6. A protostar has a high enough __________ to become a star. (1 point)
A protostar has a high enough density and temperature to become a star.
A protostar undergoes a process of gravitational contraction from a dense molecular cloud, accumulating mass and increasing its density. As the protostar contracts, gravitational potential energy is converted into thermal energy, leading to a rise in temperature at its core. When the temperature reaches approximately 10 million Kelvin, nuclear fusion reactions of hydrogen atoms begin, producing helium and releasing an immense amount of energy. This energy generation counteracts the gravitational collapse, establishing a balance known as hydrostatic equilibrium. At this stage, the protostar transitions into a main sequence star, where it continues to burn hydrogen fuel in its core, emitting light and heat. Thus, a protostar must achieve a high enough density and temperature to sustain nuclear fusion and initiate its lifecycle as a star.
The weighted credit for a B+ average in a weight class is
What are three things you should do when targeting possible employment opportunities?
Which of these taxes helps provide health insurance for people who are retired or disabled?
Answer: FICA Tax
What type of cartilage is found on the outer border of the spine?
Fibrocartilage is the type of cartilage located on the outer border of the spine, making up the intervertebral discs which provide support and flexibility to the spinal column.
Explanation:The type of cartilage found on the outer border of the spine is known as fibrocartilage. This type of cartilage is distinguished by its substantial content of type I collagen fibers, giving it significant strength. It is typically found in areas subject to intense pressures and high tensile strength, such as the locations where tendons attach to bones, the intervertebral discs, and the symphysis between certain bones. In the vertebrae, fibrocartilage makes up the intervertebral discs that lie between adjacent vertebral bodies from the second cervical vertebra to the sacrum. These discs function not only as a type of fibrous joint that permits some movement in the spine but also as cushions that absorb shock from activities like walking and running.