marta siempre escucha a todo lo que sus amigos dicen con atención. siempre contesla las preguntas de los estudiantes y explica todo cuidosamente. ella es ___


Answer 1
amable, respetuosa y cuidadosa

Related Questions

Where is Cartagena located?


The city of Cartagena, in Spanish as Cartagena de Indias is located on the northern coast of Colombia in the Caribbean Coast Region and it is the capital of the Bolívar Department.


It is located in Colombia

Im from there lol


What are the verbs in this paragraph?

Me llamo Javier Perez y mi esposa se llama Lourdes Castillo de Perez. Yo soy de Madrid y ella es de Barcelona. Yo soy alto, cómico y amable. Lourdes es baja, flaca y creativa. Yo soy ingeniero químico. Me gusta nadar. Lourdes es diseñadora del interior de las casas. Tenemos dos hijas. Se llaman Marta y Alba. Marta tiene siete años y Alba tiene cuatro años. Marta es inteligente y generosa. Alba es pequeña y rubia. Estamos emocionados de conocerte.


Ingeniero quimico
diseñadora del inteior de las casas
Marta es inteligente y generosa

Para estudiar las obras de Shakespeare, tú vas a la clase de ________.

A. biología
B. literatura
C. matemáticas
D. química


B. Literatura
Would be the answer
Para estudiar las obras de Shakespeare, tú vas a la clase de

What are two similarities between the Library of congress and La Biblioteca Nacional de Mexico


One similarity is that both libraries were founded in the 1800s. The Library of Congress was founded in 1800 exactly, and La Biblioteca Nacional de Mexico was founded in 1867. Additionally, another similarity is that both were founded by their respective governments in order to establish one place with the majority of the country's information in it. As such, it's often impossible to check out books at these libraries, since they hold precious documents to the nation's history.


Which of the following activities can you do at the Salitre Mágico in Bogotá?
(1 point)
watch films
buy souvenirs
go on amusement park rides
listen to cumbia


Which of the following countries does not border Colombia?
(1 point)


How do you say "downtown" in Spanish?
(1 point)
el médico
el sello
el centro
el buzón


21,buy souvenirs
    go on amusement park rides
23.el centro

21. The activity you can do at the Slatire Magico is go on amusemente park rides

22. The countries that does not border Colombia is Panama

23. You can say downtown in Spanish: El Centro



1. Lee el párrafo y contesta la pregunta.

Caperucita era una niña que quería mucho a su abuelita, y un día su madre le dio una cesta llena de comida para que llevara la merienda a la abuelita, que vivía en una casa en el bosque, porque estaba enferma.

¿Cuántos ejemplos del imperfecto hay en el párrafo?


2. Lee el párrafo y contesta la pregunta.

Cuando ya (1: estar) ________ en el bosque, se (2: encontrar) ________ con un lobo, quien le (3: preguntar) __________ hacia dónde iba. Caperucita le (4: contestar) _________ que a casa de mi abuelita, que (5: estar) _________ enferma, le llevaría una merienda; y le (6: decir) _______ todo lo que llevaba en la cesta.
Escoge los verbos correctos para los espacios 1 y 2.

A.)Estuvo, encontró
B.)Estaba, encontró
C.)Estuvo, encontraba
D.)Estaba, encontraba

3. Lee el párrafo y contesta la pregunta.

Cuando ya (1: estar) ________ en el bosque, se (2: encontrar) ________ con un lobo, quien le (3: preguntar) __________ hacia dónde iba. Caperucita le (4: contestar) _________ que a casa de mi abuelita, que (5: estar) _________ enferma, le llevaría una merienda; y le (6: decir) _______ todo lo que llevaba en la cesta.
Escoge los verbos correctos para los espacios 3 y 4.

A.)preguntó, contestó
B.)preguntaba, contestó
C.)preguntó, contestaba
D.)preguntaba, contestaba

4. Lee el párrafo y contesta la pregunta.

Cuando ya (1: estar) ________ en el bosque, se (2: encontrar) ________ con un lobo, quien le (3: preguntar) __________ hacia dónde iba. Caperucita le (4: contestar) _________ que a casa de mi abuelita, que (5: estar) _________ enferma, le llevaría una merienda; y le (6: decir) _______ todo lo que llevaba en la cesta.
Escoge los verbos correctos para los espacios 5 y 6.

A.) estuvo, dijo
B.) estuvo, decía
C.) estaba, dijo
D.) estaba, decía


D estaba, decia that would be my answer
1) a.
2) b.
3) d.
4) d.

Hay muchos ___ en el museo


are there choices? because I'm taking Spanish and can help you

Fernando : Como esta, señora Cuevas? ¿Esta Manuel?

Sra. Cuevas: iQue tal, Fernando? Si, escucha discos compactos en su cuarto...

Fernando: Ah, gracias. Voy a subir.

Sra. Cuevas: ...o esta en la sala. Le gusta mucho jugar videojuegos con Elena. Van a estudiar?

Fernando: Si

Sra. Cuevas: Bueno. ¡Ah! (She hands him a package.) Fernando, es para Manuel.

Fernando takes it and walks inside, where Elena and Manuel are playing videogames in

the living room:

Fernando: Hola.

Manuel: (distracted) Hola, Fernando.

Elena: Hola, Fernando. ¿Van a estudiar aqui en la sala, en el comedor o en el cuarto de Manuel?

Fernando: (shrugging his shoulders) ¿ Manuel?

Elena: ¡Manuel! (She turns off the television to get his attention.)

Manuel: ¡OK! ¿Qué tal si estudiamos en mi cuarto?

Now ! Based on the above dialogue please answer the following questions :

1. Va a subir la escalera para ver a Manuel. ( Who is going up the stairs to see Manuel ? )


Fernado is the one going upstairs to see Manuel

in spanish , a person that is nice is said to be ____.


the answer is b (simpatico)
In spanish , a person that is nice is said to be simpatico .

Simpatico means likeable and easy to get on with.
Hope that helps.

niles scored 70,74,72,71,73, and 96 on his 6 geography test


You need to provide more information for us to help you
What is the question? Please provide info.

what are some examples of true and false cognates


Here a list of true cognates spanish on top english below.
abreviación abbreviation celerara ccelerate absolutamenteabsolutelyarrogantearrogantasaltanteassailantaparecerappearactivoactiveasistenciaassistanceatentoattentiveatractivoattractiveaudazaudaciousautorizaciónauthorizationaversiónaversionboteboatbeneficiarbenefitbenevolenciabenevolencebordebordercalciocalciumcapacidadcapacitycombinarcombinecomentarcommentcomúncommoncalmarcalmcompararcomparecompletarcompleteconflictoconflictconcienciaconsciousnessconsecuenciaconsequenceconsiderableconsiderablecuriosidadcuriositydecisivodecisivedefinicióndefinitiondeclarardeclaredeclinardeclinedecorardecoratedificultaddifficultyFalse cognates
la direccionthe adressel exitothe succesla firmathe signaturelargolongla lecturathe readingla noticiathe newspasarto spendsimpáticoto be niceembarazadapregnantgloboballoonpiefootropaclothessopasoupéxitosuccesshaythere is, there arefútbolsoccerfábricafactoryemocionantethrilling, exciting


1.____________ lleva las maletas.
2.______________ tiene una cama.
3.Uso ___________ para entrar en mi habitación.
4.Uso ___________ para subir a mi piso.
5.Una persona que viaja es ____________.
6.Pongo mi cepillo de dientes y el champú en ________________.
7.Tengo que firmar _________________.
8.Mastercard es _______________.
9.Nadamos en ______________.
10.Antes de (before) ir al hotel, tengo que hacer _____________.

a.el botones
b.las reservaciones
c.el ascensor tarjeta de crédito piscina
f.el cuarto de baño habitación individu


1. A. El botones lleva las maletas. - Bellboy carries the luggage.
2. G. La habitacion individu tiene una cama. - A single room has one bed.
3. Uso H. la llave para entrar en mi habitacion. - I use the key to enter my room.
4. Uso C. el ascensor para subir a mi piso. - I use the elevator to reach my apartment.
5. Una persona que viaja as J. el viajero o la viajera. - A person who travels is a traveler.
6.Pongo mi cepillo de dientes y el champu en F. el cuarto de bano. - I put my toothbrush and my shampoo in the bathroom.
7. Tengo que firmar I. el cheque. - I need to sign the cheque.
8. Mastercard es D. la tarjeta de credito. - Mastercard is a credit card.
9. Nadamos en E. la piscina. - We swim in the pool.
10. Antes de ir al hotel, tengo que hacer B. las reservaciones. - Before I go to the hotel, I need to make a reservation.

1. Right answer:a. el botones

El botones translates into bellman and is a man who works in a hotel, carrying bags or bringing things to the guests' rooms. The word el is the definite article that matches masculine singular noun. This is the case of the noun botones. Therefore, we have the following sentence:

El botones lleva las maletas

2. Right answer:g. la habitación individual

La habitación individual translates into single room and is a room with a single bed, which is intended for one person to sleep in a hotel or rented accommodation. Here habitación is a feminine singular noun, la is the definite article in feminine and singular form and individual is an adjective. Finally:

La habitación individual tiene una cama

3. Right answer:las llaves

Las llaves translates into the keys and is the set of small pieces of metal that are used for opening or locking a door or a container. Since llaves is a feminine plural noun, we must use the definite article that matches this, which is las. Therefore, our sentence is:

Uso las llaves para entrar en mi habitación

4. Right answer:c. el ascensor

El ascensor translates into the elevator and is a machine that carries people up and down between the levels of a tall building. Since ascensor (also called elevador) is a masculine singular noun, we need to choose the corresponding definite article that matches this, which is el. Finally:

Uso el ascensor para subir a mi piso.

5. Right answer:un viajero

Un viajero translates into a traveler and is someone who is traveling or who travels often. Since viajero is a masculine singular noun, we choose the corresponding indefinite article that matches this, which is un. The indefinite article is used to refer to a particular person or thing when the reader or listener doesn't know which one is being described. Finally:

Una persona que viaja es un viajero

6. Right answer:f. el cuarto de baño

El cuarto de baño translates into the bathroom and is a room containing a toilet and often a bathtub or shower. It is also valid to say simply el baño, that also means the bathroom. In this way, I put the toothbrush and the shampoo in the bathroom. Finally:

Pongo mi cepillo de dientes y el champú en el cuarto de baño

7. Right answer:el cheque

El cheque translates into the cheque and is a printed form on which we write an amount of money and who it is to be paid to. The bank then pays the money to that person from our account. So cheque is a masculine singular noun, so the corresponding definite article is el that matches the mentioned form. Accordingly, I need to sign the cheque that is in Spanish:

Tengo que firmar el cheque

8. Right tarjeta de crédito

La tarjeta de crédito translates into the credit card and is a plastic card that we use to buy goods on credit. So tarjeta is a noun given in feminine singular form. Thus, the corresponding definite article must match this form, which is la. On the other hand, de crédito stands for the type of card. Finally:

Mastercard es la tarjeta de crédito

9. Right answer: piscina

La piscina translates into the swimming pool (or simply pool) and is a large structure filled with water for people to swim in. In this way, piscina is a feminine singular noun. Thus, the corresponding definite article must match this form, which is la. On the other hand, nadamos is the conjugation of the verb nadar for the first person plural in the simple present. Finally:

Nadamos en la piscina

10. Right answer: b. las reservaciones

Las reservaciones translates into the reservations and are the arrangements to have something, such as a room in a hotel or  seat in a theater kept for you to use. Also, reservaciones is a feminine plural noun, so the corresponding definite article must match this form, which is las. Finally:

Antes de ir al hotel, tengo que hacer las reservaciones

Complete the following sentence: A nosotros _________ gusta ir al parque.






A nosotros NOS gusta ir al parque.
Translation: We like to go to the park.

Hope this helped:):)

Choose the correct vocabulary word to complete each sentence, or choose a phrase that would logicaly go with the statement. (10 points) 1. Es la cabina. 2. Voy al cine. 3. Voy a la piscina. 4. Van al salón de karaoke. 5. Voy al teatro. 6. Voy al club de Jóvenes. 7. Voy al comedor. 8. Hace calor. 9. Voy a la biblioteca. 10. Es la galería de fotos. a. Es verano y hace mucho sol. b. Quiero leer y usar la computadora. c. Me gusta bailar, hablar con mis amigos y escuchar la música. d. El camarero (el mozo) me ayuda con la comida. e. En este lugar (place) hay una cama, una televisión, un escritorio y un baño. f. Quiero mirar una película. g. Quiero nadar. h. Este lugar tiene muchas fotos de mi familia. i. Los pasajeros quieren cantar. j. Quiero ver un espectáctulo. Los actores y las actrices cantan, bailan, y llevan vestidos y trajes muy elegantes.




The right vocabulary word or phrase to complete each sentence is:

a. Es verano y hace mucho sol. 8. Hace calor.

b. Quiero leer y usar la computadora. 9. Voy a la biblioteca.

c. Me gusta bailar, hablar con mis amigos y escuchar la música. 6. Voy al club de Jóvenes.

d. El camarero (el mozo) me ayuda con la comida. 7. Voy al comedor.  

e. En este lugar (place) hay una cama, una televisión, un escritorio y un baño. 1. Es la cabina.    

f. Quiero mirar una película. 2. Voy al cine.

g. Quiero nadar. 3. Voy a la piscina.

h. Este lugar tiene muchas fotos de mi familia. 10. Es la galería de fotos.

i. Los pasajeros quieren cantar. 4. Van al salón de karaoke.

j. Quiero ver un espectáctulo. Los actores y las actrices cantan, bailan, y llevan vestidos y trajes muy elegantes. 5. Voy al teatro.


The translation of the sentences and options is:

a. It's summer and it is very sunny. 8. It's hot.

b. I want to read and use the computer. 9. I go to the library.

c. I like to dance, talk with my friends and listen to the music. 6. I go to the Youth club.

d. The waiter (the waiter) helps me with the food. 7. I go to the dining room.

e. In this place (place) there is a bed, a television, a desk and a bathroom. 1. It is the cabin.

f. I want to watch a movie. 2. I go to the cinema.

g. I want to swim. 3. I go to the pool.

h. This place has many photos of my family. 10. It is the photo gallery.

i. The passengers want to sing. 4. They go to the karaoke room.

j. I want to see a show. The actors and actresses sing, dance, and wear very elegant dresses and costumes. 5. I go to the theater.

As you can see in the translation of the sentences, many of the pairings made belong to many years ago, such as reading and using a computer inside a library or calling the place where a youth club can be danced with friends, however, all can be contrasted with the other options and verified as the only applicable possibility.

Choose the sentence that is grammatically CORRECT

Question 8 options:

Yo voy a la biblioteca.

Yo voy al biblioteca.

Yo voy a biblioteca.


Yo voy a la biblioteca.
Hello, the correct sentence would be: Yo voy a la biblioteca.

Option #2 would not work since al= a + el, however, la biblioteca is a feminine noun, and a la [tex] \neq [/tex] al

Option #3 would not work as nouns need to have "el" or "la" in front of them.

Hope this helps! :)

Select the answer that best completes this sentence:
¿Tú __________ (venir) a la fiesta?

a. vienes
d. salgo -----I think d


Select the answer that best completes this sentence:
¿Tú vienes a la fiesta?
the answer is A. vienes ! 

oraciones con la palabra vives


tu vives en cabo san lucas
tu vives en un edificio
tu vives muy bien de la salud


tu vives hoy pero quien sabe de mañana


________ it is the most popular sport in latin american countries.
a. the basketball
c. the baseball
b. basketball
d. football


football, usually know as soccer in Latin american countries 

Which statement is correct?

A. Use the verb “ser” when telling how a noun is (condition) and use “estar” to tell what a noun is (essential characteristics).

B. Use the verb “estar” when telling how a noun is (condition) and use “ser” to tell what a noun is (essential characteristics).


the correct statement is letter (B)

The correct answer is B. Use the Verb Estar when telling how a noun is(condition). Use the verb ser when telling what a noun is (essential characteristics).

For how you are and where you are always use Place Estar

For Who you are and what you do, DOCTOR Ser can help you














Hope this Helps!


Check all that correctly apply to each verb form.
tú subes

1st person
2nd person MORE THAN 1 ANSWER
3rd person


 2nd person and singular because tu cantas means you sing


2da persona y singular


Soy una española que

Which sentence is grammatically incorrect?

Esos son mis boligrafos.
La tarea esta en mi mochila.
La tarea esta en mis mochila.
Ese es mi escritorio.


La tarea esta en mis mochila.
English:The homework is in me backpack

Que quiere decir buenas noches


que tienes que ir a decansar
que descanse y suenes cosas bonitas

¿Cómo es ____________________ amiga de Alicia? a. el c. los b. la d. las


the answer is b. la. trust me its right !
¿Cómo es la amiga de Alicia?

¿Qué fecha es el jueves si hoy es martes 29 de diciembre?


Thursday will be 31st of December
Jueves será 31 de Diciembre


Jueves 31 de diciembre.


Si hoy es martes 29 de diciembre, el jueves será 31 de diciembre. If today it's December 29th, Thursday will be 31st. In Spanish months and days of the week aren't written in capital letters. Apart from that, the number of the day goes before the month, as opposed to English: 29 de diciembre / December 29th.

Decide if the following sentence is grammatically correct or incorrect. su mama dice "hola".


answer correct
:) ;) 
this is correct, good job.
I have seen many people try to translate things in Spanish and aren't very good.

Hay _______________ (2,700) estudiantes en mi escuela.


Hay dos mil setecientos (2 700) estudiantes en mi escuela.


yea that right


Mi abuela __________ en la sala.



Mí abuela está en la sala
Mi abuela está en la sala

How would you say "the weather is nice and sunny" in Spanish using the verb haber?


hoy habemos buen tiempo....we are having nice weather today
En el clima de hoy, hay mucho sol y el clima está muy bueno.
Translation: In todays weather, there is a lot of sun and the wether is very nice.

Hope this helped:):)

Choose the sentence that is grammatically CORRECT

Question 4 options:

Mis amigos comen todos los días.

Mis amigos coman todos los días.

Mis amigos comemos todos los días.



Mis amigos comen todos los días.
The first one ... Mis amigos comen todos los días.

Instructions: Translate from Spanish into English.

8. ¿Cuántos lápices?
9. Pon estos en la caja también.
10. Toma un papel y ponlo en la caja.


8. ¿Cuántos lápices? How many pencils?

9. Pon estos en la caja también. Put these in the box also.
10. Toma un papel y ponlo en la caja. Take a paper and put it in the box.
Instructions: Translate from Spanish into English.

8. ¿Cuántos lápices? How many pencils?

9. Pon estos en la caja también. Put these in the box as well.

10. Toma un papel y ponlo en la caja. Take a paper and put in the box.
Other Questions
multiply (3x+2)(x-3) Using indirect characterization, describe a character who is experiencing a moral dilemma All of my father's texts and songs, which I had decided were meaningless, were arranged before me at his death like empty bottles, waiting to hold the meaning which life would give them for me. This was his legacy: nothing is ever escaped. That bleakly memorable morning I hated the unbelievable streets and the Negroes and whites who had, equally, made them that way. But I knew that it was folly, as my father would have said, this bitterness was folly. It was necessary to hold on to the things that mattered. The dead man mattered, the new life mattered; blackness and whiteness did not matter; to believe that they did was to acquiesce in one's own destruction. Hatred, which could destroy so much, never failed to destroy the man who hated and this was an immutable law. It began to seem that one would have to hold in the mind forever two ideas which seemed to be in opposition. The first idea was acceptance, the acceptance, totally without rancor, of life as it is, and men as they are: in the light of this idea, it goes without saying that injustice is a commonplace. But this did not mean that one could be complacent, for the second idea was of equal power: that one must never, in one's own life, accept these injustices as commonplace but must fight them with all one's strength. Analyze the author's message in this excerpt. How do the structure and style contribute to its power? In particular, consider its use of societal commentary and figurative language. Be sure to include specific details from the text to support your answer. Which of the following is NOT a way a mother passes an STI to her child?A. during pregnancyB. during deliveryC. through breast-feedingD. through soiled diapers Which advantages did Britain have against America during the American War for Independence?A) They were battling on their home turf and had access to funds to recruit foreign soldiers.B) They had a well-trained army and had access to funds to recruit foreign soldiers.C) They had the support of all the American Indian tribes and the African Americans.D) They had a well-trained army and the support of France, Spain, and Germany. In a cell, what is the function of the cell membrane? Which are names of points drawn in the figure?Choose all answers that are correct. A.K B.v C.M D.h Michael drinks 355 milliliters of orange juice and puts 6 centiliters of syrup on his pancakes for breakfast. How many milliliters of liquid did he consume? 1. 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