__________selva es muy verde. (This)
1. ¿Dónde están Pablo y Julio? Pablo y Julio están en el baño 2. ¿Qué llevan los muchachos en las manos? (pesos)Ellos llevan un lapiz y una libreta. 3. ¿Cómo es el hotel?El hotel es grande y muy bonito. 4. El hotel tiene una piscina y ¿qué otra cosa para divertirse? Se puede jugar en las canchas de tenis. 5. ¿Qué quiere ver Julio en la piscina? Julio ver las chicas en la picina. 6. ¿Qué clase (kind) de habitación tienen los muchachos? Tienen doble con un cuarto de baño privado. 7. ¿Por qué necesitan dos llaves? Necesitan dos llaves porque Julio quiere uno también. 8. ¿Cómo va a pagar Pablo? Pablo se paga con una tarjeta de crédito. 9. ¿Por qué quiere cambiar un cheque de viajero Julio? 10. ¿Cómo bajan las muchachas? (ascensor) 11. ¿Qué van a hacer las muchachas? 12. ¿En qué piso está la habitación de Julio y Pablo? 13. ¿Cómo subieron los muchachos a su habitación? 14. ¿Qué llevan las chicas en las manos? (raquetas de tenis) 15. ¿Dónde está la cancha de tenis?
In this sentence, we are asking for the place where Pablo and Julio are. So, here we use the verb estar as location that describes where a person or thing is permanently or temporarily. Hence the word están comes from the verb estar and is the conjugation of this verb for the third person plural in the simple present.
This sentence also stands for the simple present. It is important to say that the simple present is used to talk about habitual actions or routines. This tense is also used to describe things that happen now or in the near future. So llevan is the conjugation of the verb llevar (to carry) for the third person plural in the simple present.
Here we want to know the characteristics of the hotel. For this purpose, we need to use the verb ser as descriptions that talks about the essential qualities that describe a person or things like names, nationalities, physical descriptions and religions. In this way, we say that the hotel is big (grande) and very nice (muy bonito).
Here we know that the hotel has a swimming pool. Thus, we want to know the other things this hotel has for having fun. Hence this hotel has tennis courts
. Canchas de tenis is given in plural form, so we assume that there are at least two tennis courts
Julio wants to go to the swimming pool, why? perhaps he wants to see girls at the swimming pool. In this sentence, the word quiere comes from the verb querer (to want) and is the conjugation of this verb for the third person singular in the simple present. The other verb in this sentence is ver, which is given in the infinitive form. These types of verbs are the most basic form of verbs in Spanish.
We want to know here the type of room the boys are staying in. So they are staying in a double room, which is a room in a hotel with two beds. In this sentence, the word tienen comes from the verb tener and is the conjugation of this verb for the third person plural in the simple present. We also know that this room has a private bathroom.
The question here is why do they need two set of keys? so the answer is because Julio also wants a key. Here the word necesitan comes from the verb necesitar and is the conjugation of this verb for the third person plural in the simple present. On the other hand, since the noun llave is feminine and singular, we use the feminine and singular indefinite article, which is una.
In this sentence, we want to know what is the payment method Pablo will use to pay something. Therefore, he will pay using a credit card. So the sentence Pablo va a pagar con una tarjeta de crédito means Pablo is going to pay with a credit card, so tarjeta de crédito translates into credit card.
In this sentence, we want to know why Julio wants to change a traveler's check (cheque de viajero), which is a check for a fixed amount that you can cash or use in payment after endorsement with the holder's signature. Therefore, Julio wants to change a traveler's check for his family.
Here we have replaced the noun las muchachas by the subject pronoun for the third person singular in feminine form ellas. These girls are in a building and want to go down. Therefore, they use the elevator (ascensor), which is a platform or compartment housed in a shaft for raising and lowering people or things to different floors or level usually in a building.
It is common not to change the noun of a sentence by the corresponding subject pronoun when answering a question. Here we have answered this question using the same noun las muchachas. We could have answered this question as Ellas van a jugar tenis or simply van a jugar tenis because in Spanish it is common to remove the subject pronoun of a sentence if we know the context of it.
In this sentence, we are asking for one room. Therefore, the conjugation of the verb must be given in singular form and since we are asking for the room, this conjugation also must match the third person. Since this exercise stands for location, describing where a thing is permanently, we use the word está that comes from the verb estar and is the conjugation for the third person singular of this verb in the simple present.
Which verb correctly completes this sentence? Es importante que no ________ demasiado antes de nadar. respete ,nade, coma ,use
estudiar (to study), hablar (to speak), escuchar (to listen), mirar (to look at), participar (to participate), necesitar (to need), entregar (to turn in), trabajar (to work), buscar (to look for), practicar (to practice), and dibujar (to draw).
Use the above verbs to write a total of nine sentences.
Use the above verbs to write a total of nine sentences.
Write three sentences about yourself using a verb from the above list (use the "yo" (I) form of the verb).
Write three sentences about a friend (use the "él or ella" (he/she) form).
Write three sentences about you and a friend (use the "nosotros/nosotras" (we) form).
Use at least five different -ar verbs.
1. Yo escucho música clásica los domingos por la mañana.
2. Yo necesito comprar un boleto de avión a Perú.
3. Yo miro mi serie favorita por las noches.
4. Él habla mucho con su mamá.
5. Ella participa siempre en las actividades de la escuela.
6. Él practica fútbol todos los sábados.
7. Nosotros trabajamos en el proyecto de ciencias.
8. Nosotras buscamos un buen lugar para comer el almuerzo.
9. Nosotras estudiamos mucho para el examen de matemáticas.
Palabras claves:
1. I listen to classical music on Sunday mornings.
2. I need to buy a plane ticket to Peru.
3. I watch my favorite series at night.
4. He talks a lot with his mom.
5. She always participates in school activities.
6. He practices soccer every Saturday.
7. We work on the science project.
8. We look for an excellent place to eat lunch.
9. We study hard for the math test.
Espero esta información sea de tu ayuda.
________ el clima, es mejor mantener las ventanas abiertas.
Es necesario
para estudiar las plantas y los animales, tu _______ a la clase de biologia
_____ camisa es tuya. Ese Esta Aquel Esto
The answer is going to be "Esta"
In this world map, land areas are colored green and ocean areas are colored blue. The greener or bluer the location, the more carbon that location absorbs each year. Location A is very light blue. Public Domain What can you conclude about Location A? There is little carbon being released. The carbon is sinking into long-term storage. The carbon is causing climate change in this zone.
There is little carbon being released.
It is the best answer.
In the long-term carbon cycle, through the process of sedimentation, carbon is transferred from the biosphere to the geosphere as rock. The carbon trapped in rock is released back to the atmosphere through the processes of volcanic release and weathering.
However, in the short-term carbon cycle, photosynthesis removes carbon from the atmosphere and releases it into the biosphere; through respiration, burning, and decay, all life in the biosphere releases carbon dioxide back to the atmosphere. Ocean uptake and ocean release of carbon are also part of the short-term carbon cycle.
So, we know that option B is wrong.
Also, if it is literally light blue in all the sea areas, why should location A be causing climae change?
*Also, for added measure I got this question correct in 9.02
!!!(: Have a good day :)!!!!
Voy a cortar el césped __________ no voy a limpiar mi casa porque no tengo mucho tiempo.
edmentum/plato answer
Create a public service announcement in Spanish on severe weather procedures to encourage the community to be prepared. Use the graphic organizer to help organize your ideas and to write the vocabulary that you need to create your public service announcement. Refer to pages 1, 2 and 3 of the lesson area for terms and ideas to help you fill out the organizer and, ultimately, create your PSA.
Question 38 (Essay Worth 3 points) ¿Cómo se dice “I like holidays.” en español? When entering your answers for fill in the blank and essay questions, please be sure to use accent marks and/or correct punctuation to avoid your answer being marked incorrect. You may copy and paste the accented character or punctuation mark from this list if needed: á é í ó ú ñ Á É Í Ó Ú ¿ ¡
Para que sirve conocer el contexto historico en el que se desarrolla una obra
Florida tiene aproximadamente ______ milliones de habitantes