synonyms is the answer
synonyms are "a word or phrase that means exactly or nearly the same as another word or phrase in the same language, for example shut is a synonym of close" and i'm assuming sympathetic and nice are the underlined words since that's what i had, and they nearly have the same meaning. sympathetic means, "feeling, showing, or expressing sympathy." or "(of a person) attracting the liking of others." and nice means, "pleasant; agreeable; satisfactory." or "fine or subtle."
plus, homonyms are "each of two or more words having the same spelling or pronunciation but different meanings and origins." and nice and sympathetic do not have the same spelling or pronounciation. meanwhile, antonyms are, "a word opposite in meaning to another (example: bad and good )."
my apologies if i'm wrong and made myself look like and idiot <3
What are the single-word homonyms in the poem "To My Nose"?
it's nose and knows
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When something is_____ , it means that is has more than one possible meaning or interpretation
How is the underlined word used in the sentence?
Mangoes are Nathan's favorite fruit.
subject complement
direct object
direct address
This is about sign language ASL:
The English words HE, SHE, and IT are represented by which signs?
It's represented by signing "girl" or "boy" and then pointing.
Hasta cuándo vas a ponerte ese abrigo? (hasta que / el jefe / decirme algo) ¿cuándo va rubén a buscar a marta? (tan pronto como / salir de clase) ¿cuándo se van de viaje juan y susana? (en cuanto / tener vacaciones) ¿cuándo van ellos a invitarnos a su casa? (después de que / nosotros / invitarlos) ¿hasta cuándo va a trabajar aquí ramón? (hasta que / su esposa /
How is the underlined word used in the sentence? She jumped off the board into the cool water. (underlined word is water) A.
object of a preposition
direct address
direct object
Define love:
Give me three examples of love:
Tell me why it hurts:
Tell me why i can't feel it anymore: