Translate 1802 and 1412 in French
You say 1802 by saying mille huit hundered et deux and 1412 by saying mille quatre hundered et douze.
Is my answer correct
please help
Please rewrite the sentences below changing the present tense verb
Tu visites le musée. Tu_____le musée.
Elle chante la chanson. Elle_____la chanson.
Ils jouent au foot. Ils_____au foot.
Vous finissez les devoirs. Vous_____les devoirs.
Je vends mon vélo. Je _______mon vélo.
Are these correct? Thank you!
What did I do wrong?? Thank you!
What’s the correct answer
first circle the verbs in the email provided and change each verb into negative form.
Salut, Chloé! Je m’appelle Awa et j’ai 14 ans. Je fais souvent des promenades dans le parc et je joue au foot. Après les cours, j’aide toujours ma mère dans la cuisine. Après le dîner, je regarde souvent des drames à la télé. Le weekend, je téléphone à mes copains. Je les attends en ville et j'achète quelque chose. Ensuite, je prends quelque chose au café. Pendant la semaine, je suis toujours une très bonne élève.
Please Help!!!
Would someone help me please?? Thank you fam!
about one family member and one friend. One should be masculine and one feminine. Include the following in your description: •the name of the person you are describing •the correct form of être •two adjectives to describe each person
Please help
Please rewrite the sentences below changing the present tense verb,
Tu visites le musée. Tu____- le musée.
Elle chante la chanson. Elle la chanson.
Ils jouent au foot. Ils____au foot.
Vous maigrissez en été. Vous____en éte.
Je vends mon vélo. Je ____mon vélo.
What is the correct plural form of le cahier?
Decide if the following indefinite article and noun agreement is CORRECT or INCORRECT. une histoire
My teacher asked me a question, my answer was “Je m’appelle Anne.” What was the teacher’s question?
Is pasta feminine or masculine in french?
Belgium is well-known for its efficient postal system.
The children in France are wearing costumes and adults are having a last party before lent. What are they celebrating?
What four jobs did Alima have (french
Au musée, _____________ informer les visiteurs sur nos collections.
est nécéssaire
il faut
il faut que
Which building would you see in every city in France?
Could someone help me please? Thank you!
1. What is the correct imperative / command form of the verb “venir” when talking to more than one person?
2. What is the correct form of the verb “voir” to agree with “je” ?
3. How would you translate the phrase “some meat” in French?
The correct answer to each question in French is:
Venez! Vois De la viandeSolution to the questions.
The imperative is the verb form by which important orders or recommendations are given to follow, in the case of the verb "venir" for plural nouns, the form "venez" is used.
The present tense conjugation of the verb "voir" with the first person pronoun "je" is "vois." Finally, some meat in French translates directly "de la viande."
If you want to learn more about French, you can visit the following link:
When do you use "est-ce qu'" and "est-ce que?
a.portes des lunettes b.parle au telephone c.ecoutons le musique d. fait beau e.jouez de la guitare 2. je 3.tu 4.Il 5.nous 6.vouse
Please some more French help?
Then there is one more question!
10) Si on dit qu'un est francophone, qu'est-ce que ca veut dire?
• On a beaucoup de telephones
• C'est un pays ou en general, les gens parlent francais
• Ca ne veut rien dire
Fill the sentence with the appropriate word:
A cause de mon accident de voiture, j'ai ------------ sur ma jambe.
Answer Choices:
A. la douleur
B. une cicatrice
C. la grippe
D. le rhume
Could someone please help me out with French? I have an hour to finish this. Thanks fam!
Would someone please help me out? Idk if 11 is correct or not. Also I need help with 13 and 14. Thank you!
Would someone please help me with french? Thank you!
The following will answer any of the highlighted blanks in the picture. They can be used more than once if needed.
A: travaillez
B: travailler
C: travaillé
D: rangez
E: aidez
F: aider
G: aidé
Use a word or phrase from each column to create five complete sentences in French.
Column 1: Mon prof; Je; Tu; Mes copains; Nous;
Column 2: (ne) avoir (pas)
Column 3: ordinateur ; chaise; télévision; lecteur de DVD; bureau
1 column and 2 column
If you plan on going to school to become a baker, it would be in your best interest to study? A. Spanish B: Italian C: French D. Latin pls hel ill give 15 points