On what political idea did President Truman base the Marshall Plan? As economic aid increased in Europe, the friendship of nations with the United States would increase. As peace throughout the world increased, the threat of another world war would decrease. As prosperity in Europe increased, the threat of communism spreading would decrease. As the power of capitalism increased in Europe, Stalin's power in the Soviet Union would decrease.


Answer 1



The Truman Doctrine demonstrated that the United States would not return to ... the United States pledged $13 billion of aid to Europe in the Marshall Plan. ... The world was in flux in the aftermath of World War II, and political upheaval .... Which was more successful in combatting the spread of communism: economic aid or ...

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The meaning of the russian term glasnost in english is


The term "glasnost" in Russian translates to "openness" in English.

Glasnost, which translates to "openness to public scrutiny" in Russian, gave Soviet residents the freedom to openly criticize issues they saw with the political and social systems. Under Mikhail Gorbachev's direction, the Soviet Union implemented the "Glasnost" program in the 1980s. Its goal was to encourage openness and transparency in governmental acts and policy.

The phrase "glasnost" refers to giving the general population greater freedom of speech, expression, and information access.In the Soviet Union, this strategy signaled a dramatic change toward greater political accountability and transparency.

Faça uma análise e depois aponte quais s?o as principais causas responsaveis pelo conflito no continente africano



Make an analysis and then point out which are the main causes responsible for the conflict on the African continent


The language is Portuguese and that is  Faça uma análise e depois aponte quais são as principais causas responsáveis pelo conflito no continente africano converted to english or was you asking a question?

The former Soviet Union was an example of a communist country where _____. the government has all the economic and political power free enterprise was encouraged consumers had many choices individual freedom was allowed



the government had all the economic and political power


The government had all the economic power in the Soviet Union because all the factories, plants, farms etc. were state-owned enterprises.  

The government had all the political power because there was only one political party in the Soviet Union, the Commmunist Party.  


the government had all the economic and political power


“Most”, “Usually”, and “In general” are examples of:


Tentative language





“Most”, “Usually”, and “In general” are examples of: Rebuttals. ( first choice ). I think this is the answer.

I believe that “Most”, “Usually”, and “In General” are examples of rebuttals. They sound like a contradicting strategy in some cases.

Based on the explanation of one of the elements,
explain what some values of this culture might be.




the environment


cows and bulls


Which continent is the most linguistically diverse in the world?





Africa's Linguistic Diversity. The African continent is home to one third of the world's 6,000 languages

Africa's Linguistic Diversity. The African continent is home to one third of the world's 6,000 languages,

What was one of the results of the Crusades on life in Europe? A) It caused Europe's economy to collapse B) It promoted religious tolerance Eliminate C) It helped to increase power of the monarchs D) It caused Europe to isolate itself from the rest of the world



C) It helped to increase power of the monarchs.


The Crusades increased the authority of the kings. When nobles died during the Crusades, the king would often get their land. The kings imposed taxes on those wishing to participate in the Crusades. Thus, the monarchs got more money and land thanks to the Crusades.  

Cambia estas oraciones activas a la oz pasiva en el pasado
Ejemplo: Ellos pintaron la casa > La casa fue pintada por ellos
El verbo ser lo vas a cambiar a “fue” o “fueron” en la voz pasiva

1. Anita vio a Felipito
2. Ella escribió la carta
3. El guardia puso una multa al cartero
4. Aquel anciano arregló mi reloj
5. Juan leyó el periódico
6. Los bomberos apagaron el incendio
7. Este chaval rompió aquel jarrón
8. La profesora corrigió los exámenes
9. Bonifacio compró un tractor
10. El ignoro a la joven



1. Felipito fue visto por Anita

2. La carta fue escrita por ella.

3. Una multa fue impuesta al cartero por el guardia.

4. El viejo reloj fue arreglado por ese viejo.

5. El periódico fue leído por Juan.

6. El fuego fue extinguido por los bomberos.

7. El jarrón fue roto por este niño.

8. Los exámenes fueron corregidos por el profesor.

9. El tractor fue comprado por Bonifacio.

10. Las jóvenes estaban siendo ignoradas por él.

How many countries have spanish as their official language?


There are many Spanish speaking countries in the world, as Spanish is the official language of the following 20 countries

Escoger select the item that does not belong. la tiza la pluma la papelera la geografía el libro la economía la materia la especialización la librería la residencia estudiantil la casa la tarea la pizarra la especialización el mapa el semestre la contabilidad el español diagnostics_number_6 en la clase fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of estar. ¿dónde (1) nosotros en la clase


The item that does not belong in the given list is "la casa" (the house). The rest of the items seem to be related to school, education, or classroom settings, while "la casa" is related to a residential or domestic context.

Regarding the fill-in-the-blanks question, the appropriate form of "estar" to use is "estamos." So the sentence would be: "¿Dónde (1) estamos nosotros en la clase?

The list consists of various items, some related to education or a classroom setting, while others are related to different contexts. "La casa" (the house) stands out as it is more related to a residential or domestic context, unlike the other items which are more related to education or a classroom setting.

Nas cantigas de amigo, manifesta -se geralmente um eu lírico feminino, ou seja, há uma voz feminina que canta em primeira pessoa, os seus sentimentos amorosos. O texto 2, de pero Meogo, segue esse modelo?


Answer: Manda ai o texto p favor


You probably know that "Roblox" is a portmanteau of "Robot" and "Blocks". But what was the initial name of the game?





Answer: DynaBlocks

Explanation: It was changed in 2004

From what language does the term wanderlust originate?


Answer: German


The term "Wanderlust" originates from the language German.

AyahQQ - Situs Poker terpercaya dan terpopuler di Seluruh Indonesia


Situs Poker terpercaya dan terpopuler di Seluruh Indonesia translated to english is The most trusted and most popular Poker site in Indonesia

Proszę o pomoc mam to na jutro. Czy życie pełne wyrzeczeń może być szczęśliwe? Rozwiąż problem odwołując się do obrazu "Gernita Dou" "Modlący się pustelnik" oraz legendy o świętym Aleksym


Święty Aleksy (Алексей lub Aleksij po rosyjsku) (przed 1296–1378) był metropolitą Kijowa i całej Rosji (od 1354 r.) I przewodniczył rządowi moskiewskiemu podczas mniejszości Dmitrija Donskoi.

Further Explanation

Aleksy, który w chwili urodzenia nazywał się Elephtherios, był synem Fiodora (Teodora) Biakonta, bojara z Czernigowa, który osiadł w Moskwie i założył wielką rodzinę bojarską Pleshcheeva. Śluby zakonne złożył w klasztorze Objawienia Pańskiego w Moskwie około 1313 r., Kiedy to otrzymał imię zakonne Aleksieja. Około 1333 roku dołączył do rodziny Metropolity Theognostus. W 1340 Aleksy został mianowany zastępcą metropolity we Włodzimierzu, a 12 lat później został konsekrowany na biskupa Włodzimierza.

Grecka wersja jego legendy uczyniła Aleksyja jedynym synem Eufemiana, bogatego chrześcijańskiego rzymianina z klasy senatorskiej. Aleksy uciekł ze zaaranżowanego małżeństwa, aby podążać za swoim świętym powołaniem. Przebrany za żebraka mieszkał w pobliżu Edessy w Syrii, przyjmując jałmużnę nawet od własnych niewolników domowych, którzy zostali wysłani, by go szukać, ale go nie rozpoznali, aż do cudownej ikony Najświętszej Maryi Panny (później obraz ten nazwano Madonna of St.Alexius) wyróżniła go jako „męża Bożego”. (Grecki: Άνθρωπος του Θεού).

Relikwie świętego Aleksiusa znajdują się w niektórych kościołach i klasztorach w Grecji, takich jak klasztor Esphigmenou, góra Athos i klasztor Zaśnięcia Matki Bożej w Boeotii. W Rosji relikwie św. Aleksiusa przechowywane są w Ławrze Aleksandra Newskiego w Sankt Petersburgu. W Cyprys relikwie przechowywane są w klasztorze Kykkos. Najcenniejszym zabytkiem jest duża część honorowej czaszki Świętego, która jest przechowywana w klasztorze Agia Lavra niedaleko Kalavrita w Grecji. Według Ktetorikon (kodeksu fundacji klasztornej) klasztoru honorowa czaszka została podarowana klasztorowi przez bizantyjskiego cesarza Manuela II Palaiologosa w 1398 r. (Jest to również napis na relikwiarzu).

Learn more

Święty Aleksy https://brainly.com/question/12725948


Grade:  High School

Subject:  World Language

keywords:  Święty Aleksy

Um ambiente econômico saudável é condição básica para estimular investimentos na criação de empresas. O ambiente econômico é saudável quando há incentivo para a iniciativa privada e os empreendedores potenciais percebem que vale a pena correr riscos, pois há uma chance razoável de recuperar seu investimento com lucro. Uma parte importante para a criação de um ambiente econômico saudável para os empreendedores são as condições criadas pelo governo. Este tem o papel de capitalizar ações que favoreçam a criação de novos empreendimentos e a percepção pelo empreendedor que possui o apoio para o sucesso de seus negócios. Assinale na relação abaixo o item que mais prejudica a iniciativa de criação de um novo empreendimento no Brasil:


Educação e a reposta. Disculpa, meu portugues e muito mal.

A group of languages that share a common ancestor before recorded history is aA) dialect. B) language branch. C) language family. D) language group. E) language root.



C) language family.

Archaic term which means to rob something from someone


Answer: Archaic means: very old or old-fashioned

Explanation: archaic |ärˈkāik|


very old or old-fashioned: prisons are run on archaic methods.

• (of a word or a style of language) no longer in everyday use but sometimes used to impart an old-fashioned flavor.

• of an early period of art or culture, especially the 7th–6th centuries bc in Greece: the archaic temple at Corinth.


archaically |ärˈkāik(ə)lē| adverb


mid 19th century: from French archaïque, from Greek arkhaikos, from arkhaios, from arkhē ‘beginning.’


verb (used with object), reaved or reft, reav·ing. Archaic.

to take away by or as by force; plunder; rob.

Each of the following lines contains a poetic form. Find this form and type it into the answer box. Be sure to type it exactly as it is written in the line.

1. vi superum, saevae memorem Iunonis ob iram

2. o virgo, nova mi facies inopinave surgit

3. nec latuere doli fratem Iunonis et irae

4. olli subridens hominum sator atque deorum

5. partibus ex eisdem, et summa dominarier arce









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