Homework assignment number 13 Binary search trees have their best performance when they are balanced, which means that at each noden, the size of the left subtree of n is within one of the size of the right subtree of n. Write a program thatwill take an array of generic values that are in sorted order in the array, create a binary search tree, and put the values in the array into the tree. Your binary search tree should be complete ("complete" as defined in chapter 24). Or put another way, it should have the fewest number of levels and still be "complete".Use the following array: "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M","N".Remember, your code is to handle generic data types, not just strings. So while I want you to use the specified array of strings, your program should work if I choose to use an array of Integers, or Characters. Printout the values from the tree (not the array) in a tree fashion so that I can readily see the tree structure, something like this:HD LBFJN A C EGIK M-Name the file that contains the main method TreeDriver.ja


Answer 1


See explaination for the program code


Code below:

package trees;

import java.util.NoSuchElementException;

public class TreeDriver<T extends Comparable<? super T>> {

private Entry<T> root;

publicTreeDriver() {

root = null;


public static<T extends Comparable<? super T>>TreeDriver<T> createTestTree() {

return newTreeDriver<T>();


public void insert(T value) {

root = insert(value, root);


public void remove(T value) {

root = remove(value, root);


public boolean contains(T value) {

return valueOf(find(value, root)) != null;


private T valueOf(Entry<T> entry) {

return entry == null ? null : entry.element;


private Entry<T> insert(T value, Entry<T> entry) {

if (entry == null)

entry = new Entry<T>(value);

else if (value.compareTo(entry.element) < 0)

entry.left = insert(value, entry.left);

else if (value.compareTo(entry.element) > 0)

entry.right = insert(value, entry.right);


throw new RuntimeException("Duplicate Entry : " + value.toString());

return entry;


private Entry<T> remove(T value, Entry<T> entry) {

if (entry == null)

throw new NoSuchElementException("Entry not found : " + value.toString());

if (value.compareTo(entry.element) < 0)

entry.left = remove(value, entry.left);

else if (value.compareTo(entry.element) > 0)

entry.right = remove(value, entry.right);

else {

// Entry found.

if (entry.left != null && entry.right != null) {

// Replace with in-order successor (the left-most child of the right subtree)

entry.element = findMin(entry.right).element;

entry.right = removeInorderSuccessor(entry.right);

// Replace with in-order predecessor (the right-most child of the left subtree)

// entry.element = findMax(entry.left).element;

// entry.left = removeInorderPredecessor(entry.left);

} else

entry = (entry.left != null) ? entry.left : entry.right;


return entry;


private Entry<T> removeInorderSuccessor(Entry<T> entry) {

if (entry == null)

throw new NoSuchElementException();

else if (entry.left != null) {

entry.left = removeInorderSuccessor(entry.left);

return entry;

} else

return entry.right;


private Entry<T> removeInorderPredecessor(Entry<T> entry) {

if (entry == null)

throw new NoSuchElementException();

else if (entry.right != null) {

entry.right = removeInorderPredecessor(entry.right);

return entry;

} else

return entry.left;


private Entry<T> findMin(Entry<T> entry) {

if (entry != null)

while (entry.left != null)

entry = entry.left;

return entry;


private Entry<T> findMax(Entry<T> entry) {

if (entry != null)

while (entry.right != null)

entry = entry.right;

return entry;


private Entry<T> find(T value, Entry<T> entry) {

while (entry != null) {

if (value.compareTo(entry.element) < 0)

entry = entry.left;

else if (value.compareTo(entry.element) > 0)

entry = entry.right;


return entry;


return null;


private void printInOrder(Entry<T> entry) {

if (entry != null) {






public void printInOrder() {



private static class Entry<T extends Comparable<? super T>> {

T element;

Entry<T> left;

Entry<T> right;

Entry(T theElement) {

element = theElement;

left = right = null;



private static class Test implements Comparable<Test> {

private String value;

public Test(String value) {

this.value = value;


public String toString() {

return value;


atOverride // Replace the at with at symbol

public int compareTo(Test o) {

return this.value.compareTo(o.toString());



private static class Test1 extends Test {

public Test1(String value) {




public static vo id main(String[] args) {

TreeDriver<Test> tree =TreeDriver.createTestTree();

int size = 20;

for (int i = 0; i <= size; i++) {

tree.insert(new Test1(String.valueOf(i)));


tree.insert(new Test1("100"));

tree.remove(new Test1("10"));

tree.remove(new Test1(String.valueOf(15)));

tree.remove(new Test1(String.valueOf(20)));


System.out.println("Contains (10) : " + tree.contains(new Test1("10")));

System.out.println("Contains (11) : " + tree.contains(new Test1(String.valueOf(11))));



Answer 2

Final answer:

To create a balanced binary search tree from a sorted array, you can use a recursive approach. Here is an example Java code that can be used as a starting point. The code creates a balanced binary search tree by selecting the middle element as the current node and calling the createBalancedBST method on the left and right subarrays.


In order to create a balanced binary search tree from a sorted array, you can use a recursive approach. Here is an example Java code that can be used as a starting point:

import java.util.ArrayList;

class Node<T> {
   Node<T> left;
   Node<T> right;
   T value;

   Node(T value) {
       this.value = value;
       this.left = null;
       this.right = null;

public class TreeDriver<T extends Comparable<T>> {
   Node<T> root;

   TreeDriver() {
       this.root = null;
   private Node<T> createBalancedBST(T[] arr, int start, int end) {
       if (start > end)
           return null;
       int mid = (start + end) / 2;
       Node<T> node = new Node<>(arr[mid]);
       node.left = createBalancedBST(arr, start, mid - 1);
       node.right = createBalancedBST(arr, mid + 1, end);
       return node;
   private void inOrderTraversal(Node<T> node) {
       if (node == null)
       System.out.print(node.value + " ");
   public void createAndPrintBalancedBST(T[] arr) {
       this.root = createBalancedBST(arr, 0, arr.length - 1);
   public static void main(String[] args) {
       TreeDriver<String> tree = new TreeDriver<>();
       String[] arr = {"A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M","N"};

The createBalancedBST method takes an array arr, a start index, and an end index. It recursively creates a balanced binary search tree by selecting the middle element as the current node and calling the createBalancedBST method on the left and right subarrays.

The inOrderTraversal method is used to print the values of the created BST in order.

Related Questions

Write a program that uses cin to get the name of a file from the user. The file will be a plain text file that contains information about different objects of type "BibleBook". BibleBook will be defined as a class. The private member attributes are: string title; int numChapters; double amountRead; The title will hold the title of the book, for example, "Genesis", "Exodus", "Psalms", etc. numChapters will hold the number of chapters in that book. amountRead will be a decimal ranging from 0 to 1. If the value is 0, that means you have read none of that book. If the number of 0.50, that means you have read half of that book, etc. You will need to discover the public member functions that need to be written based on the description. The text file will be organize like so: Each line will hold the title of a book, then a space, then the number of chapters, then a space, then the amount read of that book. Here's an example: Genesis 50 0.98 Matthew 28 1.00 Your program will read in this information and store each line in it's own object, and the objects will be part of a vector. In other words, there will be a vector of BibleBooks. Your program will then iterate through the vector, displaying all of the information about each object. The program will also identify for which object the amount read is the lowest. Sample output: Genesis 50 0.98 Matthew 28 1 The book with the lowest amount read is Genesis.



See explaination







using namespace std;

class BibleBooks{


BibleBooks(string bk_title, int chapters, double percentage){





string getTitle(){

return title;


int getChapters(){

return numChapters;


double getPercentage(){

return amountRead;



string title;

int numChapters;

double amountRead;


int main(){

char filename[200];

cout<<"Enter filename: ";


vector<BibleBooks> bibleBooks;

ifstream infile(filename);


string title; int chapters; double percentage;


BibleBooks bb = BibleBooks(title,chapters,percentage);





cout<<"Unable to read data from file: "<<filename;


//Your program will then iterate through the vector,

// displaying all of the information about each object.

int index_lowest_read=0;

for(int i=0; i<bibleBooks.size();i++){

cout<<bibleBooks.at(i).getTitle()<<" "

<<bibleBooks.at(i).getChapters()<<" "







cout<<"The book with the lowest amount read is "



Can you find the reason that the following pseudocode function does not return the value indicated in the comments? // The calcDiscountPrice function accepts an item’s price and // the discount percentage as arguments. It uses those // values to calculate and return the discounted price. Function Real calcDiscountPrice(Real price, Real percentage) // Calculate the discount. Declare Real discount = price * percentage // Subtract the discount from the price. Declare Real discountPrice = price – discount // Return the discount price. Return discount End Function



see explaination


Function Real calcDiscountPrice(Real price, Real percentage) // Calculate the discount.

Declare Real discount= (price * percentage) / 100.0 // Subtract the discount from the price.

//dividing by 100.0 because of % concept

Declare Real discountPrice = price - discount // Return the discount price.

Return discount End Function

Final answer:

The calcDiscountPrice function's issue is the incorrect calculation of the discount as the percentage is not converted into its decimal form before multiplication.


The problem with the provided pseudocode in calcDiscountPrice function is that the calculation for the discount is incorrect because the percentage is not converted into its decimal form before the calculation. The correct method to calculate the discount should be taking the percentage in decimal (by dividing the percentage by 100) and then multiplying it by the price. Hence, the corrected line of code should be:

Declare Real discount = price * (percentage / 100)

By doing so, the function will correctly calculate the discount and subtract it from the original price to get the discounted price. If the percentage is not divided by 100, you are not calculating a percentage of the price; you are instead calculating a multiple of the price, which is not the intended behavior for a discount.

Write a program that opens two text files and reads their contents into two separate queues. The program should then determine whether the files are identical by comparing the characters in the queues. When two nonidentical characters are encountered, the program should display a message indicating that the files are not the same. If both queues contain the same set of characters, a message should be displayed indicating that the files are identical.



The program in cpp for the given scenario is shown below.

#include <stdio.h>

#include <iostream>

#include <fstream>

#include <queue>

using namespace std;

int main()


   //object created of file stream

   ofstream out, out1;

   //file opened for writing



   //queues declared for two files

   queue<string> first, second;

   //string variables declared to read from file

   string s1, s2;

   //object created of file stream

   ifstream one("words.txt");

   ifstream two("word.txt");

   //first file read into the que

   while (getline(one, s1)) {



   //second file read into the queue

   while (getline(two, s2)) {



   //both files compared


        cout<<"files are not the same"<<endl;


        cout<<"files are identical"<<endl;

   //file closed


   return 0;



files are identical


1. The object of the file output stream are created for both the files.

2. The two files are opened using the objects created in step 1.

3. The objects of the file input stream are created for both the files.

4. The queues are declared for both the files.

5. Two string variables are declared.

6. Inside a while loop, the text from the first is read into the string variable. The value of this string variable is then inserted into the queue.

7. The loop continues till the string is read and end of file is not reached.

8. Inside another while loop, the text from the second file is read into the second string variable and this string is inserted into another queue.

9. The loop continues till the end of file is not reached.

10. Using if-else statement, both the queues are compared.

11. If any character in the first queue does not matches the corresponding character of the second queue, the message is displayed accordingly.

12. Alternatively, if the contents of both the queues match, the message is displayed accordingly.

13. In the given example program, the message is displayed as "files are identical." This is because both the files are empty and the respective queues are considered identical since both the queues are empty.

14. Since queues are used, the queue header file is included in the program.

15. An integer value 0 is returned to indicate successful execution of the program.

You should process the tokens by taking the first letter of every fifth word,starting with the first word in the file. Convert these letters to uppercase andappend them to a StringBuilder object to form a word which will be printedto the console to display the secret message.



See explaination


import java.io.File;

import java.io.IOException;

import java.util.Scanner;

import java.util.StringTokenizer;

public class SecretMessage {

public static void main(String[] args)throws IOException


File file = new File("secret.txt");

StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();

String str; char ch; int numberOfTokens = 1; // Changed the count to 1 as we already consider first workd as 1



Scanner inFile = new Scanner(file);

StringTokenizer line = new StringTokenizer(inFile.nextLine()); // Since the secret.txt file has only one line we dont need to loop through the file

ch = line.nextToken().toUpperCase().charAt(0); // Storing the first character of first word to string builder as mentioned in problem

stringBuilder = stringBuilder.append(ch);

while(line.hasMoreTokens()) { // Looping through each token of line read using Scanner.

str= line.nextToken();

numberOfTokens += 1; // Incrementing the numberOfTokens by one.

if(numberOfTokens == 5) { // Checking if it is the fifth word

ch = str.toUpperCase().charAt(0);

stringBuilder = stringBuilder.append(ch);

numberOfTokens =0;



System.out.println("----Secret Message----"+ stringBuilder);




The partners of a small architectural firm are constantly busy with evolving client requirements. To meet the needs of their clients, the architects must visit several job sites per day. To share and send sensitive project/client information back to the office or with clients, the employees dial into the IPSec-based VPN remotely. For classified proprietary information, two separate extranets were set up with partners in the engineering firm on a server housed inside the office.

What firewall setup would provide the firm both flexibility and security? Justify your response.



Check the explanation


IPSec-based VPN is configured in two different modes namely

IPSec Tunnel mode and IPSec Transport mode so here we are using IPsec transport mode which is used for end to end communications between a client and a server in this original IP header is remain intact except the IP protocol field is changed and the original protocol field value is saved in the IPSec trailer to be restored when the packet is decrypted on the other side due to this arrangement you need to use application based firewall because there are certain specific rules that can address the particular field (explained above-change in IP protocol field) which at the other end need to be same so at the type of decryption, original IP protocol field can be matched.

Write a program that encodes English-language phrases into pig Latin. To translate an English word into a pig Latin word, place the first letter of the English word at the end of word and add "ay". For example, "dog" would become "ogday" and cat would become "atcay". Your program should prompt the user to enter an English sentence and then print the sentence with every word changed to pig Latin. (One way to do this would be to split the sentence into words with the split() method.) For simplicity, there will be no punctuation in the sentences. This is sample run of your program: Enter·a·string·to·be·translated:the·fox·jumps·over·the·lazy·dog↵ hetay·oxfay·umpsjay·veroay·hetay·azylay·ogday↵





import java.util.Scanner;

public class PiLatinWithMultipleWords {

public static void main(String[] args) {

Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);

System.out.print("Enter a string to be translated: ");

String s = scan.nextLine();

String words[] = s.split("\\s+");

for(String word: words){

System.out.print(pigLatin(word)+" ");




public static String pigLatin (String s){

s = s.toLowerCase();

s = s.substring(1,s.length())+ s.charAt(0) + "ay";

return s;




Enter a string to be translated: the fox jumps over the lazy dog

hetay oxfay umpsjay veroay hetay azylay ogday

Mobile providers can be susceptible to poor coverage indoors as a result of: a high degree of latency. network congestion that clogs up the network traffic. an increase in bandwidth demand placed on their networks. spectrum used by most mobile phone firms that does not travel well through solid objects. a lack of sufficient number of towers owing to the not-in-my-backyard problem.



C. spectrum used by most mobile phone firms that does not travel well through solid objects.


Obstructions on the path of radio waves can result to poor network coverage. This is also called Phone reception or coverage black spot. Just as an obstruction on the path of light waves causes the emergence of shadows, so also an obstruction from waves coming from the cell tower. Common culprits are windows, doors, roofing materials, and walls. These solid objects cause an interruption of network for network providers inside a building.

The use of antennas connected from outside the building to inside can be helpful in reducing the effect of this obstruction. Problems resulting could be low signal, difficulty hearing a caller at the other end, slow internet connection, etc.

Create a procedure named FindLargest that receives two parameters: a pointer to a signed doubleword array, and a count of the array's length. The procedure must return the value of the largest array member in EAX. Use the PROC directive with a parameter list when declaring the procedure. Preserve all registers (except EAX) that are modified by the procedure. Write a test program that calls FindLargest and passes three different arrays of different lengths. Be sure to include negative values in your arrays. Create a PROTO declaration for FindLargest.


Final answer:

The question is about writing an Assembly language procedure to find the largest number in an array. The procedure should be named FindLargest and use the PROC directive and PROTO declaration. The student must implement it, considering register preservation and set up test cases with arrays containing negative numbers.


Create a Procedure in Assembly Language

The student's question involves creating a procedure named FindLargest, which will find the largest value in an array of signed integers. This is a task that would be typically given in an assembly language programming course.

The PROC directive is used to define a new procedure in assembly language, and a PROTO declaration is used to declare the procedure's interface before it’s actually implemented, allowing other parts of the program to call it properly.

Here is an example template for the FindLargest procedure, which must be adapted to the specific assembly language being used, such as x86:

FindLargest PROC, arrayPtr:PTR DWORD, count:DWORD
 ; Procedure code goes here
FindLargest ENDP

And the corresponding PROTO declaration might look like this:

FindLargest PROTO, arrayPtr:PTR DWORD, count:DWORD

The test program would include calls to FindLargest with different arrays, for example:

invoke FindLargest, ADDR array1, LENGTHOF array1
invoke FindLargest, ADDR array2, LENGTHOF array2
invoke FindLargest, ADDR array3, LENGTHOF array3

Note: The procedure's task is to return the largest value in EAX, and all registers except for EAX must be preserved to maintain the state of the calling environment.

To create the FindLargest procedure, define it with the PROC directive, include operations to identify the largest value, and create a PROTO declaration. Also, write a test program to call FindLargest with different arrays. This ensures the largest value is correctly found and returned.

To create a procedure named FindLargest that receives a pointer to a signed doubleword array and the count of the array's length, follow these steps:

Define the PROC directive with the parameter list:

FindLargest PROC ; Procedure declaration
; Parameters: EAX = pointer to array, ECX = count of array length
; Preserves: all registers except EAX

Initialize registers and perform the required operations to find the largest value:

FindLargest PROC
   push    ebx         ; Preserve EBX
   mov     eax, [esp + 8]   ; Load array pointer
   mov     ecx, [esp + 12]  ; Load array length
   mov     ebx, [eax]        ; Assume first element is the largest
   add     eax, 4            ; Point to the next array element
   dec     ecx               ; Decrement count of elements to check
   test    ecx, ecx
   jz      done             ; If count is zero, exit loop
   mov     edx, [eax]       ; Load next element
   cmp     edx, ebx
   jle     skip             ; If current element is less, skip
   mov     ebx, edx         ; Update largest element
   add     eax, 4           ; Move to next element
   dec     ecx
   jmp     find_loop
; Exit with EBX containing the largest element
   mov     eax, ebx         ; Move result to EAX
   pop     ebx              ; Restore EBX
FindLargest ENDP

Create a PROTO declaration for FindLargest:


Write a test program to call FindLargest with three different arrays:

   array1 DWORD -10, 23, 5, 15, -3
   array2 DWORD -25, -14, -7, -2
   array3 DWORD 5, 25, 15, 10, 30
main PROC
   ; Call FindLargest with array1
   lea     eax, array1
   mov     ecx, LENGTHOF array1
   call    FindLargest
   ; EAX should contain 23
   ; Call FindLargest with array2
   lea     eax, array2
   mov     ecx, LENGTHOF array2
   call    FindLargest
   ; EAX should contain -2
   ; Call FindLargest with array3
   lea     eax, array3
   mov     ecx, LENGTHOF array3
   call    FindLargest
   ; EAX should contain 30
main ENDP

1. In a language with zero-based indexing, at what index will the 100th item in an array be?

2. Same as 1.1, but for a language with one-based indexing.


The 100th item in an array would be at index 99 in a zero-based indexing language and at index 100 in a one-based indexing language. Indexing helps in accessing elements within data structures like arrays.

In a language with zero-based indexing, such as Python or Java, the 100th item in an array would be at index 99. This is because the first item in an array is at index 0, and the index increases by 1 for each subsequent item. Therefore, the index can be found by subtracting one from the item number (i.e., 100 - 1 = 99).

For a language with one-based indexing, like MATLAB or R, the 100th item would be at index 100 because the indexing starts from 1. Here, the index of the 100th item is the same as the item number.

Understanding the concept of array indexing is vital as it helps in accessing the elements in the data structure efficiently. The for loop can be set up with different starting indices and conditions depending on the language's indexing convention. For example, you might initialize the index i with 0 or 1, and the loop could run while i < 101 for zero-based or i <= 100 for one-based indexing.

Consider the class Complex (see problem 11.13, page 633-635). The class enables operations on so called complex numbers. a) Modify the class to enable input and output of complex number through the overloaded << and >> operators (you should modify or remove the print function from the class). b) Overload the multiplication * and the division / operators. c) Overload the



See explaination


// Complex.h

#ifndef COMPLEX_H

#define COMPLEX_H

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class Complex


friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &, const Complex &);

friend istream &operator>>(istream &, Complex &);


// Declare variables

double real;

double imaginary;


// Constructor

Complex(double = 0.0, double = 0.0);

// Addition operator

Complex operator+(const Complex&) const;

// Subtraction operator

Complex operator-(const Complex&) const;

// Multiplication operator

Complex operator*(const Complex&) const;

// Equal operator

Complex& operator=(const Complex&);

bool operator==(const Complex&) const;

// Not Equal operator

bool operator!=(const Complex&) const;



// Complex.cpp

// Header file section

#include "Complex.h"

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

// Constructor

Complex::Complex( double realPart, double imaginaryPart )

: real( realPart ),

imaginary( imaginaryPart )


// empty body


// Addition (+) operator

Complex Complex::operator+( const Complex &operd2 ) const


return Complex( real + operd2.real,

imaginary + operd2.imaginary );


// Subtraction (-) operator

Complex Complex::operator-( const Complex &operd2 ) const


return Complex( real - operd2.real,

imaginary - operd2.imaginary );


// Multiplication (*) operator

Complex Complex::operator*( const Complex &operd2 ) const


return Complex(

( real * operd2.real ) + ( imaginary * operd2.imaginary ),

( real * operd2.imaginary ) + ( imaginary * operd2.real ) );


// Overloaded = operator

Complex& Complex::operator=( const Complex &right )


real = right.real;

imaginary = right.imaginary;

return *this; // enables concatenation

} // end function operator=

bool Complex::operator==( const Complex &right ) const


return ( right.real == real ) && ( right.imaginary == imaginary )

? true : false;


bool Complex::operator!=( const Complex &right ) const


return !( *this == right );

} // end function operator!=

ostream& operator<<( ostream &output, const Complex &complex )


output << "(" << complex.real << ", " << complex.imaginary << ")";

return output;


istream& operator>>( istream &input, Complex &complex )



input >> complex.real;

input.ignore( 2 );


return input;


// ComplexMain.cpp

// Header file section

#include <iostream>

#include "Complex.h"

using namespace std;

// main method

int main()


// Declare complex numbers

Complex x, y(4.3, 8.2), z(3.3, 1.1), k;

cout << "Enter a complex number in the form: (a, b): ";

// Demonstrating overloaded

// Accept a complex number

cin >> k;

// Display complex numbers

cout << "x: " << x

<< "\ny: " << y

<< "\nz: " << z

<< "\nk: " << k << '\n';

// Operator overloading

// Adding two complex numbers

x = y + z;

cout << "\nx = y + z:\n"

<< x << " = "

<< y << " + " << z << '\n';

// Subtract two complex numbers

x = y - z;

cout << "\nx = y - z:\n"

<< x << " = " << y << " - " << z << '\n';

// Multiply two complex numbers

x = y * z;

cout << "\nx = y * z:\n"

<< x << " = " << y << " * " << z << "\n\n";

if (x != k)


cout << x << " != " << k << '\n';


cout << '\n';

x = k;

if (x == k)


cout << x << " == " << k << '\n';


return 0;


Scott wants to make sure his current power supply has enough power to run his new system.
How will Scott determine whether his current power supply has enough power to run the new system?



The correct answer to the following question will be "Wattage ".


The quantity of power needed for the operation of such an electrical system seems to be a Wattage.

The wattage means every device has the highest usable wattage. Remember, furthermore, that perhaps the PSU extracts Electrical energy from either the socket of the panel, transforms it to any other Voltage level, as well as supplies it to your device.By that same Scott determines for certain if his current supply voltage has sufficient energy to function the new program or system.

What are possible challenges for cyber bullying



well, you will have your account deleted/ arrested because of cyber bullying


so don't!!! (hint hint XD)


1. they falsely believes he or she cannot control what is posted on his or her social networking site or who sends messages to him or her.

2. they  feel uncomfortable telling you what someone else wrote on your their wall because the comment is inappropriate. Therefore your they fears you may be disappointed in him or her.

3. they feels powerless to deal with cyberbullying

Create a script that internally calls the Linux command 'ps aux' and saves the output to a file named unprocessed.txt (you do not need to append to an existing file, if a file already exists, simply overwrite it). The program should pause and display the following message to the screen: Press 'q' to exit or 'ctrl-c' to process the file and exit' If the user presses 'q', exit the program leaving the filename on the disk as 'unprocessed.txt'. If the user presses 'ctrl-c', then catch the signal (hint - covered in chapter 16) and rename the file to 'processed.txt' and then exit. You must build a signal handler to catch the ctrl-c signal and rename the file. g



see explaination


SIG{INT} = sub {

`mv unprocessed.txt processed.txt`;

print "\n";



`ps aux > unprocessed.txt`;

print "Press 'q' to exit or 'ctrl-c' to process the file and exit:\n";

$inp = <>;

if ($inp == 'q')




A mother calls you to report that her 15-year-old daughter has run away from home. She has access to her daughter's e-mail account and says her daughter has a number of emails in her inbox suggesting she has run away to be with a 35-year-old woman. Write a 2 to 3 page paper/report (not including title or reference page) explaining how you should proceed. Make sure you adhere to the grading rubric and write the report in APA format.


Answer: Wait, you're asking strangers to write a report for you? Just use common sense--tell her to forward the emails to the police department, or to provide the login details or the IPv4 logs (depending on the email service) to work off of. Considering that she most likely has the email linked to her phone, you should get into contact with her phone provider to locate the daughter. I don't know what else to say considering that you're asking strangers for an essay to be written for you. Hopefully what I said helps, but I doubt that anyone's going to write a full two page essay.

APA offers authors a dependable structure they can use each time they write. Authors' arguments or research are more effectively organized when they are consistent.

What are advantages to write issue in APA format?

The APA format helps papers on usually complex issues to be more understandable. It makes reading and understanding papers easier.

Utilize common sense and instruct her to transmit the emails to the police department, or, depending on the email service, to supply the login information or the IPv4 logs for investigators to use.

You should get in touch with her phone provider to find the daughter because she almost certainly has the email connected to her phone.

Therefore, I don't know what else to say, considering that you're asking strangers for an essay to be written for you.

Learn more about APA format here:



Create an array of strings. Let the user decide how big this array is, but it must have at least 1 element. Prompt them until them give a valid size. Prompt the user to populate the array with strings Display the longest and shortest string Input an array size for you words array: 5 Now please enter 5 words Input a word: apples Input a word: eat Input a word: banana Input a word: spectacular Input a word: no The longest word is : spectacular The shortest word is : no



lst = []

n = int(input("Input an array size for you words array: "))

print("Now please enter " + str(n) + " words")

max = 0

min = 1000

index_min = 0

index_max = 0

for i in range(n):

   s = input("Input a word: ")


   if len(s) >= max:

       max = len(s)

       index_max = i

   if len(s) <= min:

       min = len(s)

       index_min = i

print("The longest word is :" + lst[index_max])

print("The shortest word is :" + lst[index_min])


Create an empty list, lst

Get the size from the user

Create a for loop that iterates "size" times

Inside the loop, get the strings from the user and put them in the lst. Find the longest and shortest strings and their indices using if structure.

When the loop is done, print the longest and shortest

The number of hits on a certain website follows a Poisson distribution with a mean rate of 4 per minute.a.  What is the probability that 5 messages are received in a given minute?b.  What is the probability that 9 messages are received in 1.5 minutes?c.  What is the probability that fewer than 3 messages are received in a period of 30 seconds?



a)  [tex]P(X=5) = 15.63 \%[/tex]

b) [tex]P(X=9) = 6.88 \%[/tex]

c) [tex]P(X<3) = 67.65 \%[/tex]


a) What is the probability that 5 messages are received in a given minute?

The Poisson distribution is given by

[tex]P(X=x) = e^{-\lambda}\frac{\lambda^{x}}{x!}[/tex]

Where x is the number of messages received in some time interval t.

mean rate = λ = 4 per minute

number of messages = x = 5

[tex]P(X=x) = e^{-\lambda}\frac{\lambda^{x}}{x!}\\\\P(X=5) = e^{-4}\frac{4^{5}}{5!}\\\\P(X=5) = 0.1563\\\\P(X=5) = 15.63 \%[/tex]

b) What is the probability that 9 messages are received in 1.5 minutes?

mean rate = λ = 4*1.5 = 6

number of messages = x = 9

[tex]P(X=x) = e^{-\lambda}\frac{\lambda^{x}}{x!}\\\\P(X=9) = e^{-6}\frac{6^{9}}{9!}\\\\P(X=9) = 0.0688\\\\P(X=9) = 6.88 \%[/tex]

c) What is the probability that fewer than 3 messages are received in a period of 30 seconds?

mean rate = λ = 0.5*4 = 2

number of messages = x < 3

[tex]P(X<3) = P(X = 0) + P(X = 1) + P(X = 2)\\\\P(X=0) = e^{-2}\frac{2^{0}}{0!} = 0.1353\\\\ P(X=1) = e^{-2}\frac{2^{1}}{1!} = 0.2706\\\\ P(X=2) = e^{-2}\frac{2^{2}}{2!} = 0.2706\\\\ P(X<3) =0.1353+0.2706+ 0.2706\\\\P(X<3) = 0.6765\\\\P(X<3) = 67.65 \%[/tex]

A) The probability that 5 messages are received in a given minute is; 15.629%

B) The probability that 9 messages are received in 1.5 minutes is; 6.884%

C) The probability that fewer than 3 messages are received in a period of 30 seconds is; 67.668%

We are told that the number of hits follows a poisson distribution with mean of 4 per minutes.

Formula for poisson distribution is;

P(X = x) = [tex]e^{-\lambda}(\frac{\lambda^{x}}{x!})[/tex]


x is number of items in counting

λ is the mean rate

A) We want to find the probability that 5 messages are received in a given minute. Thus;

λ = 4 × 1 = 4

x = 5


P(X = 5) = [tex]e^{-4}(\frac{4^{5}}{5!})[/tex]

P(X = 5) = 0.15629

P(X = 5) = 15.629%

B) We want to find the probability that 9 messages are received in 1.5 minutes. Thus;

λ = 4 × 1.5 = 6

x = 9


P(X = 9) = [tex]e^{-6}(\frac{6^{9}}{9!})[/tex]

P(X = 9) = 0.06884

P(X = 9) = 6.884%

C) We want to find the probability that 3 messages are received in 30 seconds. 30 seconds is 0.5 minutes. Thus;

λ = 4 × 0.5 = 2

x = 3


P(X < 3) = P(X = 0) + P(X = 1) + P(X = 2)

From online Poisson distribution calculator, we have;

P(X < 3) = 0.13534 + 0.27067 + 0.27067

P(X < 3) = 0.67668

P(X < 3) = 67.668%

Read more about Poisson distribution at; https://brainly.com/question/7879375

Write a method printShampooInstructions(), with int parameter numCycles, and void return type. If numCycles is less than 1, print "Too few.". If more than 4, print "Too many.". Else, print "N: Lather and rinse." numCycles times, where N is the cycle number, followed by "Done.". End with a newline. Example output with input 2: 1: Lather and rinse. 2: Lather and rinse. Done. Hint: Declare and use a loop variable. import java.util.Scanner; public class ShampooMethod { /* Your solution goes here */ public static void main (String [] args) { Scanner scnr = new Scanner(System.in); int userCycles; userCycles = scnr.nextInt(); printShampooInstructions(userCycles); } }



import java.util.Scanner;

public class nu3 {

   public static void main(String[] args) {

       Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);

       System.out.println("Enter number of cycles");

       int numCycles = in.nextInt();

       //Call the method



   public static void printShampooInstructions(int numCycles){

                if (numCycles<1){

              System.out.println("Too few");


          if (numCycles>4){

              System.out.println("Too Many");


          else {

              for (int i = 1;i <= numCycles; i++) {

                  System.out.println( numCycles+ ": Lather and rinse");



              System.out.println("     Done");





This is solved using Java programming language

The method printShampooInstructions() is in bold in the answer section

I have also provided a complete program that request user to enter value for number of cycles, calls the method and passes that value to it

The logic here is using if .... else statements to handle the different possible values of Number of cycles.

In the Else Section a loop is used to decrementally print the number of cycles

1. INTRODUCTION In this project, you will gain experience with many of the Python elements you’ve learned so far, including functions, repetition structures (loops), input validation, exception handling. and working with strings 2. PROBLEM DEFINITION Present the user with the following menu within a continuous loop. The loop will exit only when the user selects option 7. 1. Enter a string 2. Display the string 3. Reverse the string 4. Append a string to the existing one 5. Slice the string 6. Display the number of occurrences of each letter 7. Quit Program operation: Option 1: Prompt the user to enter a string. Option 2: Display the string to the user. Option 3: Reverse the string and display it to the user. Option 4: Prompt the user to enter a string, then append (i.e. concatenate) it to the end of the existing string. Option 5: Prompt the user for the first and second integers of a slice operation, then replace the existing string with a sliced version of it. Option 6: Print on a separate line each alphabetic character contained in the string. Don’t worry about punctuation, special characters, or whitespace. The letters are not to be considered case-sensitive, so you are free to display them either upper or lower case. Along with each letter, display number of occurrences within the string. For example, if the string is "Hello, World", the output would be: h, 1 e, 1 l, 3 o, 2 w, 1 r, 1 d, 1



See Explaination


def process_string(s):

global char#global varibles


global count


for i in s:

#checking whether i is alphabet or not


#converting to lower


if i in char:

#if char already present increment count



#if char not present append it to list




print("1. Enter a string")

print("2. Display the string")

print("3. Reverse the string")

print("4. Append a string to the existing one")

print("5. Slice the string")

print("6. Display the number of occurences of each letter")

print("7. Quit")

op=input("Enter option:")

#as I don't know what you have covered

#I am trying to make it simple

#checking whether input is numeric or not

#you can use try except if you want

while(not op.isnumeric()):

op=input("Enter valid option:")


global x



x=input("Enter a string: ")


print("The string is:",x)


x=x[::-1]#reversing the string

print("The string is:",x)


y=input("Enter a string: ")

x=x+y #string concatnation


a=input("Enter first integer: ")

while(not a.isnumeric()):

a=input("Enter valid first integer: ")


b=input("Enter second integer: ")

while(not b.isnumeric()):

b=input("Enter valid second integer: ")


x=x[a:b]#string slicing

#you can also use x.slice(a,b)



for i in range(len(char)):



#incase of invalid input

print("Invalid option")

print("1. Enter a string")

print("2. Display the string")

print("3. Reverse the string")

print("4. Append a string to the existing one")

print("5. Slice the string")

print("6. Display the number of occurences of each letter")

print("7. Quit")

op=input("Enter option:")

while(not op.isnumeric()):

op=input("Enter valid option:")


b) Write a Boolean equation for this sentence showing your work: (Use the variables S,R,O only for the right side) Give two possible interpretations of the logic and show which one is most likely to be the correct interpretation given your knowledge of roads: Let V(S,R,O) = Very Slippery: {1.2} The Road will be very slippery if it snows or it rains and there is oil on the road .



Check the explanation


Kindly check the attached image below to see the solution to the above question.

The arrays list1 and list2 are identical if they have the same contents. Write a method that returns true if list1 and list2 are identical, using the following header: public static boolean equals (int[] list1, int[] list2) Write a test program that prompts the user to enter two lists of integers and displays whether the two are identical. Here are some sample runs. Note that the first number in the input indicates the number of the elements in the list. This number is not part of the list.



See Explaination


import java.util.Arrays;



* atauthor xxxx //replace at with the at symbol


public class Test {

public static void main(String[] args) {

java.util.Scanner input = new java.util.Scanner(System.in);

// Enter values for list1

System.out.print("Enter list1: ");

int size1 = input.nextInt();

int[] list1 = new int[size1];

for (int i = 0; i < list1.length; i++)

list1[i] = input.nextInt();

// Enter values for list2

System.out.print("Enter list2: ");

int size2 = input.nextInt();

int[] list2 = new int[size2];

for (int i = 0; i < list2.length; i++)

list2[i] = input.nextInt();

if (equal(list1, list2)) {

System.out.println("Two lists are identical");


else {

System.out.println("Two lists are not identical");



public static boolean equal(int[] list1, int[] list2) {

if(list1.length == list2.length)


return true;



return false;

// Hint: (1) first check if the two have the same size.

// (2) Sort list1 and list2 using the sort method.

// (3) Compare the corresponding elements from list1 and list2.

// return false, if not match. Return true if all matches.



(6 pts) Write a bash shell script called 08-numMajors that will do the following: i. Read data from a class enrollment file that will be specified on the command line. ii. If the file does not exist, is a directory, or there are more or less than one parameters provided, display an appropriate error/usage message and exit gracefully. iii. Display the number of a specified major who are taking a given class.



Check the explanation




#using awk to manipulated the input file

if [ $# != 1 ]


echo "Usage: 08-numMajors.sh <file-name>"

exit 1


if [ -f $1 ]


awk '










if ($3)


for (j=0; j<i; j++)


# printf("1-%s-%s\n", major[j], $3);

if(major[j] == $3)



output[j] = output[j] + 1;




if (flag == 0)



output[i] = output[i] + 1;











for (j=0; j<i; j++)


if(output[j] > 1)

printf("There are %d `%s` majors\n", output[j], major[j]);


printf("There is %d `%s` major\n", output[j], major[j]);


printf("There are a total of %d students in this class\n", total);


' < $1


echo "Error: file $1 does not exist"



USER 1> sh 08-numMajors.sh sample.txt

There are 4 ` Computer Information Systems` majors

There is 1 ` Marketing` major

There are 2 ` Computer Science` majors

There are a total of 7 students in this class

USER 1> sh 08-numMajors.sh sample.txtdf

Error: file sample.txtdf does not exist

USER 1> sh 08-numMajors.sh

Usage: 08-numMajors.sh <file-name>

USER 1> sh 08-numMajors.sh file fiel2

Usage: 08-numMajors.sh <file-name>

This is a program that calculates information about orders of shirts and pants. All orders have a quantity and a color. Write a Clothing class that matches this UML: The no-argument constructor will set the quantity to zero and the color to the empty string. The calculatePrice() method returns 0.0. The two-argument constructor and the setQuantity() method must ensure that the quantity will be greater than or equal to zero. Hint: use Math.abs()



Check the explanation


// Clothing.java

public class Clothing {

//Declaring instance variables

private int quantity;

private String color;

//Zero argumented constructor

public Clothing() {

this.quantity = 0;

this.color = "";


//Parameterized constructor

public Clothing(int quantity, String color) {

this.quantity = quantity;

this.color = color;


// getters and setters

public int getQuantity() {

return quantity;


public void setQuantity(int quantity) {

this.quantity = quantity;


public String getColor() {

return color;


public void setColor(String color) {

this.color = color;


public double calculatePrice()


return 0.0;




// Pants.java

public class Pants extends Clothing {

//Declaring instance variables

private int waist;

private int inseam;

//Zero argumented constructor

public Pants() {

this.waist = 0;

this.inseam = 0;


//Parameterized constructor

public Pants(int quantity, String color, int waist, int inseam) {

super(quantity, color);




// getters and setters

public int getWaist() {

return waist;


public void setWaist(int waist) {

if (waist > 0)

this.waist = waist;


public int getInseam() {

return inseam;


public void setInseam(int inseam) {

if (inseam > 0)

this.inseam = inseam;


public double calculatePrice() {

double tot = 0;

if (waist > 48 || inseam > 36) {

tot = 65.50;

} else {

tot = 50.0;


return tot;




// Shirt.java

public class Shirt extends Clothing {

//Declaring instance variables

private String size;

//Zero argumented constructor

public Shirt() {

this.size = "";


//Parameterized constructor

public Shirt(int quantity, String color, String size) {

super(quantity, color);

this.size = size;


// getters and setters

public String getSize() {

return size;


public void setSize(String size) {

this.size = size;


public double calculatePrice() {

double tot = 0;

if (size.equalsIgnoreCase("S")) {

tot = getQuantity() * 11.00;

} else if (size.equalsIgnoreCase("M")) {

tot = getQuantity() * 12.50;

} else if (size.equalsIgnoreCase("L")) {

tot = getQuantity() * 15.00;

} else if (size.equalsIgnoreCase("XL")) {

tot = getQuantity() * 16.50;

} else if (size.equalsIgnoreCase("XXL")) {

tot = getQuantity() * 18.50;


return tot;





import java.util.ArrayList;

public class Test {

public static void main(String[] args) {

int totShirts=0,totPants=0;

double sprice=0,pprice=0,totWaist=0,totinseam=0,avgWaist=0,avginseam=0;

int cnt=0;

ArrayList<Clothing> clothes=new ArrayList<Clothing>();

Shirt s=new Shirt(8,"Green","XXL");

Pants p1=new Pants(6,"Brown",48,30);

Pants p2=new Pants(4,"Blue",36,34);




for(int i=0;i<clothes.size();i++)


if(clothes.get(i) instanceof Shirt)


Shirt s1=(Shirt)clothes.get(i);




else if(clothes.get(i) instanceof Pants)


Pants pa=(Pants)clothes.get(i);








System.out.println("Total number of shirts :"+totShirts);

System.out.println("Total price of Shirts :"+sprice);

System.out.println("Total number of Pants :"+totPants);

System.out.println("Total price of Pants :"+pprice);

System.out.printf("Average waist size is :%.1f\n",totWaist/cnt);

System.out.printf("Average inseam length is :%.1f\n",totinseam/cnt);






Total number of shirts :8

Total price of Shirts :148.0

Total number of Pants :10

Total price of Pants :100.0

Average waist size is :42.0

Average inseam length is :32.0

Write a function to reverse a given string. The parameter to the function is a string. Function should store the reverse of the given string in the same string array that was passed as parameter. Note you cannot use any other array or string. You are allowed to use a temporary character variable. Define the header of the function properly. The calling function (in main()) expects the argument to the reverse function will contain the reverse of the string after the reverse function is executed.



Following are the program to this question:

#include <iostream> //defining header file

using namespace std;

void reverse (string a) //defining method reverse  


for (int i=a.length()-1; i>=0; i--)  //defining loop that reverse string value  


     cout << a[i];  //print reverse value



int main() //defining main method                                                                                          


string name; // defining string variable

cout << "Enter any value: "; //print message

getline(cin, name); //input value by using getline method

reverse(name); //calling reverse method

return 0;



Enter any value: ABCD



In the above program code, a reverse method is declared, that accepts a string variable "a" in its arguments, inside the method a for loop is declared, that uses an integer variable "i", in which it counts string value length by using length method and reverse string value, and prints its value.

In the main method, a string variable "name" is declared, which uses the getline method. This method is the inbuilt method, which is used to input value from the user, and in this, we pass the input value in the reverse method and call it.  

Which programming language will you use to create an App in code.org?

A. Java Script

B. C++

C. Pearl



A. Java Script


java gives languages


A. Java Script


That is the only one they teach and is easier than others!

For the preceding simple implementation, this execution order would be nonideal for the input matrix; however, applying a loop interchange optimization would create a nonideal order for the output matrix. Because loop interchange is not sufficient to improve its performance, it must be blocked instead. (a) What should be the minimum size of the cache to take advantage of blocked execution



hi your question lacks the necessary matrices attached to the answer is the complete question

1024 bytes


A) The minimum size of the cache to take advantage of blocked execution

 The minimum size of the cache is approximately 1 kilo bytes

There are 128 elements( 64 * 2 ) in the preceding simple implementation and this because there are two matrices and every matrix contains 64 elements .

note:  8 bytes is been occupied by every element therefore the minimum size of the cache to take advantage of blocked execution

= number of elements * number of bytes

= 128 * 8 = 1024 bytes ≈ 1 kilobytes

In the function below, use a function from the random module to return a random integer between the given lower_bound and upper_bound, inclusive. Don't forget to import the random module (before the function declaration).
For example, return_random_int(3, 8) should random return a number from the set: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.
def return_random_int(lower_bound, upper_bound):



import random

def return_random_int(lower_bound, upper_bound):

   return random.randrange(lower_bound, upper_bound)


print(return_random_int(3, 8))


Import the random module

Create a function called return_random_int takes two parameters, lower_bound and upper_bound

Return a number between lower_bound and upper_bound using random.range()

Call the function with given inputs, and print the result

Write a function so that the main program below can be replaced by the simpler code that calls function mph_and_minutes_to_miles(). Original main program: miles_per_hour = float(input()) minutes_traveled = float(input()) hours_traveled = minutes_traveled / 60.0 miles_traveled = hours_traveled * miles_per_hour print('Miles: {:f}'.format(miles_traveled))



def mph_and_minutes_to_miles():

   miles_per_hour = float(input())

   minutes_traveled = float(input())

   hours_traveled = minutes_traveled / 60.0

   miles_traveled = hours_traveled * miles_per_hour

   print('Miles: {:f}'.format(miles_traveled))



Create a function called mph_and_minutes_to_miles that takes no parameter

Get the code from the main part and put them inside the function

Call the function as requested


Check the explanation


Solution(Simplified main code):

# Function written to simplify main code

def mph_and_minutes_to_miles(miles_per_hour, minutes_traveled):

   hours_traveled = minutes_traveled / 60.0

   miles_traveled = hours_traveled * miles_per_hour

   return miles_traveled

miles_per_hour = float(input())

minutes_traveled = float(input())

print('Miles: %f' % mph_and_minutes_to_miles(miles_per_hour, minutes_traveled))

Kindly check the attached image below for the code screenshot and output.

Which of the following entries into the username and password fields will NOT cause us to gain admin access? You may assume that the system grants access when a legitimate username/password combo is entered. Count the text inside the double quotation marks, but not the marks themselves. For example, a user would enter ("username", "password") and gain access. You may assume that the password to the admin account is not "asdf"


Explanation: Complete question and answer is attached

Write the function setKthDigit(n, k, d) that takes three integers -- n, k, and d -- where n is a possibly-negative int, k is a non-negative int, and d is a non-negative single digit (between 0 and 9 inclusive). This function returns the number n with the kth digit replaced with d. Counting starts at 0 and goes right-to-left, so the 0th digit is the rightmost digit.


Function are collections of named code blocks, that are executed when called or evoked.

The setKthDigit function written in Python, where comments are used to explain each line is as follows

#This defines the function

def setKthDigit(n, k, d):

   #If the number of digits in n is greater than k

   if len(str(n)) > k:

       #This splits the number into a list

       myWord = list(str(n))

       #This reverses the list


       #This updates the kth digit

       myWord[k] = str(d)

       #This reverses the list


       #This initializes string newStr

       newStr = ''

       #This following loop creates the the number to return, as string

       for i in myWord:


   #If otherwise


       #This initializes string newStr

       newStr = ''

       #This following loop creates the the number to return, as string

       for i in range(1+k-len(str(n))):



   #This returns the updated number, as an integer

   return int(newStr)

Read more about functions at:


Final answer:

The function setKthDigit replaces the kth digit of an integer n with a digit d, considering the rightmost digit as the 0th. The implementation involves string manipulation and careful handling of the sign of the input number.


To implement the setKthDigit function in Python, you need to first understand how to manipulate individual digits of a number. This involves converting the number into a string to easily access and modify specific digits. Then, you will convert the string back to an integer to return the final result. Below is a Python code snippet that demonstrates how to accomplish this task:

def setKthDigit(n, k, d):
   n_str = str(abs(n)) # Convert the absolute value of n to a string
   if k >= len(n_str): # Check if k is within the bounds of the number
       return n # Return n as is if k is out of bounds
   modified_n_str = n_str[:-k-1] + str(d) + n_str[-k:] if k != 0 else n_str[:-1] + str(d)
   result = int(modified_n_str)
   return result if n >= 0 else -result # Keep the original sign of n

This function works by first converting the number n into a string to easily manipulate its digits. If the digit to be replaced is indeed in the bounds of the number, the string is modified by replacing the kth digit with d. The modified string is then converted back to an integer, taking care to preserve the original sign of n.

Let's now use our new calculator functions to do some calculations!
A. Add the square of 3 to the square root of 9 Save the result to a variable called calc_a
B. Subtract the division of 12 by 3 from the the multiplication of 2 and 4 Save the result to a variable called calc_b
C. Multiply the square root of 16 by the sum of 7 and 9 Save the result to a variable called calc_c
D. Divide the square of 7 by the square root of 49 Save the result to a variable called calc_d




double calc_a;



double calc_b;


Ans 3.

double calc_c;


Ans 4.

double calc_d;



The expressions are done with Java in answer above.

Final answer:

To solve these calculations, we can use mathematical functions on a calculator.


To solve these calculations, we can use the mathematical functions on a calculator.

Calculation A:

To add the square of 3 to the square root of 9, we can write it as follows:

calc_a = [tex]3^2 + sqrt(9)[/tex]

calc_a = 9 + 3

calc_a = 12

Calculation B:

To subtract the division of 12 by 3 from the multiplication of 2 and 4, we can write it as follows:

calc_b = (2 * 4) - (12 / 3)

calc_b = 8 - 4

calc_b = 4

Calculation C:

To multiply the square root of 16 by the sum of 7 and 9, we can write it as follows:

calc_c = sqrt(16) * (7 + 9)

calc_c = 4 * 16

calc_c = 64

Calculation D:

To divide the square of 7 by the square root of 49, we can write it as follows:

calc_d = [tex](7^2) / sqrt(49)[/tex]

calc_d = 49 / 7

calc_d = 7

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