At various points on his journey back to Ithaca from Troy, Ulysses loses control of his men. These weary men have been away from home for a very long time. They are exhausted from sailing and look forward to opportunities to stop at islands on the way, where they can have good food and get some rest. On the goading of one man, they all disobey Ulysses by killing and eating the cattle that belong to the sun god:
While thus Eurylochus arising said:
"'O friends, a thousand ways frail mortals lead
To the cold tomb, and dreadful all to tread;
But dreadful most, when by a slow decay
Pale hunger wastes the manly strength away.
Why cease ye then to implore the powers above,
And offer hecatombs to thundering Jove?
Why seize ye not yon beeves, and fleecy prey?
Arise unanimous; arise and slay!...”
Ulysses’s men also realize that their leader has flaws and makes mistakes. Even the choice to sail near Scylla and sacrifice some men might have undermined his authority with his crew. They take advantage of his weaknesses at times and break rules and promises. The men indulge in their own weaknesses when they drink Circe’s magic potion and when they eat the lotus flower for its amnesia-like effect. If Ulysses could resist the temptation to seek glory, then he may have been a more effective leader.
Which step must you complete before writing a media assessment paragraph?
a) finding supporting details to prove your point
b) seeing all of the advertiser's ads from the present and past
c) discussing the ad with a media specialist
d) watching ads from competitors
This question is based on the following paragraph.
The sentences are numbered to help you answer the question. (1) My family has a quaint cottage at a small, private lake. (2) The cottage is about 75 years old, but we try to keep it in good condition. (3) The outside is white with green trim on the windows and shutters. (4) In front of the cottage is a flagstone walk that leads down to a stone patio. (5) The patio itself is right next to the water. (6) Out from the patio stretches a dock where we keep a small rowboat tied. (7) Every summer, my family sets aside a week when we all get together at the lake for a family vacation/reunion.
What purpose do sentences 3 through 6 serve in this paragraph?
A. They provide supporting details. B. They introduce the main idea. C. They show cause and effect. D. They set up a comparison.
How should you evaluate transparency of your research paper?
A. By using evidence from from research to your properly support your claims
B. By ensuring that the sources of your information are clearly cited
C. By making sure your paper flows naturally from one topic to the next
D. By making sure any unfamiliar term in your paper are clearly defined
B. By ensuring that the source of your information are clearly cited
Answer: B. By ensuring that the sources of your information are clearly cited.
Transparency is important in any research project. The best way to ensure transparency in your paper is by citing the sources that you have consulted. By disclosing this information, you allow others to verify the information you have provided. This gives your work more credibility. It also allows people who are interested in your research to learn more about it by consulting the primary sources on their own.
Identify the indirect object in the following sentence. I brought Mrs. Jackson a pie for dessert. A. pie B. Mrs. Jackson C. I D. dessert
mrs jackson is the answer
where is the subject in "I left early so that I could get some work done, but I'll be back soon"
Read the passage below and answer the question that follows. She falls asleep in the sunlight. An odd noise makes her open an eye. It is only the mailman bringing the mail. She stretches her legs one at a time. Then she gets up to find a shady place to nap. Who knows, perhaps she will find a mouse! Infer: Who is “she” in the story?
The answer is C. A cat.
Because of the description of the individual.
Which characteristic of legendary heroes does King Arthur possess?
He is "larger than life"
Read the excerpt from "Mending Wall." Spring is the mischief in me, and I wonder If I could put a notion in his head: “Why do they make good neighbours? Isn’t it Where there are cows? But here there are no cows. Before I built a wall I’d ask to know What I was walling in or walling out, And to whom I was like to give offence. Something there is that doesn’t love a wall, That wants it down.” I could say “Elves” to him, But it’s not elves exactly, and I’d rather He said it for himself. What is the speaker’s mood in this excerpt?
The answer choice which can be used to describe the speaker’s mood in this excerpt is:
A. PlayfulAccording to the given question, we are asked to state the answer choice which can be used to describe the speaker’s mood in this excerpt.
As a result of this, we can see that from the given excerpt, there is the narration of how springtime brings out the mischief in him and he begins to ask some funny questions like whether the spring would make a good neighbor. This shows that the speaker's mood is that of a playful one.
Therefore, the correct answer is option A
Read more about playful mood here:
Why do authors use rhetorical devices in essays
Also known as persuasive device or stylistic device, the rhetorical device is a technique that is often used by an author or speaker to express something that is intended to change the mind of the listener or reader about the subject. This can be done by emotional display, logical reasoning, and other ways. Although it can actually evoke a strong emotional response, it isn't the goal of the rhetorical devices.
Which of the following is NOT a theme addressed by Boccaccio's "Tenth Day: Tenth Story"?
Choose the conjunctive adverb that best completes the sentence:
Marcos chopped onions for the soup; _____, Maria prepared the cheese plate.
4. Which of the sentences below is free of wordy language?
A.Once he scored three goals in one game.
B.Neither sentence contains wordy language.
C.Both sentences contain wordy language.
D.Luke enjoys playing hockey in his spare time
Sentence D, 'Luke enjoys playing hockey in his spare time,' is free of wordy language because it is concise and straightforward, without extraneous words.
The question is asking which sentence does not contain wordy language. Wordy language refers to the use of more words than are necessary to convey meaning, which can make writing less clear and more cumbersome to read. A sentence free of wordiness is typically concise, direct, and free of unnecessary filler words. In the example given, sentence D, "Luke enjoys playing hockey in his spare time", is free of wordiness because it conveys the idea in a straightforward and concise manner without superfluous language. Therefore, the correct answer is D.
How is the underlined word used in the sentence? Keisha's best friend is Allison. A. subject B. direct object C. subject complement D. object of a preposition. (The underlined word is Allison)
Which of the following best describes how the branches of the Indo-European family of language formed?
A. Linguists have no explanation.
B. Wars began and groups split off, developing their own languages as a fighting tactic.
C. People migrated about Eurasia and dialects developed due to the isolation of cultures.
C- people migrated about Eurasia and dialects due to the isolated of cultures.
Explanation: i just did this
If conducting research for a paper on restricting cell phone usage in automobiles, which source would be most effective to use in your argument?
Answer: A) a recent court case
Why does sanders
include the paragraph about womenin his childhood
Because he envied women as they are socially accepted to be interested in literature and arts but men were not.
In his essay, "The Men We Carry In Our Minds", Scott Russell Sanders shares his thoughts about the gender roles in the society during his time. In his time, Sanders share that men were looked like a working horse, who just work all day without spending time on other things. During his time men in the society were expected to work only as factory workers and soldiers. The purpose of his essay was to assert that it is not only men who go through hard times in their life but women too.
In lines 135-153, Sanders shares that in his childhood, he used to envy women because they had the privilege of choosing arts and literature but men do not have such privileges then. He used to think that it is "tough being a man ". He said this to support his idea of how tough it is being a man.
Explain how prepositional phrases work together to improve a piece of writing.
Explain how prepositional phrases work together to improve a piece of writing.
they help you understand the text
Which of these life challenges do you believe to be the most difficult?
moving to a new place
graduating from high school
being bullied
fitting in
getting along with others
starting school
dealing with change
This question requires a personal answer and for that reason, I cannot answer it for you, but I will show you how to answer it.
Although all the answer options represent difficult moments in anyone's life, you should think about which of these options would be the biggest challenge for you.
After thinking about it and coming to a conclusion, you should write your answer as follows:
Show the moment you chose as the most difficult.Show why you made this choice.Show if you've ever had a moment like this and how you managed to overcome it.More information:
Which sentence uses commas correctly?
To find out about endangered animals Nick you can write to the World Wildlife Fund, 1250 Twenty-Fourth Street N.W., Washington, D.C. 20077.
To find out about endangered animals, Nick, you can write to the World Wildlife Fund 1250 Twenty-Fourth Street N.W. Washington, D.C. 20077.
To find out about endangered animals, Nick, you can write to the World Wildlife Fund, 1250 Twenty-Fourth Street N.W., Washington, D.C. 20077.
The correct sentence using commas is: 'To find out about endangered animals, Nick, you can write to the World Wildlife Fund, 1250 Twenty-Fourth Street N.W., Washington, D.C. 20077.' Commas are important for clarity in addresses and when addressing someone directly. (Last option)
The sentence that uses commas correctly is: To find out about endangered animals, Nick, you can write to the World Wildlife Fund, 1250 Twenty-Fourth Street N.W., Washington, D.C. 20077. In this sentence, commas are used to set apart the direct address to Nick, which is an example of correct comma usage.
Additionally, commas correctly separate the parts of the address, following standard English conventions for writing addresses within sentences.
It is important to use commas in addresses to ensure clarity, separating the street address from the city, and the city from the state. A comma is also placed after the state before the ZIP code only if the sentence continues after the address.
Examples of proper comma usage with addresses and geographical names include the following: Hodgenville, Kentucky, is the birthplace of Abraham Lincoln and I sent the contract to 11 Whim Road, Sneaker, Maryland 09999, but I was not sure if it would arrive.
It is also important to remember that no comma is placed between the state and the ZIP code when listing a complete address.
List at least three Gothic elements that Poe uses to create that effect. For example, the raging storm is one.
When he wrote Things Fall Apart, Chinua Achebe was drawing on a number of prior novels written in English by native Africans.
True or False?
This is a better description of what Chinua Achebe was trying to write against. He was aware of all the novels that had been written in English about Native Africans, but these were written from a European perspective and he wanted to write in a different way. Achebe's objective was to write a novel that no one else had written. An African perspective on Africa. This made his writing extremely significant and innovative.
Select the noun phrase to complete the sentence.
The Flowers ______ bloom every year in april
(pictures are my choices)
There is only one noun phrase in the picture. That is, your answer would be "dark purple irises". "Slowly but surely" is not a noun phrase, but an adverbial phrase and "with the purple petals" is a prepositional phrase.
In this way, the complete sentence would be as follows: The flowers, dark purple irises, bloom every year in April. This NP is an apposition as the two nouns refer to the same thing (flowers/irises) and are placed immediatly after the other with no conjunction between them.
Read this passage:
Out, out, out
out, I say,
get out of my sight
and do not stay!
Which literary device is being used here?
A. Metaphor
B. Haiku
C. Repetition
D. Allusion
In this paragraph, the paper boat is a
A. simile for stories Jamie makes up about himself.
B. metaphor for daydreams.
C. simile for Jamie's past.
D. metaphor for Jamie's past and future.
I prefer to be true to myself, even at the hazard of incurring the ridicule of others , rather than to be false , and incur my own abhorrence - Fredrick Douglass
What's Does This Quote Mean ?
Final answer:
This quote emphasizes the importance of staying true to oneself despite the potential ridicule of others.
Quote Meaning:
This quote reflects the importance of staying true to oneself, even if it means facing ridicule from others. The speaker, Fredrick Douglass, values authenticity and integrity over conforming to societal expectations.
This quote highlights the idea of maintaining personal honesty and moral values, even in the face of criticism or ostracism. By choosing to be true to oneself, one can avoid the self-disgust that comes with being false to one's beliefs.
For example, if someone feels strongly about environmental conservation but faces ridicule from peers for their eco-friendly lifestyle choices, they might choose to stay true to their values rather than conform to societal norms.
Which of these quotes from The Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan contains an underlying allegory representing humanity’s resistance to change and lack of will?
Final answer:
The quote from The Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan that represents humanity’s resistance to change and lack of will is when Goodman Brown chooses a dark path filled with uncertainty.
The quote from The Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan that contains an underlying allegory representing humanity’s resistance to change and lack of will is:
"With this excellent resolve for the future, Goodman Brown felt himself justified in making more haste on his present evil purpose. He had taken a dreary road, darkened by all the gloomiest trees of the forest, which barely stood aside to let the narrow path creep through, and closed immediately behind. It was all as lonely as could be; and there is this peculiarity in such a solitude, that the traveller knows not who may be concealed by the innumerable trunks and the thick boughs overhead; so that with lonely footsteps he may yet be passing through an unseen multitude."
In this quote, the character Goodman Brown is depicted as actively choosing a path that is dark, dreary, and filled with uncertainty. This symbolizes humanity's resistance to change and their inclination to persist in their current sinful ways, even when presented with the opportunity for redemption. The quote also suggests that this resistance is fueled by fear and a lack of will to take responsibility for one's actions.
What does Hamlet claim that God gave to human beings for a purpose and that God does not want us to allow it to "fust (spoil) in us unused?"
Reason is the quality that Hamlet believes God gave to human beings for a purpose. For this reason, Hamlet believes that we should not let it spoil in us unused. This means that we should not waste such a precious gift and should instead take advantage of this enormous privilege. We should employ reasons when leading our lives and allow it to inform our actions.
What is a honey badgers greatest asset or quality
It has very thick fur or hide so it cant be stung by bees's, except for its nose. Also its very resistant to Poison from snakes and scorpions.
Describe the difference between implicit and explicit theme.
A the questions “ will Bruno’s dad find him” a evaluative question or a interpretive questions ?