Write an invitation to your Christmas party you are having at your house. Use vocabulary studied in this module; explain what is going to happen at the party. You may copy and paste the accented characters from this list if needed: Àà Ââ Ää Çç Éé Èè Êê Ëë Îî Ïï Ôô Œœ Ùù Ûû Üü
Please help me... It needs to be feminine @Pandamille
As-tu vula nouvelle fontaineen ville ?
Oui, je
ai vue. (2 points)
Would someone please help me with my French? Thank you!
Multiple choice
17: a)les b) des c) de
20 blank one: a) un safari b) de la randonnée c) de la plongée
20 blank two: a) en b) à