Pick one of the studies Rifkin mentions, and try to find out more. Is Rifkin’s description of the study accurate?


Answer 1
Though much of big science has centered on breakthroughs in biotechnology, nanotechnology and more esoteric questions like the age of our universe, a quieter story has been unfolding behind the scenes in laboratories around the world -- one whose effect on human perception and our understanding of life is likely to be profound.

What these researchers are finding is that many of our fellow creatures are more like us than we had ever imagined. They feel pain, suffer and experience stress, affection, excitement and even love -- and these findings are changing how we view animals.

Strangely enough, some of the research sponsors are fast food purveyors, such as McDonald's, Burger King and KFC. Pressured by animal rights activists and by growing public support for the humane treatment of animals, these companies have financed research into, among other things, the emotional, mental and behavioral states of our fellow creatures.

Studies on pigs' social behavior funded by McDonald's at Purdue University, for example, have found that they crave affection and are easily depressed if isolated or denied playtime with each other. The lack of mental and physical stimuli can result in deterioration of health.

The European Union has taken such studies to heart and outlawed the use of isolating pig stalls by 2012. In Germany, the government is encouraging pig farmers to give each pig 20 seconds of human contact each day and to provide them with toys to prevent them from fighting.

Other funding sources have fueled the growing field of study into animal emotions and cognitive abilities.

Researchers were stunned recently by findings (published in the journal Science) on the conceptual abilities of New Caledonian crows. In controlled experiments, scientists at Oxford University reported that two birds named Betty and Abel were given a choice between using two tools, one a straight wire, the other a hooked wire, to snag a piece of meat from inside a tube. Both chose the hooked wire. Abel, the more dominant male, then stole Betty's hook, leaving her with only a straight wire. Betty then used her beak to wedge the straight wire in a crack and bent it with her beak to produce a hook. She then snagged the food from inside the tube. Researchers repeated the experiment and she fashioned a hook out of the wire nine of out of 10 times.

Equally impressive is Koko, the 300-pound gorilla at the Gorilla Foundation in Northern California, who was taught sign language and has mastered more than 1,000 signs and understands several thousand English words. On human IQ tests, she scores between 70 and 95.

Tool-making and the development of sophisticated language skills are just two of the many attributes we thought were exclusive to our species. Self-awareness is another.

Some philosophers and animal behaviorists have long argued that other animals are not capable of self-awareness because they lack a sense of individualism. Not so, according to new studies. At the Washington National Zoo, orangutans given mirrors explore parts of their bodies they can't otherwise see, showing a sense of self. An orangutan named Chantek who lives at the Atlanta Zoo used a mirror to groom his teeth and adjust his sunglasses.

Of course, when it comes to the ultimate test of what distinguishes humans from the other creatures, scientists have long believed that mourning for the dead represents the real divide. It's commonly believed that other animals have no sense of their mortality and are unable to comprehend the concept of their own death. Not necessarily so. Animals, it appears, experience grief. Elephants will often stand next to their dead kin for days, occasionally touching their bodies with their trunks.

We also know that animals play, especially when young. Recent studies in the brain chemistry of rats show that when they play, their brains release large amounts of dopamine, a neurochemical associated with pleasure and excitement in human beings.

Noting the striking similarities in brain anatomy and chemistry of humans and other animals, Stephen M. Siviy, a behavioral scientist at Gettysburg College in Pennsylvania, asks a question increasingly on the minds of other researchers. "If you believe in evolution by natural selection, how can you believe that feelings suddenly appeared, out of the blue, with human beings?"

Until very recently, scientists were still advancing the idea that most creatures behaved by sheer instinct and that what appeared to be learned behavior was merely genetically wired activity. Now we know that geese have to teach their goslings their migration routes. In fact, we are finding that learning is passed on from parent to offspring far more often than not and that most animals engage in all kinds of learned experience brought on by continued experimentation.

Answer 2


Jeremy Rifkin is a public speaker, economic and social theorist, writer,  and activist. He has writen 21 books about how the economy has been inluenced by the science and the technology.


One of his studies is "Man and other animals " in which he tries to show that animals are creatures with feelings, "so we should give them rights too." According to Rifkin, animals are more similar to us than we imagined and they are able to feel sensantions such as pain, suffering,  stress, excitement and even love.

Related Questions

Which excerpt from "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge" best exemplifies third-person limited point of view?

A. A man stood upon a railroad bridge in northern Alabama, looking down into the swift water twenty feet below. The man's hands were behind his back, the wrists bound together with a cord.

B. He unclosed his eyes and saw again the water below him. "If I could free my hands," he thought, "I might throw off the noose and spring into the stream. By diving I could evade the bullets and, swimming vigorously, reach the bank, take to the woods and get away home.”

C. The soldier reflected. "I was there a month ago," he replied. "I observed that the flood of last winter had lodged a great quantity of driftwood against the wooden pier at this end of the bridge. It is now dry and would burn like tinder.” The lady had now brought the water, which the soldier drank.

D. A whiz and rattle of grapeshot among the branches high above his head roused him from his dream. The baffled cannoneer had fired him a random farewell. He sprang to his feet, rushed up the sloping bank, and plunged into the forest.


The answer is B your welcome.


The answer is

B. He unclosed his eyes and saw again the water below him. "If I could free my hands," he thought, "I might throw off the noose and spring into the stream. By diving I could evade the bullets and, swimming vigorously, reach the bank, take to the woods and get away home.”

Bierce qualifies Farquhar’s perceptions, describing how things “seem” to him as opposed to how, in reality, they truly are.


In third person limited the narrator only knows the thoughts and feelings of one character. All characters are described using pronouns, such as 'they', 'he', and 'she'. But, one character is closely followed throughout the story, and it is typically a main character.


1. "Her mother suggested that a bird had carried the spawn. Her father thought that in the winter a small streamlet might have carried it down there as a baby, and it had been safe until the summer came and the water began to dry up."

What realistic stories do the parents make up to explain the trout's presence? What happens to these stories? Why?

2. "Her brother remained behind, wanting to hear the whole story of the trout, not really interested in the actual trout but much interested in the story . . ."

What kind of story is Stephen interested in? Why? (Clue: Stephen doesn't really care about the welfare of the trout but only the kind of story that is told about it. What kind of story might that be?

3. "Passionately she had whirled and cried,'Mummy, don't make it a horrible old moral story!'

Why does Julia not want her mother to make the story of the trout one of the evils of disobedience? How is Julia beginning to feel about the trout?

4. "Her mummy had brought in a Fairy Godmother, then who sent lots of rain, and filled the well, and a stream poured out and the trout floated away down to the river below. Staring at the moon she knew that there are no such things as Fairy Godmothers and the trout, down in The Dark Walk, was panting like an engine."

Because Julia knows that "there are no such things as Fairy Godmothers," her perspective on the trout's situation changes. How does she now view the trout's situation?



Here is your first part:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               The parents thought that the bird had been carried by the trout into the well also that they turn into myths because they don't know what every happen to the trout.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Here is your second part:                                                                                                                                                                                        Stephan was interested in a suspenseful story or excitement wanting to know what happen to the trout.                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Here is your third part:                                                                                                                                                                                                    Well, because she must like animals because she didn't want the trout to be bad and also she is feeling scared because of what the trout might be.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Here is your fourth part:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Her perspective changes because she now knows that the trout is not in trouble or worried about the trout anymore because she knows its not real.

The realistic stories that the parents make up to explain the trout's presence is that the parents thought that the bird had been carried by the trout into the well.

The kind of story that Stephen is interested in is a suspenseful story wanting to know what happen to the trout.

Julia did not want her mother to make the story of the trout one of the evils of disobedience because she didn't want the trout to be bad.

Lastly, the perspective of Julia towards the situation changed.

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Yet another long one

We have a huge waste-management problem in the United States. On average, over the course of their lives, Americans will throw away 600 times their adult weight in garbage. That translates into a legacy of about 90,000 pounds of trash for a 150-pound adult. Where does all this trash go? Trash is burned, buried, dumped into bodies of water, or recycled. Only the last option is friendly to the environment.

By using materials more than once, we conserve natural resources and the energy needed to create and process new materials. Recycling also reserves landfill space for items that cannot be recycled. Some experts estimate that each ton of recycled paper can save 17 trees, over 300 gallons of oil, 3 cubic yards of landfill space, and 7,000 gallons of water.

Some students feel that the problem is too big to be solved. They do not believe that one person, one school, or even one community can make a difference. That is just not true, because students can do a great deal to help reduce waste. For one thing, students can start a recycling program at school. A committee comprised of students, teachers, administrators, and custodians should plan how to best collect, store, and transfer recyclable paper products. Students and teachers can deposit recyclable paper at a specific location in the classroom. After school, someone can transfer the paper from the classrooms to a storage area, where it can be kept for eventual transport to a recycling center. Someday you might be buying paper made from the material you helped recycle. That is what the process is all about.

What is the central idea?

Recycling is important to solving the waste-management problem in the United States.

The waste-management problem in the United States is too big to be solved.

Students and teachers can deposit recyclable materials in their classroom.

Recyclable materials create about 90,000 pounds of trash during a person’s lifetime.

Which answer choice best states the author's point of view?

It is more important to recycle paper than any other product.

Americans can only do a little to help the environment.

Students are the most important part of the recycling effort.

Recycling will help solve our waste-management problem.


Recycling will help solve our waste management problem

The central idea of the passage is A) Recycling is important to solving the waste-management problem in the United States. As for the author's point of view, the best answer is D) Recycling will help solve our waste-management problem.

The text emphasizes the immense amount of waste produced by Americans and highlights recycling as a key method to mitigate the negative impacts of waste disposal on the environment.The author argues that through recycling, we can conserve natural resources, save energy, and reduce the use of landfill space.For instance, the passage states that each ton of recycled paper can save 17 trees, over 300 gallons of oil, 3 cubic yards of landfill space, and 7,000 gallons of water, indicating the significant impact recycling can have when implemented effectively.

Complete question-

We have a huge waste-management problem in the United States. On average, over the course of their lives, Americans will throw away 600 times their adult weight in garbage. That translates into a legacy of about 90,000 pounds of trash for a 150-pound adult. Where does all this trash go? Trash is burned, buried, dumped into bodies of water, or recycled. Only the last option is friendly to the environment.

By using materials more than once, we conserve natural resources and the energy needed to create and process new materials. Recycling also reserves landfill space for items that cannot be recycled. Some experts estimate that each ton of recycled paper can save 17 trees, over 300 gallons of oil, 3 cubic yards of landfill space, and 7,000 gallons of water.

Some students feel that the problem is too big to be solved. They do not believe that one person, one school, or even one community can make a difference. That is just not true, because students can do a great deal to help reduce waste. For one thing, students can start a recycling program at school. A committee comprised of students, teachers, administrators, and custodians should plan how to best collect, store, and transfer recyclable paper products. Students and teachers can deposit recyclable paper at a specific location in the classroom. After school, someone can transfer the paper from the classrooms to a storage area, where it can be kept for eventual transport to a recycling center. Someday you might be buying paper made from the material you helped recycle. That is what the process is all about.

What is the central idea?

A) Recycling is important to solving the waste-management problem in the United States.

B) The waste-management problem in the United States is too big to be solved.

C) Students and teachers can deposit recyclable materials in their classroom.

D) Recyclable materials create about 90,000 pounds of trash during a person’s lifetime.

Which answer choice best states the author's point of view?

A) It is more important to recycle paper than any other product.

B) Americans can only do a little to help the environment.

C) Students are the most important part of the recycling effort.

D)Recycling will help solve our waste-management problem.

I NEED HELP Your essay should include • An attention-grabbing introduction with a thesis statement. • At least three body paragraphs with topic sentences and supporting information from the readings. • A conclusion that summarizes the main points of the essay and encourages your reader to think critically about its topics. • Points of comparison that focus on imagery and/or tone and are organized through a point-by-point or block structure.
• Transitions that indicate the similarities and differences between subjects.
• At least five of your vocabulary terms used correctly in the text of the essay.
• An academic tone. Your final draft should be free from mechanical and grammatical errors, including spelling, capitalization, and punctuation.
for the golden cat and cat and the moon


I can't write you an entire essay dude...but i can help you with it.

In the introduction sum up what you are going to talk about it...The first thing you write in your introduction should be your hook, a hook is something you catch the readers attention with. it is usually a question.

For the body paragraphs explain a point and give examples.

your final paragraph should conclude what you wrote, your not trying to prove anything just to sum up everything, re state your points and conclude with a catchy ending.

I hope this helps.

An essay comparing 'the golden cat and cat and the moon' must begin with an engaging introduction and clear thesis statement, followed by body paragraphs with topic sentences and evidence, and end with a conclusion summarizing the main points and thesis. It should maintain an academic tone and be free of grammatical errors.

Writing a compelling essay entails constructing a solid framework that guides the reader through your arguments. The essay on 'the golden cat and cat and the moon' should start with an engaging introduction that includes a thesis statement clearly outlining the central argument or point of comparison between the two subjects. Following the introduction, the essay should have at least three body paragraphs. Each paragraph will begin with a topic sentence that sets the stage for the discussion and will support the main argument using quotes and credible evidence, as well as clear explanations of how this evidence supports your thesis. The comparison should use a coherent structure, whether point-by-point or block, and makes use of transitional phrases to smoothly switch between similarities and differences. The vocabulary selected should demonstrate a clear understanding of the terms with proper context within the essay to uphold an academic tone. The concluding paragraph will reaffirm the thesis statement in new words, briefly summarize the main arguments, and provide a compelling closure that encourages the reader to think critically about the subject. The essay should conform to high standards of grammar, punctuation, and style, without losing the originality and critical thought pertinent to good academic writing.

 ASAP figurative language!!!!!!! Sir Ralph the Rover sail’d away, He scour’d the seas for many a day; And now grown rich with plunder’d store, He steers his course for Scotland’s shore. So thick a haze o’erspreads the sky, They cannot see the sun on high; The wind hath blown a gale all day, At evening it hath died away.

Which is the best example of figurative language in the passage ?

A. Sir Ralph the Rover sail’d away
B. So thick a haze o’erspreads the sky
c. He steers his course for Scotland’s shore
d.At evening it hath died away.


D because it's using personification as if a hath could die

Figurative language is the use of words in a way that they have a strong impact on the reader. One of the figurative language strategies is the use of personification in which an object or an animal is given human characteristics. In this case, the best example of figurative language in the passage is D: At evening it hath died away. The reference of the pronoun it in the latter sentence is not clear, it can refer to the sun or to the haze. Either way, none the sun or the haze can die; they only dissapear or they move away, but the action of dying is human; therefore, this sentence represents a personification.

URGENT PLZ Which language style would be appropriate for the given situation? dinner with business clients formal language informal language technical language


i think it is formal language


formal language


If you are having a dinner with business clients, the best language style to use would be formal language. Formal language is appropriate whenever you are spending time with people that you do not know very well or that you only know in a professional capacity. Using formal language means that there is a level of respect and a lack of intimacy or familiarity among the people involved in the conversation.

Choose the correct pronunciation for the word.




the answer is ˈstrik(t)lē/


The answer to this question is 2) or it might sometimes say B.

If your confused, what I am saying is that the answer is the second one.

Hope This Was Helpful "Hit" The Thanks Button                               Peace Out  :)


The archetypal situation in which a character searches for a person or thing that will restore order to the kingdom is called __________.

the Quest
the Initiation
the Loss of Innocence
the Seasons



The correct answer is A) The Quest.                                                                                                                    


In literature, an archetype is a typical character, an action, or a situation that seems to represent universal patterns of human behavior. An archetype, also known as “universal symbol,” may be a character, a theme, a symbol, or even a setting.

In the study of various cultural myths, one archetype keeps cropping up—the image of the Quest. This archetype functions with different mythologies as a way of learning about the internal and external features of the world.


How could you use estimation to determine if your answer is reasonable? Explain.When describing the two government couriers, the author wants the reader to feel _____.


your answer is D: opposition.

Which of the following questions should be answered before you begin to write an outline?


What is my paper about?


Who will read my paper?


What is the purpose of my paper?


all three


It is D. because you want to know what the paper is about, that way you don't confuse your readers. You also want to ask who will be reading it that way you know what else to include in your paper. Like let's say you are writing about the blue jay and you know that your teacher will be reading it so you put in some interesting-but true- facts. You also want to ask what the purpose is because if it is a fiction then you can make things up but if it is non-fiction then you have to make sure all of your facts are true.

The answer is all three. Knowing the answers to these questions will allow you to choose the best organizational strategy for your paper and create the best outline.

..Hope this helps.

Danny it's keira. you are a star . sounds perfect. Bill must earn a lot to put a [(1) deposit/ loan] down on a house in Oldham Street. Tell him that I'd love to come round and see the room. Do you know how much he wants { (2)for /per } week ? And I'd need to move {(3)into/in] by the end of next week if that's Ok. Hi Glad to br able to help,Keira,Sorry I don't know what he's [(4) costing/charging], but it won't be outside your [(5) expenses/budget] .And I inagine it includes electricity and gas, so uou wouldn't have to worry abaut [(6) payments/bills] like that. Bill doesn't earn that much - he's a (n) [(7) house/estate] agent and I guess that's how he got the house cheap ! Anyway , I'II email you the detail and tell him what a wonderful [(8) tenant/sitter] you would be. Of course as long as I can come to the [(9) housewarming \housewelcoming party !


Clear, Soak, polish, change, rinse, dust, hang, put, declutter, scrub, scrape

Hi Tim!
Just off to catch the plane. Here's your 'to do' list for the week. (1) ....... the room - especially
the books and the computer screends. (2).... the beds on thesday. (3).... food off plates
after dinner and then (4)..... them before they go in the dushwasher. If you burn any sauoepans
(5).... them first. You don't need to (6).... the silver or (7).... the floors
I'll do that next week! Remind Susie to (8).... her room. She's beer promissing to have a good clear-or for ages.
If the weather's good, you can (9)..... out the sheets on the line to dry. (10)....
out the bins on Thursday. Remember to (11)... the table after every meal or the place will look a mess
have a good week! See you next Monday. Eva.



Final answer:

The English language activity consists of filling in blanks for a housing conversation, a 'to do' list of household chores, and choosing the correct words for practice sentences. These tasks are aimed at improving grammar, vocabulary, and understanding of homophones in English.


The first part of the question involves filling in the blanks with the appropriate words concerning a conversation about housing arrangements. The second part is a 'to do' list that requires action verbs to be filled in, related to household chores.

Lastly, there are practice sentences where you have to choose the correct homophones or similar-sounding words to complete the sentences correctly, which are common exercises to improve English grammar and vocabulary skills.


For the 'to do' list:


. Which figure of speech is used in the bolded line in the following excerpt from this poem by Robert Frost? Nothing Gold Can Stay Nature's first green is gold, Her hardest hue to hold. Her early leaf's a flower; But only so an hour. Then leaf subsides to leaf. So Eden sank to grief, So dawn goes down to day. Nothing gold can stay. simile personification onomatopoeia metaphor


It's metaphor, since "Her early leaf's a flower" saying one thing is another without using the word 'like'. A simile does a similar thing, but it does use the word 'like'. An onomatopoeia is a word that sounds like a sound, and personification is giving a nonhuman thing human attributes.


. Which figure of speech is used in the bolded line in the following excerpt from this poem by Robert Frost? Nothing Gold Can Stay Nature's first green is gold, Her hardest hue to hold. Her early leaf's a flower; But only so an hour. Then leaf subsides to leaf. So Eden sank to grief, So dawn goes down to day.Nothing gold can stay.

A.   simile

B.   personification

C.   onomatopoeia

D.   metaphor

ANSWER  =  D.  Metaphor

Lets define our figures of speech!

〜 A simile is a sort of comparison made between two things using the words “like” or “as”.

〜 Personification is the act of giving an inanimate object or animal (any non-human entity) features, traits or abilities of a human.

〜 A metaphor is when a word or phrase is applied to an object or action in which the description is not to be taken literally (it is exaggerated).

〜 Onomatopoeia is the use of words that are intended to describe a sound (ie: “crash”, “bang” etc).

From your example; “Her early leaf’s a flower”, we can see what figure of speech is being used.


• Does it use “like” or “as” to describe an entity?

Clearly, our phrase uses neither of the above words to do the mentioned intention, so it cannot be a simile.


• Does it describe a non-human object or thing to have humanlike characteristics?

The phrase uses the noun “her” when referring to Mother Nature, which may count as personification.


• Does the phrase describe something in an exaggerated manner to which it is intended not to be taken literally?

The phrase claims that the “early leaf” IS a flower, which is likely not to be taken literally, but more of a symbolic way of describing beauty.


• Does the phrase describe a sound in the text using a descriptive, spelled-out word such as “thud”?

No, the phrase has no form of sound.

From this brief analysis we can deduce that the phrase “her early leaf’s a flower” is a metaphor and uses some extent of personification.

Hope this helps! :)

which underlined phrase correctly identifies an allusion?

Sentence: As she left the concert hall, Shonda was as bright as the sun because her recital was a brilliant success; Mozart could not have play the piece better


A. As she left the concert hall

B. Shonda was as bright as the sun

C. her recital was as brilliant success

D. Mozart could not have play the piece better.


D. Mozart could not have played the piece better.
This is an allusion because it is a reference to (in this case), a famous person. They use it so you could fully understand what they were trying to get across.

The other options don't make a reference to anything, and B is a simile. 

Which statement would lead you to conclude that the writer has a negative opinion about mountain climbing? (1 point)
A Injury is just one risk that mountain climbers face.
B With a guide and preparation, anyone can climb mountains
C Climbing mountains is a great challenge and test of will.
D The climb is the reward, not the view from the top.


I believe the answer is A

The answer to your question is A!!

John Quinn does not explain the rule about the paddle to Paul, the narrator of The Pigman & Me. How does this one action affect the rest of the essay?


As the narrator, it would be hard for Paul to explain about the paddle if he has not been given the information necessary to explain the rule of the paddle. The rule of the paddle is necessary to understanding the importance of the paddle.

"If you are neutral in situations of injustice you have chosen the side of the oppressor"- Desmond Tutu. Explain what this means. Why is it important to speak up? How is silence complicity?


it means that if you arent doing anything when you can see that people are being unfairly treated then you might as well be on the oppressors side because you aren't helping, it's important to speak up to raise awareness for the unjust and to let others know that you are there for them, silence means complicity because again you are not making an effort to help others when you know that what's happening to them is wrong. if you're silent about important events then that implies you don't really care about the oppressed. example, if you saw somebody being bullied and didn't do anything about it when you could've then you'd be labeled a bystander who doesn't couldn't care less about the victim, however if you spoke up you could help to stop the situation and the bully would get punished and probably stop doing it again

Only 5 questions I need some help please! I will medal and fan the brainiest person and there brainiest answer :)

Please answer as many as you can :)

1. How can two authors of nonfiction express similar opinions in different ways?

2. What is meant by connotative meaning?

3. What is technical language?

4. Describe homonyms and give an example.

5. Name the most popular types of media found in informational writing.



1 by connecting each other

2 ...

3 using techniques in languages

4 have simmilarity in sth

5 BBC CNN France 24


With due respect to the moms and dads who are doing their part, turning off the S.U.V. for a half-minute is only the tiniest baby step in what looks to be a huge journey.”
Which words in the sentence above should be emphasized?


That's what i think anyway.

i need quotes for nya help please for each box i need at least three


What is the book about?

two examples of repeated elements in oral poetry are


two of the most notable examples of repeated  elements are stock epithets and kennings 
 stock epithets and kennings 

Evaluate the narrator of "the outsider" how credible is his presentation of events? Explain whether your understanding of the narrator added to the story's suspense


He try to get out the castle and he might face challanges that he will come back to the castle. he wired so we don't know is he telling the truth or not

The female statue, that holds the globe in her hand, represents science.

How is the comma used incorrectly in the sentence above?

The comma attempts to separate a compound predicate.

The comma attempts to separate a compound subject.

The comma attempts to set apart an essential element.

The comma attempts to join two independent clauses


The comma sets apart essential elements.

The comma sets apart essential elements.

How does the author of “A Relay Race to Remember” use foreshadowing to create tension in the story? Follow the RAP strategy and make sure to include evidence from the text to support your response. Your response should be at least 1 complete paragraph.


The author describes the health and physical condition of the member of the swim team. He writes about his condition is excellent then tells of a limp that he may have. This is an indication that there will need to be a backup swimmer in "A Relay Race to Remember".

The teacher was sympathetic to several students who had the flu at the same time
What does sympathetic mean?

A showed happiness
B showed compassion
C showed sadness
D showed anger


Sympathetic means showed compassion. So the answer is B
same i would say b also

Read the excerpt from Annus Mirabilis by John Dryden. What viewpoint does the excerpt reflect?
The undistinguish'd seeds of good and ill,
Heaven, in his bosom, from our knowledge hides:
And draws them in contempt of human skill,
Which oft for friends mistaken foes provides.

a.It is hard for humans to evaluate events in terms of potential outcomes.
b.It is difficult for humans to maintain a firm faith in God.
c.It is often difficult for humans to learn from their experiences.
d.It is not possible for humans to be friends with their foes.
e.It is difficult for humans to think well of their enemies.


The excerpt seems to be reflecting the viewpoint put forward in option a) It is hard for humans to evaluate events in terms of potential outcomes. For example, the line referring to the 'undistinguish'd seeds of good and ill' seems to insinuate that human beings are not able to work out which seeds will grow to be good or bad.

Answer: The right answer is the a) It is hard for humans to evaluate events in terms of potential outcomes.

Explanation: Just to elaborate a little on the answer, it can be added that this excerpt does not specifically refer to God, but to Heaven. In addition, it does not talk about the difficulty that humans experience to make friends with foes or to think well of them. Heaven is seen here as an omnipotent and powerful force that does not help humans discern the result of a good or an evil action, and, consequently, often confounds them, letting them believe that friends are foes and vice versa. The right answer is, therefore, the A. Humans often act without fully evaluating the consequences of their actions, since they do not have all the information at hand to do so.    

The passage above is excerpted from the body of a letter of complaint. Which statement evaluates the effectiveness of this passage best? The letter is well written, using appropriate tone and specific details. The tone of the letter is too informal and lacks details needed for a good resolution. The writer should be given more money because it was a birthday gift. The letter is effective in its tone but lacks specific details. Mark this and return


My mom gave me a Kool Action game for my birthday on October 27, 2010, and I was SO excited. When I opened it, I could see that parts were missing, so we went back to the store and tried to return it. They said tough luck and wouldn't even talk to us. Now, I'm writing to you to try and get my money back so I can get something else for my birthday that actually works. Mom said it cost $109.99, but we spent a lot of time trying to get it returned, so I think you should send me at leat $125.00. Besides, it was for my birthday( here is the passage)       And the answer is B. The tone of the letter is too informal and lacks details needed for a good resolution

Final answer:

An effective letter of complaint should have a clear structure, provide specific evidence for the complaints raised, and maintain a professional tone throughout. Formal language and a polished presentation reflect the seriousness of the letter and align with the rhetorical situation to persuade the recipient to address the concerns.


Evaluating the effectiveness of a letter of complaint depends on several factors including structure, tone, and specific detail. An effective letter should begin with a clear statement of purpose, move into a body containing three reasons backed by evidence to support the complaint, and maintain a professional tone throughout. Additionally, it should conclude with a polite closing and a signature. Keeping the tone polite and the details specific strengthens the likelihood of a successful resolution. Using a professional tone avoids informality, ensuring the letter is taken seriously. Formality is also important, manifested in avoiding contractions, slang, and intensifiers.

Regarding strategies to further the purpose of the letter, reminding the recipient of long-standing loyalty, presenting a history of responsible behavior, and implying a willingness to change service providers if the issue isn't addressed can be persuasive tactics. The letter should be structured so that it is aligned with the expectations of the reader and reflects a keen awareness of rhetorical situation.

In essence, a well-crafted letter presents a strong case without coming across as overly demanding or aggressive, which improves chances for a favorable outcome. Therefore, a formal, well-detailed, specific, and reasonable tone is crucial for the efficacy of a complaint letter.

How does Calling The hunt for Tutsis a " sports event" convey the tone of the narrative of the narrative


It helps convey the tone by stating that the Hutu's saw the Tutsis as below them, and therefore taking their lives would be equivalent to taking the life of an animal, as many hunters do for sport. Basically, they are comparing the Tutsi people to animals and saying that their lives are less valuable.

What is the theme of No Gumption by Russell Baker? Use examples from the story. I've been looking everywhere and can't find anything!!!


It is important to attempt new paths in life.One never knows if they will be good at anything until they have tried it.It is important to set realistic expectations for yourself and others.


No Gumption is a story about Russell Baker's family and how he made the decision of being a writer.


This is a chapter taken from his autobiography where he tells how for his mother he did not have gumption at all, he was a shy boy who had to help his family in a difficult time, after his father's death. In this chapter, the writer is in the obligation of selling magazines to support his family, but the decision was made by his mother, because he was the man of the family and he was suposed to bring some money. Unfortunately he was not like his yunger sister Doris, who was intelligent and diligent. He had this job during a time, but he did not succeed, he did not feel comfrotable ringing doors, actually, he felt scared of this. Finally, when he was eleven years old, he brought a text graded with A and his mother decided he could be a writer, and this time he liked this decision, because writers did not have to sell, writers did not have to ring doors.

Diction is also known as:

A. Rhyme choice

B. Word choice

C. Line length

D. Rhythm patterns


The answer is B. word choice

The bad driver drove away quickly, nearly hitting the fire hydrant.

Which is the BEST revision for this sentence?
A) The reckless driver drove quickly, nearly causing an accident.
B) The reckless driver sped away, nearly hitting the fire hydrant.
C) The bad man drove away speedily, nearly hitting things as he left.
D) The terrible driver sped away quickly, nearly hitting the fire hydrant.


B The reckless driver sped away, nearly hitting the fire hydrant.  I believe this is the answer hope this helps.




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