Had miss emily really shut up the top floor of her house? why does the narrator say "evidently"?


Answer 1
Thinking back, the narrator recalls, “Now and then we would see her in one of the downstairs windows.” Likely, it only occurred to the narrator after learning about Homer Barron that Miss Emily was always in a downstairs window. In fact, earlier in the story, the narrator only says that “a window that had been dark was lighted and Miss Emily sat in it” when the men of the won sprinkled lime around her house to kill the offensive smell that emanated from it. He does not specify where in her house the window was. Moreover, he declares that Miss Emily “had evidently shut up the top floor.” Obviously, it was only “evident” that Miss Emily had closed off the upstairs of her home after her death when the townspeople forced their way into the house, up the stairs, and into the tomb-like room where the body of Homer Barron lay. This passage also plays with the notion of seeing and being seen, the ambiguity of watching and being watched. The narrator states, “Now and then we would see her.” He goes on to explain that whether Miss Emily was “look...

Related Questions

3The Etowah Indian Mounds Historic Site, located near the Etowah River, has six mounds. Three of the mounds—called A, B, and C—are the most famous features of the site. Native Americans built the mounds beside two, open plazas. The mounds have four sides and flat tops. Native Americans used steps to get to the tops of the mounds. They also built a ditch that served as a protective barrier around the mounds. In paragraph 3, what point is the author making when she describes a ditch surrounding the mounds? A) The ditch could stop others from invading the town. B) The ditch was added to make the site more beautiful. C) The Native Americans were skilled at making ditches. D) Scientists cannot research the site because of the ditch.


The correct answer is A. The ditch could stop others from invading the town


In the excerpt presented the author describes the way the structure "The Etowah Indian Mounds" is organized, which was built by an indigenous group called the Muscogee. For doing this, the author describes the structure is compounds by six different mounds and these are built close to two open plazas (organization of the mounds). Additionally to this, the author describes around the mounds the Muscogee created a ditch and mentions the main function of this ditch was that it "served as a protective barrier". By using these details and especially  the detail "served as a protective barrier" the author show the purpose of stating the ditch was built around the structure of the mounds is to show to the reader the ditch was used from protection or that the ditch could stop others from invading the town as it separated the mounds where the people of the tribe were from the rest of the territory working as a barrier for possible enemies.


A) The ditch could stop others from invading the town.


As she is talking about the ditch that the Etowah Indian Mounds Historic site, she is describing how the mounds were built and then she speaks about how they built the ditch to serve as a protective barrier around the mounds, so form the options the one that works the better is that the ditch could stop others from invading the town.

Jacob’s sister loaned me a sweater. Which case is the underlined pronoun? A.nominative B.objective C.Possessive


the better choice is A

the answer is mostly going to be A.nominative

Why would in the text in the Odyssey elpenor or be labeled as part of the road of Trials


Because it was a trial. Elpenor was drunk when Odysseus and his crew were finally leaving Circe’s island. He was climbing down from her roof when he slipped from a ladder and broke his neck. In the commotion, no one noticed his accident. Later, when Odysseus visits Hades to get advice on how to return home from the ghost of Tiresias, he is shocked to encounter the shade of Elpenor. He hadn’t even realized he was missing, let alone dead. Elpenor begs Odysseus to return and to give him an honorable burial. So now Odysseus is forced to sail all the way back to Circe’s island to fulfill this new obligation. It becomes one more task that he must accomplish before he can return home to Ithaca—otherwise known as a trial.

Why do you think Ulysses cannot control his men? What qualities do you think he displays that might encourage misbehavior from his crew?


At various points on his journey back to Ithaca from Troy, Ulysses loses control of his men. These weary men have been away from home for a very long time. They are exhausted from sailing and look forward to opportunities to stop at islands on the way, where they can have good food and get some rest. On the goading of one man, they all disobey Ulysses by killing and eating the cattle that belong to the sun god:

While thus Eurylochus arising said:

"'O friends, a thousand ways frail mortals lead

To the cold tomb, and dreadful all to tread;

But dreadful most, when by a slow decay

Pale hunger wastes the manly strength away.

Why cease ye then to implore the powers above,

And offer hecatombs to thundering Jove?

Why seize ye not yon beeves, and fleecy prey?

Arise unanimous; arise and slay!...”

Ulysses’s men also realize that their leader has flaws and makes mistakes. Even the choice to sail near Scylla and sacrifice some men might have undermined his authority with his crew. They take advantage of his weaknesses at times and break rules and promises. The men indulge in their own weaknesses when they drink Circe’s magic potion and when they eat the lotus flower for its amnesia-like effect. If Ulysses could resist the temptation to seek glory, then he may have been a more effective leader.

in "city upon a hill" what does the phrase "wee must be knit together, in this worke, as one man mean


We must work together for the benefit of us all and support each other
example one reinforces the idea that a successful Colony must keep absolute Unity unity and conformity. example to the Colony must knit together in a bond of common cause in common destiny. example three every individual's fate is subject to that of the community

the organizers of the event were unhappy with the turnout . what is the complete subject?


The organizers of the event are the subject, as they are the noun in the sentence, the thing the sentence is about.

The complete subject of the sentence is the NP (noun phrase) "the organizers of the event". The head of this NP is the noun "organizers" and this noun is postmodified by the PP (prepositional phrase) "of the event".

In order to identify the subject of a sentence, you should ask "who were unhapppy with the turnout?". In this way, you'll get the who or what the sentence is about, that is, the subject of the sentence.  In this case, the answer to that question is "the organizers of the event".

Explain in a short essay of no more than a few paragraphs how things are similarly turned upside down in the first three acts of Shakespeare’s play.
Help please :(


Many people in Twelfth Night assume a disguise of one kind or another. The most obvious example is Viola, who puts on the clothing of a man and makes everyone believe that she is a male. This disguise causes great sexual confusion, as a bizarre love triangle results in which Viola is in love with Orsino, who loves Olivia—who loves Cesario, the male identity that Viola assumes. Thus, by dressing his protagonist in male garments, Shakespeare shows how malleable and self-delusional human romantic attraction can be.

Another character in disguise is Malvolio, who dresses oddly (in crossed garters and yellow stockings) in the hope of winning Olivia. In his case, the change of clothing suggests his belief that altering his wardrobe can lead to an alteration of his social status. When he dreams of being Olivia’s husband, he imagines himself above all in a different set of clothes, suggesting that class and clothing are inextricably linked. Later, after Malvolio has been declared mad and has been confined to a dark room, Feste, pretending to be the fictional priest Sir Topas in order to deceive Malvolio, puts on a disguise—even though Malvolio will not be able to see him since the room is so dark. This scene is particularly suggestive: Feste’s desire to wear a disguise even though his victim won’t see it implies that the link between clothes and reality goes deeper than mere appearances. For Feste, at least, the disguise makes the man—in order to be Sir Topas, he must look like Sir Topas. Ultimately, then, Shakespeare raises questions about human identity and whether such classifications as gender and class status are fixed entities or can be changed with a simple shift of wardrobe.

There were the three acts on the famous Shakespeare’s play was Twelfth Night. There was the based on the imagenery on the interesting play.

What is Shakespeare’s?

William Shakespeare was born on April 26, 1564, and died on April 23, 1616. He is an outstanding poet and author of English literature. William Shakespeare is a talented actor who has been in several plays. The English king is another name for William Shakespeare.

The imagenery on the intriguing play was based on the "Twelfth Night" play. Twelfth Night puts on a disguise of some kind. The most prominent example is Olivia, who dresses as a guy and convinces everyone that she is a man. This disguise produces significant sexual confusion, resulting in a weird love triangle in which Olivia is in love with Orsino.

As a result, the three acts on the famous Shakespeare’s play was Twelfth Night are the aforementioned.

Learn more about on Shakespeare’s, here:



1Jesse will graduate from high school and go to college. 2His younger brother will be going to college as well. 3After they have graduated, all of the Miller boys will have earned an advanced degree.


what is the question ??

David established his kingdom by .
Bible question
You get free brainiest


Hello there! He established his kingdom by war, David was a native of Bethlehem, and renowned himself as a warrior at the court of the King Saul.
Hope this helps!

Hi there.

David established his kingdom by war, yes, but also by fulfilling Saul's requirements to marry his daughter. By completing the, "challenges," and exceeding expectations he gained the loyalty of Saul's people and established his rightful place as heir to the throne, thus establishing his kingdom.

I need help writing a personal narrative essay and i really don't have anything to write about so can someone please help me?

lease be sure to include your name, student number, and exam number on the very first page of your essay. You may include this information in a header if you wish to do so.
Using Microsoft Word, type your paper; it must be submitted in .doc, .docx, or .rtf format for grading purposes.
Use double-spacing, standard one-inch margins, and a font no larger than the equivalent of Times New Roman 12.
Your final draft should contain between 750 and 2,500 words.
Please save your document using your student number, the appropriate exam number, and your last name, all connected by underscore symbols.
Final Review
Ask yourself all of the following questions before you even consider submitting your essay for grading. If your answer to even one of these questions is no, then you still have some work to do.

Does my introduction attempt to “hook” the reader?
Does my essay have a clear and specific thesis statement?
Does my essay accurately tell my story?
Does my essay indicate why I’m telling my story?
Have I described only my own experiences?
Have I used the first-person point of view (the pronoun “I”) throughout the essay?
Have I clearly indicated where paragraphs begin and end?
Does each of my paragraphs support my thesis statement?
Does my conclusion summarize and give closure to my essay?
Have I effectively proofread my essay?
Have I met the length requirement?
Is my essay formatted according to the instructions?


First, don't worry about having "boring" life experiences. Most 20 year-old people haven't experienced anything worth discussing, so you're not alone. The problem you're facing is not your experiences, it's your attitude toward your experiences. 

Secondly, before getting into the incredibly long answer that I've written below (because I'm passionate about writing of this nature, and I used to think the same way when the topic of personal experience arose)... I suggest not getting too caught up in the rubric before you begin writing. Worry about "hooking" your audience after you've decided on a topic, and written the majority of your essay. A story's broader purpose often reveals itself as you write its details. You'll find the right structure as you edit the essay. Make sure you write several drafts. If you procrastinate, make sure you leave leave at least enough time to walk away from the paper a few times for an hour or so. After leaving the writing, re-read what you've wrote, and then rewrite and reorder sentences and paragraphs. I hate editing more than I can explain, but it's where great writing gets made. I promise you that you've never written something great if you haven't edited it dozens of times. I used to think I had, and then I saw what I could do when I really gave it effort. 

I once wrote a personal narrative on winning a video game tournament at some local game store in a 100 level writing class. In it, I discussed my thought process and strategy that led to the store crowning me champion. In a 300 level class, I wrote about (what was at the time) a recent accidental overdose on a highly toxic chemical. In that writing, I detailed the method of actions that made the chemical ideal to suit my needs. That information was vital for readers to understand the story, and it consumed a good amount of page space. 

What's your biggest accomplishment, or your biggest regret? If I were writing about my biggest regret, I'd likely choose the time that my brother rode his new bike to go see our grandparents, who lived just a few miles away. Prior to leaving, he asked me if I wanted to go along, but I chose, instead, to go to a friend's house and play video games. Had I known that my grandma would die within a year, I would have gone with him, and to this day, some fifteen to twenty years later, that decision haunts me. That's the entirety of the story: my brother asked me if I wanted to ride my bike with him to my grandparents; I said no; my grandma died within a year, and I have felt terrible about that decision since. That's not going to fulfill the page requirements, though, so I have to think about other things. I would discuss the disease that so rapidly deteriorated her mind and body. I would expound on the gut-wrenching guilt I feel to this day, the guilt that lumps my throat and swells my eyes, and makes me wish so badly that I could go back in time, even if only for an hour. I would explain how that has since impacted my life, the ways it changed my perception about family and loved ones. I would talk about how I feel toward our propensity to seek out "fun" and live in the moment, and how deleterious that can sometimes be. It's a very simple story, but I could probably write a book on it.

The point is that a personal narrative could encompass literally anything you've ever done in your life. Think about something that happened, and then think about what you felt at that time. Why did you feel that way? Were your feelings valid? Do you feel silly looking back on that time, or are you proud of what transpired?

You have to be introspective. If you can't produce a satisfactory paper about some mundane life experience, then then write about your inexperience. Why haven't you done more? Have you shut yourself in, playing video games and browsing image boards in search of the internet's dankest memes, only to realize you had no one with whom you could share them? Has this paper caused you to realize that you need to change your behaviors if you want to live your definition of a fulfilling life?

Or write about your isolation. Maybe you tried to do things, but your parents were poor, so you couldn't go out. Maybe your clothes sucked, so you couldn't be trendy and hip, so the "cool kids" wouldn't talk to you, or they made fun of you. How do you hook an audience on that? "In all my years, I have done absolutely nothing of note. Not one life experience have I had that amounts to anything worth sharing with others. I have spent my life alone, isolated, depressed, ahead of me exists a life filled with misery and despair." 

You could even write about how you had no idea what to write about, so you went to brainly.com and asked for help, and some random person wrote an impassioned response to inspire you to change your attitude toward your life's experiences. 

Then again, you could just lie. As long as the lie isn't too blatant, you'll get away with it. No one is going to fact check you. 


My story


narrative essay

Which of the following strategies is part of a pre-reading plan? (5 points)



I'm assuming prepare and plan, bc I'm not sure what part means here.




I got 100% on quiz <333


1. There was once a beautiful lad, whose name was Narcissus. His beauty was so great, all the girls who saw him longed to be his, but he would have none of them. He would pass the loveliest carelessly by, no matter how much she tried to make him look at her. Heartbroken maidens were nothing to him. Even the sad case of the fairest of the nymphs*, Echo, did not move him. She as a favorite of Artemis, the goddess of woods and wild creatures, but she came under the displeasure of a still mightier goddess, Hera herself, who was at her usual occupation of trying to discover what Zeus was about. She suspected that he was in love with one of the nymphs and she went to look them over to try to discover which. However, she was immediately diverted from her investigation by Echo’s gay chatter. As she listened amused, the others silently stole way and Hera could come to no conclusion as to where Zeus’s wandering fancy had alighted. With her usual in injustice she turned against Echo. That Nymph became yet another unhappy girl that Hera Punished. The goddess condemned her never to use her tounge again except to repeat what was said to her. “ You will always have the last word, “ Hera Said, “but no power to speak first.”
2. This was very hard, but hardest of all when Echo, too, with all the other lovelorn maidens, loved Narcissus. She could follow him, but she could not speak to him. How then could she make a youth who never looked at a girl pay attention to her? One day, however, it seemed her chance had come. He was calling his companions, “ Is anyone here?” and she called back in rapture, “Here-Here.” She was still hidden by the trees so that he did not see her, and he shouted, “Come!”—just what she longed to say to him. She answered joyfully, “Come” and stepped forth from the woods with her arms outstretched. But he turned away in angry disgust. “Not so, “ he said: “ I will die before I give you power over me.” All she could say was, humbly entreatingly, “I give you power over me, “but he was gone. She hid her blushes and shame in a lonely cave, and never could be comforted. Still she lived in places like that, and they say that she has so wasted away with longing that only her voice now is left to her.
3. So Narcissus went on his cruel way, a scorner of love. But at last one of those he wounded prayed a prayer and it was answered by the gods: “may he who loves not others love himself.” The great goddess Nemesis, which means righteous anger, undertook to bring this about. As Narcissus bent over a clear pool for a drink and saw there him own reflection, on the moment he fell in love with it. “ Now I know,” he cried, “ what others have suffered from me, for I burn with love for my own self—and yet how can I reach that loveliness I see mirrored in the water? But I cannot leave it. Only death can set me free.” And so it happened. He pined away, leaning perpetually over the pool, fixed in one long gaze. Echo was near him, but she could do nothing; only when, dying, he called to his own image, “ Farewell—farewell, “ she could repeat the words as a last goodby to him.

Question 1 Summarize the following phrases and support your explanation: “As she listened amused, the others silently stole away and Hera could come to no conclusion as to where Zeus’s wandering fancy had alighted.”

Reas the scentice from paragraph 2 of the story "he was calling him companions, "Is anyone here?" than she came back in rapture Here-here.
What does in rapture mean?:
A. with delight
B. at a slow pace
C. with confusion
D. at a low volume

What are 2 phrases from paragraph 2 that supports the answer in part a:
A. “called back”
B. “still hidden”
C. “did not see her”
D. “answered joyfully”
E. “from the woods”
F. “arms outstretched”


part A is A.with delight

part B. D.answered joyfully and F. arms stretched out


a = a

b = d / f


Creon’s argument that he is older and wiser than his son is an example of __________.


ethos is the answer 
hope it helps 


From the Greek Aristotelian modes of persuation, when the elements of an argument appeal to the ethical responsabilities of a culture based on its fundamental character,  credibility or beliefs as a society, we talk about "ethos".

Antigone is an ancient Greek tragedy writen by Sophocles influenced by the political and socio cultural life of Athens after a civil war, in the story, after both sons of Oedipus kill each other, Creon, one of those characters that rely on the appeal of ethos to develop an argument, survives and retain rulership of Thebes.

Creon’s argument that he is older and wiser than his son is an example of "Ethos".  


Which of the following sentences does NOT provide detail about the setting? A. Yvonne woke up bright and early in the morning. B. Shelby left work early to go to the gym. C. Andy was so happy to be at the mall with Cindy D. Paul couldn’t understand why he had such a pounding headache


The correct answer is D. because it gives no indication of a place

Miguel de Cervantes spent his young adult life in the military, only becoming an accomplished _____ later in his life.

short story writer


He was a poet this included his contribution of poetry to the memorial collection of Queen Elizabeth of Valois 
Miguel de Cervantes spent his young adult life in the military, only becoming an accomplished author later in his life. 

events that take the conflict to its highest point help to develop


Events that take the conflict to its highest point help to develop is the climax 

Events that take the conflict to its highest point help to develop THE CLIMAX.

Climax is the part of story or play where the tension or action reaches its highest part. Sometimes, the climax is considered as a "crisis" point in the plot and is usually believed to be the most exciting part of a story.

This part of a story follows the rising action and precedes the falling action.

The climax makes possible the transition from the rising action into the falling action in order to lead the story to its resolution.

If one or more paragraphs in an essay lack adequate explanations or supporting details, you can A. revise the topic sentence so that fewer details are needed to support it. B. use a transitional phrase to link it to another paragraph that includes more details. C. delete sentences that don't support the topic sentence. D. use who, what, when, where, why, and how questions to generate the details you need


i believe the answer is D.  use who, what, when, where, why, and how questions to generate the details you need
The usage of 5w and 1h, will mostly cover all the information needed by the readers to understanding certain topics, so you need to make sure that all of these aspects are exist in the details or you have to do deeper information gathering for it.

Which type of conflict is occurring in the passage below? Jake and Whitney hiked hand in hand up the mountain. Jake wondered if this was the right time to ask her to marry him. He felt so flustered that he thought about just canning the idea altogether. Just as he was about to suggest that they go back to the campsite, Whitney stumbled on a tree branch, tumbled to the ground, and began to laugh. A. character vs. character B. character vs. self C. character vs. nature D. There is no conflict in the passage.


B. because the conflict is that he is conflicted of wether or not to ask whitney to marry him so its a internal conflict.

B. charecter vs. self

Answer: B) character vs. self.

Explanation: in literature, a conflict is a struggle between opposite forces, usually between a character (the main character or a very important one) and himself (internal conflict), society or another character (external conflict). In the given passage, we can see an example of an internal conflict (character vs. self), because Jake is wondering when was the right time to ask Withney to marry him.

What are a few things that indicate a high-quality child care program? A. There is no set program and the staff is highly trained. B. The staff is trained in child development, and the physical environment is designed to promote active involvement and constructive interactions. C. The staff has minimal training but is supported, the program isn't well managed but has someone supportive, and the physical environment promotes quiet play only. D. Caregivers occasionally receive continued on-the-job training. 10. Which of these is considered a benefit of a quality child care program? A. The child learns to get along with adults and children outside of the nuclear family. B. The child develops a closer relationship with the mother. C. The child becomes more dependent on adults outside of the family. D. The child becomes more attached to the outside caregiver than to the immediate family. 11. Which of the following types of child care is most closely regulated by state and county government? A. Family child care B. In-home care C. Child care center D. Home visitor care


9. Some of the few things that indicate a high-quality child care program are that the staff is trained in child development, and the physical environment is designed to promote active involvement and constructive interactions. Answer:B
10.  The fact that the child learns to get along with adults and children outside of the nuclear family is considered a benefit of a quality child care program. Answer:A
11.The child care center is most closely regulated by state and county government. Answer:C

For PF Students the answer is  The staff is trained in child development, and the physical environment is designed to promote active involvement and constructive interactions.

whose epithet is the radiant woman

a. athena

b. Penelope

c. eurycleia

d. artemis


B. Is the correct answer, hope this helped 
I think it is b. Penelope, i am not 100% sure though 

The little girl in a red dress cautiously danced a waltz. The adverb(s) and/or adverb phrase(s) in the sentence is/are _____. in a red dress only cautiously only both in a red dress and cautiously


The little girl in a red dress cautiously danced a waltz. The adverb(s) and/or adverb phrase(s) in the sentence is/are ''cautiously'' because adverbs are usually ending with -ly in the word.
Final answer:

In the given sentence, 'cautiously' is an adverb and 'in a red dress' is an adverb phrase. Both provide additional details related to the verb 'danced'.


In the sentence, "The little girl in a red dress cautiously danced a waltz", the adverb is 'cautiously' and the adverb phrase is 'in a red dress'. An adverb is a word that modifies a verb, adjective, or other adverb, providing more information about when, where, how, or to what extent the action took place. In this case, 'cautiously' describes how the little girl danced. An adverb phrase is a group of words that function together as an adverb, providing additional context or details. Here, 'in a red dress' modifies 'danced' by telling us more about the circumstances of the action.

Learn more about Adverbs and Adverb Phrases here:



To avoid a choppy paragraph, _____ the sentence lengths in your essay.


To avoid a choppy paragraph, vary the sentence lengths in your essay. It can help prevent the choppy sentences and make it evener.

What is the appropriate possessive pronoun for the following sentence? Willy met _____ friends at the restaurant. A. mine B. hers C. him D. his


The correct answer would be D since you can't say mine friend, hers friends, or him friends. So by process of elimination the answer is D.

The appropriate possessive pronoun for the given sentence is "Willy met his friends at the restaurant." Hence, Option D is correct.

What is a possessive pronoun?

A pronoun which is used to express ownership or possession is known as a possessive pronoun. In its broad sense, it can be understood as a word or grammatical construction used to indicate a relationship of possession.

With the use of the possessive pronouns, it becomes easy to understand what things belong to which people. For example, "her shoe" or "the book is mine." It also includes adjectives, like "his bicycle," or they can stand in for nouns, like "the seats are theirs."

Therefore, Option D is correct.

Learn more about possessive pronoun from here:



How does the author engage the reader? by giving an anecdote that makes the reader interested in modern British life by providing a quotation that makes the reader interested in current census data by presenting a series of interesting facts that make the reader curious about the significance of the Benin Bronzes by providing a description of the Benin Bronzes that makes the reader interested in how they were made


the author engages the reader by presenting a series of interesting facts that make the reader curious about the significance of the Benin Bronzes.
By presenting interesting facts, the author will keep the audience's analytical process engaged in searching and connecting several pieces of information so the audience will pay attention to the topic that presented by the authors

The inference shows that C. the author engage the reader by presenting a series of interesting facts that make the reader curious about the significance of the Benin Bronzes.

What is an inference?

An inference simply means the conclusion that can be deduced based on the information given in a story.

In this case, the author engage the reader by presenting a series of interesting facts that make the reader curious about the significance of the Benin Bronzes.

Learn more about inference on:


In Luke Havergal how does the speaker show luke the importance of what she wishes him to do
A) by describing the eastern dawn
B) via comparing hell and paradise
C) by reminding him of her kiss
D) by repeating "out of the grave I come"


The correct answer would be D) By repeating ''out of the grave I come''.

Dr. Demento built his castle on a dreary deserted (aisle,i'll,idol,isle) located far away from the mainland. Which word in the parenthesis completes the sentence?


That would be isle, which is an island. This makes most sense compared to the other options.
Dr. Demento built his castle on a dreary deserted isle located far away from the mainland

hope this helps

Help me!

Cindy wants to write an essay for her school essay competition.
Which strategy will best help her avoid copyright issues?

A. don't copy or quote any source
B. copy and quote, but credit the source
C. copy or quote only small sections so no credit is needed


the correct answer is b

I think its B. crediting your source will avoid copy write issues.

What word in the following sentence is an adjective?

Jason's sturdy ship sailed bravely across the wine-dark sea.


Sturdy, bravely, wine-dark.
the answer is Sturdy, bravely, wine-dark.
Adjectives are the word that give a certain attribute to an object,subject, or action
On the sentence:
- The word Sturdy give an attribute the ship
- The word bravely give an attribute to the process of sailing
- The word winde-dark give an attribute to the sea

Help Again!!!

Which selection best defines the phrase "at bay" as it is used in the last sentence in paragraph six?

Lycopene, an amino acid found in abundance in tomatoes and tomato-based products such as tomato sauce and paste, has been proven to be a preventative for many types of cancer. Vitamins and minerals found in green, leafy vegetables such as spinach and broccoli are also rich in cancer preventing antioxidants. Julianne also heeded her doctor’s advice to exercise regularly and to engage in activities such as yoga or meditation to help manage stress and keep cancer at bay.

A) painful
B) in the water
C) untreatable
D) from recurring


It is D) from recurring

The correct answer is D.

In this paragraph, the meaning of the expression "at bay" means to keep in check, or prevent from happening again.

By following her doctor's advices, Julianne is preventing getting cancer.

To whom was Thomas Paine referring when he wrote of "sunshine patriots and summer soldiers"?



Americans who only supported independence from Britain when things were going well for Washington's army.


Thomas Paine was referring to Americans who only supported independence from Britain when things were going well for Washington's army. The correct option is A.

Who was Thomas Paine?

Thomas Paine was a political philosopher and writer from England who supported revolutionary causes in America and Europe.

"Common Sense," published in 1776 to international acclaim, was the first pamphlet to advocate for American independence.

While in Philadelphia, his career shifted to journalism, and Thomas Paine rose to prominence. In 1776, he published Common Sense, a vehement defense of American independence from the British.

Paine's deism—belief in God but rejection of organized religion—is frequently confused with atheism.

Thomas Paine was referring to Americans who only supported independence from Britain when Washington's army was performing well.

Thus, the correct option is A.

For more details regarding Thomas Paine, visit:



Your question seems incomplete, the missing options are:

1.Americans who only supported independence from Britain when things were going well for Washington's army

2.men and women who claimed to support the Continental Army but who acted as spies for the British

3.people who maintained a positive outlook even during the bleakest times of the Revolutionary War

4.citizens who volunteered as soldiers to escape difficult living conditions during the cold winter months

Other Questions
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