Using the preposition as a hint, choose the correct conjugation of the appropriate verb. Elles __ d'Australie.


Fill in the blank with the correct preposition:
Ils vont __ France.



Answer 1

1. Elles viennent d'Australie

C. viennent

English Translation: They come from Australia

2. Ils vont en France.

B. en

English Translation: They go to France

Answer 2


Elles viennent d'Australie.

Venir présent

je viens

tu viens

il/elle/on vient

nous venons

vous venez

ils/elles viennent


Ils vont en France.



Related Questions

où sont-ils?
Say that these people are in the places given.

Modèle Ghislaine / au café Ghislaine est au café.

1. les filles / en classe

2. nous / à Paris

3. vous / à la fac

4. tu / au lycée

5. je / à la librairie​


Basically this relies on knowledge of the conjugation of the verb Être (to be) in the present tense:

Je suis

Tu es

Il/Elle/On est

Nous sommes

Vous êtes

Ils/Elles sont


1. Les filles sont en classe (use sont since les filles is feminine plural)

2. Nous sommes à Paris

3. Vous êtes à la fac

4. Tu es au lycée

5. Je suis à la librairie


1. Les filles sont en classe .

(les filles = elles : féminin/pluriel)

2. Nous sommes à Paris.

3. Vous êtes à la fac.

4. Tu es au lycée.

5. Je suis à la librairie.

Conjugaison du verbe "être" au présent :

je suis

tu es

il, elle, on est

nous sommes

vous êtes

ils, elles sont (les filles)

La forme des verbes au présent. Mettez les verbes
entre parenthèses à la forme qui convient.
o Prono
. Tu (prendre) un croissant ?​



Tu prends un croissant ?

PRENDRE présent

je prends

tu prends

il/elle/on prend

nous prenons

vous prenez

ils/elles prennent



Tu prends un croissant ?

Verbe "prendre" au présent  :

je prends

tu prends

il, elle, on prend

nous prenons

vous prenez

ils, elles prennent

Je veux le 4 et 5 le plus vite possible merci



5) Mode subjonctif

4) je préfère = présent

m'a été : passé composé

j'étais : imparfait du verbe "être"

me faisait : imparfait du verbe "faire"

sortait : imparfait du verbe "sortir", sujet "elle"

Several French 1 Questions



1- Dites !

impératif DIRE

dis!  (tu)

disons! (nous)

dites! (vous)

2- Pourquoi allez-vous nettoyer ?

to be going to  =  near future = aller (présent) + verb infinitive

3- Il va ramasser le papier.

ALLER présent

je vais

tu vas

il/elle/on va

nous allons

vous allez

ils/elles vont


Bonjour !

IMPERATIVE : (dire-vous !)

Dites !

Why are you going to clean ?

Pourquoi allez-vous nettoyer ?

Il ramasse le papier.

Il va ramasser le papier.

Qu'est-ce que tu peux faire quand tu es un membre de l'Union Européenne?
Tu peux travailler dans tous les pays du monde
Tu peux travailler dans tous les pays européens
Tu ne peux pas alier d'un pays européen à l'autre
Tu ne peux pas utiliser leurs dans tous les pays du monde.



Qu'est-ce que tu peux faire quand tu es un membre de l'Union Européenne ?

Tu peux travailler dans tous les pays européens. (de l'Union Européenne)



What can you do when you are a member of the European Union? You can work in all European countries you can not go from one European country to another you can not use theirs in every country in the world.


hope this helps

Sophie va en ville seule
True or Flase



False: grammar mistakes


French:  Sophie va en ville seule

English translation: Sophie goes to town alone

The English translation is not correct.

This would be the correct sentence in french: Sophie se rend seule à la ville

Correct English Translation: Sophie goes to the town alone


The answer is false


⇒The right term in French,  

sophie se rend seule en ville

⇒the wrong term in French,

Sophie va en ville seule

This in English is

Sophie goes to town alone.

Bonjour j'aimerais savoir quelle son les nom verbe adjectif qualificatif et adverbe de ses deux mots :
activer et diversité



ACTIVER = verbe

ACTIF/ACTIVE = adjectif qualificatif masc. & fém.

ACTIVATION = nom commun  ou ACTION

ACTIVEMENT = adverbe


DIVERSITÉ = nom commun

DIVERS / DIVERSE = adjectif masc. & fem.



les adverbes se forment en général avec l'adjectif  au féminin  suivi du suffixe -ment

active => activement

diverse = diversement


Bonjour !

Nom : activation

Verbe : activer

Adjectif qualificatif : actif (mascullin) or active (féminin)

Adverbe : activement

Nom : diversité

Verbe : diversifier

Adjectif qualificatif : divers (masculin) or diverse (féminin)

Adverbe : diversement

Professeur Deschamps: Bonjour Adele. Comment ça va?
Adele: Bonjour monsieur, ça va bien merci, et __________?



Professeur Deschamps : Bonjour Adèle, comment ça va ?

Adèle : Bonjour Monsieur, ça va bien et vous ?

vous = formal vous = vous de politesse





Conjugate the following verbs in the present imperative: ne pas se préparer (1st person plural)

nous ne nous préparons pas
ne préparons-nous pas
ne nous-préparons pas
ne nous préparons pas


Bonjour !


Ne nous préparons pas !

       Maude et Françoise comprennent toujours très vite les problèmes de physique. Elles sont _________.










Bonjour !

Maude et Françoise comprennent toujours très vite les problèmes de physique. Elles sont "intelligentes".

- honnête = masculin or féminin/ singulier

Exemple :

- Cet homme est honnête.

- Cette femme est honnête.

- honnêtes = masculin or féminin/pluriel

Exemple :

-  Ces garçons sont honnêtes.

- Ces filles sont honnêtes.

- intelligent = masculin/singulier

Exemple :

Luc est intelligent.

- intelligentes = féminin/pluriel

Maude et Françoise = féminin/pluriel

Maude et Françoise sont intelligentes.

Or :

Elles sont intelligentes.


Maude et Françoise comprennent toujours très vite les problèmes de physique. Elles sont intelligentes.

Maude and Françoise always very quickly understand Physics problems. They are very smart.


A- honnête = singular masc. & fem. (honest)

B. intelligentes = fem. plur. (clever)

C- intelligent = masc. sing.

D- honnêtes = masc. & fem. plural


Translate this to French please!!

Yesterday, my mom cleaned the house and made dinner. She also helped my brother with his homework and took him to music practice. My dad went to work. He arrived home and watched a soccer game.



Hier, ma mère a nettoyé la maison et a préparé le dîner. Elle a aussi aidé mon frère pour ses devoirs  (à faire ses devoirs) et l'a emmené à *son activité musicale (son cours de musique / sa répétition de musique). Mon père est allé travailler. Il est rentré à la maison et a regardé un match de football. (un match de foot)

* music practice = word for word => pratique musicale.... but it doesn't sound good. It's better to say  "son cours de musique" (his music class) o

No translators; I'm French


Bonjour !

Hier, ma mère a nettoyé la maison et a préparé le dîner.

Elle a aussi aidé mon frère pour ses devoirs et l'a emmené à son activité musicale .

Mon père est allé travailler.

Il est rentré à la maison et a regardé un match de football.

Match the answer with the correct question:
J'en ai vu beaucoup à Paris.
Est-ce que tu as vu des belles peuvres d'art?
Pourquoi as-tu vu des belles cuvres d'art?
Quand est-ce que tu as vu des belles cuvres d'art?
Comment as-tu vu des belles ceuvres d'art?



- Est-ce que tu as vu des belles oeuvres d'art?

- J'en ai vu beaucoup à Paris.


J'en ai vu beaucoup à Paris.

Est-ce que tu as vu des belles peuvres d'art?

Pourquoi as-tu vu des belles cuvres d'art?

Quand est-ce que tu as vu des belles cuvres d'art?

Comment as-tu vu des belles ceuvres d'art?


I saw a lot of them in Paris.

Have you seen beautiful works of art?

Why did you see beautiful works of art?

When did you see beautiful works of art?

How did you see beautiful works of art?

French I: Fill in the blank with the correct preposition.




neuf cent cinquante-trois.

cent doesn't get an S (plural) when its followed by another number

exemple =

200 = deux cents

203 = deux cent trois


Bonjour !

953 = neuf cent cinquante-trois

(for french class) Which verb word or phrase correctly completes this sentence?

En 2000, il _________ seize ans.
A. a
B. a eu
C. avais
D. avait



En 2000, il avait seize  ans.

In 2000, he was 16 years old.

                              ANSWER = D


You must use the imparfait. 2000 was a long time ago...


tu avais

il/elle/on avait

nous avions

vous aviez

ils/elles avaient


If the sentence was "last week he turned 16" then you would have said "la semaine dernière il a eu 16 ans"



paul partira avec Jean et John pronom personnel




Paul partira avec Jean et John.

Il partira avec eux.

Paul = Il --> pronom personnel sujet 3 e pers.  masc. sing.

Jean et John = eux -> pronom personnel complément 3e pers. masc. pluriel

hope this helps ☺☺☺

Bonjour !

Paul partira avec Jean et John.

Il partira avec eux.

il = Paul

Eux = Jean + John

Help me pls with these questions



1- Tu vas commander la pizza. ► Tu vas la commander.


2- Vous n' allez  jamais prendre l'avion ► Vous n'allez jamais le prendre.


3- Elle se sent jolie.


4- We love those cookies.► Nous aimons  ces biscuits-là



Bonjour !

Tu vas commander la pizza.

Tu vas la commander.

Vous n' allez  jamais prendre l'avion .

Vous n'allez jamais le prendre.

Elle (se sentir) jolie.

Elle se sent jolie.

We love those cookies.

Nous aimons  ces biscuits-là

Identify the indirect object in the following sentence: nous écrivons une lettre six professeurs.





In this sentence, the professors are the indirect object because the verb "écrivons" isn't happening to them, it's happening to "une lettre".



Identify the indirect object in the following sentence:

Nous écrivons une lettre  à six professeurs.

Answer :

"à six professeurs" = indirect object

The indirect object = à qui ? à quoi ? de qui ? de quoi?....

The direct object = qui ? quoi ? (posée après le verbe).

Nous écrivons quoi?

"une lettre" = direct objet

"à qui" ?= à six professeurs


French I: Choose the sentence that is grammatically correct.



Ma mere voyage rarement a la campagne.


campagne is a feminine noun, so it goes with "a la"


The sentence that is grammatically correct is :

Ma mère voyage rarement à la campagne.

Quand es-tu allée en Europe? Je suis allée à Paris récemment. Je ne suis pas déjà allé. Je ne suis allée peu. Je suis d'abord allée en Europe.



- Quand es-tu allée en Europe ?

- Je suis allée à Paris récemment.


Quand es-tu allée en Europe ?

When did you go to Europe ?

Je suis allée à  Paris récemment.

I went to Paris recently.


other answers

2-Je ne suis pas déjà allé. => FALSE => Je n'y suis pas encore allée.

3- Je ne suis allée peu. ===> FALSE  ??????!!!!

4- Je suis d'abord allée en Europe => I first went to Europe ► doesn't answer to the question


French I Questions (3)



1- Je déteste me raser.

  (when a verb follows another one, it is infinitive tense; to make sure change for a verb ending in -IR, for example)


2- S'amuser present imperative 2nd person plural

   Amusez-vous !

   S'amuser . imperative

    Amuse-toi !   (tu = 2nd person singular)

    Amusons-nous!  (1st p. plural)

    Amusez-vous !   (2nd person plural)


3- Ne pas se préparer present imperative (1st person plural)

  Ne nous préparons pas !

 ne pas se préparer imperative

 ne te prépare pas !

  ne nous préparons pas !

  ne vous préparez pas !



Bonjour !

Je déteste "me raser" le matin.

S'amuser ( 2nd person singular)

Amuse-toi   (tu = 2nd person singular)

Ne pas se préparer (1st person plural)

Ne nous préparons pas !

Decide if the following sentence is grammatically correct or incorrect: Nous ne jamais allons au monument le samedi.



The sentence is grammatically incorrect


correct sentence: Nous n'allons jamais au monument le samedi.


Decide if the following sentence is grammatically correct or incorrect:

Nous ne jamais allons au monument le samdi : INCORRECT

Correct is : Nous n'allons jamais au monument le samedi.

Nous allons à (blank) de Lyon. Fill in blank plz



Nous allons à Lyon. ► We go to Lyon.

Nous allons à la ville de Lyon. ► We go to the city of Lyon.

it could be à la gare de Lyon (Lyon railway station) , à l'aéroport de Lyon (Lyon airport) .... you haven't given much explanation ...???



Nous allons à la ville de Lyon.

Select the sentence that you would use to advise someone what to avoid when participating in an online community. A. Ne partagez pas vos coordonnées en ligne B. Ne communiquez pas avec des gens du monde entier C. Ne clavardez pas avec des gens du monde entier D. Ne donnez pas des conseils aux amis en ligne



Select the sentence that you would use to advise someone what to avoid when participating in an online community.

A. Ne partagez pas vos coordonnées en ligne


the sentence you would use is answer A

ne partagez pas vos coordonnées en ligne

do not share your contact information on line.


meanings of B, C, D

B- Don't communicate with people all over the world

C- Ne bavardez pas ... Don't chat with people all over the world

D- Don't give advice to friends on line


Pourquoi as-tu choisi d'étudier le français?


Parce que je l’aime beaucop


J'ai choisi d'étudier le français car j'aime beaucoup cette langue.

Or :

J'ai chosi d'étudier le français car plus tard je veux partir travailler en France.

In France who fasts during Ramadan? only Muslim men Muslim men and women everyone only Muslim women


Hi !

In France who fasts during Ramadan?

- Muslim men and women

Exemptions are made for the elderly, the young, anyone who is ill, for women who are pregnant or menstruating, and for those travelling.

Use the noun in parentheses to fill in the blank with the correct direct object pronoun.

Je__(le livre) lis ce soir.


Je__(le jus de pommes) bois.




Je le lis ce soir. & Je le bois.



direct object pronoun

Je le lis ce soir. (un livre -> masc. sing.)

Je le bois. (le jus de pomme --> masc. sing.)


direct object pronoun

le = masculin singulier

la = féminin singulier

l' = fem. & masc. sing. when the following noun begins with a vowel

les = masculin & féminin pluriel



Où est-ce qu’elles vont pour acheter des desserts?



Where are they going to buy desserts?


hope I helped!


Où est-ce qu'elles vont pour acheter des desserts?

Where are they going to buy desserts ?

Elles vont dans une pâtisserie pour acheter des desserts.

They are going in a pastry shop to buy desserts.


Quels sont les fromages les plus populaires en France?



les fromages les plus populaires en France ???

Quite difficult for a French person to answer !!

But I guess the most famous should be

le camembert (Normandie), le brie de Meaux (there are different kind of "brie", the most popular being le Brie de Meaux- a city 60 km east of Paris), le roquefort (a blue cheese), le fromage de chèvre (goat cheese, there are a lot different , as le crottin de Chavignol, le cabécou for exemple), l'emmental called as well gruyère), la tomme, le reblochon (both coming from the Alps), le munster (from Alsace), le Saint Nectaire (in Auvergne).....

If you want more, just ask !!!


Bonjour !

- le camenbert

- l'emmental

- le comté

- le Saint- Nectaire

- le roquefort

- le brie

- le reblochon

- la mimolette

- le bleu d'Auvergne

J’y vais à huit heures pour lire

Tu vas à la bibliothèque?
Tu vas manger des fruits?
Tu vas parier à tes amis?
Tu vas voir un film?



J'y vais à huit heures pour lire.

I am going there to read.

Question =

Tu vas à la bibliothèque ? ► Are you going to the library ?

Other ==>

tu vas manger des fruits ? Are you going to eat fruits ?

tu vas (parier ?) (parler ?) à des amis ? Are you going (to bet) to talk to your friends?

Tu vas voir un film ? Are you going to watch a movie ?



The correct answer would be "Tu vas manger des fruits?"


Complétez la phrase avec le pronom qui convient. Voici du café. Qui ___ veut ? en le du



Qui, je veut du café.



Voici du café. Qui en veut ?

The pronoun en is used for a quantity


Other Questions
What is the scale factor of the dilation? Analysis of Yonder Sky Has Wept Tears of Compassion on Our Fathers Seattles speech (yes, the city is named after him) has an interesting history. It was delivered in whats now the state of Washington. At that time, it was called the Washington Territory, and the new governor of the territory, Isaac Ingalls Stevens, was traveling through it, trying to convince Native Americans to give up certain stretches of land so that railroads could be built there. Seattles speech was written down by a man named Harry Smith, who published his translation 33 years later in a Seattle newspaper. His translation is obviously very much his own, as he uses words and expressions that a Native American wouldnt be familiar with. Seattles speech is interesting today for several reasons. First is his use of language. His speech relies heavily on figurative language, especially metaphors. The speech opens with the personification of the sky. Consider this statement: Yonder sky has wept tears of compassion on our fathers for centuries untold. Seattle uses that statement to show that ordinary language cant capture the sense of grief Seattle feels. Look, hes saying, our suffering is so great that even the sky weeps for us! Personification also makes the Native Americans connection to their land and environment clear. Because they were so close to nature, they felt that the land and sky would feel compassion for them. They wept for their landwhy shouldnt the land and sky weep for them? Pontiac continues using ecological metaphorsmetaphors that have to do with earth, sea, and sky. Today it is fair, tomorrow it may be overcast with clouds is a metaphor explaining Indian relations with white people. They may appear fair at the moment, but Seattle doesnt believe that these conditions will last. The next sentenceMy words are like the stars that never setemploys a simile. The statement suggests that Seattles speech will never be forgotten. Like the stars that never set, his words will be forever in the minds of Native Americans. The next sentenceMy words are like the stars that never setemploys a simile. The statement suggests that Seattles speech will never be forgotten. Like the stars that never set, his words will be forever in the minds of Native Americans. The second reason Seattles speech is remarkable is for its tone. His words seem to say one thingOkay, were giving up; well try to get along. But his tone is different. He uses veiled threats. He doesnt come right out and say, All right, white man, if you mess with us, well kill you. Instead, he suggests that he cant control his own people. For example, he refers at several points to our own angry young men who are capable of relentless cruelty. He pretends that hell try to rein them in, because their hearts are also disfigured and turn black when theyre angry at the whites. But his real meaning is clear: Our old men are not able to restrain them means that hell unleash them against the whites if the whites break treaties and try to drive the Native Americans from their homelands. Seattles main theme is that while Native Americans and whites may be forced to coexist, they can never be integrated. The overall strategy of the whites was to try to eliminate Native American culture from the North American continent. The most effective way to do this was to try to get Native Americans to forsake their traditional culture and blend in with the whites. Here are Thomas Jeffersons words on the whites strategy: Two measures are deemed expedient [to be done quickly and efficiently]. First: to encourage them [Native Americans] to abandon hunting. . . . Secondly: to multiply trading houses among them . . . leading them to agriculture, to manufactures, and to civilization. This is precisely what Chief Seattle said should never happen. In fact, he says that its impossible to integrate the two races because their cultural values are so different. To emphasize this point, he uses examples of their different spiritual practices. The basic difference between the two cultures spirituality, he says, is in the way they treat their dead. The whites basically forget theirs. The Native Americans continue to pay homage to their dead. This focus on the dead provides Seattle with a way to make his final, spooky threat. Native Americans believe that the dead still walk among them, he says. The whites would do well to think about this, for the land will be filled with the walking deadso let him [the white man] be just and deal kindly with my people, for the dead are not altogether powerless. Reflect and Respond Now that you have read the speech, ask yourself these questions: 1. What elements in the speech sound as though they were probably part of the original myth? 2. How does Pontiac make the myth relevant to the current situation he wants to remedy? The average annual salary for employees in a store is $50,000. It is given that the population standard deviation is $4,000. Suppose that a random sample of 70 employees will be selected from the population.What is the value of the standard error of the average annual salary? Round your answer to the nearest integer. The Long Expedition established a short-lived republic in Texas known as ________.the Lone Star Republicthe Republic of TexasColumbianathe Republic of Fredonia For the reaction shown, find the limiting reactant for each of the following initial amounts of reactants. 4Al(s)+3O2(g)2Al2O3(s) A) 1 molAl, 1 mol O2 B) 4 molAl, 2.6 mol O2 C) 16 molAl, 13 mol O2 D) 7.4 molAl, 6.5 mol O2 Core nations are also known as __________________high-income nationsnewly industrialized nationslow-income nationsdeveloping nations Maximum scatter radiation to the operator occurs when A baseball hit just above the ground leaves the bat 27 m/s at 45 above the horizontal. A) How far away does the ball strike the ground? B) What is the maximum height of the ball? If your tax payments are less than the amount of income tax you owe, you are entitled to a refund. true or false The total cost of Anjas trip to the dentist was $628.35. She paid a flat fee of $89.95 which included the checkup and cleaning and then had 4 cavities filled, each of which cost the same amount. Which shows the correct equation and value of x, the cost of each cavity filling? Which is the simplified form of the expression 3(7/5x + 4) - 2(3/2 - 5/4x) Evaluate B2 for B = 9. What is known about the genetics of diabetic disorders? What goes wrong when juvenile diabetes sets in? Israel has the second largest number of startup companies in the world, behind only the United States. A startup company is a new company that hasn't been around very long. Most of Israel's startup companies are technology companies. The people that take the risk to open such technology startup companies in Israel are known as select the quadratic function with a graph that has the following features x-intercept at (8,0)y-intercept at (0,-32)maximum value at (6,4)axis of symmetry at x=6A. f() = 1/2 x2 +6 - 32B.f() = -x2 + 12x -32C.f() = 1/2 x2 + 6x -16 D f() = -x2 + 12x -6 Which of the following salivary glands makes the enzyme salivary amylase? (a) Submandibular (b) Parotid (c) Sublingual (d) All of the above A delivery truck is transporting boxes of two sizes: large and small. The large boxes weigh 50 pounds each, and the small boxes weigh 30 pounds each. There are 120 boxes in all. If the truck is carrying a total of 4900 pounds in boxes, how many of each type of box is it carrying?A delivery truck is transporting boxes of two sizes: large and small. The large boxes weigh 50 pounds each, and the small boxes weigh 30 pounds each. There are 120 boxes in all. If the truck is carrying a total of 4900 pounds in boxes, how many of each type of box is it carrying? Which of the following shows the correct graph and solution of the systemy=-4x+2 and y + 2x = 0?solution = (1.-2)solution =(-1.-2)solution(-1.2)solution - (1.-2) A 12.5 kg box sliding on a frictionless flat surface tuns into a fixed spring which compresses at a distance x= 14.1 cm. the spring constant is 94.5 kN/m Find the initial speed of the box helppppp asap The posters above suggest that: (Select all that apply.) African Americans were encouraged to enter politicsAfrican Americans were asked to purchase war bonds to support the warAfrican Americans were only involved in the war effort as nursesAfrican Americans served on the frontlines and stood as an example of bravery