The greatest common divisor (GCD) of two values can be computed usingEuclid's algorithm. Starting with the values m and n, we repeatedly applythe formula: n, m = m, ni'.m until m is 0. At that point, n is the GCD ofthe original m and n. Write a program that finds the GCD of two numbersusing this algorithm.


Answer 1


The answer is in the explanation and check the attached file for the output


def gcd(a, b):

  if b > a:

       a, b = b, a

  while b != 0:

       t = b

       b = a % t

       a = t

   return a

def main():

   m = eval(input("Enter m: "))

   n = eval(input("Enter n: "))

   print("GCD(",m,",",n,") = ",gcd(m,n))


Output: check the output in the attached file

The Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) Of Two Values Can Be Computed UsingEuclid's Algorithm. Starting With
Answer 2


I am writing a C++ program.

#include <iostream> // for input output functions

using namespace std; // to identify objects like cin cout

int gcd(int m, int n) {

//function to compute greatest common divisor of two value m and n

  if (n == 0) //if value of n is equal to 0 (base condition)

  return m; // returns the value of m

  return gcd(n, m % n); }

// calls gcd function recursively until base condition is reached  

void get_value(int c, int d){ // function to obtain two values

  cout<<"Enter the two values: "<<endl;

//prompts user to enter values of c and d

  cin>>c>>d; //reads the input values of c and d

  while(c <= 0 || d<= 0){ // the loop continues to ask user to enter positive //values until user enters values greater than 0

      cout<<"Enter a positive value";

      cin>>c>>d;   } //reads values from user

    cout<<"GCD of "<< c <<" and "<< d <<" is "<< gcd(c, d); }

//calls gcd funtion to compute greatest common divisor of two values    

int main() { // main() function body

   int a,b; //two integer variables are declared

   get_value(a,b); // calls this method to take values of a and b from user

   char ch; // used to enter a choice by user to perform gcd again

   while(true)      {

//asks the user if he wants to continue to compute gcd

       cout<<"Would you like to do another computation or not?(Y/N)\n"<<endl;

       cin >> ch; //reads the choice user enters

/*if user enters Y or y then it calls get_value function to take values from user and computer gcd, if user types N or n then the program exits */

       if(ch == 'Y'|| ch =='y'){


       }else if(ch =='N'||ch =='n'){

           break;         }    }}



The program has three methods. gcd method that computes greatest common divisor (GCD) of two values can be computed using Euclid's algorithm. get_value method takes two positive integers from user to find gcd of these values. It keeps asking user to enter positive values until user enters positive values. Third is the main() function which calls get_value function and after computing gcd of two values, asks user to if he wants to find gcd again? If user types Y or y which indicates yes, it moves the program control to get_value function and if user enters n, then the program ends.

The Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) Of Two Values Can Be Computed UsingEuclid's Algorithm. Starting With
The Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) Of Two Values Can Be Computed UsingEuclid's Algorithm. Starting With

Related Questions

Assume a 16-word direct mapped cache with b=1 word is given. Also assume that a program running on a computer with this cache memory executes a repeating sequence of lw instructions involving the following memory addresses in the exact sequence is given: Ox74 OxAO Ox78 0x38C OXAC 0x84 0x88 0x8C 0x7c 0x34 Ox38 0x13C 0x388 0x18C

A.)Show the placement of the given instruction addresses in this cache.
B.) Calculate the miss rate of this cache for the given list of instruction addresses. Please show your work.



a) See the placement of the given instruction addresses in this cache in the picture.

b) The miss rate for the below instructions address sequence is 100% as no address is repeated.


The function below takes one parameter: a list of strings (string_list). Complete the function to return a single string from string_list. In particular, return the string that contains the most copies of the word the as upper case or lower case. Be sure, however, to return the string with its original capitalization. You may want to use the count() method of sequences to implement this function.



def string_with_most_the(string_list):

   index = 0

   count = []

   max_length = 0

   for i in range(len(string_list)):

       s1 = string_list[i].lower()


       if count[i] > max_length:

           max_length = count[i]

           index = i

   return string_list[index]


Create a function called string_with_most_the that takes one parameter, string_list

Inside the function:

Initialize the variables

Initialize a for loop that iterates through string_list

Set the lower case version of the strings in string list to s1

Count how many "the" each string in string_list contain and put the counts in the count list

If any string has more "the" than the previous one, set its count as new maximum, and update its index

When the loop is done, return the string that has maximum number of "the", string_list[index]

/* Q1. (20 points)Create a stored procedure sp_Q1 that takes two country names like 'Japan' or 'USA'as two inputs and returns two independent sets of rows: (1) all suppliers in the input countries, and (2) products supplied by these suppliers. The returned suppliers should contain SupplierID, CompanyName, Phone, and Country. The returned products require their ProductID, ProductName, UnitPrice, SupplierID, and must sorted by SupplierID.You should include 'go' to indicate the end of script that creates the procedure and you must include a simple testing script to call your sp_Q1 using 'UK' and 'Canada' as its two inputs\.\**For your reference only: A sample solution shows this procedure can be created in11 to 13 lines of code. Depending on logic and implementation or coding style, yoursolution could be shorter or longer\.\*/



See the program code at explaination



atcountry1 NVARCHAR(15),

atcountry2 NVARCHAR(15)




SELECT SupplierID, CompanyName, Phone, Country FROM suppliers

where Country in (atcountry1,atcountry2)

SELECT ProductID, ProductName, UnitPrice, SupplierID FROM Products

where SupplierID in(

SELECT SupplierID FROM suppliers

where Country in (atcountry1,atcountry2)) ORDER BY SupplierID




-- Testing script.


DECLARE atcountry1 nvarchar(15)

DECLARE atcountry2 nvarchar(15)

-- Set parameter values here.

set atcountry1='UK'

set atcountry2='Canada'

EXECUTE atRC = [dbo].[sp_Q1]




Note: please kindly replace all the "at" with the correct at symbol.

The editor doesn't support it on Brainly.

Input a total dinner amount (ex. $55.40) and the number of guest. The function should calculate the total cost (including 15% tip) and as equally as possible distribute the cost of the entire meal between the number of provided guests. (e.g., splitTip (15.16, 3) ==> guest1-$5.06, guest2-$5.05, guest3-$5.05). Whatever logic is used for uneven amounts should be deterministic and testable (all values rounded to cents - 2 decimal places).



def splitTip(totalCost, numGuest):    finalCost = totalCost * 0.15 + totalCost      avgCost = finalCost / numGuest      for i in range(numGuest):        print("Guest " + str(i+1) + ": $" + str(round(avgCost,2))) splitTip(15.16,3)


The solution is written in Python 3.

To calculate the average cost shared by the guests, we create a function that takes two input, totalCost and numGuest (Line 1). Next apply the calculation formula to calculate the final cost after adding the 15% tips (Line 2). Next calculate the average cost shared by each guest by dividing the final cost by number of guest (Line 3). At last, use a for loop to print out the cost borne by each guest (Line 4-5).  

2. After your explanation in part 1), Barney agrees to use SHA-2 for hashing. However, to save space he proposes to only use the first 128 bits to create a 128 bit hash. He argues that since 128 bit encryption keys are secure, a 128 bit hash should also be secure. Explain what kind of attack a 128 bit hash would be vulnerable to, and why.



Preimage attack and collision attacks.


When SHA-2 hashing is used with only 128 bit hash, It usually makes the system vulnerable to attack.

Main disadvantage in case of truncated SHA is that there exist no reduction proofs to the original hash function. It implies that the truncated version is thus is very much resistant to preimage attack and collision attacks.

Collision resistant system does not always implies to collision free. If 128 bit hash is used for say any file greater than 16 bytes, then atleast two collision occurs. It can occur anytime in the beginning in starting one or two documents at any later stage. It will lead to a situation where one will not be able to write second or will ultimately overwrite the first one.

Final answer:

Reducing a SHA-2 hash to 128 bits makes it susceptible to a birthday attack due to the collision probability. The effectiveness of hash security relies on collision resistance, not just the length of the hash.


The Vulnerability of a 128-bit Hash

Using only the first 128 bits of a SHA-2 hash can make it vulnerable to a birthday attack. This type of attack exploits the mathematical Birthday Paradox, where the probability of two people sharing the same birthday rises disproportionately with the number of individuals in the group. In cryptographic terms, it means that with a hash of 128 bits in length, an attacker only needs roughly 264 attempts to find two different inputs that produce the same hash value, which is referred to as a collision. This is feasible with modern computing power. Therefore, reducing the length of the hash from its original size compromises its collision resistance.

Comparing hashing and encryption directly is not entirely appropriate. While a 128-bit encryption key may be considered secure because it requires 2128 attempts to crack, this doesn't translate the same way for hashing. Hashes are not encrypted; they are fixed-size outputs for inputs of arbitrary size, and their security is largely reliant on their collision resistance and unpredictability.

A large IPv4 datagram is fragmented into 4 fragments at router 1 to pass over a network with an MTU of 1500 bytes. Assume each fragment is larger than 900 bytes. Then, each fragment arrives at router 2, which wants to forward the fragments over a network with an MTU of 900 bytes to deliver to the destination.

How many fragments will arrive at the destination host?





Having in mind that all the given 4 fragments are larger than 900 bytes and smaller than 1500 bytes, this will make router 2 to fragment each fragment by router 1 into 2 fragments .

Hence, 4*2 = 8 fragments will reach at destination host.

pendant publishing edits multi-volume manuscripts for many authors, for each volume, they want a label that contains the author's name, the title of the work, and a volume number in the form volume 9 of 9. design an application that reads records that contain an author's name, the title of the work, and the number of volumes. the application must read the records until eof is encountered and produce enough labels for each work



See explaination for the program code


The code


using namespace std;

//Read data from file and returns number of records

int readFile(string authorName[], string title[], int volumeNo[], int volumeNo1[])


//Creates an object of ifstream

ifstream readf;

//Opens the file volume.txt for reading ("volume.txt");

//Counter for number of records

int c = 0;

//Loops till end of file



//Reads data and stores in respective array





//Increase the record counter


}//End of while

//Close file


//Returns record counter

return c;

}//End of function

//To display records information

void Display(string authorName[], string title[], int volumeNo[], int volumeNo1[], int len)


int counter = 0;

//Displays the file contents

cout<<"\n The list of multi-volume manuscripts \n";


//Loops till end of the length

for(int x = 0; x < len; x++)


cout<<"\n Author Name: "<<authorName[x];

cout<<"\n Title: "<<title[x];

cout<<"\n Volume "<<volumeNo[x]<<" of "<<volumeNo1[x]<<endl;

}//End of for loop

//Displays total records available

cout<<"\n The Records: "<<len;

}//End of function

//Main function

int main()


//Creates arrays to store data from file

string authorName[100], title[100];

int volumeNo[100];

int volumeNo1[100];

//To store number of records

int len;

//Call function to read file

len = readFile(authorName, title, volumeNo, volumeNo1);

//Calls function to display

Display(authorName, title, volumeNo, volumeNo1, len);

return 0;

}//End of main

volume.txt file contents

Pyari CPorg 1 2

Mohan C++ 3 4

Sahu Java 6 7

Ram C# 4 2

Sample Run:

The list of multi-volume manuscripts


Author Name: Pyari

Title: CPorg

Volume 1 of 2

Author Name: Mohan

Title: C++

Volume 3 of 4

Author Name: Sahu

Title: Java

Volume 6 of 7

Author Name: Ram

Title: C#

Volume 4 of 2

The Records: 4

Write a method that takes in two numbers that represent hours worked and hourly pay. The function should return the total amount paid for the hours entered. For any hours over 40, you should receive overtime pay, which is 1.5 times the regular pay.


payday(50, 10.00) --> 550.0
payday(20, 5.00) --> 100.0

public static double payDay(int hours, double pay)



Answer is in the provided screenshot!


Steps required:

check if pay is greater than 40, if so then handle logic for pay over 40, else treat normally.

read_data Define a function named read_data with two parameters. The first parameter will be a csv reader object (e.g., the value returned when calling the function csv.reader) and the second parameter will be a list of strings representing the keys for this data. The list matches the order of data in the file, so the second parameter's first entry is the key to use for data in the file's first column, the second parameter's second entry is the key to use for data in the file's second column, and so on. The function's first parameter will be a csv reader object and not a string. This means you do not need the nor create the csv reader in your function, but this will be done in the code calling your function. For example, to execute read_data using a file named "smallDataFileWithoutHeaders.csv" you would write the following code: with open("smallDataFileWithoutHeaders.csv") as f_in: csv_r = csv.reader(f_in) result = read_data(csv_r,['tow_date','tow_reason']) You would then want to include code to check that header had the expected value. The function should return a list of dictionaries. This list will contain a dictionary for each row read using the first parameter. The keys of these dictionaries will be the entries in the second parameter and the values will be the data read in from the file (you can assume there will be equal numbers list entries and columns).
For example, suppose the lines of the file being read by csv_r were:



then the call read_data(csv_r,['tow_date','tow_reason']) would need to return:

[{'tow_date': '2015-12-30', 'tow_reason': 'IL'},
{'tow_date': '2018-04-07', 'tow_reason': 'GA'}]



Check the explanation


Given below is the code for the question. PLEASE MAKE SURE INDENTATION IS EXACTLY AS SHOWN IN IMAGE.

import csv

def read_data(csv_r, keys):

  data = []

  for row in csv_r:

      mydict = {}

      for i in range(len(keys)):

          mydict[keys[i]] = row[i]


  return data


You are given a list of n positive integers a1, a2, . . . an and a positive integer t. Use dynamic programming to design an algorithm that examines whether a subset of these n numbers add up to exactly t, under the constraint that you use each ai at most once. If there is a solution, your program should output the subset of selected numbers. Recurrence Relation (and base cases)


The algorithm utilizes dynamic programming to determine whether a subset of given positive integers adds up to a target sum t. It achieves this by constructing a boolean 2D array dp and applying a recurrence relation to compute the values efficiently.

Recurrence Relation:

Let dp[i][j] represent whether there exists a subset of the first i elements that adds up to j. Then, the recurrence relation is:

dp[i][j] = dp[i-1][j] || dp[i-1][j-a[i]] if 1 <= i <= n and 0 <= j <= t

dp[i][0] = true for all i, as an empty subset can always add up to 0

Algorithm (pseudo-code):


Initialize a boolean 2D array dp[n+1][t+1] and an empty list selected

Set dp[0][0] = true

for i from 1 to n:

   for j from 0 to t:

       dp[i][j] = dp[i-1][j]  // Exclude a[i]

       if j >= a[i]:

           dp[i][j] = dp[i][j] || dp[i-1][j-a[i]]  // Include a[i]

if dp[n][t] is true:

   Backtrack to find the subset of selected numbers


Run-Time Analysis:

The time complexity of this algorithm is O(n*t), where n is the number of elements in the list and t is the target sum. This is because we have a nested loop iterating over n and t to fill in the dp array.

The question probable maybe:

You are given a list of n positive integers a_{1}, a_{2}, . . . a_{n} and a positive integer t. Use dynamic programming to design an algorithm that examines whether a subset of these n numbers add up to exactly t, under the constraint that you use each ai at most once. If there is a solution, your program should output the subset of selected numbers.

Recurrence Relation (and base cases)

Algorithm (written as pseudo-code)

Run-Time Analysis

The American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) has 128 binary-coded characters. A certain computer generates data at 1,000,000 characters per second. For single error detection, an additional bit (parity bit) is added to the code of each character. What is the minimum bandwidth required to transmit this signal.


Final answer:

The minimum bandwidth required to transmit a signal generated at a rate of 1,000,000 ASCII characters per second, with an added parity bit for single error detection, is 4 MHz. This calculation is based on the bit rate of 8 million bits per second and assumes a binary signal requiring a minimum bandwidth that is half of the bit rate.


The question pertains to digital data transmission and requires calculating the minimum bandwidth necessary for a computer that generates data at a rate of 1,000,000 characters per second, using ASCII which has 7-bit binary-coded characters and includes an additional parity bit for error detection, making it 8 bits per character in total.

Bandwidth, in this context, refers to the range of frequencies necessary to transmit the digital signal. The data rate of the signal is given as 1,000,000 characters per second, and since each character is represented by 8 bits (7 bits for ASCII character and 1 for parity), the bit rate is 8,000,000 bits per second, or 8 Mbps (Megabits per second).

To calculate the minimum bandwidth using the Nyquist formula, we assume the signal is binary and requires a minimum bandwidth that is half of the bit rate. Hence, the minimum bandwidth required is 4 MHz (megahertz). This is because the maximum rate of change of a binary signal would be if it alternated between 0 and 1 for every bit, so the minimum bandwidth is also known as the Nyquist bandwidth.

Final answer:

The minimum bandwidth required to transmit ASCII characters with single error detection at 1,000,000 characters per second, assuming a parity bit is added to each character, is 8 Mbps. This figure is based on 8-bit as characters and could vary depending on the modulation technique used.


The minimum bandwidth required to transmit a signal with single error detection for ASCII characters at a rate of 1,000,000 characters per second can be calculated considering the addition of a parity bit to each character. ASCII uses 7 bits per character, making it 8 bits with the parity bit. To find the bandwidth, we multiply the bit rate per character by the number of characters per second. Since the computer generates data at 1,000,000 characters per second, and with the parity bit, we have an 8-bit as character, the data rate becomes 8,000,000 bits per second (or 8 Mbps).

However, the bandwidth can also be affected by various factors such as the modulation technique used. For instance, if a simple binary modulation scheme is used (such as non-return-to-zero, NRZ), where one bit is transmitted per signal change, the bandwidth would be 8 Mbps. But if a more complex modulation scheme is used, which transmits more than one bit per signal change, the required bandwidth could be lower.

Suppose you are organizing a party for a large group of your friends. Your friends are pretty opinionated, though, and you don't want to invite two friends if they don't like each other. So you have asked each of your friends to give you an \enemies" list, which identi es all the other people among your friends that they dislike and for whom they know the feeling is mutual.

Your goal is to invite the largest set of friends possible such that no pair of invited friends dislike each other. To solve this problem quickly, one of your relatives (who is not one of your friends) has offered a simple greedy strategy, where you would repeatedly invite the person with the fewest number of enemies from among your friends who is not an enemy of someone you have already invited, until there is no one left who can be invited. Show that your relative’s greedy algorithm may not always result in the maximum number of friends being invited to your party.



Relative greedy algorithm is not optimal


Proving that Relative’s greedy algorithm is not optimal.

This can be further proved by the following example.

Let us assumethe friends to be invited be Ali, Bill, David, Dennis, Grace, Eemi, and Sam.

The enemy list of each friend is shown below:

• Ali: Bill. David, Dennis

• Bill: Ali, Grace, Eemi, Sam

• David: Ali, Grace, Eemi, Sam

• Dennis: Ali, Grace, Eemi, Sam

• Grace: Bill. David, Dennis. Eemi . Sam

• Eemi: Bill, David, Dennis, Grace, Sam

• Sam: Bill, David, Dennis, Eemi, Grace

From the enemy list, the one with fewer enemies is Ali.

If we invite Ali, then Bill, David, and Dennis cannot be invited.

Next person that can be invited is one from Grace, Eemi, and Sam

If we choose any one of them we cannot add any other person.

For example, if we choose Grace, all other members are enemies of Ali and Grace. So only Ali

and Grace can only be invited.

So we get a list of two members using relative’s greedy algorithm.

This is not the optimal solution.

The optimal solution is a list of 3 members

• Bill, David, and Dennis can be invited to the party.

Hence, it is proved that relative’s greedy algorithm is not optimal, where the maximum number of friends is not invited to the party.

The Greedy algorithm is not optimal for this case because it cannot invite all the friends.

What is Greedy Algorithm?

This refers to a modest approach that is taken to solve a problem by selecting the best option available to solve optimization problems.

Hence, we can see that if we use the greedy algorithm, we would have to make optimal selections to get the complete optimal system, and in this case, it is not optimal.

This is because, the optimal solution is a list of 3 members, and not all the friends can be invited.

Read more about greedy algorithm here:

our client, Rhonda, has come to you for advice. Rhonda has recently graduated from college and has a good job with a large company. She is single with no children. Because she just graduated from college, she has no savings and a $35,000 student loan. Provide Rhonda with advice for a comprehensive program to manage her personal risks. Explain the rationale for your advice. HTML EditorKeyboard Shortcuts



See explaination for how to manage her personal risk


Personal risks can be described as anything that exposes you to lose of money. It is often connection to financial investments and insurance.

The basic things She can do to manage her personal risks are:

1. Saving:

Savings in much ways drastically reduces the percentage of risks and help you build confidence. Savings can help Rhonda manage her personal risks as savings helps one become financially secure and provide safety in case of emergency.

2. Investing:

After savings comes the major process, which is investment. It is rightly said, savings without invested proper is vain. Investment not only gives you returns or generates more profits but also ensures present and future long term financial security.

3. Reduce expenses:

A common man's expenses can never finish except it is controlled. Reduction in daily expenses can give a hike in savings and increase return on investment. Prompt planning can help cut in expenses.

python Write a function max_magnitude() with two integer input parameters that returns the largest magnitude value. Use the function in a program that takes two integer inputs, and outputs the largest magnitude value.


Final answer:

To solve this problem, write a function called max_magnitude() that takes two integer input parameters. Inside the function, compare the magnitudes of the two integers using the absolute value function, abs(). Return the larger magnitude value using the max() function.


To solve this problem, you can write a function called max_magnitude() that takes two integer input parameters. Inside the function, compare the magnitudes of the two integers using the absolute value function, abs(). Return the larger magnitude value using the max() function.

Here's an example implementation:

def max_magnitude(num1, num2):
   return max(abs(num1), abs(num2))

# Example usage
test1 = int(input('Enter first number: '))
test2 = int(input('Enter second number: '))

result = max_magnitude(test1, test2)
print(f'Largest magnitude value: {result}')

In this example, we prompt the user to enter two integers and store them in test1 and test2. We then call the max_magnitude() function with the inputs as arguments, and store the result in result. Finally, we print the largest magnitude value.

a. Explain why two NSs is the minimum number you would ever want to run in an organization's networked IP environment. Consider the following factors, which can influence the total number of NSs present on a typical organization's internetwork:

• If an NS is available directly on each network or subnet in a local internetwork, routers need not become potential points of failure. Consider also that multihomed hosts make ideal locations for DNS because they can directly service all the subnets to which they're connected.
• In an environment in which diskless nodes or network computers depend on a server for network and file access, installing an NS on that particular server at a minimum makes DNS directly available to all such machines.
• Where large time-sharing machines—such as mainframes, terminal servers, or clustered computers—operate, a nearby DNS server can offload name services from the big machine, yet still provide reasonable response time and service.
• Running an additional NS at an off-site location—logically, at the site of the ISP from which your organization obtains an Internet connection—keeps DNS data available even if your Internet link goes down or local NSs are unavailable. A remote secondary NS provides the ultimate form of backup and helps ensure DNS reliability.
b. Given the foregoing information and the fact that the organization operates three subnets at each of its Indiana locations along with a large clustered terminal server at each location, explain how XYZ might want to operate as many as nine NSs for its network environment.


Final answer:

The answer explains the importance of having two NSs in an organization's networked IP environment and how XYZ could operate up to nine NSs. It details the benefits of multiple NSs in enhancing DNS efficiency, reliability, and accessibility across the network.


The minimum number of two Name Servers (NSs) is essential for an organization's networked IP environment for various reasons:

Having NSs directly available on each network or subnet can prevent routers from becoming potential points of failure.Placing NSs on servers that diskless nodes or network computers depend on ensures direct DNS availability to all machines.Operating multiple NSs, including off-site locations, enhances DNS reliability and backup capabilities.

For XYZ operating three subnets at each Indiana location with clustered terminal servers:

With each location having three subnets and a terminal server, operating up to nine NSs would enhance DNS efficiency, reliability, and accessibility across the entire network.By strategically placing NSs at key network points as described, XYZ can optimize DNS services and mitigate potential points of failure.Utilizing multiple NSs ensures continuous DNS availability even in the event of local disruptions or internet service interruptions.

Write a C translation of the NASM program below, sticking to the assembly code as much as possible. Use single-letter variable names for function parameters (e.g., int foo(int x, int y)) and for local variables within function (e.g., int z) instead of using x86 register names (in fact registers should never appear in your translation). It is expected that your C code is much shorter than the assembly code.


The request from the student entails translating NASM assembly code into equivalent C code, a task typically associated with understanding computer programming languages and their conversion among the various levels of abstraction. Given the lack of actual NASM code in the question, a direct translation cannot be provided. However, explanations of assembly and machine languages, key elements of computer architecture, can be discussed as part of the educative process.

The Final answer would ordinarily consist of the translated C code, but due to the absence of specific assembly code, this cannot be provided. The

should focus on educating about the differences between assembly language and machine language, the process of translating between them, and the significance of this exercise in the realm of MIPS Assembly architecture.

Write a program that will ask the user to input a phrase (multiple word sentence), and an integer value. A static function will be created that takes the sentence (string) and integer as input parameters and returns a single word (string) of that sentence. If the integer was the number three, then the word returned would be the third word in the sentence. If the integer given in zero or negative, simply return an empty string. (do not let it crash) If the integer given is higher than the number of words in the sentence, then just return the last word.



See explaination


import java.util.Scanner;

public class Word


public static void main(String args[])


Scanner read=new Scanner(;

char repeat='Y';

String phrase=null;

int index=0;



System.out.println("enter a phrase :");




System.out.println("enter an index greater than 0");



String s;

int spaces = phrase == null ? 0 : phrase.length() - phrase.replace(" ", "").length();

int numofwords=spaces+1;





System.out.println("word is: "+ getWord(phrase,index));

System.out.println("do you want to repeat (Y/N)");






private static String getWord(String phrase, int index) {

// TODO Auto-generated method stub

Scanner in =new Scanner(phrase);

String word=null;

int wordindex=0;






return word;



Check attachment screenshot

g write a program which will take a list of integer number from the user as input and find the maximum and minimum number from the list. first, ask the user for the size of the array and then populate the array. create two user define functions for finding the minimum and maximum numbers from the array. finally, you need to print the entire list along with the max and min numbers. you have to use arrays and user-define functions for the problem.



see explaination


#include <stdio.h>

// user defined functions

int min(int arr[], int n)


int m=arr[0];

for(int i=1;i<n;i++)



// return minimum

return m;


int max(int arr[], int n)


int m=arr[0];

for(int i=1;i<n;i++)



// return maximum

return m;


int main() {

int n;

// read N

printf("Enter number of elements: ");


// read n values into list

int arr[n];

printf("Enter elements: ");

for(int i=0;i<n;i++)


// find max and min

printf("The List is: ");

for(int i=0;i<n;i++)

printf("%d ",arr[i]);

printf("\nThe minimum value is: %d\n",min(arr,n));

printf("The maximum value is: %d\n",max(arr,n));

return 0;


see attachment for screenshot and output

While working in your user's home directory, organize the new files as follows. Copy all the files that end in keep to the keepsakes directory. Move all the report files to the reports directory. Move all the memo files to the memos directory. Use filename expansion to remove all versions of reminders 1 and 2. Use filename expansion to copy the fourth version of the old files to the backups directory.



Check the explanation


The step by step answer to the question above can be seen below:


mkdir –p Unit5/reports Unit5/memos Unit5/backups Unit5/keepsakes


a)cp *keep Unit5/keepsakes

b)mv report* Unit5/reports

c)mv memo* Unit5/memos

d)rm reminder_[12]*

e)cp Unit3/* /*4.old Unit5/backups

The last step on Kotter’s Eight-Step Change Model is to anchor the changes in corporate culture; to make anything stick, it must become habit and part of the culture. Therefore, it is important to find opportunities to integrate security controls into day-to-day routines.
Do you believe this to be true or false? Why? 12.In general, implementing security policies occurs in isolation from the business perspectives and organizational values that define the organization’s culture. Is this correct or incorrect? Why?



Therefore, it is important to find opportunities to integrate security controls into day-to-day routines.

Do you believe this to be true- Yes.

In general, implementing security policies occurs in isolation from the business perspectives and organizational values that define the organization’s culture. Is this correct or incorrect? - Incorrect


Truly, it is important to find opportunities to integrate security controls into day-to-day routines, this is in order to minimize future security threats by formulating company-wide security policies and educating employees on daily risk prevention in their work routines. In the operational risk controls, vigilant monitoring of employees must be implemented in order to confirm that policies are followed and to deter insider threats from developing.

Flexing and developing policies as resources and priorities change is the key to operational risk controls.

These risk controls implementation in organizational security is not a one-time practice. Rather, it is a regular discipline that the best organizations continue to set and refine.

For better preparation of an organization towards mitigating security threats and adaptation to evolving organizational security needs, there must be a proactive integration of physical information and personnel security while keeping these risk controls in mind.

12. In general, implementing security policies occurs in isolation from the business perspectives and organizational values that define the organization’s culture - Incorrect.

When security policies are designed, the business perspectives and the organizational values that define the organization’s culture must be kept in mind.

An information security and risk management (ISRM) strategy provides an organization with a road map for information and information infrastructure protection with goals and objectives that ensure capabilities provided are adjusted to business goals and the organization’s risk profile. Traditionally, ISRM has been considered as an IT function and included in an organization’s IT strategic planning. As ISRM has emerged into a more critical element of business support activities, it now needs its own independent strategy to ensure its ability to appropriately support business goals and to mature and evolve effectively.

Hence, it is observed that both the Business Perspective and Organisational goals are taken into consideration while designing Security policies.

Suppose we perform a sequence of stack operations on a stack whose size never exceeds kk. After every kk operations, we make a copy of the entire stack for backup purposes. Show that the cost of nn stack operations, including copying the stack, is O(n)O(n) by assigning suitable amortized costs to the various stack operations.



The actual cost of  (n) stack operations will be two ( charge for push and pop )


The cost of (n) stack operations involves two charges which are actual cost of operation of the stack which includes charge for pop ( poping an item into the stack) which is one and the charge for push ( pushing an item into the stack ) which is also one. and the charge for copy which is zero. therefore the maximum size of the stack operation can never exceed K because for every k operation there are k units left.

The amortized cost of the stack operation is constant 0 ( 1 ) and the cost of performing an operation on a stack made up of n elements will be assigned as 0 ( n )

The amortized cost of n stack operations, including backup copying after every k operations, remains O(n). This is achieved by assigning an amortized cost of 2 to each operation and distributing the copying cost evenly.

To analyze the cost of stack operations including backups, we consider the sequence of operations and calculate the total cost over time, assigning an amortized cost. Here’s the breakdown:

Each stack operation (push or pop) is assigned an amortized cost of 2.Every k operations, the entire stack is copied. This copy operation takes O(k) time.

Since each operation has an amortized cost of 2, and every k operations involve an additional O(k) time for copying, the total cost for n operations is O(n) over time. This is because the cumulative effect of the every-k copying is distributed evenly across the individual operations, ensuring that the average cost per operation remains constant.

Therefore, the total cost comprises the individual stack operations plus the copying operations, yielding an overall cost of O(n).

Two files named numbers1.txt and numbers2.txt both have an unknown number of lines, each line consisting of a single positive integer. Write some code that reads a line from one file and then a line from the other file. The two integers are multiplied together and their product is added to a variable called scalar_product which should be initialized to zero. Your code should stop when it detects end of file in either file that it is reading. For example, if the sequence of integers in one file was "9 7 5 18 13 2 22 16" and "4 7 8 2" in the other file, your code would compute: 4*9 + 7*7 + 8*5 + 2*18 and thus store 161 into scalar_product.


Final answer:

The code reads lines from two files and multiplies the integers from each line together, adding the products to a variable called scalar_product.


The task requires reading lines from two files and multiplying the corresponding integers from each line together. The products are then added to a variable called scalar_product. The code should stop when it reaches the end of either file. This can be achieved by using a loop to read lines from both files simultaneously and perform the multiplication and addition operations:

scalar_product = 0
with open('numbers1.txt') as file1, open('numbers2.txt') as file2:
   for line1, line2 in zip(file1, file2):
       num1 = int(line1.strip())
       num2 = int(line2.strip())
       scalar_product += (num1 * num2)

This example demonstrates a simple but effective way to calculate the scalar product of two sets of integers from text files in Python.

Final answer:

The question asks for code that calculates the scalar product of integers read from two files. The process involves multiplying integers from corresponding lines and summing the products. The code in Python was provided with error handling for missing files or non-integer values.


The task given involves writing code that reads from two files containing lines of positive integers, multiplies corresponding numbers from each line of these files together, and adds the product to a variable named scalar_product, which has been initialized to zero. This process is reminiscent of computing the scalar product  or dot product in mathematics, though in this case, the operation is performed with integers from files instead of vector components. It is important that the code stops processing once it reaches the end of either file.

Below is an example of how the code could be implemented in Python:

scalar_product = 0
   with open('numbers1.txt', 'r') as file1, open('numbers2.txt', 'r') as file2:
       for num1, num2 in zip(file1, file2):
           scalar_product += int(num1) * int(num2)
except FileNotFoundError:
   print("One of the files was not found.")
except ValueError:
   print("Found non-integer line.")
This code initializes the scalar_product, opens both files concurrently, and uses a zip function to read corresponding lines. It then multiplies these integers and adds the result to scalar_product. Additionally, the code includes error handling to deal with potential issues like missing files and invalid content.

• Consider the following algorithm to calculate the sum of the n elements in an integer array a[0..n-1]. sum = 0; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) sum += a[i]; print sum; 1. What is the growth rate function for the above algorithm. (How many steps are executed when this algorithm runs?) 2. What is big O notation?



Check the explanation


The loop runs for when i=0 to i=n-1 ie <n which consequently means that there are n iterations of the for loop, that is equal to array size n, therefore growth function will be

F(n) = n

Also big o notation is the upper bound of the growth function of any algorithm which consequently means that the big oh notation of this code's complexity O(n)

Hex value 0xC29C3480 represents an IEEE-754 single-precision (32 bit) floating-point number. Work out the equivalent decimal number. Show all workings (e.g. converting exponent and mantissa)



floating point Decimal Number  = -78.1025390625


Hex Value =0xC29C3480

Convert this hex value into binary number, Use only C29C3480 as hexadecimal number. Each digit in hexadecimal will convert into 4 bits of binary. To convert this number into decimal we use hexadecimal to binary table. The conversion is as below:

1100 0010 1001 1100 0011 0100 1000 0000

Now this is a 32 bit number in binary, the bits are arranged as follows

1                        10000101                       00111000011010010000000

(Sign bit)            (Exponent bits)                      (Fraction bits)

In this 32 bit number, 32nd bit is sign bit,number is positive if the bit is 0 other wise number is negative. From 31st to 23rd bits 8 bits that are known as exponent bits, while from 22nd to 0 total 23 bits that are called fraction bit.

As the 32 bit is 1, so given number is negative. Now convert the Exponent bits into decimal values as

10000101 = 1x2⁷+0x2⁶+0x2⁵+0x2⁴+0x2³+1x2²+0x2¹+1x2⁰

                = 1x2⁷ + 1x2² + 1x2⁰

                = 128 + 4 + 1 =  133

      3. Now we calculate the exponent bias, that will be calculated through, the formula.

       exponent bias = 2ⁿ⁻¹ - 1

there n is total number of bits in exponent value of 32 bit number, Now in this question n=8, because there are total 8 bits in exponent.

  so,       exponent bias = 2⁸⁻¹ - 1 = 2⁷-1= 128-1= 127

          e = decimal value of exponent - exponent bias

             =     133 - 127 = 6

       4. Now, we calculate the decimal value of fraction part of the number, which is called mantissa.


               = 1x2⁻³+1x2⁻⁴+1x2⁻⁵+1x2⁻¹⁰+1x2⁻¹¹+1x2⁻¹³+1x2⁻¹⁶

               =  0.125 + 0.0625 + 0.03125 + 0.0009765625 + 0.00048828125 +                     0.00012207031 + 0.00001525878

Mantissa = 0.22035217284

Now the formula to calculate the decimal number is given below:

decimal number = (-1)^s x (1+Mantissa) x 2^e

there s is the sign bit which is 1. and e =6.


decimal number = (-1)^1 x (1+0.22035217284 ) x 2⁶

                            = -1 x 1.22035217284 x 64

                            = -78.1025390625


A babysitter charges $2.50 an hour until 9:00 PM when the rate drops to$1.75 an hour (the children are in bed). Write a program that accepts astarting time and ending time in hours and minutes and calculates the totalbabysitting bill. You may assume that the starting and ending times are ina single 24-hour period. Partial hours should be appropriately prorated.



print("enter starting time hours")

st_hours=int(input()) #starting time hours


st_minutes=int(input()) #starting time minutes

print("enter ending time hours")

et_hours=int(input()) #ending time hours


et_minutes=int(input()) #ending time minutes


if (st_hours<21 and et_hours>21): #if starting time is less than 21 and ending time is greater than 21


a_minutes=et_minutes #taking time after 21 from ending time ending time-21

time_minutes=60-st_minutes #converting all the time into minutes








elif(st_hours>=21): #if starting time is greater than 21


time_minutes=(60-st_minutes)+et_minutes #converting time into minutes




elif(et_hours<=21): #if ending time is less than 21







This is a conditional program, the conditions applied are if and else if.

The resultant output was gotten using this three steps:

(1) If starting time is less than 21 and ending time is greater than 21

Then I converted the time into minutes before 21

ex:- 8:30

21-9= 12*60= 720 + 30 = 750

Then I calculated the bill.

750 * (2.50 / 60)

Then I converted the time after 21 and then calculated the bill and printed it.

(2)If starting time is greater than 21

Converted time into minutes and multiplied it with (1.75 / 60) to get the bill.

(3) If ending time is less than 21

Converted time into minutes and multiplied it with (2.50 / 60) to get the bill.

Please check attachment for program code screenshot.

Final answer:

In summary, the student's homework entails creating a program to calculate the total babysitting bill based on varying hourly rates before and after 9:00 PM, within a 24-hour period.


The question pertains to creating a program that calculates the total babysitting bill based on hourly rates that change after 9:00 PM. The program must accept a starting time and an ending time in hours and minutes and, with the given rates of $2.50 before 9:00 PM and $1.75 after 9:00 PM, compute the total cost considering partial hours.

An example of how the calculations may work is given: If you hired 5 people at a cost of $15 per hour each and they worked for 2 hours, the total cost would be 5 people \\* $15/hour \\* 2 hours = $150.

To apply this logic to the babysitting scenario, the program would need to calculate the number of hours worked at each rate, then multiply the number of hours by the corresponding rate and sum these amounts to arrive at the final bill.

Write a program that asks the user for a CSV of the NYC Open Data Film Permits: There is a sample file for June 2019 film permits on github. Your program should then print out: the total number of permits in the file, the count of permits for each borough, and the five most popular locations (stored in the column: "Parking Held").



Before running this program, make sure you have installed pandas module for python.

pip install pandas

import pandas as pd

import numpy as np

csv_file = input("Enter CSV File Name : ")

df = pd.read_csv(csv_file)

count_row = df.shape[0]

print("There were %d Film Permits in Total." %(count_row))

borough_count = df['Borough'].value_counts()


location_count = df['ParkingHeld'].value_counts().head(5)




pip install pandas

import pandas as pd

import numpy as np

csv_file = input("Enter CSV File Name : ")

df = pd.read_csv(csv_file)

count_row = df.shape[0]

print("There were %d Film Permits in Total." %(count_row))

borough_count = df['Borough'].value_counts()


location_count = df['ParkingHeld'].value_counts().head(5)



Before running this program, make sure you already previously installed pandas module for python.

Import panda and numpy

Put csv file

count row

then tell to print

Write a program that will ask the user for a person’s name and social security number. The program will then check to see if the social security number is valid. An exception will be thrown if an invalid SSN is entered. You will be creating your own exception class in this program. You will also create a driver program that will use the exception class. Within the driver program, you will include a static method that throws the exception.



See explaination for the program code



import java.util.Scanner;

public class SocSecProcessor


public static void main (String [] args)


Scanner keyboard = new Scanner (;

String name;

String socSecNumber;

String response;

char answer = 'Y';

while (Character.toUpperCase(answer) == 'Y')




// Task #2 step 1 - To do:

// promote user to enter name and ssn number.

// save the input to variable name and SocSecNumber. Such as:

// System.out.print("Name? ");

// name = keyboard.nextLine();

// validate SSN number by calling isValid(socSecNumber).

// output the checking result.


name = keyboard.nextLine();


socSecNumber = keyboard.nextLine();


System.out.println(name + " " + socSecNumber + "is Valid");



catch (SocSecException e) // To do: catch the SocSecException




System.out.print("Continue? ");

response = keyboard.nextLine();

answer = response.charAt(0);



private static boolean isValid(String number)throws SocSecException


boolean goodSoFar = true;

int index = 0;

// To do: Task #2 step 2

// 1. check the SSN length. Throw SocSecException if it is not 11

if (number.length() != 11)


throw new SocSecException("wrong number of characters ");


for( index=0;index<number.length();++index){

if(index==3 || index==6){

if (number.charAt(index) != '-'){

throw new SocSecException("dashes at wrong positions");


}else if (!Character.isDigit(number.charAt(index))){

throw new SocSecException("contains a character that is not a digit");



// 2. check the two "-" are in right position. Throw SocSecException if it is not

// if (number.charAt(3) != '-')

// 3. check other position that should be digits. Throw SocSecException if it is not

// if (!Character.isDigit(number.charAt(index)))

return goodSoFar;



See attachment

Make a program that prints each line of its input that mentions fred. (It shouldn’t do anything for other lines of input.) Does it match if your input string is Fred, frederick, or Alfred? Make a small text file with a few lines mentioning "fred flintstone" and his friends, then use that file as input to this program and the ones later in this section.



See Explaination


This assume that input is a file and is given on command line. Please note this will ot print lines with frederick as thats what I feel question is asking for

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

open(FILE, $ARGV[0]) or die("Could not open the file $ARGV[0]");

while ($line = <FILE>){



print $line;




Write the definition of a class Counter containing: An instance variable named counter of type int. An instance variable named limit of type int. A static int variable named nCounters which is initialized to 0. A constructor taking two int parameters that assigns the first one to counter and the second one to limit. It also adds one to the static variable nCounters. A method named increment. It does not take parameters or return a value; if the instance variable counter is less than limit, increment just adds one to the instance variable counter. A method named decrement that also doesn't take parameters or return a value; if counter is greater than zero, it just subtracts one from the counter. A method named getValue that returns the value of the instance variable counter. A static method named getNCounters that returns the value of the static variable nCounters.


The Counter class includes instance variables for counter and limit, a static variable nCounters, and a constructor to initialize these variables. It also features methods to increment, decrement, and retrieve values of these variables.

Let's define a class named Counter which includes several instance variables and methods as specified:

Instance variable: int counter

Instance variable: int limit

Static variable: static int nCounters = 0;

The constructor will take two integer parameters to initialize counter and limit, and increment the static variable nCounters:

public class Counter

{ private int counter; private int limit; private static int nCounters = 0; public Counter(int counter, int limit)

{ this.counter = counter;

this.limit = limit;

nCounters++; }

public void increment()

{ if (counter < limit) { counter++; } }

public void decrement()

{ if (counter > 0) { counter--; } }

public int getValue() { return counter; }

public static int getNCounters() { return nCounters; } }

This class also includes methods to increment and decrement the counter, get the current counter value, and get the current number of Counter instances.

Write your own SportsCar class that extends the Car class. This new class should have the following unique protected instance variables: myColor, MyEngine that stores its engine size in liters, mySuspension - e.g., firm, soft, touring, etc., and myTires - e.g., regular, wide, low profile, etc. To utilize this SportsCar class, add the following lines to the Driver class. Note that the last four parameters (



class SportsCar extends Car {


   protected String myColor;

   protected float myEngine;

   protected String mySuspension;

   protected String myTires;    



With the provided information the class can be written as above.

Create a class called SportsCar. Since it extends from the Car, you need to type extends Car after the class name. This implies that it is a subclass of the Car class.

Then, declare its protected variables:

a string called myColor that will hold the color,

a float myEngine that will hold the engine size

a string mySuspension that will hold the suspension type

a string myTires that will hold the tire type

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