Answer: respect for nature
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in what way would the desert ant's life be even more fraught with danger if it lost the use of its eyes
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A feathered dinosaur whose fossils have been found
Actually, only two dinosaurs have been discovered with filament-like quills (possibly feathers) so far: Microraptor and Caudipteryx.
While evolutionists try to put feathers on every dinosaur they can, they have no evidence for this. The only other dinosaur that possibly could have had feathers is Velociraptor: skin was found with small bumps that feathers could have connected to, like a chicken. But the fact that skin was found, which deteriorates much more quickly than feathers or any keratin or chitin base could, and not feathers proves that Velociraptor had no feathers. Skin, tissue, and even intact blood samples for hundreds of dinosaurs, like Tyrannosaurus, Utahraptor, Oviraptor, Therizinosaurus, Triceratops, Compsognathus, Spinosaurus, and many, many more have proven scaly and bumpy skin, like an iguana's or crocodile's, leaving no place for feathers. Being a Christian, feathered dinosaurs wouldn't contradict the truth; rather prove how diverse God's creation is. But until we find further evidence, these are the only two dinosaurs that possibly could have had feathers.