(the question asks that the synonyms be matched with a text, but the image does not display such a text, so I am using synonyms of my choosing)
Plastiktüte - Plastikbeutel
Verbindung - Zusammenhang
Weltraumfahrer - Kosmonaut
anhaben - kleiden
abwischen - wegputzen
bemerken - erwähnen
brauchen - benötigen
senden - schicken
naß machen - anfeuchten
the crown in german die Krone
what is a typical Swiss German greeting used throughout the day
1.Say "buongiorno" in the morning. This phrase translates into “good morning” or “good day.” ...
2.Say "buon pomeriggio" in the afternoon.
3.Use "buonasera" in the evening.
Translated as "Hello" or "Hi." Etymologically, it relates to the phrase "Grüße euch" (I greet you all).
How would you say good morning in german
To say " good morning " in German is " Guten Morgen "
the correct way to say good morning is 'guten morgen"
how do you say punta
Pu = "pu" in "pull" (more or less).
Nta = "nta" in "Santa".
Hope it helped,
which is the opposite?
Langzeitmission - Kurzzeitmission
Sonnenaufgang - Sonnenuntergang
starten - stoppen
anziehen - ausziehen
aufgehen - untergehen
allein - gemeinsam
leicht - schwer
lang - kurz
You can just search it up on google