The solution is written in Python 3
def maxTemp(fileName): try: with open(fileName) as file: raw_data = file.readlines() highest = 0 for row in raw_data: if(row == "\n"): continue data = float(row) if(highest < data): highest = data return highest except FileNotFoundError as found_error: return -1 higestTemp = maxTemp("text1.txt") print(higestTemp)Explanation:
Firstly, create a function maxTemp that take one input file name (Line 1). Next create an exception handling try and except block to handle the situation when the read file is not found or cannot be open, it shall return -1 (Line 2, Line 15 -16).
Next use the readlines method to read the temperature data from the input file (Line 4). Before we traverse the read data using for loop, we create a variable highest to hold the value of max temperature (Line 5). Let's set it as zero in the first place.
Then use for loop to read the temp data line by line (Line 6) and if there is any empty line (Line 7) just ignore and proceed to the next iteration (Line 7 -8). Otherwise, the current row reading will be parsed to float type (Line 10) and the parsed data will be check with the current highest value. If current highest value is bigger than the current parsed data (), the program will set the parse data to highest variable (Line 11 -12).
After finishing the loop, return the highest as output (Line 14).
1. Update the payroll program, so that if user enters more than 60 hours a week, it should display double time for hours more than 60, one-half time more than 40 and less than or equal to 60. On the end program should display the gross pay for that employee or user. Save the program in
The initial program was not provided.
I'll answer the question base on the following assumptions.
1. I'll declare a rate of payment for hours more than 60 and a different rate of payment for hours between 40 and 60.
2. Gross payment is calculated by rates of payment * hours worked.
# Program starts here
# Comments are used for explanatory purpose
def main():
#accept input for hours
x= input ("Enter Hours Worked per week")
#convert to integer
hours = int(x)
#accept input for rate of payment
y= input ("Enter Rate of payment per week")
#convert to integer
Rate = int(y)
#test the range of values of hours
st= "double time for hours more than 60"
elif(hours>=40 && hours<=60):
st= "one-half time more than 40 and less than or equal to 60"
Gross = Rate * hours
1. Voltage (V) is a measure of how much electrical energy is in a circuit. Most household circuits operate at 120 volts (120 V). Is this true of the computer?
The computer has a PSU(power supply unit )which is a hardware component of a computer that supplies all other components with power. The power supply converts the 120 volt AC (alternating current) into a steady low-voltage DC (direct current) usable by the computer.
parts in a PSU include
A rectifier that converts AC (alternating current) into DC.
A filter that smooths out the DC (direct current) coming from a rectifier.
A transformer that controls the incoming voltage by stepping it up or down.
A voltage regulator that controls the DC output, allowing the correct amount of power, volts or watts, to be supplied to other computer hardware.
The homework is based on E5.3, write a program that has the following methods. a. int firstDigit(int n) , returning the first digit of the argument b. int lastDigit(int n) , returning the last digit of the argument c. int digits(int n) , returning the number of digits of the argument For example, firstDigit(1729) is 1, last digit(1729) is 9, and digits(1729) is 4. d. a main method that i) ask the user to input a non-negative integer ii) print out the number of digits, the first digit and the last digit of the input by calling the methods you defined iii) repeat the above process (i and ii) until the user input a negative number
C++ code is explained
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
int firstDigit(int n){
// Converting int to string
ostringstream convert;
convert << n;
string s = convert.str();
char first_char = s[0];
int first_int = first_char - '0';
return first_int;
int lastDigit(int n){
// Converting int to string
ostringstream convert;
convert << n;
string s = convert.str();
char last_char = s[s.length() - 1];
int last_int = last_char - '0';
return last_int;
int digits(int n){
// Converting int to string
ostringstream convert;
convert << n;
string s = convert.str();
int length = s.length();
return length;
int main() {
int number;
cout << "Enter integer: " << endl;
cin >> number;
cout << "The first digit of the number is " << firstDigit(number) << endl;
cout << "The last digit of the number is " << lastDigit(number) << endl;
cout << "The number of digits of the number is " << digits(number) << endl;
Consider a short, 10-meter link, over which a sender can transmit at a rate of 150 bits/sec in both directions. Suppose that packets containing data are 100,000 bits long, and packets containing only control (e.g., ACK or handshaking) are 200 bits long. Assume that N parallel connections each get 1 of the link bandwidth N. Now consider the HTTP protocol, and suppose that each download object is 100 Kbits long and that the initial download object contains 10 referenced objects from the same sender.
Would parallel downloads via parallel instances of non-persistent HTTP make sense in this case? Now consider persistent HTTP. Do you expect significant gains over the non-persistent case? Justify and explain your answer.
The Tp value 0.03 micro seconds as calculated in the explanation below is negligible. This would lead to a similar value of time delay for both persistent HTTP and non-persistent HTTP.
Thus, persistent HTTP is not faster than non-persistent HTTP with parallel downloads.
Given details are below:
Length of the link = 10 meters
Bandwidth = 150 bits/sec
Size of a data packet = 100,000 bits
Size of a control packet = 200 bits
Size of the downloaded object = 100Kbits
No. of referenced objects = 10
Ler Tp to be the propagation delay between the client and the server, dp be the propagation delay and dt be the transmission delay.
The formula below is used to calculate the total time delay for sending and receiving packets :
d = dp (propagation delay) + dt (transmission delay)
For Parallel downloads through parallel instances of non-persistent HTTP :
Bandwidth = 150 bits/sec
No. of referenced objects = 10
For each parallel download, the bandwith = 150/10
= 15 bits/sec
10 independent connections are established, during parallel downloads, and the objects are downloaded simultaneously on these networks. First, a request for the object was sent by a client . Then, the request was processed by the server and once the connection is set, the server sends the object in response.
Therefore, for parallel downloads, the total time required is calculated as:
(200/150 + Tp + 200/150 + Tp + 200/150 + Tp + 100,000/150 + Tp) + (200/15 + Tp + 200/15 + Tp + 200/150 + Tp + 100,000/15 + Tp)
= ((200+200+200+100,00)/150 + 4Tp) + ((200+200+200+100,00)/15 + 4Tp)
= ((100,600)/150 + 4Tp) + ((100,600)/15 + 4Tp)
= (670 + 4Tp) + (6706 + 4Tp)
= 7377 + 8 Tp seconds
Thus, parallel instances of non-persistent HTTP makes sense in this case.
Let the speed of propogation of the medium be 300*106 m/sec.
Then, Tp = 10/(300*106)
= 0.03 micro seconds
The Tp value 0.03 micro seconds as calculated above is negligible. This would lead to a similar value of time delay for both persistent HTTP and non-persistent HTTP. Thus, persistent HTTP is not faster than non-persistent HTTP with parallel downloads.
Your friend has a Lenovo IdeaPad N580 laptop, and the hard drive has failed. Her uncle has offered to give her a working hard drive he no longer needs, the Toshiba MK8009GAH 80-GB 4200-RPM drive. Will this drive fit this laptop? Why or why not?a. Yes, the drive form factor and interface connectors match.b. No, the drive form factor matches but the interface does not match.c. Yes, the drive form factor, spindle speed, and interface all match.d. No, the drive form factor and interface do not match.
It will not fit on Lenovo Ideapad N580.
The Ideapad N580 will fit HDD of form factor 2.5" (2.5 Inch) but the form factor of Toshiba mk8009GAH is 1.8" hence won't fit in the slot.
The interface type specifies which type of connector used to connect the motherboard and the HDD and it should be the same in order to use on it.
Ideapad uses the SATA interface type to connect the HDD but the Toshiba mk8009GAH is having an ATA type interface on it hence they cannot be connected with each other.
No, the Toshiba MK8009GAH 80-GB 4200-RPM hard drive will not fit in the Lenovo IdeaPad N580 laptop because it is a 1.8-inch PATA (IDE) drive, while the laptop requires a 2.5-inch SATA drive.
Explanation:To determine if the Toshiba MK8009GAH 80-GB 4200-RPM hard drive will fit in the Lenovo IdeaPad N580 laptop, we'll need to consider both the drive form factor and interface connector compatibility. Most laptops, including the Lenovo IdeaPad N580, use a 2.5-inch SATA hard drive. The Toshiba MK8009GAH, however, is an older 1.8-inch PATA (IDE) drive (as indicated by its 4200-RPM speed which is more common in older drives, and the MK series which was typically PATA drives).
The answer is d. No, the drive form factor and interface do not match. The physical size (form factor) of the Toshiba drive is smaller and the interface is IDE, not SATA. Therefore, this drive would not fit nor connect properly without an appropriate adapter, which typically is not a feasible solution for replacing a laptop hard drive.
Write a C program to multiply matrix A and matrix B of variable. For both A and B, the size of the matrix will be given along with the entries of the matrix in two input files, inA.txt and inB.txt. The first line of the input file will contain the number of rows followed by the number of columns of the matrix. The entries of the matrix are listed on the next line in row-major order. Print the output matrix C to outC.txt in the same format as input files. Be sure to include comments in your code.
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cctype>
#include <cmath>
#include <vector>
#include <float.h>
using namespace std;
typedef vector<vector<double> > C2DArray;
void Matrix_Mult(bool* error_flag, const int mRows, const int nCols, const int pCols, const C2DArray A_Matrix, const C2DArray B_Matrix, C2DArray& C_Matrix) {
int i = A_Matrix.size(), j = A_Matrix[0].size(), k = B_Matrix[0].size();
double dummy;
if ((j != B_Matrix.size()) || (i != mRows) || (j != nCols) || (k != pCols)) *error_flag = true;
if ((C_Matrix.size() != i) || (k != C_Matrix[0].size())) *error_flag = true;
if (!(*error_flag)){
for (k = 0; k < mRows; k++) { // Do each row of A with each column of B
for (i = 0; i < pCols; i++) {
dummy = 0.0;
for (j = 0; j < nCols; j++) {
dummy += A_Matrix[k][j]*B_Matrix[j][i];
} // End for j
C_Matrix[k][i] = dummy;
} // End for i
} // End for k
} // End Matrix_Mult
int main()
{char rflag = 0; //Readiness flag
cout << " Mat_Mul1 (7 June 2013)\n";
cout << "=========================================================================== \n";
cout << "This program multiplies two matrices, [A] and [B]: [A][B] = [C].\n";
cout << "[A] is M X N, [B] is N X P, and [C] is M X P\n";
cout << "The dimensions of the [A] and [B] matrices, M, N, and P, should \n";
cout << "have been saved beforehand in a file named mulmatdat.\n";
cout << "mulmatdat should be in the same folder as the Mat_Mul1 executable.\n";
cout << "The next values of mulmatdat should be the entries for matrix [A],\n";
cout << "with data for row 1 first, then row 2, then row 3, etc.\n";
cout << "The entries for the [B] matrix should follow, in the same order.\n";
cout << "\nThe data is assumed to be of type double. Variables used within this program\n";
cout << "are type double.\n";
cout << "\nThe output is written to the file mulmatout.txt.\n";
cout << "\nIs everything ready (are you ready to continue?)? If yes, Enter y. \n";
cout << "Otherwise Enter any other key. \n";
cin >> rflag;
if (toupper(rflag) == 'Y') {
C2DArray A, B, C; // A, B, and C Matrices
int i, j, mDim, nDim, pDim; // Array index variables and matrix dimensions
bool erFlag = false; // Error flag
ifstream in("mulmatdat.txt", ios::in);
if (!in) {
cout << "\nCannot open the input file.\n";
cout << "\nEnter any key to continue. \n";
cin >> rflag;
return 0;
in >> mDim >> nDim >> pDim; //Input the Matrices' dimensions from the file
if ((mDim < 1) || (nDim < 1) || (pDim < 1)){
cout << "\nInvalid dimension entered. Program terminated. \n";
cout << "\nEnter any key to continue. \n";
cin >> rflag;
in.close(); //Close the input file before terminating
return 0;
ofstream out("mulmatout.txt", ios::out);
if (!out) {
cout << "\nCannot open the output file. Program terminated.\n";
cout << "\nEnter any key to continue. \n";
cin >> rflag;
in.close(); //Close the input file before terminating
return 0;
// Beginning of try block, if vector re-sizing unsuccessful
try {
// Resize the arrays to the appropriate sizes
A.resize(mDim); // M rows
B.resize(nDim); // N rows
C.resize(mDim); // M rows
for (i = 0; i < mDim; i++){
A[i].resize(nDim); // M columns
C[i].resize(pDim); // P columns
} // End for i
for (i = 0; i < nDim; i++){
B[i].resize(pDim); // P columns
} // End for i
} // End of try block
catch (bad_alloc& xa) { // Catch block, for exceptions
cerr << "\nIn catch block, so an exception occurred: " << xa.what() << "\n";
cout << "\nEnter any key to continue. \n";
cin >> rflag;
return 0;
} // End of catch block
for (i = 0; i < mDim; i++){ //Input the A Matrix from the file
for (j = 0; j < nDim; j++){
in >> A[i][j];
}//End for j
}//End for i
for (i = 0; i < nDim; i++){ //Input the B Matrix from the file
for (j = 0; j < pDim; j++){
in >> B[i][j];
}//End for j
}//End for i
in.close(); //Close the input file
Matrix_Mult(&erFlag, mDim, nDim, pDim, A, B, C);
if (erFlag){
cout << "Inconsistent data sent to Matrix_Mult routine. Matrix multiplication NOT performed. Check data before running again.\n";
else {
out << "\nThe A matrix follows:\n";
out << "\n";
for (i = 0; i < mDim; i++){
for (j = 0; j < nDim; j++){
out << A[i][j] << " ";
} // End for j
out << "\n";
}//End for i
out << "\nThe B matrix follows:\n";
out << "\n";
for (i = 0; i < nDim; i++){
for (j = 0; j < pDim; j++){
out << B[i][j] << " ";
} // End for j
out << "\n";
}//End for i
out << "\nThe product matrix, C, follows:\n";
out << "\n";
for (i = 0; i < mDim; i++){
for (j = 0; j < pDim; j++){
out << C[i][j] << " ";
} // End for j
out << "\n";
}//End for i
cout << "\nDone! The solution is in the text file mulmatout.txt \n";
} // End else !erFlag
else cout << "\nNot ready. Try again when ready with information. \n";
cout << "\nEnter any key to continue. \n";
cin >> rflag;
return 0;
Print out the value and double it (multiply by 2). Continue printing and doubling (all on the same line, separated by one space each) as long as the current number is less than 1000, or until 8 numbers have been printed on the line.
value=int(input("Enter the value from where the user wants to starts: "))#Take the value from the user.
i=1#intialize the value of a variable by 1.
while(value<1000) and (i<9):#while loop which prints the value.
print(value,end=" ")# print the value.
value=value*2#calculate the value to print.
i=i+1#calculate the value for the count.
If the user enter 5, then the output is : "5 10 20 40 80 160 320 640".
If the user enter 5, then the output is : "3 6 12 24 48 96 192 384".
The above code is in python language, in which the first line of the program is used to render a message to the user, take the input from the user and store it into value variable after converting it into an integer.Then the loop will calculate the double value and then it prints the value with the help of print function.The end function puts the spaces between numbers.Participate in a discussion on best practices for IT infrastructure security policies in domains other than the User Domain. Address the following topics: • IT framework selection • When to modify existing policies that belong to other organizations versus creating your own policies from scratch • Policy flexibility • Cohesiveness • Coherency • Ownership
Security is an essential aspect in any company and for any software organization, through a better protected area or network, the company will be able to maintain important data and operations with access for only authorized users.
Currently, there is a network of hackers and intruders of IT systems whose intention is to steal relevant data and obtain financial benefits from the invasion of company systems, so the IT infrastructure must be a planned and well implemented step in companies, to avoid intruders and failures that could harm an organization's operations.
The ideal IT structure is one developed to meet the needs of a company and its professionals, so there is a need for research, testing and for the implementation of the system to be directed at strategies and organizational objectives.
Another important factor is the development of the policy that will guide the rules and conduct for using the IT system, it is necessary that the policy has the ideal flexibility for the company, so that all its development is focused on coherence and cohesion with the company's strategy must be comprehensive to establish usage rules for users and authentication procedures for specific networks.
The company must have ownership over its system, the data contained therein, its use and privacy, so that the system is always protected, updated and compliant to assist in the improvement of organizational techniques and processes.
Task 2 Design a 1st order low-pass filter with cutoff frequency 1kHz, 1) with roll-off and 2) without roll-off. For each filter, a) Provide the transfer function. b) Plot the step response of these filters. c) Plot the Bode frequency response of these filters. d) Compare the step and frequency responses of these two filters. e) Include the MATLAB code.
You can get complete answer in attached document.please have a look.
(2) Without rolloff, as given fc =1kHz Let us assume it is a first order RC filter ats transfer function is H(s)-RC RC withou
Then the transfer function becom
and step response is flat zero for without rolloff..
Write a logical expression that is equivalent to the Exclusive OR gate on 2 inputs, called in1, in2: If either one or the other (but not both) input is True, then your expression should evaluate to True. Otherwise (both inputs are True or both inputs are False), then your expression should evaluate to False.
F= in1'.in2' + (in1.in2)' + in1'. in2+ in1.in2'
See the truth table in the attachment
I have used apostropy (') to write complement
Agile methods use rapid development cycles to iteratively produce running versions of the system. How would these shorter cycles affect the ability of the analyst to manage system’s requirements?
The correct answer to the following question will be "Iterative procedure".
Iterative production or procedure seems to be a technique of distinguishing product progression from expansive implementation to littler bits. This including code in regurgitated processes is designed, developed and attempted.
Regularly iterative architecture is used in conjunction with gradual improvement where a certain more sketched-out process of code progress is composed of littler components building on each other.
Time-consuming.Better testing.Better product.Review of code.This will improve observer performance, as each move is systematic and cheap to run.
The shorter cycles of Iterative production affect the ability of the analyst to manage system’s requirements in a way that improve the observer performance as each move is systematic and cheap to run.
An Iterative production means a technique of distinguishing product progression from expansive implementation to littler bits.
An Iterative production which includes code in regurgitated processes is designed, developed and attempted.
In conclusion, the shorter cycles of Iterative production affect the ability of the analyst to manage system’s requirements in a way that improve the observer performance as each move is systematic and cheap to run.
Read more about Iterative production
A researcher wants to do a web-based survey of college students to collect information about their sexual behavior and drug use. Direct identifiers will not be collected; however, IP addresses may be present in the data set. Risk of harm should be evaluated by:______________.
The severity and likelihood of harm
So that there is no room for a data breach.
A variation of client-server computing is ____, in which software that allows for applications are installed on servers and then accessed and executed through desktop clients, instead of installing applications on each individual client computer.
Terminal services
Terminal services are multiuser, lean client environment from Microsoft which was built for Windows servers. It was first launched on the Windows NT 4.0 in 1996, as of the 2009 the launch of Windows Server 2008 R2, it became part of Remote Desktop Services (RDS), and exclusively, the "shared sessions" method in RDS.
Just like in the old times of mainframes, Terminal Services supports numerous users connected to a central computer. The user's device can be a compact PC, bare-bones PC or a dedicated terminal, and all of them are to function as input/output (I/O) terminals and use the same OS and applications running in the server. Terminal Services utilizes the Microsoft's Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) to govern mouse, keyboard and screen transfer.
Nicholas Carr says firms shouldn't develop their own IS because any competitive advantage produced by the new system will be lost as a result of dissemination of the new technology into the market. In this statement, he is referring to the process of ______.
According to carr
4.15 LAB: Mad Lib - loops Mad Libs are activities that have a person provide various words, which are then used to complete a short story in unexpected (and hopefully funny) ways. Write a program that takes a string and integer as input, and outputs a sentence using those items as below. You may assume that the string does not contain spaces.The program repeats until the input is quit 0. Ex: If the input is: apples 5 shoes 2 quit 0 the output is: Eating 5 apples a day keeps the doctor away. Eating 2 shoes a day keeps the doctor away. Note: This is a lab from a previous chapter that now requires the use of a loop. LAB ACTIVITY 4.15.1: LAB: Mad Lib - loops 0 / 10
Final answer:
This answer provides C++ and Python code for a Mad Libs game that uses loops to generate sentences based on user inputs until 'quit 0' is entered.
This lab activity requires the creation of a Mad Libs game using loops in both C++ and Python programming languages. The game will prompt users to input a string and an integer, and use those inputs to construct and output a humorous sentence. The loop will terminate when the user inputs 'quit 0'. Below you'll find an example code snippets in C++ and Python that accomplish this task.
C++ Example
Write complete code in C++ to create a Mad Libs game that continues to ask for user inputs until 'quit 0' is entered:
using namespace std;
int main() {
string word;
int number;
while (true) {
cin >> word;
if (word == "quit") {
cin >> number;
if (number == 0) {
cin >> number;
cout << "Eating " << number << " " << word << " a day keeps the doctor away." << endl;
return 0;
Python Example
Write complete code in Python to accomplish the same task:
while True:
word, number = input().split()
number = int(number)
if word == 'quit' and number == 0:
print(f'Eating {number} {word} a day keeps the doctor away.')
A case competitions database:You work for a firm that has decided to sponsor case competitions between teams of college business students, and you were put in charge of creating a database to keep the corresponding data. The firm plans to hold about dozens of different regional competitions at various dates that will take place at different branches around the country. For each competition, you need to store a name, date, and the name of the branch where it is going to take place. For each college that has agreed to participate in the competition, you need to store the college name, a contact phone number, and a contact address. Each college can participate in only one competition, and the database should know which competition each college is participating in. On the other hand, each college is allowed to send more than one team to its competition. Each team gives itself a name and a color, and consists of several students of the same college; for each student, you want to store a first name, last name, date of birth, major, and expected graduation date. Question: How many tables do you need
We will ned (4) four tables.
For the given scenario we will have to build a relational database. The database will have four tables i.e. Competation, Collage, Team and student.
For each table the database fields are mention below. Note that foreign keys are mentioned in itallic.
Competition_ID, Competition_Name, Competition_Data, Competition_Name _of_Branch, College_ID
Collage_ID, Collage_Name, Collage_Contact, Collage_address
Name, Color, Team_ID, College_ID, Competition_ID
Student_ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Date_of_Birth, Major, Expected_Gradiuation_Date, Collage_ID, Team_ID, Competation_ID
To organize the required data for your firm's case competitions, you would need to create four tables: Competitions, Colleges, Teams, and Students. These tables would store competition details, college contact information, team names and colors, and student demographics, respectively.
Explanation:Databases organize information into tables that are composed of rows and columns where each row is a record for an entity and each column is an attribute of the entity. For your case competition database, you will need different tables to store related data without redundancy. The goal here is consistency, efficiency, and comprehensibility. Let's break down the tables you would require:
A Competitions table to store each competition's name, date, and branch location.A Colleges table to store participating college's name, contact phone number, and address, with a reference to the competition they are participating in.A Teams table to record each team's name, color, and associated college.A Students table to keep track of all student participants' first name, last name, date of birth, major, and expected graduation date, with a reference to their team.By designing your database with these four tables, you ensure data is grouped logically and related information is linked appropriately to eliminate the need for repeated data entry and promote efficient data management.
Suppose Host A wants to send a large file to host B. The path from Host A to Host B has three links, of rates R1 = 500 kbps, R2=2 Mbps, and R3 = 1 Mbps. Assuming no other traffic in the network, what is the throughput for the file transfer? 500 kbps
Bandwidth is the actual amount of data that a network is capable of transferring theoretically.
Throughput is the actual amount of data passing through a connection. It is the rate (usually measured in bps- bits per sec or pps - packets per second) at which packets or bits are successfully delivered over a network channel
If R₁=500 kbps, R₂=2 Mbps, and R₃ = 1 Mbps.
Since there is no other traffic in the link from Host A to Host B, the Throughput is the minimum of the links between Host A and Host B. Therefore:
Throughput= Mininum(R₁,R₂,R₃)
Public-key cryptography can be used for encryption (ElGamal for instance) and key exchange. Furthermore, it has some properties (such as nonrepudiation) which are not offered by secret key cryptography. So why do we still use symmetric cryptography in applications?
Advantage symmetric cryptography
1. The same key is used to both encrypt and decrypt messages.
2. Symmetric key algorithms are widely applied in various types of computer systems to improve data security.
3. The security of symmetric encryption systems is based on the difficulty of randomly guessing the corresponding key to force them.
4. The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) widely used in both secure messaging applications and cloud storage is a prominent example of symmetric encryption.
5. For every bit added to the length of a symmetric key, the difficulty of decrypting encryption using a brute force attack increases exponentially.
data security and user privacy
Explanation:Symmetric algorithms provide a fairly high level of security while at the same time allowing for messages to be encrypted and decrypted quickly. The relative simplicity of symmetric systems is also a logistical advantage, as they require less computing power than the asymmetric ones. In addition, the security provided by symmetric encryption can be scaled up simply by increasing key lengths. For every single bit added to the length of a symmetric key, the difficulty of cracking the encryption through a brute force attack increases exponentially.
Banks often record transactions on an account in order of the times of the transactions, but many people like to receive their bank statements with checks listed in order by check number. People usually write checks in order by check number, and merchants usually cash them with reasonable dispatch. The problem of converting time-of-transaction ordering to check-number ordering is therefore the problem of sorting almost-sorted input. Argue that the procedure INSERTION-SORT would tend to beat the procedure QUICKSORT on this problem.
Answer: Insertion Sort is more efficient , stable and faster than quick sort in writing sorting algorithms.
Insertion sort saves space without moving blocks of data and ensuring data stability.
Insertion Sort involves sorting given items in an algorithm by taking unsorted items, inserting them in sorted order in front of the other items and repeating until all items are in order.
Insertion sort process is relatively stable and faster compared to both quick sort and merge sort in algorithm manipulation since we are only moving smaller items in front without moving blocks of items.
On the other hand, Quick Sort is an algorithm that involves or chooses a random pivot and sort items smaller than the chosen pivot to the left and items bigger than the chosen pivot to the right till all items are in sorted order.
Quick Sort is a space sorting algorithm with extra stack frame space and has a risk of an unbalanced pivoting point which may cause extra running time and may also be highly unstable compared with Insertion sort method.
As part of the systems engineering development team, use IDEF0 to develop a functional architecture. The functional architecture should address all of the functions associated with the ATM. This functional architecture should be at least two levels deep and should be four levels deep in at least one functional area that is most complex. Note that you will be graded on your adherence to proper IDEF0 semantics and syntax, as well as the substance of your work.
Pick three scenarios from the operational concept and describe how these scenarios can be realized within your functional architecture by tracing functionality paths through the functional architecture. Start with the external input(s) relevant to each scenario and show how each input(s) is(are) transformed by tracing from function to function at various levels of the functional decomposition, until the scenario's output(s) is(are) produced. Highlight with three different colors (one color for each scenario) the thread of functionality associated with each of these three scenarios.
If your functional architecture is inadequate, make the appropriate changes to your functional architecture.239
As part of the systems engineering development team for the ATM, update your requirements document to reflect any insights into requirements that you obtained by creating a functional architecture. That is, if you added, deleted, or modified any input, controls, or outputs for the system, modify your input/output requirements. Also update your external systems diagram if any changes are needed.
Explanation: see attachment below
When using an IDE, what must you do to use a class that's stored in a library? Select one: a. Nothing. Classes in libraries are automatically available. b. Code an import statement for the class. c. Add the library to your project. d. Both b and c.
Both B and C
In order to use methods from another class (library) in your code, the class library will have to be added or imported into your code.
This is implemented in different ways across different programming languages, for example;
Java uses the keyword import followed by the class library name
C++ uses the key word #include
C# Uses the keyword using
Both b and c.
In my opinion, I think the IDE determines how to use the class. While you import some, some have to be added to your project
"Suppose that a program's data and executable code require 1,024 bytes of memory. A new section of code must be added; it will be used with various values 35 times during the execution of a program. When implemented as a macro, the macro code requires 61 bytes of memory. When implemented as a procedure, the procedure code requires 168 bytes (including parameter-passing, etc.), and each procedure call requires 6 bytes. How many bytes of memory will the entire program require if the new code is added as a macro
3,159 bytes
When implemented as a macro, for each of the 35 executions, the program will require enough memory for the whole macro code (61 bytes). Since the program's data and executable code require 1,024 bytes, the number of bytes required by the entire program is:
[tex]M = 1,024+(35*61)\\M=3,159\ bytes[/tex]
The program requires 3,159 bytes if the new code is added as a macro.
write a function that takes a string as parameter, return true if it’s a valid variable name, false otherwise. You can use keyword module’s iskeyword() to determine if a string is keyword.
The solution code is written in Python 3:
import keyword def checkValidVariable(string): if(not keyword.iskeyword(string)): return True else: return False print(checkValidVariable("ABC")) print(checkValidVariable("assert"))Explanation:
Firstly, we need to import keyword module so that we can use its iskeyword method to check if a string is registered as Python keyword (Line 1).
Next, we create a function checkValidVariable that takes one input string (Line 3). Within the function body, we use iskeyword method to check if the input string is keyword. Please note the "not" operator is used here. So, if iskeyword return True, the True value will be turned to False by the "not" operator or vice versa (Line 4-5).
We test the function by passing two input string (Line 9-10) and we shall get the sample output as follows:
Some example questions include: ""How does multithreading affect the throughput of a GetFile Server hosting many very large files?"" or ""How does multithreading affect the average response time for a GetFile server hosting a few small files?""
How does multithreading affect the throughput of a GetFile Server hosting many very large files?
It create multiple threads of large file which eventually causes in slowing down the speed of server which results in slower response time.
How does multithreading affect the average response time for a GetFile server hosting a few small files?
Multiple threads in smaller files result in rapid response time and enormous process speed in small files.
Write a short reflection piece (it may consist of three bulleted items, with one explanatory sentence) on three things you learned about computer architecture and/or operating systems.
OS(The Operating System) sends interrupts to the processor to stop whatever is being processing at that moment and computer architecture send data bus. This bus sends data between the processor,the memory and the input/output unit.The operating system is a low-level software that supports a computer’s basic functions, such as scheduling tasks and controlling peripherals while the computer architecture has the address bus bar. This bus carries signals related to addresses between the processor and the memory. The interface between a computer’s hardware and its software is its Architecture while An operating system (OS) is system software that manages computer hardware and software resources and provides common services for computer programs.Explanation:
In short explanation,the Computer Architecture specifically deals with whatever that's going on in the hardware part of the computer system while the Operating System is the computer program which has been program to execute at some instances depending on the programming instructions embedded in it. An example is the MS Office.
Design a 128KB direct-mapped data cache that uses a 32-bit address and 16 bytes per block. The design consists of two components: (1) The 32-bit memory address is subdivided into several sections in bits so that each address can map to its cache location (2) The cache itself including the cache storage and other necessary bits in each cache line. Explain your design.
See the attached pictures for detailed answer.
The cache contain 8K number of blocks.each block has 16 Byte worth of data. Each of these bytes are addressable by block offset. Now, each of these blocks are addressable and their address is provided by line offset or set offset. If block number is given in Decimal format then the block to which that block will be mapped is given by expression
mappedToBlock = (bNumber)mod213
TAG and valid but consititues something called cache controller. TAG holds the physical address information because the TAG in physical address get divided into TAG and line offset in cache address. Valid bit tells status of blocks. If it is 1 then data blocks are referred by CPI else not.
For a line segment, show that clipping against the top of the clipping rectangle can be done independently of the clipping against the other sides. Use this result to show that a clipper can be implemented as a pipeline of four simple clippers.
Final answer:
The answer explains the concept of clipping in geometry and how it relates to implementing clippers in a pipeline. It also discusses the proofs and theorems in geometry regarding segments, polygons, and constructions using straight-edge and transferer of segments.
Clipping against the top of the clipping rectangle can be done independently of the other sides due to the nature of line segments. This concept is essential in implementing a clipper as a pipeline of four simple clippers.
Proofs and theorems in geometry demonstrate the relationships and properties of segments, polygons, and shapes in a structured manner.
Understanding the construction using straight-edge and transferer of segments allows for solving a variety of geometrical problems by drawing straight lines and laying off segments.
1. The programmer intends for this pseudocode to display three random numbers in the range of 1 through 7. According to the way we’ve been generating random numbers in this book, however, there appears to be an error. Can you find it?
Display random(1, 7).
In the following question, some details of the question are missing that is pseudocode.
// Program shows three random numbers
// the range of 1 to 7.
Declare the Integer count
// Shows three random numbers.
For count = 1 To 3
Display random(7, 1)
End For
In the following pseudocode, it generates three random numbers from 1 to 7 because the for loop statement is starts from 1 and end at 3 so the loop will iterate three times and every time it generates one random number from 1 to 7. So, the following are the reason that describe the answer is correct according to the scenario.
The issue with the pseudocode might be related to the exclusive nature of the upper boundary in many random number generator methods. The programmer may need to add 1 to the function to generate values inclusive of 7.
Explanation:Without seeing the actual pseudocode, it's tough to give a specific correction. However, the common error in generating random numbers is not considering the exclusive nature of the upper boundary in random number methods. Most methods generate numbers from 0 (inclusive) up to the specified upper limit number (exclusive). To generate random numbers within the range from 1 to 7 (inclusive), the code should add 1 to the random output. Therefore, a possible correction would be to modify the random number generator function to include 7 and exclude 0.
For example, in many programming languages, one could use a function similar to '1 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 7)', ensuring that we generate random numbers between 1 and 7 inclusive. Kindly refer to the specific programming language practices when implementing.
Learn more about Random Number Generation here:
Write a method swapArrayEnds() that swaps the first and last elements of its array parameter. Ex: sortArray = {10, 20, 30, 40} becomes {40, 20, 30, 10}.
Final answer:
The swapArrayEnds() method exchanges the positions of the first and last elements in an array. For an array with two or more elements, the method uses a temporary variable to hold one element during the swap. This method is a basic array manipulation technique in programming.
The method swapArrayEnds() swaps the first and last elements of an array. In a programming language like Java or Python, this task is typically performed by accessing the elements at their respective indices and then swapping their values. Here’s an example of how you might write this method in Java:
void swapArrayEnds(int[] array) {By checking if the array is not null and has more than one element, we ensure that we do not try to swap ends on an empty or single-element array, which would be unnecessary. This is a common operation in array manipulation, and understanding how to implement it is useful in many programming and computer science applications.
You coded the following class:
Scanner file = new Scanner( new File("data.txt"));
String s = file.nextLine();
catch (ArithmeticException ae)
Explain what the problem is and how to fix it.
The code above tries to read a file using the scanner class in java programming language.
But it was done properly.
First, the scanner class library is not imported to the program.
Second,the syntax used in this program is an invalid way of reading a file in java programming language using the scanner class.
Lastly, "String s = file.nextLine();" is not a proper way of reading each line
To correct this problem; use the following code;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class ReadFileWithScanner {
public static void main(String args[]) throws FileNotFoundException {
File text = new File("data.txt");
Scanner file = new Scanner(text);
int lines = 1;
String line = filw.nextLine();
System.out.println("line " + lines + " :" + line);
catch (ArithmeticException ae)