum are kept in the database. At any point in time, a work of art is either on display at the museum, held in storage, away from the museum as part of a traveling show, or on loan to another gallery. If on display at the museum, a work of art is also described by its location within the museum. A traveling show is described by a show ID (identifier), and the start and end dates of the show. Many of the museum works may be part of a given show, and only active shows with at least one museum work of art need be represented in the database. Every show may be visiting multiple cities and therefore has a schedule associated with it, listing the city visited, the start and end dates and the contact phone number. There may be more than 1 contact phone numbers and all the attributes are required. Notice that there is only one schedule associated with each show but the same schedule can be used more than once for shows that are travelling together. Only schedules that have been used for shows are stored in the database. Finally, another gallery is described by a gallery ID (identifier), name, and city. The museum wants to retain a complete history of loaning a work of art to other galleries, and each time a work is loaned, the museum wants to know the date the work was loaned and the date it was returned. As you develop the ERD for this problem, follow good data naming guidelines.


Final answer:

An ER Diagram can be created for an art museum scenario, including entities like Artwork, Artist, Show, ShowCity, ShowSchedule, Gallery, and Loan.

Explanation:ER Diagram for Art Museum

The ER Diagram for the given scenario can be created with the following entities:

Artwork (itemId, title, type, height, width, weight)Artist (artistId, firstName, lastName, preferredName, dateOfBirth, dateOfDeath)ArtworkArtist (itemId, artistId)Show (showId, startDate, endDate)ShowCity (showId, city)ShowSchedule (showId, startDate, endDate, contactPhone)Gallery (galleryId, name, city)Loan (itemId, galleryId, loanDate, returnDate)

The relationships between the entities can be represented as follows:

Artwork is developed by Artist (1 to many relationship)Show has Artwork (many to many relationship)Show has ShowCity (1 to many relationship)Show has ShowSchedule (1 to many relationship)Artwork can be on Loan to Gallery (many to many relationship)

In Java library, a color is specified by its red, green,and blue components between 0 and 255. write a program 'BrighterDemo ' that constructs a color object with red, green,and blue values of 50,100, and 150. Then apply the brighter methodand print the red, green, and blue values of the resultingcolor.
B) Repeat question (a), but apply the darker method twice tothe predefined object Color.RED. Call your class DarkerDemo.





Write code that prints: Ready! firstNumber ... 2 1 Run! Your code should contain a for loop. Print a newline after each number and after each line of text Ex: firstNumber = 3 outputs:


Final answer:

The task requires a Python code using a for loop to count down from a specified starting number, printing 'Ready!', each number on a new line, and 'Run!' at the end.


To write code that counts down from a given number and prints 'Ready!', followed by each number, and ending with 'Run!', we can use a for loop. Here is a sample Python code snippet that accomplishes this:

firstNumber = 3
for num in range(firstNumber, 0, -1):

This code starts by printing 'Ready!', then it enters a for loop that counts down from firstNumber to 1, printing each number followed by a newline. Finally, it prints 'Run!' after exiting the loop. Remember to replace firstNumber with the actual starting number you wish to count down from.

Scripts for business processes: a. are unique b. are always followed exactly c. are often modified d. are invariant e. all have the same fixed number of events



Scripts for businesses are always followed exactly.


A computer script is a list of commands that are executed by a certain program or scripting engine. Scripts may be used to automate processes on a local computer.

Define a function print total inches, with parameters num_feet and num_inches, that prints the total number of inches. Note: There are 12 inches in a foot. Sample output with inputs: 5 8 Total inches: 68



   public static void printTotalInches(double num_feet, double num_inches){

       double inches = 12*num_feet;

       System.out.println("Total value in feets is: "+(inches+num_inches));


This function is written in Java Programming Language. Find a complete program with a call to the function in the explanation section


public class ANot {

   public static void main(String[] args) {

//Calling the function and passing the arguments



   public static void printTotalInches(double num_feet, double num_inches){

       double inches = 12*num_feet;

       System.out.println("Total value in feets is: "+(inches+num_inches));




def calc_total_inches(num_feet, num_inches):

   return num_feet*12+num_inches


Sample Run 1 Enter your word: zebras Enter a number: 62 Password not long enough. Sample Run 2 Enter your word: newyorkcity Enter a number: 892 Password: N@wyorkci y892



import random

paswrd = input("Enter Pass: ")

while len(paswrd) < 8:

print('Password not long enough.')

paswrd = input("Enter Pass: ")

paswrd = paswrd.replace('e', '@')

paswrd = paswrd.replace('E', '@')

paswrd = paswrd.replace('s', '$')

paswrd = paswrd.replace('S', '$')

paswrd = paswrd.replace('t', '+')

paswrd = paswrd.replace('T', '+')

paswrd = paswrd.capitalize()

paswrd = paswrd + (str(random.randint(1,999)))



Take the password as input from user.Replace the alphabets with relevant characters.Capitalize the password.Finally display the password.

What data discovery process, whereby objects are categorized into predetermined groups, is used in text mining?



"Classification" is the correct answer to this question.


Classification is primarily a method of data processing, it makes easy for information to be separated and divided into a different business or personal goals by the data set demands.  

It's also known as a mechanism of sorting or identifying information in different types of aspects or groups in the categorization of data. It is used to allocate the confidential information to the level of sensitivity.

"online privacy alliance (opa) is an organization of companies dedicated to protecting online privacy. members of opa agree to create a privacy policy for a customer that is easy to read and understand. which of the following provisions is not included in the policy?
(a) the option of choosing who sees
(b) the datatypes of data collected
(c) how data is used
(d) how collected data is secured



Option A.


It is a business association working to protect your online privacy. Opa members agree to establish a User privacy Policy that is readable and understandable. So, the option of choosing who sees the data  is the provision is not available in the policy because It has data types policy gathered and how data collected is protected.

Are functional strategies interdependent, or can they be formulated independently of other functions?



Functional strategies are interdependent


Although functional strategies are usually formed separately, they are somewhat interrelated as a result of some factors.

First, we know that despite the fact that functional strategies can be formed in isolation, they still have to be in coordination with other functions. An example is that if an organization formulates a financial strategy, its implementation depends on more than just the finance function, but also on other functions. Also, from definition, we say that functional strategies are plans formulated by companies for human resources, sales, marketing, finance, and other functional areas. It supports line management and also both business strategy and corporate-level strategy, and hence it can be said that they are interdependent.


Functional strategies are interdependent based of organizational strategies.


An organization is a group or encompasses a collection of departments, focused on assigned Target and objectives for each departments, to meet or achieve a general goal. Functional strategies are processes chosen by a department to execute a task.

Functional strategies are actually drafted independently in which departments, but the departmental goals are interrelated, making the their functional strategies interdependent to meet the organizational goals.

You are the manager of a midsized company that assembles personal computers. You purchase most components—such as random access memory (RAM)—in a competitive market. Based on your marketing research, consumers earning over $80,000 purchase 1.5 times more RAM than consumers with lower incomes. One morning, you pick up a copy of The Wall Street Journal and read an article indicating that input components for RAM are expected to rise in price, forcing manufacturers to produce RAM at a higher unit cost. Based on this information, what can you expect to happen to the price you pay for random access memory? Would your answer change if, in addition to this change in RAM input prices, the article indicated that consumer incomes are expected to fall over the next two years as the economy dips into recession? Explain.




In this case, the price of the RAM can rise because cost increase, assume the news of the Wall Street Journal, people with earning lower $80,000 they won't buy RAM because is too expensive, and people with over these earnings will buy less RAM, in addition, the incomes will fall, and the demand of RAM will fall too, but for the same reason the price could fall for the poor demand.

Write a program that dynamically allocates an array large enough to hold a user-defined number of test scores. Once all the scores are entered, the array should be passed to a function that sorts them in ascending order. Another function should be called that calculates the average score. The program should display the sorted list of scores and averages with appropriate headings. Use pointer notation rather than array notation whenever possible. Input Validation: Do not accept negative numbers for test scores.



C++ Program


#include <iostream>

#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

void arrSelectSort(double *, int);

void showArrPtr(double *, int);

void showAverage(double, int);

int main()


 //dynamically allocate an array


 //averge scores

 //number of test scores


 double *scores,                        

 total = 0.0;                  


int nScores;                      


   //Get how many test scores the users wants to enter.

cout << "How many test scores would you like to process?";

cin >> nScores;

//condition about the scores

scores = new double[nScores];

if (scores == NULL)

 return 0;

//Get the number of each test

cout << "Enter the test scores below.\n";




for (int count = 0; count < nScores; count++)


 cout << "Test score #" << (count + 1) << ": ";

 cin >> *(scores + count);




//total score operation

for (int count = 0; count < nScores; count++)


 total += *(scores + count);


showAverage(total, nScores);

//the array pointers

arrSelectSort(scores, nScores);

cout << "the ascending order is: \n";

showArrPtr(scores, nScores);


//free memory.

delete[] scores;

scores = 0;



return 0;



// bubble sort  

void arrSelectSort(double *array, int size)


int temp;

bool swap;



 swap = false;

 for (int count = 0; count < (size - 1); count++)


  if (*(array + count) > *(array + count + 1))


   temp = *(array + count);

   *(array + count) = *(array + count + 1);

   *(array + count + 1) = temp;

   swap = true;



} while (swap);


// sort function

void showArrPtr(double *array, int size)


for (int count = 0; count< size; count++)

 cout << *(array + count) << " ";

cout << endl;


// average function

void showAverage(double total, int nScores)


double average;

//average operation

average = total / nScores;


//Display the results.

cout << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(2);

cout << "Average Score: " << average << endl;


Why were the practitioners of alternative software development methods not satisfied with the traditional waterfall method?


The traditional waterfall method involves the breakdown of projects into

linear sequential phases. This method didn't give enough room for changes

to be made during testing stages.

The practitioners of alternative software development methods were not

satisfied with the traditional waterfall method due to other reasons such as:

Inferior quality.Bad visibility.Large risk etc.

Read more about Waterfall method here

It should be noted that the practitioners of alternative software development methods not satisfied with the traditional waterfall method because;

Of inability to make changes during testing stages.Large riskInferiority quality.

The traditional waterfall method in software development can be regarded as a method which involves development of the projects base on linear sequential phases.

However, this method doesn't allow to make changes Incase their is an error during testing stages.

Learn more about software development at,

How long would it take to transfer a 600-MB database from disk to memory over a DMA channel with a bandwidth of 2.5 GB/s?



0.24 seg


We have 600 MB of data if we convert it to Gb we get 0.6Gb of data, the bandwidth is telling us that we can transfer 2.5 Gb of data per second if we assume that the data transfer is lineal we can apply the rule of three to solve the problem:

2.5 Gb -> 1 seg

0.6 Gb -> X

Applying the cross multiplication we get that X = 0.6 Gb* 1 seg / 2.5 Gb = 0.24 seg

Final answer:

The time required to transfer a 600-MB database over a DMA channel with a bandwidth of 2.5 GB/s is 0.24 seconds.


To calculate the transfer speed of a 600-MB database over a DMA channel with a bandwidth of 2.5 GB/s, you first need to convert the database size to the same unit as the bandwidth. In this case, 600 MB = 0.6 GB.

The time to transfer data over a channel is equivalent to the size of the data (in GB) divided by the bandwidth (in GB/s). Therefore, the time to transfer the 600-MB database would be 0.6 GB / 2.5 GB/s = 0.24 seconds.

Learn more about Data Transfer here:


// GetData() method accepts order number and quantity // that are used in the Main() method // Price is $3.99 each using System; using static System.Console; class DebugEight1 { static void Main() { int orderNum, quantity; double total; const double PRICE_EACH = 3.99; GetData(orderNum; quantity); total = quantity * PRICEEACH; WriteLine("Order #{0}. Quantity ordered = {1}", orderNum, quantity; WriteLine("Total is {0}", total.ToString("C")); }



The method definition to this question as follows:

Method definition:

//method GetData

       public static void GetData(out int order, out int amount)//defining method GetData  


           String val1, val2;  //defining String variable

           Write("Enter order number ");  //message

           val1 = ReadLine();  //input value by user

           Write("Enter quantity ");  //message

           val2 = ReadLine();  //input value by user

           order = Convert.ToInt32(val1);  //convert value in integer and hold in order variable  

           amount = Convert.ToInt32(val2);  //convert value in integer and hold in amount variable



In the above C# method definition code a method  GetData() is defined in which the GetData() method is a static method, in this method parameter two integer argument "order and amount" is passed, inside a method, two string variable "val1 and val2" is declared that is used to take input by the user and convert the value into integer and store this value in the function parameter variable.

Final answer:

The question concerns fixing errors in a C# code snippet, specifically with the GetData method call, constant declaration, and output formatting. After corrections, the code should work as intended, calculating the total price of an order.


The question pertains to an issue in a C# program where there are mistakes that need to be resolved to ensure the program runs correctly. Particularly, the errors are in the GetData method call and in the calculation of the total cost.

Firstly, the GetData method is meant to accept an order number and quantity which are not being assigned before the method is called. Secondly, there is an error in referring to the constant PRICE_EACH when calculating the total, as the variable in the calculation is misspelled as 'PRICEEACH'. In addition, the syntax errors like incorrect use of semicolons and missing closing parentheses in the WriteLine methods need to be corrected.

Here is the corrected version of the Main method:

static void Main()
int orderNum = 0, quantity = 0;
double total;
const double PRICE_EACH = 3.99;
// Assume GetData correctly assigns values to orderNum and quantity
GetData(orderNum, quantity);
total = quantity * PRICE_EACH;
WriteLine("Order #{0}. Quantity ordered = {1}", orderNum, quantity);
WriteLine("Total is {0}", total.ToString("C"));

Note that the pseudo-code for the GetData method implies there is additional logic required to populate the orderNum and quantity variables which is not provided.

Suppose two hosts, A and B, are separated by 15,000 kilometers and are connected by a direct link of R = 5 Mbps. Suppose the propagation speed over the link is 2.5 * 108 meters/sec.How long does it take to send a 1,500,000 bit file, assuming it is sent continuously?



360 msec


Data provided in the question:

Distance between the two hosts = 15,000 kilometer

= 1.5 × 10⁷ m    [ ∵ 1 km = 1000 m ]

Transmission rate, R = 5 Mbps = 5 × 10⁶ bits per second

Propagation speed over the link = 2.5 × 10⁸ meters/sec

Size of file to be sent = 1,500,000 bit


Propagation delay (dprop)

= Distance ÷ Speed

= ( 1.5 × 10⁷ ) ÷ (2.5 × 10⁸)

= 0.06 sec

= 60 msec           [ ∵ 1 sec = 1000 millisecond ]

Transmission delay (dtrans)

= Size of file ÷ Rate of transmission

= 1500000 ÷ ( 5 × 10⁶ )

= 0.3 sec

= 300 msec


Time required for transmitting the file

= Propagation delay + Transmission delay

= 60 msec + 300 msec

= 360 msec

Final answer:

The total time to send a 1,500,000-bit file from host A to host B over a distance of 15,000 kilometers at a rate of 5 Mbps is 0.36 seconds, which is the sum of the transmission time (0.3 seconds) and the propagation delay (0.06 seconds).


To calculate the time taken to send a 1,500,000-bit file from host A to host B separated by 15,000 kilometers at a rate of 5 Mbps, you need to consider both the transmission time and the propagation delay. The transmission time is the time required to push all the file's bits onto the wire and is given by the file size divided by the transmission rate. The second part is the propagation delay, which is the time it takes for the first bit to travel from the source to the destination.

The transmission time can be calculated as: Transmission Time = File size / Rate = 1,500,000 bits / (5 x 10⁶ bits/sec) = 0.3 seconds.

The propagation delay is the distance divided by the speed of light in the medium, which is: Propagation Delay = Distance / Speed of light = 15,000 km / (2.5 x 10⁸ m/s) = 0.06 seconds. Since the distance needs to be in meters, we convert it by multiplying by 1,000: Propagation Delay = 15,000,000 m / (2.5 x 10⁸ m/s) = 0.06 seconds.

The total time to send the file is the sum of transmission time and propagation delay: Total Time = Transmission Time + Propagation Delay = 0.3 s + 0.06 s = 0.36 seconds.

Web crawlers or spiders collect information from Web pages in an automated or semi-automated way. Only the text of Web pages is collected by crawlers. True False



The correct answer to the following question will be "False".


Web crawlers make copies of google search recovery pages that index the streamed pages to allow subscribers to more effectively search. It collects details of Web pages in an automatically generated or semi-automated form.The code of HTML and Hyperlink can be checked by crawlers. They could be used for scraping of the web.

Therefore, the given statement is false.

Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) is similar to Electronic Code Book (ECB) but it uses an initialization vector (IV) to add security. True False



The correct answer to the following question will be "True".


The most common heritage authentication mode is the CBC (Common legacy encryption) mode. Implementation around an internal ECB style cipher is simple and easy to understand and marginal.An initial value (IV) must be selected at random, even for the CBC function, but this doesn't have to be hidden.

Therefore, the given statement is true.

In this recitation assignment, will write a complete C program that accepts as input any two integers from the user and swaps both integers using bitwise operators only without a third variable. E




using namespace std;

int main()

{int num1,num2;

cout<<"enter 2 numbers:"<<endl;



cout<<("value without swapping of num1",num1);

cout<<("value without swapping of num2",num2);

 num1 ^= num2;

   num2 ^= num1;

   num1 ^= num2;

cout<<("num1 after swapping",num1);

cout<<("num2 after swapping,num2);

return 0;


True or False? When working at the keyboard, the user generates a newline character by pressing the Enter or Return key.


The answer to this question is True

True, the newline character is generated by pressing the Enter or Return key and is used to signify the end of a line across various operating systems.

True, when working at the keyboard, the user generates a newline character by pressing the Enter or Return key. This action instructs the computer to move to the next line, and it's supported by the underlying ASCII character set which includes a 'carriage return' (CR) and a 'line feed' (LF) to represent the end of a line.

While different operating systems have their own conventions for line endings (Windows uses CRLF, Unix uses LF, and early Apple Mac used CR), the concept of the newline character is consistent across different platforms and is often represented by '\n' in text processing.

You will be given a string, containing both uppercase and lowercase alphabets(numbers are not allowed).

You have to print all permutations of string with the added constraint that you can’t change the uppercase alphabets positions.

Example: (puNeeTgUlia)



The Java code is given below with appropriate comments


import java.util.*;

class Main {

   static Set<String> set = new HashSet();

   static void printPerms(char ch[], int ind){

       //If end of string is reached, add it to set


           set.add(new String(ch));



       for(int i=ind;i<ch.length;i++){

           //Only swap if lower case

           if((ch[i]>='a' && ch[i]<='z')&&((ch[ind]>='a' && ch[ind]<='z'))){

               char t  = ch[i];

               ch[i] = ch[ind];

               ch[ind] = t;



           if((ch[i]>='a' && ch[i]<='z')&&((ch[ind]>='a' && ch[ind]<='z'))){

               char t  = ch[i];

               ch[i] = ch[ind];

               ch[ind] = t;




   public static void main(String[] args) {





Final answer:

The question involves creating an algorithm to generate permutations of a given string without altering the positions of uppercase alphabets, a problem suitable for Computers and Technology at the college level.


The task requires generating all permutations of a given string while maintaining the original positions of the uppercase alphabets. This is typically a problem that can be approached algorithmically, falling under the category of Computers and Technology. To solve it, you would need to find permutations of the lowercase letters only and then insert them back into the string at the positions not occupied by uppercase letters.

One way to achieve this is to extract all lowercase letters and use a permutation algorithm, such as Heap's algorithm, to generate all permutations while the uppercase letters act as anchors, holding their respective positions fixed. As each permutation of the lowercase letters is generated, it's interlaced with the uppercase ones to construct a full-string permutation that meets the condition. This process is repeated until all permutations of the lowercase characters are exhausted.

In this exercise we examine in detail how an instruction is executed in a single-cycle datapath. Problems in this exercise refer to a clock cycle in which the processor fetches the following instruction word:


Assume that the data memory is all zeros and that the processor’s registers have the following values at the beginning of the cycle in which the above instruction word is fetched:

R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R8 R12 R31
0 1 -2 3 -4 5 -6 -8 -12 31

a, What are the outputs of the sign-extend and the jump "Shift-Left-2" (near the top of Figure 4.24) for this instruction word?

b, What are the values of ALU control unit’s inputs (ALUOp and Instruction operation) for this instruction?

c, What is the new PC address after this instruction is executed? Highlight the path through which this value is determined.

d, For the ALU and the two add units, what are their data input values?
e, What are the values of all inputs for the "Registers" unit?


Following are the responses to the given question:

Given instruction:


For point A)

Sign extend and leap "shift left 2": The sign extend can be determined by taking the LSB 16 bits and expanding it to 32 bits.

Sign Extend


A jump command "shift left 2" can be discovered by extracting the LSB 26 bit and shifting left by 2 bits.

Jump Shift Left 2


For point B)

ALU control units' inputs are as follows:

Its ALUop has two LSBs.


The instructions are a 6 bit LSB instruction.



For point C)

New PC address:

[tex]New PC Address \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Path \\\\ PC+4 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ PC \to Add (PC +4) \to Branch MUX \to Jump MUX \to PC[/tex]

For point D)

Input values:

[tex]ALU \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Add (PC+4) \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Add (Branch)[/tex]

[tex]In put \#1 \ \ \ In put \# 2 \ \ \ \ In put \# 1 \ \ \ In put \# 2 \ \ \ \ In put \# 1 \ \ \ In put \# 2\\\\[/tex]

[tex]-4 \ \ \ \ 20 \ \ \ \ \ \ PC \ \ \ \ 4 \ \ \ \ \ \ PC+4 \ \ \ \ 20*4[/tex]

For point E)

Calculating the inputs into the "Registers" units:

[tex]\text{Bits\ 25-21 specify the Read Reg#1} \\\\\text{Bits\ 20-16 specify the Read Reg#2}[/tex]

[tex]Read \ \ \ \ \ \ Read \\\\Reg\#1 \ \ \ \ \ \ Reg\#2 \ \ \ \ \ \ WriteReg \ \ \ \ \ \ WriteData\ \ \ \ \ \ RegWrite[/tex]

[tex]4 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 5 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ X \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ X \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 0[/tex]

Learn more:

Universal containers wants to provide a different view for its users when they access an Account record in Salesforce1 instead of the standard web version. How can this be accomplished



There are four options for this question: A and D are correct.

A. By adding a mobile layout and assigning it to a profile.

B. By adding quick actions in the publisher section

C. By adding actions in the Salesforce1 action bar section.

D. By adding Visualforce page to the mobile cards section.


We can add a different view for the users instead of the standard web, we can use a mobil design and assign a different profile, addition, we can implement the visualforce page to create a new view, with this option we make a better and interesting user interface with interaction with different views.

If there are 8 opcodes and 10 registers, a. What is the minimum number of bits required to represent the OPCODE? b. What is the minimum number of bits required to represent the Destination Register (DR)? c. What is maximum number of UNUSED bits in the instruction encoding?



For 32 bits Instruction Format:

OPCODE   DR               SR1                   SR2      Unused bits

a) Minimum number of bits required to represent the OPCODE = 3 bits

There are 8 opcodes. Patterns required for these opcodes must be unique. For this purpose, take log base 2 of 8 and then ceil the result.

Ceil (log2 (8)) = 3

b) Minimum number of bits For Destination Register(DR) = 4 bits

There are 10 registers. For unique register values take log base 2 of 10 and then ceil the value.  4 bits are required for each register. Hence, DR, SR1 and SR2 all require 12 bits in all.  

Ceil (log2 (10)) = 4

c) Maximum number of UNUSED bits in Instruction encoding = 17 bits

Total number of bits used = bits used for registers + bits used for OPCODE  

     = 12 + 3 = 15  

Total  number of bits for instruction format = 32  

Maximum  No. of Unused bits = 32 – 15 = 17 bits  

OPCODE                DR              SR1             SR2              Unused bits

  3 bits              4 bits          4 bits           4 bits                17 bits

Final answer:

To represent 8 opcodes, 3 bits are required; for 10 registers, a minimum of 4 bits is needed. Therefore, if using a 32-bit instruction encoding, there would be 25 unused bits.


If we consider the scenario where there are 8 opcodes and 10 registers, we can figure out the minimum number of bits required for representing each by understanding how numbers are represented in binary.

a. Minimum number of bits to represent the OPCODE: To represent 8 opcodes, a minimum of 3 bits is required. This is because 22 (or 4) is too small to represent 8 distinct values, but 23 (or 8) is just right.b. Minimum number of bits to represent the Destination Register (DR): To represent 10 registers, we need at least 4 bits. This is because 23 (or 8) is not enough to represent 10, but 24 (or 16) provides enough unique combinations for 10 registers.c. Maximum number of UNUSED bits in the instruction encoding: This part of the question might refer to how instruction encoding is designed with a fixed size, for instance, 32 bits. If the only information required is the opcode and the destination register, using 7 bits in total, then there are 25 unused bits if we consider 32-bit instruction encoding.

Understanding these numbers helps with the basics of how computer instructions and machine code are structured, which is essential knowledge in computer architecture and programming.

The Internet has made going global easier than it has ever been, but the promise of "borderless commerce" remains restrained because of the a. cultural variations of the people visiting a website. b. old brick-and-mortar rules, regulations, and habits. c. system of floating exchange rates. d. demographic makeup of various people accessing a website.



The correct option is B: Old brick-and-mortar rules, regulations, and habits


Globalization has been made possible because of the internet. However, the promise of what is considered "borderless commerce" is limited due to the old brick and mortar rules, regulations, and habits. Brick and mortar is considered the traditional businesses offering products and services to customer in a rented or owned store and requires face-to-face business. Hence globalization via the internet is limited because companies have to sort out their building and stores, follow every law and regulation to opening offices and other habits practiced by these brick-and-mortar businesses.

Write a program that keeps asking the user for new values to be added to a list until the user enters 'exit' ('exit' should NOT be added to the list). These values entered by the user are added to a list we call 'initial_list'. Then write a function that takes this initial_list as input and returns another list with 3 copies of every value in the initial_list. Finally, inside main(), print out all of the values in the new list. For example: Input: Enter value to be added to list: a Enter value to be added to list: b Enter value to be added to list: c Enter value to be added to list: exit Output: a b c a b c a b



def new_list_function(initial_list):

   new_list = initial_list*3

   return new_list

def main():

   initial_list = []

   while True:

     item = input("Enter value to be added to list: ")

     item = item.rstrip()

     if item.lower() == "exit" and "EXIT" and "Exit":



     new_list = new_list_function(initial_list)

   for item in new_list:




Define the function new_list_function(). Compute the new_list and then return the new_list. Define the main() function. Inside the main function, loop to ask users for values.Finally print the new list.

Given 3 floating-point numbers. Use a string formatting expression with conversion specifiers to output their average and their product as integers (rounded), then as floating-point numbers. Output each floating-point value with two digits after the decimal point, which can be achieved as follows:
print('%0.2f $ your_value)
Ex: If the input is:
the output is:
11 1050
11.90 1050.60


To output the average and product of three floating-point numbers as rounded integers as well as floating-point numbers with two decimal points, we can use the Python string formatting expression. Given the inputs 10.3, 20.4, and 5.0, the average is rounded to 11 and the product is rounded to 1050 as integers. As floating-point numbers, formatted with two decimal places, the average is 11.90 and the product is 1050.60.

The average calculation is (10.3 + 20.4 + 5.0) / 3, which equals 11.9 when not rounded. For the integer part, we round 11.9 to 11. The product is 10.3 * 20.4 * 5.0, which equals 1052.6, rounded to 1050 as an integer. To format these as floating-point numbers using Python string formatting: '%0.2f' % 11.9 for the average and '%0.2f' % 1052.6 for the product, yielding 11.90 and 1050.60, respectively.

Describe the difference between the typical states of your PC. Include shutdown, hibernation, standby, fully awake, etc.



The answer is explained below:


There are various modes in a computer that can be used as per the need.

The three modes provided in a compute are Standby, sleep and Hibernate.

Hibernate: Hibernate mode saves all the open windows and then shuts down the computer. It also saves more energy because the computer goes off completely. A computer needs more time to wake up from hibernation mode.

Sleep mode: Sleep mode means different things on different computers and operating systems. In windows it means standby. It the computer has been sleeping for  more than three hours then it hibernates automatically.  

Standby: Standby mode is for saving energy, it puts your computer into energy saving mode.

Shutdown: If you shut down a computer then all the software programs are closed and the computer turns off. The last program to be closed is operating system.

Fully awake mode means that the computer is running normally.

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