Use a programmable calculator or computer (or the sum command on a CAS) to estimate 1 + xe−y R dA where [0, 1] × [0, 1]. Use the Midpoint Rule with the following numbers of squares of equal size: 1, 4, 16, 64, 256, and 1024. (Round your answers to six decimal places.)


Answer 1









Related Questions

Create a C# GUI Windows Form application named JobDemo that declares and uses Job objects. The Job class holds job information for a home repair service. The class has five properties that include a job number, customer name, job description, estimated hours, and price for the job. Create a constructor that requires parameters for all the data except price. Include auto-implemented properties for the job number, customer name, and job description, but not for hours or price; the price field value is calculated as estimated hours times $45.00 whenever the hours value is set.

Also create the following for the class:

An Equals() method that determines two Jobs are equal if they have the same job number A ToString() method that returns a string containing all job information

The JobDemo Windows Form declares a few Job objects, sets their values, and demonstrates that all the methods work as expected.

Using the Job class you created in (a), write a new application named JobDemo2 that creates an array of five Job objects. Prompt the user for values for each Job. Do not allow duplicate job numbers; force the user to reenter the job when a duplicate job number is entered. When five valid objects have been entered (use List), display them all, plus a total of all prices.

Create a RushJob class that derives from Job. A RushJob has a $150.00 premium that is added to the normal price of the job. Override any methods in the parent class as necessary. Create a new Windows Form named JobDemo3 that creates an a List of five RushJobs. Prompt the user for values for each, and do not allow duplicates

Create a RushJob class that derives from Job. A RushJob has a $150.00 premium that is added to the normal price of the job. Override any methods in the parent class as necessary. Write a new Windows Form named JobDemo3 that creates a List of five RushJobs. Prompt the user for values for each, and do not allow duplicate job numbers. When five valid RushJob objects have been entered, display them all, plus a total of all prices. Make any necessary modifications to the RushJob class so that it can be sorted by job number.


Here's the implementation for the requested tasks:

### Job Class


using System;

public class Job


   private static int nextJobNumber = 1;

   public int JobNumber { get; }

   public string CustomerName { get; set; }

   public string JobDescription { get; set; }

   public double EstimatedHours { get; set; }

   public double Price => EstimatedHours * 45.00;

   public Job(string customerName, string jobDescription, double estimatedHours)


       JobNumber = nextJobNumber++;

       CustomerName = customerName;

       JobDescription = jobDescription;

       EstimatedHours = estimatedHours;


   public override bool Equals(object obj)


       if (obj == null || GetType() != obj.GetType())


           return false;


       Job otherJob = (Job)obj;

       return JobNumber == otherJob.JobNumber;


   public override int GetHashCode()


       return JobNumber.GetHashCode();


   public override string ToString()


       return $"Job Number: {JobNumber}, Customer Name: {CustomerName}, Job Description: {JobDescription}, Estimated Hours: {EstimatedHours}, Price: {Price:C}";




### JobDemo Form


using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace JobDemo


   public partial class JobDemoForm : Form


       private List<Job> jobs = new List<Job>();

       public JobDemoForm()




       private void addButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


           string customerName = customerNameTextBox.Text;

           string jobDescription = jobDescriptionTextBox.Text;

           double estimatedHours;

           if (double.TryParse(estimatedHoursTextBox.Text, out estimatedHours))


               Job job = new Job(customerName, jobDescription, estimatedHours);

               if (!jobs.Contains(job))




                   totalLabel.Text = $"Total: {CalculateTotal():C}";




                   MessageBox.Show("Duplicate job number. Please enter a unique job number.");





               MessageBox.Show("Invalid estimated hours. Please enter a valid number.");



       private double CalculateTotal()


           double total = 0;

           foreach (var job in jobs)


               total += job.Price;


           return total;





### RushJob Class


public class RushJob : Job, IComparable<RushJob>


   private const double RushJobPremium = 150.00;

   public RushJob(string customerName, string jobDescription, double estimatedHours)

       : base(customerName, jobDescription, estimatedHours)



   public override double Price => base.Price + RushJobPremium;

   public int CompareTo(RushJob other)


       return JobNumber.CompareTo(other.JobNumber);




### JobDemo3 Form


using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq;

using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace JobDemo


   public partial class JobDemo3Form : Form


       private List<RushJob> rushJobs = new List<RushJob>();

       public JobDemo3Form()




       private void addButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


           string customerName = customerNameTextBox.Text;

           string jobDescription = jobDescriptionTextBox.Text;

           double estimatedHours;

           if (double.TryParse(estimatedHoursTextBox.Text, out estimatedHours))


               RushJob rushJob = new RushJob(customerName, jobDescription, estimatedHours);

               if (!rushJobs.Any(rj => rj.JobNumber == rushJob.JobNumber))




                   totalLabel.Text = $"Total: {CalculateTotal():C}";




                   MessageBox.Show("Duplicate job number. Please enter a unique job number.");





               MessageBox.Show("Invalid estimated hours. Please enter a valid number.");



       private double CalculateTotal()


           double total = 0;

           foreach (var rushJob in rushJobs)


               total += rushJob.Price;


           return total;




This code should fulfill the requirements you've specified. Let me know if you need further assistance!

Consider the following code segment: class Fruit : _type = "Fruit" def __init__(self, color) : self._color = color What is the name of the class variable?



_type is the correct answer for the above question


The class variable is a variable that is defined in the class and the instance variable is defined in the constructor of the class using the self keyword.The class variable is used as the static variable, but the instance variable is called by the help of objects only.The above program holds only one class variable which is "_type" because it is defined in the class.

In this assignment, you will model the game of Bulgarian Solitaire. The game starts with 45 cards. (They need not be playing cards. Unmarked index cards work just as well.) Randomly divide them into some number of piles of random size. For example, you might start with piles of size 20, 5, 1, 9, and 10. In each round, you take one card from each pile, forming a new pile with these cards. For example, the sample starting configuration would be transformed into piles of size 19, 4, 8, 10, and 5. The solitaire is over when the piles have size 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9, in some order. (It can be shown that you always end up with such a configuration.)

In your program, produce a random starting configuration and print it. Then keep applying the solitaire step and print the result. Stop when the solitaire final configuration is reached.

Use the following class as your main class:

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Random;

public class BulgarianSolitaire
private ArrayList piles;

Sets up the game randomly with some number of piles of random
size. The pile sizes add up to 45.
public void setupRandomly()
. . .

This method can be used to set up a pile with a known (non-random)
configuration for testing.
@param pileSizes an array of numbers whose sum is 45
public void setup(int[] pileSizes)
piles = new ArrayList();
for (int s : pileSizes)

public String getPiles()
return piles.toString();

Play the game.
public void play()
while (!isDone())

Play one round of the game.
public void playRound()
. . .

Checks whether the game is done.
@return true when the piles have size
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9, in some order.
public boolean isDone()
. . .

Sample run:

13 4 6 6 10 6

6 12 3 5 5 9 5

7 5 11 2 4 4 8 4

8 6 4 10 1 3 3 7 3

9 7 5 3 9 2 2 6 2

9 8 6 4 2 8 1 1 5 1

10 8 7 5 3 1 7 4

8 9 7 6 4 2 6 3

8 7 8 6 5 3 1 5 2

9 7 6 7 5 4 2 4 1

9 8 6 5 6 4 3 1 3

9 8 7 5 4 5 3 2 2

9 8 7 6 4 3 4 2 1 1


9 8 7 6 4 5 3 2 1

9 8 7 6 5 3 4 2 1

9 8 7 6 5 4 2 3 1

9 8 7 6 5 4 3 1 2

9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Number of iterations: 52




solution is attached in word form due to error in mathematical equation. furthermore i also attach Screenshot of solution in word due to different version of MS Office please find the attachment

It is important for security practitioners to take into consideration the __________ element when devising password security policies to ensure confidentiality.



The answer is "Evidence".


A "practitioner" is a person that has a specific practice or specialty directly involved. A safety professional of data is indeed another who engages in the protection of data.

Evidence is used in the course of the investigation to show certain material information or characteristics of a felony. Most people seem to believe that proof is just tangible, verbal evidence.

convert the following c code to mips. assume the address of base array is associated with $s0, n is associated with $s1, position is associated with $t0, c is associated with $t1, d is associated with $t2, and swap is associated with $t3 for (c




hello we will follow a step by step process for this code, i hope you find it easy.

Mips Equivalent code:

  sw      $0,0($fp)


       lw      $2,12($fp)

       addiu   $2,$2,-1

       lw      $3,0($fp)

       slt     $2,$3,$2

       beq     $2,$0,.L2


       lw      $2,0($fp)

       sw      $2,8($fp)

       lw      $2,0($fp)

       addiu   $2,$2,1

       sw      $2,4($fp)


       lw      $3,4($fp)

       lw      $2,12($fp)

       slt     $2,$3,$2

       beq     $2,$0,.L3


       lw      $2,8($fp)

       dsll    $2,$2,2

       daddu   $2,$fp,$2

       lw      $3,24($2)

       lw      $2,4($fp)

       dsll    $2,$2,2

       daddu   $2,$fp,$2

       lw      $2,24($2)

       slt     $2,$2,$3

       beq     $2,$0,.L4


       lw      $2,4($fp)

       sw      $2,8($fp)


       lw      $2,4($fp)

       addiu   $2,$2,1

       sw      $2,4($fp)

       b       .L5



       lw      $3,8($fp)

       lw      $2,0($fp)

       beq     $3,$2,.L6


       lw      $2,0($fp)

       dsll    $2,$2,2

       daddu   $2,$fp,$2

       lw      $2,24($2)

       sw      $2,16($fp)

       lw      $2,8($fp)

       dsll    $2,$2,2

       daddu   $2,$fp,$2

       lw      $3,24($2)

       lw      $2,0($fp)

       dsll    $2,$2,2

       daddu   $2,$fp,$2

       sw      $3,24($2)

       lw      $2,8($fp)

       dsll    $2,$2,2

       daddu   $2,$fp,$2

       lw      $3,16($fp)

       sw      $3,24($2)


    lw      $2,0($fp)

       addiu   $2,$2,1

       sw      $2,0($fp)

       b       .L7


cheers  i hope this helps

Convert C code to MIPS assembly using registers for array operations and loops, implementing selection sort for efficient sorting of array elements.

To convert the given C code snippet to MIPS assembly, we need to translate each part of the algorithm into MIPS instructions while considering the provided register assignments.

1. Initialization:

  -Registers: `$s0` holds the base address of the array, `$s1` holds `n`, `$t0` holds `position`, `$t1` holds `c`, `$t2` holds `d`, and `$t3` holds `swap`.

2. Outer Loop (`for c`):

  - Use a label (`outer_loop`) to mark the start of the outer loop.

  - Initialize `c` to `0` and check if `c < n - 1`.

  - Increment `c` after each iteration.

3. Inner Loop (`for d`):

  - Inside the outer loop, set `position` to `c`.

  - Use another label (`inner_loop`) to mark the start of the inner loop.

  - Initialize `d` to `c + 1` and check if `d < n`.

  - Compare `array[position]` with `array[d]` and update `position` if `array[d]` is smaller.

4.Swap Condition:

  - After the inner loop, check if `position` is not equal to `c`.

  - If true, swap `array[c]` and `array[position]` using `$t3` (`swap`) as a temporary register.

5. Assembly Code:


  # Register assignments:

  # $s0 - base address of array

  # $s1 - n

  # $t0 - position

  # $t1 - c

  # $t2 - d

  # $t3 - swap  

  # Outer loop (for c)

  li $t1, 0          # c = 0


      blt $t1, $s1, end_outer_loop  # if c >= n, exit outer loop      

      # Inner loop (for d)

      move $t0, $t1    # position = c

      addi $t2, $t1, 1 # d = c + 1


          blt $t2, $s1, end_inner_loop  # if d >= n, exit inner loop          

          # Load array[position] and array[d]

          lw $t4, 0($s0)           # $t4 = array[position]

          lw $t5, 0($s0)($t2)      # $t5 = array[d]          

          # Compare array[position] > array[d]

          bgt $t4, $t5, update_position

          j next_iteration_inner_loop


              move $t0, $t2  # position = d        


              addi $t2, $t2, 1  # d++

              j inner_loop      


      # Swap if position != c

      bne $t0, $t1, swap_elements

      j next_iteration_outer_loop      


          lw $t3, 0($s0)($t1)     # $t3 = array[c]

          lw $t4, 0($s0)($t0)     # $t4 = array[position]        

          # Swap array[c] and array[position]

          sw $t4, 0($s0)($t1)     # array[c] = array[position]

          sw $t3, 0($s0)($t0)     # array[position] = swap      


          addi $t1, $t1, 1  # c++

          j outer_loop      


  - Explanation: The MIPS assembly code mirrors the logic of the C code by using load (`lw`) and store (`sw`) instructions to access array elements, branches (`bgt`, `bne`, `blt`) for conditional logic, and loops (`j`) to control flow. It effectively implements the selection sort algorithm to sort the array in ascending order.  

  - Efficiency: This implementation efficiently sorts the array in-place using O(n^2) time complexity, suitable for moderately sized arrays given the constraints of MIPS architecture.

Complete Question;

convert the following c code to mips. assume the address of base array is associated with $s0, n is associated with $s1, position is associated with $t0, c is associated with $t1, d is associated with $t2, and swap is associated with $t3 for

for ( c = 0 c < (n - 1) c++)


position = c

for ( d = c + 1 d < n d ++)

{ if (array[position] > array[d])

position = d


if (position != c)


swap array[c];

array[c] = array[position];

array[position] = swap;



g The machine in the problem has a byte-addressable memory of 216 bytes. The direct-mapped cache consists of 32 cache blocks, and the cache block size is 8 bytes. Question 1 How is the 16-bit memory address divided into byte offset, cache index, and tag? Question 2 What is the capacity of the cache in bytes? Question 3 Why tag is also stored in the cache? Question 4 For the following four memory addresses, what cache block would each be mapped to? 0001 0001 0001 1011 1100 0011 0011 0100 1101 0000 0001 1101 1010 1010 1010 1010


Final answer:

The 16-bit memory address is divided into 3 bits for byte offset, 5 bits for cache index, and 8 bits for tag. The direct-mapped cache has a capacity of 256 bytes. Tags in the cache help in verifying the data's integrity for proper retrieval, and the specific block each address maps to has been calculated based on the cache index.


Direct-Mapped Cache Addressing

To answer your questions regarding the direct-mapped cache and addressing, we must first divide the 16-bit memory address into three parts: byte offset, cache index, and tag.

Question 1: The memory address is divided as follows:

Byte offset (needed to select one byte from the 8-byte cache block): 3 bits

Cache index (to select one cache block from the 32 blocks): 5 bits

Tag (remaining bits after removing index and offset): 8 bits

Question 2: The capacity of the cache is the product of the number of cache blocks and the size of each block, which is 32 blocks × 8 bytes/block = 256 bytes.

Question 3: The tag is stored in the cache to identify which block of memory is currently stored in a cache line. It ensures the correct data is retrieved.

For the given memory addresses, the cache block they would be mapped to is as follows:

0001 0001 0001 1011 - Cache Block: 3

1100 0011 0011 0100 - Cache Block: 20

1101 0000 0001 1101 - Cache Block: 29

1010 1010 1010 1010 - Cache Block: 10

Note that we are using block numbers starting from 0.

The ______ network became functional in 1969, linking scientific and academic researchers across the United States. Group of answer choices ARPANET NETAMERICA INTRANET AMERINET



The ARPANET network became functional in 1969, linking scientific and academic researchers across the United States.


ARPA Net is the network that has become functional in 1969 in united States. The basic purpose of this network is to link all the researchers and scientists across united states. The full form of ARPANet is Advanced Research Project Agency Network.

The importance of this network is increase because small chunks of data that are called packets has been proposed for data transmission in the network. The data is divided into small packets and send it over the network, at destination point these packets are combined together and become orignal information.

When your phone sends/receives text messages (specifically using SMS), the total data sent/received contains more than just your 160-character message. What is an example of this additional data, and why is it included


An SMS is a short code that is used by businesses to opt in consumers to their SMS programs, and then used to send text message coupons, offers, promotions to those customers that had previously opted.


When Someone tries to call you, the tower sends your phone a message over the control channel that tells your phone to play its ringtone. The tower gives your phone a pair of voice channel frequencies to use for the call.

The MMS and other data driven services works on the fundamental voice network and is based on the big three GSM, CDMA and TDMA network technologies. The SMS allows text messages of 160 characters (letters, numbers and symbols).

The text messaging is an act of composing and sending electronic messages consist of alphabetic and numeric character between two or more more mobile devices.

SMS stands for short messaging service, it refers to a protocol that is used for sending short messages over wireless networks.

SMS works on the fundamental principle voice network, and is based on the three big technologies (i.e. GSM, CDMA and TDMA) which makes it a universal service.


Data SMS messages are sent through the data network, using the  2G / 3G/4G  data connection.

A perfect example for data SMS use is when your recipient has  pay to receive the  text message even though they  may have unlimited texting. By using a data SMS service, all extra charges are avoided and the amount of data used by SMS messages is insignificant compared to even lite web page viewing.

Data SMS messages are sent not only through the data network (over your 2G / 3G data connection), but also through GSM as Text SMS.

The PDU of a text message has a User Data Headers (UDH) that defines a specific port on a handset

You need to write a program that reads in the mass of an object (in kg) and output the weight (in N) on the Earth, on the Moon, and on Venus. An object's mass can be measured in kilograms. The weight is measured in newtons. So an object of a specific mass (in kilograms) would have one weight (in newtons) on the earth and a different weight on the moon. Your program will read in the mass (in kilograms) and convert it to newtons for the Earth, the Moon, and Venus. So, on the Earth we can convert kilograms to newtons with the following expression: weight = mass * 9.81 where 9.81 is the acceleration due to gravity on earth (in meters per second squared or m/s^2). On the Moon this formula would be: weight = mass * 1.62 where 1.62 is the acceleration due to gravity on the moon (m/s^2) Finally, for Venus it would be: weight = mass * 8.87



#include <iostream>


using namespace std;

int main()


double mass,e,m,v;

cout<<"Enter the mass : ";


cout<<"The mass is "<<mass<<" kg\n";


cout<<" mass must be greater than zero";

return 0;


e= mass * 9.81;

m= mass * 1.62;

v = mass * 8.87;








cout<<"Object is light weight";


cout<<"Object is heavy weight";



Final answer:

An object's weight is calculated by multiplying its mass by the acceleration due to gravity, which varies by celestial body. On Earth, the weight is the mass times 9.81 m/s², while on the Moon it is mass times 1.62 m/s², and on Venus, the weight is calculated with an acceleration due to gravity of 8.87 m/s².


The mass of an object is a measure of the amount of matter in that object and does not change regardless of the object's location. On the other hand, weight is the force exerted by gravity on an object and is calculated by multiplying the mass (in kilograms) by the acceleration due to gravity (in meters per second squared, m/s²). This acceleration due to gravity varies depending on the celestial body.

On Earth, the acceleration due to gravity is approximately 9.81 m/s², which means that an object's weight can be calculated as its mass multiplied by 9.81. For example, a mass of 100 kg on Earth would have a weight of 981 Newtons (N).

The Moon's gravitational acceleration is much lower, around 1.62 m/s². Thus, the same 100 kg object would weigh 162 N on the Moon. It's clear that, although mass remains consistent, weight varies significantly depending on the acceleration due to gravity at the location.

Similarly, on Venus, the acceleration due to gravity is 8.87 m/s². To find the weight of an object on Venus, you multiply its mass by this acceleration. So, a 100 kg object would weigh approximately 887 N on Venus.

The distinction between mass and weight is important as it highlights that weight can change locationally due to variations in gravitational pull, while mass is an intrinsic property of an object that does not change with location.

Given the following function header, compose a C++ programming statement that calls the function, passing the value 15 as an argument and assigning its return value to a variable named result.

int doubleIt(int value)



"int result= doubleIt(15);" is the correct answer for the above question


The function in a c++ programming is used to perform some specific tasks for the user. If a user wants to use any function, Then there is needs to do three things, which are as follows:-Firstly, there is needs to give the prototype for any function,Then there is a needs to define the function body.Then there is needs to call the function The function can be called by the help of " data_type variable_name = function_name (argument_list);" syntax in c++.

Your company wants to conduct an exploratory study to gain new insights into some product changes you are considering. Which type of research method would be most appropriate for this exploratory study?


Final answer:

For an exploratory study regarding product changes, ethnographic field research, informal interviews, and content analysis are ideal research methods. They provide in-depth understanding, are flexible, and can uncover unexpected insights into consumer behavior, preferences, and product perceptions.


If your company is considering product changes and wants to conduct an exploratory study to gain new insights, choosing the appropriate research method is crucial. For an exploratory study, ethnographic field research, informal interviews, and content analysis can be particularly beneficial. These methods allow for in-depth understanding and are highly adaptive, providing the flexibility to explore unforeseen aspects that may arise during the process.

Ethnographic field research immerses the researcher in the environment of the subjects, leading to comprehensive insights into consumer behavior and product interaction in natural settings. Informal interviews can yield nuanced information about user experiences and expectations. Content analysis of social media, forums, and customer feedback can uncover trends and sentiments about the products in question. These methods are suited for exploratory research because they do not require firm hypotheses and are capable of revealing unexpected aspects of the research subject that structured methods such as surveys might miss.

While these research methods can offer rich, qualitative data, it is important to consider their limitations, such as potential biases, non-representative samples, and the interpretation of results, which can be subjective. Nevertheless, for gaining initial insights and a deeper understanding of user perspectives regarding product changes, they are very appropriate choices for an exploratory research design.

Final answer:

Exploratory research using advisory boards, insights from knowledgeable individuals, and carefully selected surveys is the most appropriate method for a company to gain new insights into product changes.


For a company seeking to gain new insights into product changes, exploratory research is the most appropriate research method.

This type of research is suitable for the early stages of a project, particularly when little prior research exists or when the company wants to understand the feasibility of a more extensive study. Two effective methods within exploratory research could include forming an advisory board with target audience members or gathering insights from individuals with close contacts to the target audience.

Additionally, surveys can be useful in exploratory research to assess individual reactions or opinions towards product changes, but it is crucial to select respondents who have adequate knowledge and unbiased perspectives, especially when dealing with perceptions or team dynamics at work.

Using a while loop, write a code that will continue to calculate the following equation until the solution gets to be above 100, x will start at zero. What is the final solution and how many iterations does it take to complete (prob05) as a row vector.








while (sum<100)






fprintf('total iteraton take to sum greater than 100 is %d and sum becomes %d\n',iteration,sum);


Which of the following statement is true?

a. the MAC address cannot be spoofed
b. the IP address can be spoofed, so if you want to read response from the deceived party, you can use
c. IP spoofing to hide yourself IP spoofing can be used for denial of service attack
d. IP spoofing can be prevented or detected by switches



b. the IP address can be spoofed, so if you want to read response from the deceived party, you can use IP spoofing to hide yourself.


When you type into a basic search engine like Google, Bing, or Yahoo!, the sites that appear at the top or on the side of the results page are usually those that ________.


The sites that appear at the top or on the side of the results page are usually those that have paid for there presence on the home page.


It takes a fortune to list on the top or side of the search engine's result page (SERP). Presence on the top or side of the result page guarantees enhanced visibility and increased conversion chances.

The web content masters who are in the need of such strategic advantage often pay for it. The search engine such as Google, Yahoo charges them based on their preferences, content length and the target region. However, with adequate search optimisations, one can make his/her site appear on top in the search page list.

Design a Geometry class with the following methods: A static method that accepts the radius of a circle and returns the area of the circle. Use the following formula: A r e a = π r 2 Use Math.PI for π and the radius of the circle for r. A static method that accepts the length and width of a rectangle and returns the area of the rectangle. Use the following formula: A r e a = L e n g t h × W i d t h A static method that accepts the length of a triangle’s base and the triangle’s height. The method should return the area of the triangle. Use the following formula: A r e a = B a s e × H e i g h t × 0.5 The methods should display an error message if negative values are used for the circle’s radius, the rectangle’s length or width, or the triangle’s base or height. Next, write a program to test the class, which displays the following menu and responds to the user’s selection: Geometry Calculator 1. Calculate the Area of a Circle 2. Calculate the Area of a Rectangle 3. Calculate the Area of a Triangle 4. Quit Enter your choice (1-4): Display an error message if the user enters a number outside the range of 1 through 4 when selecting an item from the menu.



Geometry class

public static class Geometry {

   public static double areaOfCircle(double radius) {

       return Math.PI * radius * radius;


   public static double areaOfRectangle(double length, double width) {

       return length * width;


   public static double areaOfTriangle(double base, double h) {

       return base * h * 0.5;



Main and user menu choice method\

public static void main(String[] args) {

   int choice; // The user's menu choice

   do {

       // Get the user's menu choice.

       choice = getMenu();

       if (choice == 1) {


       } else if (choice == 2) {


       } else if (choice == 3) {


       } else if (choice == 4) {

           System.out.println("Thanks for calculating!");


   } while (choice != 4);


public static int getMenu() {

   int userChoice;

   // keyboard input

   Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;

   // Display the menu.

   System.out.println("Geometry Calculator\n");

   System.out.println("1. Calculate the Area of a Circle");

   System.out.println("2. Calculate the Area of a Rectangle");

   System.out.println("3. Calculate the Area of a Triangle");

   System.out.println("4. Quit\n");

   System.out.print("Enter your choice (1-4) : ");

   // get input from user

   userChoice = keyboard.nextInt();

   // validate input

   while (userChoice < 1 || userChoice > 4) {

       System.out.print("Please enter a valid range: 1, 2, 3, or 4: ");

       userChoice = keyboard.nextInt();


   return userChoice;


Calculate Circle Area

public static void calculateCircleArea() {

   double radius;

   // Get input from user

   Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;

   System.out.print("What is the circle's radius? ");

   radius = keyboard.nextDouble();

   // Display output

   System.out.println("The circle's area is "

           + Geometry.areaOfCircle(radius));


Calculate Rectangle Area

public static void calculateRectangleArea() {

   double length;

   double width;

   // Get input from user

   Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;

   // Get length

   System.out.print("Enter length? ");

   length = keyboard.nextDouble();

   // Get width

   System.out.print("Enter width? ");

   width = keyboard.nextDouble();

   // Display output

   System.out.println("The rectangle's area is "

           + Geometry.areaOfRectangle(length, width));


Calculate Triangle Area

public static void calculateTriangleArea() {

   double base;

   double height;

   // Get input from user

   Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;

   // Get the base

   System.out.print("Enter length of the triangle's base? ");

   base = keyboard.nextDouble();

   // Get the height

   System.out.print("Enter triangle's height? ");

   height = keyboard.nextDouble();

   // Display the triangle's area.

   System.out.println("The triangle's area is "

           + Geometry.areaOfTriangle(base, height));



Geometry Calculator

1. Calculate the Area of a Circle

2. Calculate the Area of a Rectangle

3. Calculate the Area of a Triangle

4. Quit

Enter your choice (1-4) : 1

What is the circle's radius? 10

The circle's area is 314.1592653589793

Geometry Calculator

1. Calculate the Area of a Circle

2. Calculate the Area of a Rectangle

3. Calculate the Area of a Triangle

4. Quit

Enter your choice (1-4) : 2

Enter length? 10

Enter width? 10

The rectangle's area is 100.0

Geometry Calculator

1. Calculate the Area of a Circle

2. Calculate the Area of a Rectangle

3. Calculate the Area of a Triangle

4. Quit

Enter your choice (1-4) : 3

Enter length of the triangle's base? 10

Enter triangle's height? 10

The triangle's area is 50.0

Geometry Calculator

1. Calculate the Area of a Circle

2. Calculate the Area of a Rectangle

3. Calculate the Area of a Triangle

4. Quit

Enter your choice (1-4) : 4

Thanks for calculating!

Final answer:

A Geometry class can be designed with static methods to calculate the areas of circles, rectangles, and triangles, ensuring input validation. A test program will provide a user-friendly menu to select different area calculations or to quit, with error handling for out-of-range selections.


Designing a Geometry Class with Area Calculation Methods:

To create a Geometry class with different area calculation methods, we'll define several static methods. Each of these methods will perform a check to ensure that the input values are positive before proceeding with the calculation.

Circle Area Calculation:

To calculate the area of a circle, we use the formula πr2. The static method will take the radius as a parameter and return the calculated area, making use of Math.PI for π. If the radius is negative, an error message will be displayed.

Rectangle Area Calculation:

For calculating the area of a rectangle, the method will accept the length and width. The area is found by multiplying the length by the width. Again, if negative values are provided, an error message will be returned.

Triangle Area Calculation:

The area of a triangle is calculated by taking the base and the height, multiplying them together, and then multiplying by 0.5. This method also ensures that input values are positive before calculating the area.

Testing the Geometry Class:

To test the Geometry class, a program with a menu offering options to calculate the area of a circle, a rectangle, or a triangle will be created. If the user selects an option outside the range of 1 to 4, an error message is displayed. This ensures that the program is user-friendly and provides appropriate prompts and feedback.

Write a function addOddMinusEven that takes two integers indicating the starting point and the end point. Then calculate the sum of all the odd integers minus the sum of all even integers between the two points. The calculation includes the starting point but excludes the end point. You can always assume the starting point is smaller than the end point.



   public static int addOddMinusEven(int start, int end){

       int odd =0;

       int even = 0;

       for(int i =start; i<end; i++){


               even = even+i;



               odd = odd+i;



       return odd-even;




Using Java programming language:

The method addOddMinusEven() is created to accept two parameters of ints start and endUsing a for loop statement we iterate from start to end but not including endUsing a modulos operator we check for even and oddsThe method then returns odd-evenSee below a complete method with a call to the method addOddMinusEven()

public class num13 {

   public static void main(String[] args) {

       int start = 2;

       int stop = 10;



   public static int addOddMinusEven(int start, int end){

       int odd =0;

       int even = 0;

       for(int i =start; i<end; i++){


               even = even+i;



               odd = odd+i;



       return odd-even;



1i) Standardize 'weight' column Write a function named standardize_weight that takes in as input a string and returns an integer. The function will do the following (in the order specified): 1) convert all characters of the string into lowercase 2) strip the string of all leading and trailing whitespace 3) replace any occurences of 'lbs' with '' (remove it from the string) 4) replace any occurences of 'lb' with '' (remove it from the string)



import numpy as np

def standardize_weight(inp):








inp=inp.replace("lbs"," ")



inp=inp.replace("lb"," ")



inp=inp.replace("pounds"," ")






inp=inp.replace("kg"," ")
















res=standardize_weight(" List albkg repLacleg sublkg " )


Write a program that declares constants to represent the number of inches, feet, and yards in a mile. Name the constants INCHES_IN_MILE, FEET_IN_MILE, and YARDS_IN_MILE respectively. Also declare a variable named miles to represent a number of miles. Compute and display, with explanatory text, the value in inches, feet, and yards—for example: 4.0 miles is 253440.0 inches, or 21120.0 feet, or 7040.0 yards



The cpp program for conversion is given below.

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;


int main() {


// declaring and initializing constant variables with standard values

   const  double INCHES_IN_MILE=63360;

   const  double FEET_IN_MILE=5280;

   const  double YARDS_IN_MILE=1760;


   // declaring and initializing miles with a random value

   double miles=4.0;


// declaring and computing inches in miles

double inch = INCHES_IN_MILE*miles;


// declaring and computing feet in miles

double feet = FEET_IN_MILE*miles;


// declaring and computing yards in miles

double yard = YARDS_IN_MILE*miles;


// displaying all the calculated values

std::cout<<miles<<" miles is "<<inch<<" inches"<<std::endl;

std::cout<<miles<<" miles is "<<feet<<" feet"<<std::endl;

       std::cout<<miles<<" miles is "<<yard<<" yards"<<std::endl;


       return 0;      



4 miles is 253440 inches

4 miles is 21120 feet

4 miles is 7040 yards


The steps in the program are as described.

1. All the three constant variables, mentioned in the question, are declared as double and initialized. These variables hold the fixed conversion values for inches, feet and yards in one mile.

2. The variables are declared constant using the keyword, const.

3. The variable to hold value for mile, miles, is declared as double and initialized with a random value.

4. Next, three more variables are declared as double. These variables will hold the calculated values for inches, feet and yards in the given value of mile.

5. The values are calculated for inches, feet and yards for the given value of variable, miles and stored in the variables mentioned in step 3.

6. These values are displayed to the console along with explanations.

7. The program ends with the return statement.

8. The value of variable, miles, is hard coded in the program and not taken from the user.

9. There is no interaction with the user in this program as this is not mentioned in the question.

10. The program works for all numeric value of the variable, miles, since double accepts integers also.

11. The program can be tested by changing the value of variable, miles.

Design the logic and write the Java code that will use assignment statements to: Calculate the profit (profit) as the retail price minus the wholesale price Calculate the sale price (salePrice) as 25 percent deducted from the retail price Calculate the sale profit (saleProfit) as the sale price minus the wholesale price.




profit = retailPrice - wholeSalePrice

salePrice = retailPrice - (0.25 * retailPrice)

saleProfit = salePrice - wholeSalePrice

Java code:

double retailPrice, wholeSalePrice;

double profit = retailPrice - wholeSalePrice;

double salePrice = retailPrice - (0.25 * retailPrice);

double saleProfit = salePrice - wholeSalePrice;


The logic just represented the words in equation format. That is, profit is retailPrice minus wholesaleprice.

SalePrice is 25% deducted from retail price.

SaleProfit is saleprice minus wholesaleprice.

The whole logic is then represented in Java assignment statement using type double.

Write a Python function powerSet() that takes in a finite list object A and returns P(A), the power set of A. The output should be only in the form of list objects. Note: Make sure you are familiar with some of Python's basic built-in list functions and operators, as they will make completing this problem far easier. For example:



#Code segment is written in Python Programming Language

#define Powerset(A)

def Powerset(A):

#Calculate length

Length = len(A)

#iterate through A

masks = [1 << count for count in range(A)]

for count in range(1 << Length):

yield [xy for mask, xy in zip(masks, A) if count & mask]

#Print Powerset



Line 1 defines the powerset

Line 2 calculates the length

Line 3 gets a range of the power set from 1 to the last

Line 4 checks if the iteration variable is still within range

Line 5 generates the Powerset

The essence of using the yield keyword is to ensure that one do not need to calculate all results in a single piece of memory.

Line 6 is to do the test code.

A user is unable to install virtualization software on a Windows 8.1 computer. The user verified the host has sufficient RAM, plenty of available free disk space, and a multicore processor.

Which of the following is the most likely cause for this behavior?

a. Windows 8.1 does not support Type 2 hypervisors.

b. The motherboard does not support hardware-assisted virtualization.

c. The user does not have a valid product license key.

d. The system is incompatible with Type 1 hypervisors.



The correct option is C. The user does not have a valid product license key. Both the OS installed on the bare metal (that the host) and the client OS must have a valid license key.


There is a powerful virtualization tool is built into every copy of Microsoft Windows 8.x Pro and Windows 8.x Enterprise, Client Hyper-V.

This is the very same Type-1 hypervisor that runs virtualized enterprise workloads and comes with Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2. The virtual machines you create on your desktop with Client Hyper-V are fully compatible with those server systems as well.

If you need to do testing as a software developer, or simply want an additional operating system(s) running on your computer, such as Linux, Hyper-V can be a great feature to have enabled on your PC.

To have the Hyper-V feature on your PC, you'll need to meet some basic requirements like your computer will need 4GB of RAM with a 64-bit processor that has Second Level Address Translation (SLAT).

Many PCs on the market have this feature, while many PC BIOSes have virtualization features turned on by default, your PC might not.

As BIOS menu layouts are not universal, you'll want to consult your PC BIOS documentation as to where the feature is located in your firmware setup and what it is called.

a.   Windows 8.1 does not support Type 2 hypervisors.

 This option is wrong. All 64-bit Windows 8.1 OS except for the Home version supports hypervisors type 2 as well as type 1

b.   The motherboard does not support hardware-assisted virtualization.

Most of the PC that can run Windows 8.1 has visualization, all that is needed is to have it enabled if it was it enabled by default in the BIOS

c.   The user does not have a valid product license key.

This is the correct answer. For you to successfully install visualization software on Windows 8.1, both the host OS and the client OS must have a valid product key

d. The system is incompatible with Type 1 hypervisors.

This option is wrong. The Windows 8.1 OS does not only support the installation of visualization software, it came with its hypervisor called Hyper-V.

You are designing a write buffer between a write-through L1 cache and a write-back L2 cache. The L2 cache write data bus is 16 B wide and can perform a write to an independent cache address every 4 processor cycles.
a. How many bytes wide should each write buffer entry be?
b. What speedup could be expected in the steady state by using a merging write buffer instead of a non-merging buffer when zeroing memory by the execution of 64-bit stores if all other instructions could be issued in parallel with the stores and the blocks are present in the L2 cache?
c. What would be the effect of possible L1 misses on the number of required write buffer entries for systems with blocking and non-blocking caches?



Clock 2.5GHz

L1 I cache 32KB, 8way, 64B line size, 4 cycle access latency

L1 Dcache write-back, write-allocate; MSHR with 0 (lockup

cache), 1, 2, and 64 (unconstrained non-blocking

cache) entries, write-back buffer with 16 entries

L2 cache 256KB, 8way, 64B line size, 10 cycle access latency

L3 cache 2MB per core, 64B line size, 36 cycle access latency

Memory DDR3-1600, 90 cycle access latency

Issue width 4

Instruction window size 36

ROB Size 128

Load Buffer Size 48

Store Buffer Size 32


parallelism took this a step further by providing more parallelism and hence more

latency-hiding opportunities. It is likely that the use of instruction- and threadlevel

parallelism will be the primary tool to combat whatever memory delays are

encountered in modern multilevel cache systems.

that of the lockup cache setup (hit-under-0-miss). For the integer programs: the average performance

(measured as CPI) improvement is 7.08% for hit-under-1-miss, 8.36% for hit-under-2-misses, and 9.02%

for hit-under-64-misses (essentially the unconstraint non-blocking cache), compared to lockup cache. For

the floating point programs, the three numbers are 12.69%, 16.22%, and 17.76%, respectively


Non-blocking caches are an effective technique for tolerating cache-miss latency. They can reduce

miss-induced processor stalls by buffering the misses and continuing to serve other independent access

requests. Previous research on the complexity and performance of non-blocking caches supporting

non-blocking loads showed they could achieve significant performance gains in comparison to blocking

caches. However, those experiments were performed with benchmarks that are now over a decade old.

Furthermore the processor that was simulated was a single-issue processor with unlimited run-ahead

capability, a perfect branch predictor, fixed 16-cycle memory latency, single-cycle latency for floating

point operations, and write-through and write-no-allocate caches. These assumptions are very different

from today's high performance out-of-order processors such as the Intel Nehalem. Thus, it is time to

re-evaluate the performance impact of non-blocking caches on practical out-of-order processors using

up-to-date benchmarks. In this study, we evaluate the impacts of non-blocking data caches using the latest

SPECCPU2006 benchmark suite on practical high performance out-of-order (OOO) processors.

Simulations show that a data cache that supports hit-under-2-misses can provide a 17.76% performance

gain for a typical high performance OOO processor running the SPECCPU 2006 benchmarks in

comparison to a similar machine with a blocking cache.


Write a method swapPairs that switches the order of values in an ArrayList of Strings in a pairwise fashion. Your method should switch the order of the first two values, then switch the order of the next two, switch the order of the next two, and so on. For example, if the list initially stores these values: {"four", "score", "and", "seven", "years", "ago"} your method should switch the first pair, "four", "score", the second pair, "and", "seven", and the third pair, "years", "ago", to yield this list: {"score", "four", "seven", "and", "ago", "years"} If there are an odd number of values in the list, the final element is not moved. For example, if the original list had been: {"to", "be", "or", "not", "to", "be", "hamlet"} It would again switch pairs of values, but the final value, "hamlet" would not be moved, yielding this list: {"be", "to", "not", "or", "be", "to", "hamlet"}



public static void swapPairs(ArrayList strList)


 for(int i = 0; i < strList.size() - 1; i += 2)


  String temp1 = strList.get(i);

  String temp2 = strList.get(i + 1);

  strList.set(i, temp2);

  strList.set(i + 1, temp1);




Write two functions called permutation() and combination(), where permutation() computes and returns n!/(n-r)!whereas combination() returns. n!/(n-r)!r!A third function called par_input() gets the input values for n and r. An example of correct program behavior follows: Input: 3 2 Output: The permutation is 6, and the combination is 3.



Here is the program in C.

#include<stdio.h>   // header file used to input output operations

int permutation(int n, int r);  // function to computer permutation

int combination(int n, int r);  //function to compute combination

int factorial(int number);  // function to computer factorial

void par_input(int n, int r);    // function take take input value of n and r

int main()  //start of main() function body


   int n,r;  // declare n and r variables

   par_input(n,r);  //calls par_input() function to get values of n and r



int permutation(int n, int r)   // method to calculate permutation


   return factorial(n) / factorial(n-r);  //formula for permutation



int combination(int n, int r)  // method to calculate combination


   return permutation(n, r) / factorial(r); //formula for combination



int factorial(int number)  // to find factorial of a number


   int fact = 1;      

   while(number > 0)  //loop continues until value of number gets <=0


       fact = fact *number;  



   return fact;


void par_input(int n, int r)  //function to take input values


   printf("Enter n: ");  //prompts user to enter the value of n

   scanf("%d", &n);      //reads the value of n from user

   printf("Enter r: "); ////prompts user to enter the value of r

   scanf("%d", &r); //reads the value of r from user

  //calls the combination and permutation methods to display results

   printf("The permutation is = %d\n", permutation(n, r));    

   printf("The Combination is = %d", combination(n, r));      



The main() function calls par_input() function. This function asks user to enter values of n and r and then calls permutation() and combination() methods to compute the combination and permutation using these input values. Lets say user enters n=3 and r=2The permutation() function computes and returns permutation using the following formula: n! / (n-r)! factorial(n) / factorial(n-r); This function calls factorial method which calculates the factorial of n and n-r.This function then returns the permutation.3! / (3-2)! = 3*2*1 / 1! = 6Next the combination() function computes and returns combination using the following formula: n! / r! * (n - r)!permutation(n, r) / factorial(r)This function calls permutation() and factorial() methods which calculate the combination of n and n-rThis function then returns the combination.3! / 2! * (3-2)! = 3*2*1 / 2*1 * 1 = 6 / 2 = 3 Factorial function computes and returns the factorial of n, r and n-r.Lets take n! When n=3 So this function computes factorial as follows:while loops checks if number>0 It is true as number is 3It multiplies 3 by fact. fact is initialized to 1 So1*3 = 3Then it decreases number=3 by 1 so number=2Now while loops checks if number>0 It is true as number is 2It multiplies 2 by fact. Value of fact is now 3 So3*2 = 6Then it decreases number=2 by 1 so number=1Now while loops checks if number>0 It is true as number is 1It multiplies 1 by fact. Value of fact is now 6 So6*1 = 6Then it decreases number=1 by 1 so number=0Now while loops checks if number>0 It is false as number is 0So the loop breaks and the value of fact is returned.As fact= 6 So factorial of n is 6.

The output of the program is attached in the screen shot.

Purpose Your goal is to create a design for a software interface. You will experience the scope of the design process from brainstorming ideas and gathering information about users’ needs to storyboarding, prototyping, and finally, testing and refining your product.As you work on the software interface, you will demonstrate your ability to apply fundamental Human-Computer Interaction principles to interface analysis, design, and implementation. You will be responsible for delivering project components to your professor at several points during the course. Action Items A lo-fi prototype shows all the elements of a user interface, drawn out on paper, notecards, or cardboard. Its purpose is to get quick feedback from users early in the design process when changes are still easy and relatively inexpensive to make. You can use a lo-fi prototype to identify usability issues such as confusing paths, bad terminology, layout problems, and missing feedback. Watch the Hanmail paper prototyping video to see an example. Please note that your paper prototype does not need to be as extensive as the one shown in the video.Your prototype should allow people to navigate from screen to screen, recover from errors, and change their choices. Show sketches of all the important areas of your design. Don’t try to show every possible action or detail. Focus on the main interactions. Remember, this is hand-drawn so that you can make changes quickly and easily if you get a better idea. Keep track of what you changed and why. Refer to the Lo-Fi Prototype Rubric to self-evaluate your work and edit as needed.



1) Problem The social media is now commonly used regardless of the person's age. Even to this day newborns have their social media account. We hit the saturation point in using social media like 24x7 and remaining linked.

The main issue is that we go far away from actually socializing with our relatives and with them. The interpretations and roles are the or weakening those with us towards the families even before social networking does occur!

Another issue with this is also less exercise, less body movement, which allows us sneaky in everyday life, less common outdoor games. Our physical strength makes us frail.

2) Why it's interesting It is an interesting topic because social networks is involved as most of us (nearly everyone) are linked to social media. It has its pros and drawbacks as well, and we only look at the positive side of it.

3) Main users impacted I think this affects all users (almost the entire human race) if they do it correctly. It is a very broad concept but we focus on it only to a very tiny level and make the best use of it to make our selves more safe than before.

4) Current Approaches We will create a mobile phone app to track all of the leisure activities with different social networks as we do.

To avoid using it, we should set the correct limits by ourselves. We enable our brains do that often and most of the time we struggle.

So our app will set the boundaries here and push us to stop communicating with social networks.

For instance we can establish a data cap of 500.

5)Shortcomings and Effectiveness of Current Approaches Effectiveness of such a current method is quite easy to avoid being linked to social media as long as you start yourself.

You'll also spend a little time with relatives because it was your main objective to do this.

You may also read some other books in these extra hours, or do something artistic.

Shortcomings: I don't see any drawbacks of this problem approach so far, although one can't be linked to social media has given him a little less status update for others.

6) Key purpose of the project The main goal of this project is to restrict one self to start connecting with social media all the time and spare time with your family, mates, reading great books.

Using the following code, answer the following questions

1. #pragma omp parallel
3. id-omp-get thread num();
4. numThreads- omp_get num threads0
5, printf("Hello from thread %d of %din", id, numThreads);

a. What is the output of the above program in PI 3 B+? .
b. What does the statement at line 1 mean?
c. How to compile the following code (executable should not be /a out)?
d. What does the statement at line 4 (after the equal sign) mean?



Answer explained


as PI 3 B+ is quadcore processor(i.e. 4 cores)

omp_get_thread_num() is used for getting thread number.(i.e. 0,1,2,3)

omp_get_num_threads() is used for getting number of threads.(i.e. 4)

1. Output should be,

Hello from thread 0 of 4

Hello from thread 1 of 4

Hello from thread 2 of 4

Hello from thread 3 of 4

2. #pragma omp parallel is used to fork(create child) additional threads to carry out the work enclosed in the construct in parallel.

3. We can Compile this code using,

  gcc -o omp_helloc -fopenmp hello.c

4. We can Run this code using,


5.omp_get_num_threads() is used for getting number of threads.(i.e. 4)

Write a for loop to print all elements in courseGrades, following each element with a space (including the last). Print forwards, then backwards. End each loop with a newline. Ex: If courseGrades = {7, 9, 11, 10}, print:

7 9 11 10
10 11 9 7

Hint: Use two for loops. Second loop starts with i = NUM_VALS - 1.

Note: These activities may test code with different test values. This activity will perform two tests, the first with a 4-element array (int courseGrades[4]), the second with a 2-element array (int courseGrades[2]). See How to Use zyBooks.

Also note: If the submitted code tries to access an invalid array element, such as courseGrades[9] for a 4-element array, the test may generate strange results. Or the test may crash and report "Program end never reached", in which case the system doesn't print the test case that caused the reported message.


import java.util.Scanner;

public class CourseGradePrinter {
public static void main (String [] args) {
final int NUM_VALS = 4;
int[] courseGrades = new int[NUM_VALS];
int i = 0;

courseGrades[0] = 7;
courseGrades[1] = 9;
courseGrades[2] = 11;
courseGrades[3] = 10;




Java code explained below


import java.util.Scanner;

public class CourseGradePrinter {

public static void main (String [] args) {

final int NUM_VALS = 4;

int[] courseGrades = new int[NUM_VALS];

int i = 0;

courseGrades[0] = 7;

courseGrades[1] = 9;

courseGrades[2] = 11;

courseGrades[3] = 10;

for(i=0; i<NUM_VALS; i++){

  System.out.print(courseGrades[i]+" ");



for(i=NUM_VALS-1; i>=0; i--){

  System.out.print(courseGrades[i]+" ");






7 9 11 10

10 11 9 7

Write a Python program to: ask the user to enter the price of an item. Note: use a while loop to check the validity of the price and, if the user enters a price less than or equal to zero, to prompt for a valid price. Prompt the user for the quantity being purchased. If the quantity is ten or greater, apply a discount of 5 percent. (.95*price*quantity).



Hi there Tonyhh! Please find the implementation below.


You can save the below code in a file called "". The code is implemented in python 2.0+. To make it work in Python 3.0+, simply update the code to use "input" rather than "raw_input".

def calculate_discount(price, quantity):

 total = 0.95 * price * quantity;

 return total;

price = raw_input("Enter a price: ");


 price = int(price);

 while price <= 0:

   print("Input a valid number: ")

   price = raw_input("Enter a price: ");

 quantity = raw_input("Enter a quantity: ");


   quantity = int(quantity);

   if quantity >= 10:

     print(calculate_discount(price, quantity));

 except ValueError:

   print("Invalid quantity!")

except ValueError:

 print("Invalid input!");

 price = -1;

Write a setInterval() function that increases the count by 1 and displays the new count in counterElement every 100 milliseconds. Call clearInterval() to cancel the interval when the count displays 4.



var count = 0;

var counterElement = document.getElementById("counter");

counterElement.innerHTML = count;

var interval = setInterval(function () {


   counterElement.innerHTML = count;

   if (count === 4) {



}, 100);


In MasterMind, one player has a secret code made from a sequence of colored pegs. Another player tries to guess the sequence. The player with the secret reports how many colors in the guess are in the secret and also reports whether the correct colors are in the correct place. Write a function report(guess, secret) that takes two lists and returns a 2-element list [number_right_ place, number_wrong_place] As an example, If the secret were red-red-yellow-yellow-black and the guess were red-red-red-green-yellow, then the secret holder would report that the guess identified three correct colors: two of the reds, both in the correct place, and one yellow, not in the correct place. In []: guess



#Python Program to solve the above illustration

# Comments are used for explanatory purpose

# define a function named game that take two parameters, player1 and player2

def Game(player1, player2):

# Record score

Score = [0, 0]

# Count trials

Trials = []

# Compare player1 guess with player2 hidden items

for i in range(len(player2)):

if player2[i]==player1[i]:


#The above is done if player1 guessed correctly

#increase score by 1 below

Score[0] += 1

# Calculate trials and scores

for i in range(len(player2)):

for j in range(len(player2)):

if (not(j in Trials or i in Trials)) and player2[i]==player1[j]:

Score[1] += 1


# Output scores

return Score

#Test program below

In []: player1 = ['yellow','yellow','yellow','blue','red']

In []: player2 = ['yellow','yellow','red','red','green']

In []: Game(player1, player2)

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