c and d.
c. 0465381729
d. 4687532901
Once an item has been stacked on top of another item, there
is no way to pop them in a different order.
Suppose you were assigned to develop a logical model of the registration system at a school or college. Would you be better off using a top-down approach, or would a bottom-up strategy be better
top down approach
Top down approach is process of breaking down system into sub-system which helps in formulating the overall system. At the end every sub system can be refined with more details.
While bottom up approach is process of gathering systems to design large complex system.
Top down is better as basic information is present and resources can be utilized effectively without impacting maintennance and operations.
Final answer:
Choosing between a top-down approach and a bottom-up approach for developing a school registration system depends on the project goals and context. A top-down approach is hierarchically structured and policy-driven, while a bottom-up approach focuses on detailed, user-centric components. A hybrid approach may offer the best of both methodologies.
When developing a logical model of a registration system at a school or college, choosing between a top-down approach and a bottom-up approach depends on the specific context and goals of the project. A top-down approach generally starts with defining the high-level processes and structures of the system based on the policies and requirements of the institution. It is methodical, following a hierarchical path from the general to the specific, which can be beneficial when there are clear objectives and standards to adhere to.
On the other hand, a bottom-up approach builds the system from the lowest level of detailed requirements, often focusing on user needs and individual system components before integrating them into the full model. This can be advantageous when needing to understand complex details from the outset or when user feedback is critical in shaping the system's functionality.
In the implementation phase of a policy process, one might consider elements from both strategies. For example, important federal policies might require adherence to regulations (top-down), but the practical and on-the-ground impact of policies might be best understood by considering local circumstances (bottom-up). Thus, developing a registration system could potentially benefit from a hybrid approach, combining the structured, policy-driven aspects of the top-down method with the detailed, user-driven focus of the bottom-up method.
The homework is based on E5.3, write a program that has the following methods. a. int firstDigit(int n) , returning the first digit of the argument b. int lastDigit(int n) , returning the last digit of the argument c. int digits(int n) , returning the number of digits of the argument For example, firstDigit(1729) is 1, last digit(1729) is 9, and digits(1729) is 4. d. a main method that i) ask the user to input a non-negative integer ii) print out the number of digits, the first digit and the last digit of the input by calling the methods you defined iii) repeat the above process (i and ii) until the user input a negative number
C++ code is explained
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
int firstDigit(int n){
// Converting int to string
ostringstream convert;
convert << n;
string s = convert.str();
char first_char = s[0];
int first_int = first_char - '0';
return first_int;
int lastDigit(int n){
// Converting int to string
ostringstream convert;
convert << n;
string s = convert.str();
char last_char = s[s.length() - 1];
int last_int = last_char - '0';
return last_int;
int digits(int n){
// Converting int to string
ostringstream convert;
convert << n;
string s = convert.str();
int length = s.length();
return length;
int main() {
int number;
cout << "Enter integer: " << endl;
cin >> number;
cout << "The first digit of the number is " << firstDigit(number) << endl;
cout << "The last digit of the number is " << lastDigit(number) << endl;
cout << "The number of digits of the number is " << digits(number) << endl;
2 – [4 pts] Imagine that you are an application developer. A new version of your operating system is released with several changes made to the transport layer protocols. Specifically, the algorithm for TCP has been changed from Tahoe to Reno. What changes must be made to your application to accommodate these changes?
TCP convention is totally connection oriented, it searches for the information that was going in the system definitely and will guarantee an affirmation on the parcel sent, likewise if the uplayer convention is down, it won't permit to move the information, fundamentally it will guarantee there is no any bundle misfortune during the exchange.
~ However UDP is connectionless convention, there is no any affirmation business in UDP convention, it regularly utilized where not many datagram misfortune doesn't a make a difference. It was nearly a light gauge convention.
So underneath are sway we will confront, if TCP is expelled.
1. There will association foundation required in information move, so the application will work minimal quicker.
2. without appropriate information control and affirmations, there is gigantic possibility for information misfortune.
3. Presently the application needs to depend totally on UDP, since UDP doesn't has blockage control, the application will get clogged.
4. Likewise the communication with top layer convention will be a wreck, it won't look if the layers are down or not. so if any upper layer is down, consequently the information will stuck the system, can't capable arrive at the goal.
Switching to TCP Reno from Tahoe requires adapting to faster congestion recovery and retransmission strategies. Applications should adjust for improved throughput and handling of packet loss signals.
Switching the TCP algorithm from Tahoe to Reno in the operating system affects how your application interacts with the network, particularly in terms of congestion control and handling of packet loss. Here are the key changes you would need to consider and potentially address in your application:
1. Congestion Control Behavior: Reno TCP introduces Fast Recovery and Fast Retransmit mechanisms, which allow faster recovery from packet loss compared to Tahoe. Your application should be aware of these behaviors, especially in scenarios where it needs to manage large data transfers or real-time communications. It may need to adjust its own congestion control strategies or settings to optimize performance with Reno TCP.
2. Handling of Packet Loss: Reno TCP reacts differently to packet loss compared to Tahoe. Instead of immediately halving the congestion window (as Tahoe does), Reno enters Fast Recovery, retransmits the lost packet, and then adjusts its congestion window dynamically. Your application should be prepared for potentially different patterns of packet loss and recovery, which could affect application-level retransmission strategies or timeouts.
3. Performance Monitoring and Tuning: With the change to Reno TCP, monitoring and tuning network performance metrics becomes crucial. Your application may need to adapt its monitoring mechanisms to track parameters specific to Reno's congestion control algorithms, such as congestion window size, packet retransmission rates, and round-trip time estimates.
4. Compatibility and Testing: Ensure compatibility with both Tahoe and Reno TCP variants during transitional periods. Your application should be able to gracefully handle connections with both types of TCP algorithms to support users who have not yet upgraded their operating systems.
5.Documentation and User Communication: Update documentation and inform users about any changes in network behavior or performance optimizations that may result from switching to Reno TCP. Provide guidance on configuring your application to leverage Reno's improvements effectively.
By considering these factors and making necessary adjustments in your application, you can ensure optimal performance and compatibility with the new Reno TCP algorithm introduced in the operating system update.
Write a class Battery that models a rechargeable battery. A battery has capacity (instance variable) which can be drained. Capacity is a double value measured in milliampere hours (mAh) java
A battery has capacity (instance variable) which can be drained. Capacity is a double value measured in milliampere hours (mAh) -A typical AA battery has a capacity of 2000 to 3000 mAh
public class Battery
private double fullCharge;
private double batteryCapacity;
public Battery(doublecapacity)
battery Capacity = capacity;
full Charge = capacity;
public void drain(double amount)
battery Capacity = battery Capacity - amount;
public void charge()
battery Capacity = fullCharge;
public double get RemainingCapacity()
return battery Capacity;
Write a function called committee to compute the number of ways of forming a single committee with r members from a collection of n people. This is the same as computing the number of ways of choosing r people out of n to sit at the first of two tables, and is therefore n! / (r!*(n-r)!). Make sure the function returns an integer, not a floating point number with a decimal point.
This program is written in C++. The explanation of the code is given below in the explanation section.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
//factorial calculation
int fact(int n) {
if (n == 0 || n == 1)
return 1;
return n * fact(n - 1);
int main() {
int n, r, comb; /* n represent number of people (population), r represent the number of selection from population and combination represent number of ways or combination */
cout<<"Enter n : ";// prompt user to enter population i.e. total number of people
cin>>n;//store into n
cout<<"\nEnter r : ";//prompt user to enter number of selection from population
comb = fact(n) / (fact(r) * fact(n-r));// calcuate combination- number of differnt ways to form a committe
cout << "\nCombination : " << comb; //show the result
return 0;
Write a function maxTemp which takes a filename as string argument and returns the maximum temperature as float type for the week. Input file will contain temperature readings for each day of the week. Your function should read each line from the given filename, parse and process the data, and return the required information. Your function should return the highest temperature for the whole week. Empty lines do not count as entries, and should be ignored. If the input file cannot be opened, return -1. Remember temperature readings can be decimal and negative numbers.
The solution is written in Python 3
def maxTemp(fileName): try: with open(fileName) as file: raw_data = file.readlines() highest = 0 for row in raw_data: if(row == "\n"): continue data = float(row) if(highest < data): highest = data return highest except FileNotFoundError as found_error: return -1 higestTemp = maxTemp("text1.txt") print(higestTemp)Explanation:
Firstly, create a function maxTemp that take one input file name (Line 1). Next create an exception handling try and except block to handle the situation when the read file is not found or cannot be open, it shall return -1 (Line 2, Line 15 -16).
Next use the readlines method to read the temperature data from the input file (Line 4). Before we traverse the read data using for loop, we create a variable highest to hold the value of max temperature (Line 5). Let's set it as zero in the first place.
Then use for loop to read the temp data line by line (Line 6) and if there is any empty line (Line 7) just ignore and proceed to the next iteration (Line 7 -8). Otherwise, the current row reading will be parsed to float type (Line 10) and the parsed data will be check with the current highest value. If current highest value is bigger than the current parsed data (), the program will set the parse data to highest variable (Line 11 -12).
After finishing the loop, return the highest as output (Line 14).
What is the value of the cost variable after the following code snippet is executed? int cost = 82; if (cost < 100) { cost = cost + 10; } if (cost > 50) { cost = cost * 2; } if (cost < 100) { cost = cost - 20; }
Given the codes
int cost = 82; if (cost < 100) { cost = cost + 10; } if (cost > 50) { cost = cost * 2; } if (cost < 100) { cost = cost - 20; }The initial value of cost is 82.
The if condition in Line 3 will pass and therefore cost = 82 + 10 = 92
The if condition in Line 8 will pass and therefore cost = 92 * 2 = 184
The if condition in Line 13 will fail l and therefore the if block will be skipped.
At last, the we get cost = 184.
Multidimensional arrays can be stored in row major order, as in C , or in column major order, as in Fortran. Develop the access functions for both of these arrangements for three-dimensional arrays.
Access functions explained below
Access functions for Three Dimensional Arrays:
Let M, N and P refer to the size of the 1st 2nd and 3rd dimensions respectively.
Element_Size is the memory size the array element.
Generic access functions for Row Major:
If character data is used then Element_Size is 1.
For i=0 to P do
For i=0 to N do
For i=0 to M do
Address_of _array[i, j, k] = address_of_array[0,0,0] + (i * P + j * N + k) * Element_Size
Store data into the Address_of _array[i, j, k]
Display data from Address_of _array[i, j, k]
Generic access function for Column Major:
if For i=0 to M do
For i=0 to N do
For i=0 to P do
Address_of _array[i, j, k] = address_of_array[0,0,0] + (i * M + j * N + k) * Element_Size
Store data into the Address_of _array[i, j, k]
Display data from Address_of _array[i, j, k]
As part of the systems engineering development team, use IDEF0 to develop a functional architecture. The functional architecture should address all of the functions associated with the ATM. This functional architecture should be at least two levels deep and should be four levels deep in at least one functional area that is most complex. Note that you will be graded on your adherence to proper IDEF0 semantics and syntax, as well as the substance of your work.
Pick three scenarios from the operational concept and describe how these scenarios can be realized within your functional architecture by tracing functionality paths through the functional architecture. Start with the external input(s) relevant to each scenario and show how each input(s) is(are) transformed by tracing from function to function at various levels of the functional decomposition, until the scenario's output(s) is(are) produced. Highlight with three different colors (one color for each scenario) the thread of functionality associated with each of these three scenarios.
If your functional architecture is inadequate, make the appropriate changes to your functional architecture.239
As part of the systems engineering development team for the ATM, update your requirements document to reflect any insights into requirements that you obtained by creating a functional architecture. That is, if you added, deleted, or modified any input, controls, or outputs for the system, modify your input/output requirements. Also update your external systems diagram if any changes are needed.
Explanation: see attachment below
public class Robot
public Robot() { System.out.println("Tom Servo"); }
public Robot(String name) { System.out.println(name); }
public class Cyborg extends Robot
public Cyborg() { System.out.println("Robocop");
public Cyborg(String name) { System.out.println(name);
public class Cyberman extends Cyborg
public Cyberman() { super(); System.out.println("Cyberman"); }
public Cyberman(String name) { super(name); System.out.println(name);
Given the class hierarchy above, what output would be generated with the following statement: Cyberman one = new Cyberman("Bob");
Tom Servo
Bob (prints inside Cyborg constructor)
Bob (prints inside Cyberman constructor)
The above type of inheritance is multilevel inheritance where Robot is super class and Cyborg and Cyberman are sub classes.
So in above statement
Cyberman one = new Cyberman("Bob"); it calls the Cyberman(String name) in which super(name) calls Cyborg(String name) but before executing the body inside Cyborg constructor it first calls super class default constructor (i.e., Robot()) so the output of the above statement is
Tom Servo
Bob (prints inside Cyborg constructor)
Bob (prints inside Cyberman constructor)
For a line segment, show that clipping against the top of the clipping rectangle can be done independently of the clipping against the other sides. Use this result to show that a clipper can be implemented as a pipeline of four simple clippers.
Final answer:
The answer explains the concept of clipping in geometry and how it relates to implementing clippers in a pipeline. It also discusses the proofs and theorems in geometry regarding segments, polygons, and constructions using straight-edge and transferer of segments.
Clipping against the top of the clipping rectangle can be done independently of the other sides due to the nature of line segments. This concept is essential in implementing a clipper as a pipeline of four simple clippers.
Proofs and theorems in geometry demonstrate the relationships and properties of segments, polygons, and shapes in a structured manner.
Understanding the construction using straight-edge and transferer of segments allows for solving a variety of geometrical problems by drawing straight lines and laying off segments.
The actual methods used to protect against data loss are __________ controls, but the program that identifies which data to protect is a ___________ control.
The actual methods used to protect against data loss are Technical controls, but the program that identifies which data to protect is a Procedural control.
In technical control, different software has been installed and protocols has been deployed to avoid any data loss in network security. As all the devices and protocols that we need while installing a network needs technical support. This is the reason, these things are called technical control of the system.
Another control in network security is procedural control. In this type of control it has been identified that, which data should be protected or which data should not be accessed to unauthorized users. This is called procedural control.
Given a set S = {a1, a2, ..., an} of positive integers (denoting asset values), Set partitioning requires to partition S into two subsets S1 and S2 that minimizes the difference in the total (asset) values of S1 and S2. Identify a dynamic programming (DP) algorithm for the Set partition problem. Clarify all relevant details, justifying the DP formulation, and analyze your time-complexity. Illustrate the working of your DP algorithm, partitioning this example set S = {10, 6, 4, 4, 4, 3}
See the pictures attached
A researcher wants to do a web-based survey of college students to collect information about their sexual behavior and drug use. Direct identifiers will not be collected; however, IP addresses may be present in the data set. Risk of harm should be evaluated by:______________.
The severity and likelihood of harm
So that there is no room for a data breach.
Task 2 Design a 1st order low-pass filter with cutoff frequency 1kHz, 1) with roll-off and 2) without roll-off. For each filter, a) Provide the transfer function. b) Plot the step response of these filters. c) Plot the Bode frequency response of these filters. d) Compare the step and frequency responses of these two filters. e) Include the MATLAB code.
You can get complete answer in attached document.please have a look.
(2) Without rolloff, as given fc =1kHz Let us assume it is a first order RC filter ats transfer function is H(s)-RC RC withou
Then the transfer function becom
and step response is flat zero for without rolloff..
Briefly describe the interface between the memory and the processing unit. That is, describe the method by which the memory and the processing unit communicate.
The memory and the processing unit communicate through the Memory Address Register (MAR) and the Memory Data Register (MDR).
Final answer:
The memory and processing unit in a computer communicates through the system bus, utilizing RAM for fast access to data. This interaction is optimized with techniques like caching and, when necessary, swapping to manage memory usage effectively.
The interface between the memory and the processing unit in a computer system facilitates communication and data exchange crucial for computational tasks. These two components communicate through a data pathway known as the system bus. This bus includes data lines for transferring data, address lines to specify where the data should be sent, and control lines to manage the timing and direction of data flow.
Random Access Memory (RAM) plays a pivotal role in this communication. When a process is initiated, data from the long-term storage (like a hard drive) is loaded into RAM, because RAM is much faster, though more expensive. The processing unit (CPU) then reads instructions and data directly from RAM, performs computations, and may write the results back to RAM or send them to output devices or long-term storage.
Another method to facilitate communication involves caching. CPU caches are small, faster memory locations that store copies of the data from frequently used main memory locations. These caches help reduce the time it takes for the CPU to access data from RAM, speeding up the computation process.
To manage and optimize memory use, operating systems may employ techniques like swapping, where data is moved back and forth between RAM and a hard drive, particularly when RAM is full. However, this can significantly slow down system performance due to the difference in speed between RAM and hard drives.
Write a program numbers.cpp that defines a function bool isDivisibleBy(int n, int d); If n is divisible by d, the function should return true, otherwise return false. For example: isDivisibleBy(100, 25)
bool isDivisibleBy(int n, int d){ if(n % d == 0){ return true; } else{ return false; }}Explanation:
To check if n is divisible by d, we can use modulus operator such as %. If n % d equal to 0, this means n is divisible by d. Modulus operator is to calculate the remainder obtained from a division. If a number is divisible by another number, the remainder will be 0.
By making use of this concept we can create if and else statement to check if n % d is equal to 0, return true (divisible) else return false (not divisible).
Here is the function in Python:
def isDivisibleBy(n,d):
return True;
return False;
Lets see how this works. You can call this function in main program to check if this function isDivisibleBy() works properly.
print("It is divisible")
print(" It is not divisible")
Now the bool function isDivisibleBy() takes two arguments, n and d. bool function returns either true or false. If the number in n is divisible by d the function returns true otherwise it returns false. The number n is completely divisible by d when the remainder of this division is 0. So modulus operator is used to check if n is completely divisible by d.
In main program if condition is used which calls the isDivisibleBy() function and checks if the function returns true. The function is passed two values 8 and 2 where 8 is n and 2 is d. If this condition evaluates to true then the message displayed in output is: It is divisible. When the if condition evaluates to false the messages displayed in output is: It is not divisible.
The program along with its output is attached in the screen shot.
ssume that the timeout values for all three protocols
are sufficiently long such that 5 consecutive data segments and their corresponding ACKs can be
received (if not lost in the channel) by the receiving host (B) and the sending host (A) respectively.
Suppose host A sends 5 data segments to host B, and the second segment (sent from A) is lost. In the
end, all 5 data segments have been correctly received by host B.
(a) How many segments has host A sent in total and how many ACKs has host B sent in total? What
are their sequence number? Answer this question for all three protocols.
(b) If the timeout values for all three protocols are much longer than 5 RTT, then which protocol
successfully delivers all five data segments in the shortest time interval?
The explanation of the question is described in the section below.
Go Back N :
A gives in a maximum of 9 pieces. Typically they will be sent back sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and then re-sent segments 2, 3, 4 and 5.
B sends out 8 ACK's. They are 4 ACKS including 1 series and 4 ACKS with 2, 3, 4 and 5 series amounts.
Selective Repeat :
A sends in such max of 6 bits. Subsequently, segments 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and earlier re-sent Segments 2 will be sent.
B assigns five ACKs. We are 4our ACKS with numbers 1, 3, 4, 5. However there is one sequence quantity 2 ACK.
A assigns in a total of 6 bits. Originally, segments 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and future re-sent Segments 2 have always been sent.
B sends five ACKs. There are 4 ACKS with either the number 2 series. There has been one ACK with a sequence of numbers 6. Remember that TCP always needs to send an ACK with a sequence number you anticipate.
This is although TCP utilizes convenient retransmission without searching for the time out.
So, it's the right answer.
Print out the value and double it (multiply by 2). Continue printing and doubling (all on the same line, separated by one space each) as long as the current number is less than 1000, or until 8 numbers have been printed on the line.
value=int(input("Enter the value from where the user wants to starts: "))#Take the value from the user.
i=1#intialize the value of a variable by 1.
while(value<1000) and (i<9):#while loop which prints the value.
print(value,end=" ")# print the value.
value=value*2#calculate the value to print.
i=i+1#calculate the value for the count.
If the user enter 5, then the output is : "5 10 20 40 80 160 320 640".
If the user enter 5, then the output is : "3 6 12 24 48 96 192 384".
The above code is in python language, in which the first line of the program is used to render a message to the user, take the input from the user and store it into value variable after converting it into an integer.Then the loop will calculate the double value and then it prints the value with the help of print function.The end function puts the spaces between numbers.Agile methods use rapid development cycles to iteratively produce running versions of the system. How would these shorter cycles affect the ability of the analyst to manage system’s requirements?
The correct answer to the following question will be "Iterative procedure".
Iterative production or procedure seems to be a technique of distinguishing product progression from expansive implementation to littler bits. This including code in regurgitated processes is designed, developed and attempted.
Regularly iterative architecture is used in conjunction with gradual improvement where a certain more sketched-out process of code progress is composed of littler components building on each other.
Time-consuming.Better testing.Better product.Review of code.This will improve observer performance, as each move is systematic and cheap to run.
The shorter cycles of Iterative production affect the ability of the analyst to manage system’s requirements in a way that improve the observer performance as each move is systematic and cheap to run.
An Iterative production means a technique of distinguishing product progression from expansive implementation to littler bits.
An Iterative production which includes code in regurgitated processes is designed, developed and attempted.
In conclusion, the shorter cycles of Iterative production affect the ability of the analyst to manage system’s requirements in a way that improve the observer performance as each move is systematic and cheap to run.
Read more about Iterative production
Suppose Host A wants to send a large file to host B. The path from Host A to Host B has three links, of rates R1 = 500 kbps, R2=2 Mbps, and R3 = 1 Mbps. Assuming no other traffic in the network, what is the throughput for the file transfer? 500 kbps
Bandwidth is the actual amount of data that a network is capable of transferring theoretically.
Throughput is the actual amount of data passing through a connection. It is the rate (usually measured in bps- bits per sec or pps - packets per second) at which packets or bits are successfully delivered over a network channel
If R₁=500 kbps, R₂=2 Mbps, and R₃ = 1 Mbps.
Since there is no other traffic in the link from Host A to Host B, the Throughput is the minimum of the links between Host A and Host B. Therefore:
Throughput= Mininum(R₁,R₂,R₃)
1. The programmer intends for this pseudocode to display three random numbers in the range of 1 through 7. According to the way we’ve been generating random numbers in this book, however, there appears to be an error. Can you find it?
Display random(1, 7).
In the following question, some details of the question are missing that is pseudocode.
// Program shows three random numbers
// the range of 1 to 7.
Declare the Integer count
// Shows three random numbers.
For count = 1 To 3
Display random(7, 1)
End For
In the following pseudocode, it generates three random numbers from 1 to 7 because the for loop statement is starts from 1 and end at 3 so the loop will iterate three times and every time it generates one random number from 1 to 7. So, the following are the reason that describe the answer is correct according to the scenario.
The issue with the pseudocode might be related to the exclusive nature of the upper boundary in many random number generator methods. The programmer may need to add 1 to the function to generate values inclusive of 7.
Explanation:Without seeing the actual pseudocode, it's tough to give a specific correction. However, the common error in generating random numbers is not considering the exclusive nature of the upper boundary in random number methods. Most methods generate numbers from 0 (inclusive) up to the specified upper limit number (exclusive). To generate random numbers within the range from 1 to 7 (inclusive), the code should add 1 to the random output. Therefore, a possible correction would be to modify the random number generator function to include 7 and exclude 0.
For example, in many programming languages, one could use a function similar to '1 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 7)', ensuring that we generate random numbers between 1 and 7 inclusive. Kindly refer to the specific programming language practices when implementing.
Learn more about Random Number Generation here:
Write a program named ArrayDemo that stores an array of 10 integers. (Note that the array is created for you and does not need to be changed.) Until the user enters a sentinel value, allow the user four options: (1) to view the list in order from the first to last position in the stored array (2) to view the list in order from the last to first position (3) to choose a specific position to view (4) to quit the application.
Hi Zoom! Good question. This is particularly useful for learning sorting functions in arrays and user input handling as well. Please find the implementation below.
I have implemented the code in Python 2+. You can save the below code into a file called and then run it from the command line with the command "python". I have declared the demo_array in the code to an array of 10 unsorted integer values to test this. You can change the code if needed to have this array input by user as well and it should work fine.
Note: if you're using Python 3+ then you'll need to change the "raw_input" in the code to just "input" to make it work.
demo_array = [2,1,3,4,5,7,6,8,10,9]
option = 0
while (option != 4):
option = raw_input("Enter 1 to view list in ascending order, 2 to view list in descending order, 3 to choose specific poisition to view, 4 to quit the application: ")
option = int(option)
if option == 1:
sort_by = 'asc'
print(sorted(demo_array, reverse=False))
elif option == 2:
sort_by = 'desc'
print(sorted(demo_array, reverse=True))
elif option == 3:
position = raw_input("Enter specific position to view (0-9): ")
position = int(position)
if position < 0 or position > 9:
print("Position does not exist")
except ValueError:
print("Position does not exist!")
elif option == 4:
except ValueError:
print("Invalid input!")
Write a C program to multiply matrix A and matrix B of variable. For both A and B, the size of the matrix will be given along with the entries of the matrix in two input files, inA.txt and inB.txt. The first line of the input file will contain the number of rows followed by the number of columns of the matrix. The entries of the matrix are listed on the next line in row-major order. Print the output matrix C to outC.txt in the same format as input files. Be sure to include comments in your code.
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cctype>
#include <cmath>
#include <vector>
#include <float.h>
using namespace std;
typedef vector<vector<double> > C2DArray;
void Matrix_Mult(bool* error_flag, const int mRows, const int nCols, const int pCols, const C2DArray A_Matrix, const C2DArray B_Matrix, C2DArray& C_Matrix) {
int i = A_Matrix.size(), j = A_Matrix[0].size(), k = B_Matrix[0].size();
double dummy;
if ((j != B_Matrix.size()) || (i != mRows) || (j != nCols) || (k != pCols)) *error_flag = true;
if ((C_Matrix.size() != i) || (k != C_Matrix[0].size())) *error_flag = true;
if (!(*error_flag)){
for (k = 0; k < mRows; k++) { // Do each row of A with each column of B
for (i = 0; i < pCols; i++) {
dummy = 0.0;
for (j = 0; j < nCols; j++) {
dummy += A_Matrix[k][j]*B_Matrix[j][i];
} // End for j
C_Matrix[k][i] = dummy;
} // End for i
} // End for k
} // End Matrix_Mult
int main()
{char rflag = 0; //Readiness flag
cout << " Mat_Mul1 (7 June 2013)\n";
cout << "=========================================================================== \n";
cout << "This program multiplies two matrices, [A] and [B]: [A][B] = [C].\n";
cout << "[A] is M X N, [B] is N X P, and [C] is M X P\n";
cout << "The dimensions of the [A] and [B] matrices, M, N, and P, should \n";
cout << "have been saved beforehand in a file named mulmatdat.\n";
cout << "mulmatdat should be in the same folder as the Mat_Mul1 executable.\n";
cout << "The next values of mulmatdat should be the entries for matrix [A],\n";
cout << "with data for row 1 first, then row 2, then row 3, etc.\n";
cout << "The entries for the [B] matrix should follow, in the same order.\n";
cout << "\nThe data is assumed to be of type double. Variables used within this program\n";
cout << "are type double.\n";
cout << "\nThe output is written to the file mulmatout.txt.\n";
cout << "\nIs everything ready (are you ready to continue?)? If yes, Enter y. \n";
cout << "Otherwise Enter any other key. \n";
cin >> rflag;
if (toupper(rflag) == 'Y') {
C2DArray A, B, C; // A, B, and C Matrices
int i, j, mDim, nDim, pDim; // Array index variables and matrix dimensions
bool erFlag = false; // Error flag
ifstream in("mulmatdat.txt", ios::in);
if (!in) {
cout << "\nCannot open the input file.\n";
cout << "\nEnter any key to continue. \n";
cin >> rflag;
return 0;
in >> mDim >> nDim >> pDim; //Input the Matrices' dimensions from the file
if ((mDim < 1) || (nDim < 1) || (pDim < 1)){
cout << "\nInvalid dimension entered. Program terminated. \n";
cout << "\nEnter any key to continue. \n";
cin >> rflag;
in.close(); //Close the input file before terminating
return 0;
ofstream out("mulmatout.txt", ios::out);
if (!out) {
cout << "\nCannot open the output file. Program terminated.\n";
cout << "\nEnter any key to continue. \n";
cin >> rflag;
in.close(); //Close the input file before terminating
return 0;
// Beginning of try block, if vector re-sizing unsuccessful
try {
// Resize the arrays to the appropriate sizes
A.resize(mDim); // M rows
B.resize(nDim); // N rows
C.resize(mDim); // M rows
for (i = 0; i < mDim; i++){
A[i].resize(nDim); // M columns
C[i].resize(pDim); // P columns
} // End for i
for (i = 0; i < nDim; i++){
B[i].resize(pDim); // P columns
} // End for i
} // End of try block
catch (bad_alloc& xa) { // Catch block, for exceptions
cerr << "\nIn catch block, so an exception occurred: " << xa.what() << "\n";
cout << "\nEnter any key to continue. \n";
cin >> rflag;
return 0;
} // End of catch block
for (i = 0; i < mDim; i++){ //Input the A Matrix from the file
for (j = 0; j < nDim; j++){
in >> A[i][j];
}//End for j
}//End for i
for (i = 0; i < nDim; i++){ //Input the B Matrix from the file
for (j = 0; j < pDim; j++){
in >> B[i][j];
}//End for j
}//End for i
in.close(); //Close the input file
Matrix_Mult(&erFlag, mDim, nDim, pDim, A, B, C);
if (erFlag){
cout << "Inconsistent data sent to Matrix_Mult routine. Matrix multiplication NOT performed. Check data before running again.\n";
else {
out << "\nThe A matrix follows:\n";
out << "\n";
for (i = 0; i < mDim; i++){
for (j = 0; j < nDim; j++){
out << A[i][j] << " ";
} // End for j
out << "\n";
}//End for i
out << "\nThe B matrix follows:\n";
out << "\n";
for (i = 0; i < nDim; i++){
for (j = 0; j < pDim; j++){
out << B[i][j] << " ";
} // End for j
out << "\n";
}//End for i
out << "\nThe product matrix, C, follows:\n";
out << "\n";
for (i = 0; i < mDim; i++){
for (j = 0; j < pDim; j++){
out << C[i][j] << " ";
} // End for j
out << "\n";
}//End for i
cout << "\nDone! The solution is in the text file mulmatout.txt \n";
} // End else !erFlag
else cout << "\nNot ready. Try again when ready with information. \n";
cout << "\nEnter any key to continue. \n";
cin >> rflag;
return 0;
4. A computer with an IP address of using a subnet mask of pings an IP address of Will send the data packet to its gateway or will it send an ARP request broadcast for Show your work and/or explain your answer.
It will send ARP request broad cast because of security and pubilicity of data to the public.
In number theory, a perfect number is a positive integer that is equal to the sum of its proper positive divisors, that is, the sum of its positive divisors excluding the number itself (also known as its aliquot sum). Equivalently, a perfect number is a number that is half the sum of all of its positive divisors (including itself). Write a Python3 program to check if a user-entered number is a perfect number or not. Use exception handling to handle invalid inputs.
def the_perfect(n):
try: #exception handling if n is a negative number
n > 0
except: #return -1 if the error is reached
return -1
total = 0
for i in range(1, n): #for loop from 1 to the target number
if n % i == 0:
total += i
return total == n #should return true if number is perfect number
g Write a program that prompts the user to enter two integers. The program outputs how many numbers are multiples of 3 and how many numbers are multiples of 5 between the two integers (inclusive).
Final answer:
The question involves writing a program in C++ and Python that counts multiples of 3 and 5 between two user-entered integers. Examples of both a C++ and Python program are provided, demonstrating how to prompt for input and calculate the counts.
Counting Multiples in C++ and Python:
A program that counts multiples of 3 and 5 between two integers can be written in multiple programming languages. Below are examples in both C++ and Python that accomplish the task. Both programs prompt the user for two integers and then iterate through the range, counting the numbers that are multiples of 3 and 5, respectively.
C++ Program
using namespace std;
int main() {
int start, end, count3 = 0, count5 = 0;
cout << "Enter two integers: ";
cin >> start >> end;
for (int i = start; i <= end; ++i) {
if (i % 3 == 0) count3++;
if (i % 5 == 0) count5++;
cout << "Multiples of 3: " << count3 << endl;
cout << "Multiples of 5: " << count5 << endl;
return 0;
Python Program
start = int(input("Enter the first integer: "))
end = int(input("Enter the second integer: "))
count3 = len([i for i in range(start, end+1) if i % 3 == 0])
count5 = len([i for i in range(start, end+1) if i % 5 == 0])
print(f"Multiples of 3: {count3}")
print(f"Multiples of 5: {count5}")
Final answer:
To solve this problem, you can write a program that prompts the user to enter two integers and then displays the number of multiples of 3 and 5 between those two integers.
To solve this problem, you can use a loop to iterate through each number between the two integers provided by the user. Within the loop, you can check if a number is a multiple of 3 or 5 by using the modulus operator (%). If the remainder of dividing the number by 3 is 0, then it is a multiple of 3. If the remainder of dividing the number by 5 is 0, then it is a multiple of 5. You can keep track of the count of multiples using two separate counters and display the results at the end.
Here's an example of how the program might look in Python:
num1 = int(input('Enter the first integer: '))Another pitfall cited in Section 1.10 is expecting to improve the overall performance of a computer by improving only one aspect of the computer. Consider a computer running a program that requires 250 s, with 70 s spent executing FP instructions, 85 s executed L/S instructions, and 40 s spent executing branch instructions.
solution is attached in word form due to error in mathematical equation. furthermore i also attach Screenshot of solution in word due to different version of MS Office please find the attachment
When you double-click a file, it will automatically open the Application for that file type.
Question 10 options:
Answer: true
Double-clicking which is the act of pressing a computer mouse button twice quickly without moving the mouse allows two different actions to be associated with the same mouse button. It was developed by Bill Atkinson of Apple Computer, Double-clicking executes the function associated with that objec and also opens the application on which you double clicked.
Explain each of the three important concepts behind the Federal Networking Council's definition of the term Internet. Explain how each technology contributes to the functioning of the Internet today.
The three important concepts in the Federal Networking Council's definition of the Internet are, namely;
Packet switchingThe TCP/IP communications protocolClient/server computingExplanation:
Packet switching involves the transfer of data which are grouped into different packets and then sent over a digital network to their respective destination. After the data are received at the destination site, they are then extracted and used by the application software.The transmission control protocol/internet protocol allows one computer to connect or communicate with another one through the internet. The internet protocol defines how to route and address each packet to ensure it gets to the right destination. The IP address of a particular device on a network is usually unique to that device.Client/server computing describes how a server provides services by taking requests from clients computers and sharing its resources with one or more computers.The important concepts in the Federal Networking Council's definition of the Internet include:
Packet switchingThe TCP/IP communications protocolClient/server computingIt should be noted that packet switching means the transfer of data that are grouped into different packets and then sent through a digital network to different destinations.
The TCP/IP communications protocol is important as it enables a computer to connect with another computer through the internet.
Lastly, client/server computing describes how a server is able to provide services by taking requests from client's computers and then sharing the resources with the computers.
In conclusion, packet switching, TCP/IP communications protocol, and client/server computing are important to the functioning of the internet.
Learn more about the internet on: