Write a function, named "wait_die_scheduler" that takes a list of actions, and returns a list of actions according to the following rules. The actions given to the scheduler will only consist of WRITE and COMMIT actions. (Hence only exclusive locks need be implemented.) Each transaction will end with a COMMIT action. Before examining each action, attempt to perform an action for each of the transactions encountered (ordered by their names). After all the actions have been examined, continue to attempt to perform an action from each transaction until there are no more actions to be done. You will need to add LOCK, UNLOCK, and ROLLBACK actions to the list of actions to be returned, according to the Wait-Die protocol. If releasing more than one lock (for instance after a COMMIT), release them in order by the name of their object. Use the deferred transaction mode (only requesting locks when needed).


Answer 1

To implement the `wait_die_scheduler` function according to the Wait-Die protocol for handling WRITE and COMMIT actions in transactions, we'll simulate a scheduler that ensures correct behavior with respect to locks and transaction order. The Wait-Die protocol is used to manage concurrency and handle conflicts between transactions efficiently. Below is a Python implementation of this scheduler function:

def wait_die_scheduler(actions):

   # Data structures to track locks and actions

   locks = {}  # Dictionary to track locks by object name

   results = []  # List to collect final actions to be returned

   # Process the list of actions

   for action in actions:

       transaction_name = action[0]

       action_type = action[1]

       object_name = action[2]

       # If action is WRITE or COMMIT

       if action_type == 'WRITE' or action_type == 'COMMIT':

           # Check if the transaction already has a lock on the object

           if object_name in locks and locks[object_name] != transaction_name:

               # Conflict detected, need to resolve based on Wait-Die protocol

               # Check order of transactions for waiting or aborting

               if transaction_name < locks[object_name]:

                   # Current transaction waits (older transaction, so wait)

                   results.append((transaction_name, 'WAIT', object_name))


                   # Current transaction aborts (newer transaction, so abort)

                   results.append((transaction_name, 'ROLLBACK', object_name))

                   # Release locks held by the aborted transaction

                   results.extend([(locks[obj], 'UNLOCK', obj) for obj in sorted(locks.keys())])

                   locks.clear()  # Clear all locks after rollback


               # No conflict, acquire lock for the transaction

               locks[object_name] = transaction_name

           # Add the original action to the results

           results.append((transaction_name, action_type, object_name))

           # If action is COMMIT, release locks held by the committed transaction

           if action_type == 'COMMIT':

               results.extend([(locks[obj], 'UNLOCK', obj) for obj in sorted(locks.keys())])

               locks.clear()  # Clear all locks after commit

   # Final pass to release any remaining locks (should not normally occur)

   results.extend([(locks[obj], 'UNLOCK', obj) for obj in sorted(locks.keys())])

   locks.clear()  # Clear all locks after processing all actions

   return results

# Example usage

actions = [

   ('T1', 'WRITE', 'A'),

   ('T2', 'WRITE', 'B'),

   ('T1', 'COMMIT', 'A'),

   ('T2', 'COMMIT', 'B'),

   ('T1', 'WRITE', 'B'),

   ('T1', 'COMMIT', 'B')


result_actions = wait_die_scheduler(actions)

for action in result_actions:


Explanation of the `wait_die_scheduler` function:

1. Initialization: We start by defining empty data structures (`locks` and `results`) to track locks on objects and the resulting list of actions.

2. Processing Actions: Iterate through each action in the provided list (`actions`). Each action is a tuple consisting of transaction name, action type (`WRITE` or `COMMIT`), and the object name.

3. Handling WRITE and COMMIT Actions:

  - For a `WRITE` action:

    - Check if the transaction already holds a lock on the object.

    - If there's a conflict (another transaction holds the lock), resolve it based on the Wait-Die protocol by either making the current transaction wait or aborting it.

  - For a `COMMIT` action:

    - Release all locks held by the committed transaction.

4. Building Resulting Actions:

  - Append the original action to the `results` list.

  - If a transaction commits or aborts, add corresponding `UNLOCK` actions for all locks held by the transaction.

5. Final Cleanup: Ensure all locks are released after processing all actions.

This implementation follows the Wait-Die protocol by managing locks, resolving conflicts between transactions, and ensuring correct order of operations according to the protocol rules. Adjustments may be needed based on specific requirements or variations of the Wait-Die protocol for different scenarios.

Related Questions

Write a recursive function that has an argument that is an array of characters and two arguments that are the bounds (inclusive) on array indices. The function should reverse the order of those entries in the array whose indices are between the two bounds. For example, if the array is a[0]: ‘A’ a[1]: ‘B’ a[2]: ‘C’ a[3]: ‘D’ a[4]: ‘E’ and the bounds are 1 and 4, then, after the function is run the array elements should be a[0]: ‘A’ a[1]: ‘E’ a[2]: ‘D’ a[3]: ‘C’ a[4]: ‘B’ Consider the following declaration for your function: void flipArray( char arr[], unsigned int from, unsigned int to ); Test your code before writing it out. You may safely assume that from and to are valid indices with respect to arr.



Here is the C++ program:

#include <iostream>   // for input output functions

using namespace std;   // to identify objects like cin cout

/* recursive function to reverse the order of array elements between two bound of array indices */

void flipArray(char arr[], unsigned int from, unsigned int to)  {  

       if (from >= to)  // base case


   swap(arr[from], arr[to]);  

//function to swap characters according to specified values in from and to

   flipArray(arr, from + 1, to - 1);  } // recursive function call

int main()  {  //start of main() function body

   int size;  //stores the number of elements in array

   cout<<"Enter the size of the array: ";  // prompts user to enter array size

   cin>>size;  // reads array size from user


   char array[size];  // array of size specified by user

   cout<<"Enter the characters: ";  //prompts user to enter elements in array

// loop to take input characters in array according to specified size

   for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)  

   {cin >> array[i];}  // reads array elements from user


   unsigned int i,j;  // stores values of two bounds of indices

   cout<<"Enter the two bounds of array indices:";

// prompts user to enter two bounds of array indices

   cin>>i>>j;  //reads array indices from user

//displays original array elements    

   cout << "The original array is: "<<array<< endl;

   flipArray(array,i,j);  //calls flipArray() function

   cout << "Array after flip from "<< i<<"to "<<j<<" is: "<<array << endl;  }

/*displays elements of array after reversing array characters according to bounds of array indices */


The program is explained in the given comments with every statement. Lets understand the logic of the recursive function for the input array that has characters: A B C D E and two bounds 1 and 4 i.e. from B to E

First the base condition if (from >= to) is checked. Here the value of from is 1 and value of to is 4. So the base condition evaluates to false as 1 < 4

So the program control moves to the next statement: swap(arr[from], arr[to]);  which swaps the array characters from the two indices 1 and 4.

arr [1] = B, arr [4] = E

So B and E are swapped.


Next statement: flipArray(arr, from + 1, to - 1);  is a call to recursive function flipArray,

from + 1 = 1+1 = 2 So now the from index moves one position ahead

to - 1 = 4 - 1 = 3 So now the to index moves one position behind

So new value of from = 2 and to = 3

The base condition is check again which evaluates to false as 2<3

The swap() function swaps the elements at indices 2 and 3 which means:

arr[2] = C

arr[3] = D

So C and D are swapped.


Next is the call to recursive function flipArray()

from + 1 = 2 + 1 = 3

to - 1 = 3 - 1 = 2

So the value of from = 3 and value of to = 2

Now the base condition is checked again and it evaluates to true as 3>2

So this is the stop condition.

Hence the array after flip is:


The program along with its output is attached in the screen shot.

def c_to_f(): # FIXME return # FIXME: Finish temp_c = float(input('Enter temperature in Celsius: ')) temp_f = None # FIXME: Call conversion function # temp_f = ?? # FIXME: Print result # print('Fahrenheit:' , temp_f)



def c_to_f(celsius):      return celsius * 9/5 + 32 temp_c = float(input('Enter temperature in Celsius: '))  temp_f = None   temp_f = c_to_f(temp_c)  print('Fahrenheit:' , temp_f)


The first piece of code we can fill in is the formula to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit and return it as function output (Line 2).

The second fill-up code is to call the function c_to_f and pass temp_c as argument (Line 7). The temp_c will be processed in the function and an equivalent Fahrenheit value will be returned from the function and assigned it to temp_f.

You have been asked to write a two-page report that explains the extent to which the IT department can configure the cryptographic features of Word 2010. What is the process involved in configuring encryption?


Answer:Encryption is the process

of translating plain text data into something that appears to be random and meaningless. A symmetric key is used during both the encryption and decryption process. To decrypt a particular piece of ciphertex, the key that was used to encrypt the data must be used.

Types of encryption

1.Symmetric encryption :This is also known as public key encryption. In symmetric encryption, there is only one key, and all communication patties use the same key for encryption and decryption.

2.Asymmetric encryption :This is foundational technology for SSL(TLS)

How encryption is being configured

Encryption uses algorithms to scramble your information. It is then transmitted to the receiving party, who is able to decode the message with a key.


For loops: Savings account The for loop calculates the amount of money in a savings account after numberYears given an initial balace of savingsBalance and an annual interest rate of 2.5%. Complete the for loop to iterate from 1 to numberYears (inclusive). Function Save Reset MATLAB DocumentationOpens in new tab function savingsBalance = CalculateBalance(numberYears, savingsBalance) % numberYears: Number of years that interest is applied to savings % savingsBalance: Initial savings in dollars interestRate = 0.025; % 2.5 percent annual interest rate % Complete the for loop to iterate from 1 to numberYears (inclusive) for ( ) savingsBalance = savingsBalance + (savingsBalance * interestRate); end end 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Code to call your function



Desired MATLAB code is explained below


function savingsBalance = CalculateBalance(numberYears, savingsBalance)

% numberYears: Number of years that interest is applied to savings

% savingsBalance: Initial savings in dollars

interestRate = 0.025; % 2.5 percent annual interest rate


% Complete the for loop to iterate from 1 to numberYears (inclusive)

for (i = 1 : numberYears)

savingsBalance = savingsBalance + (savingsBalance * interestRate);



The completed for loop in MATLAB iterates from 1 to `numberYears`, updating the `savingsBalance` by adding 2.5% interest each year:


for year = 1:numberYears

   savingsBalance = savingsBalance + (savingsBalance * interestRate);



To complete the `for` loop in the given MATLAB function to calculate the amount of money in a savings account after a specified number of years, you need to iterate from 1 to `numberYears` (inclusive). Here’s the completed function:


function savingsBalance = CalculateBalance(numberYears, savingsBalance)

   % numberYears: Number of years that interest is applied to savings

   % savingsBalance: Initial savings in dollars

   interestRate = 0.025; % 2.5 percent annual interest rate

   % Complete the for loop to iterate from 1 to numberYears (inclusive)

   for year = 1:numberYears

       savingsBalance = savingsBalance + (savingsBalance * interestRate);




In this function:

- The `for` loop iterates from 1 to `numberYears`.

- During each iteration, the `savingsBalance` is updated by adding the interest earned for that year, which is `savingsBalance * interestRate`.

1. Function Purpose: The function `CalculateBalance` takes two input arguments: `numberYears` (the number of years that interest is applied to savings) and `savingsBalance` (the initial savings amount in dollars). Its purpose is to calculate the total savings balance after applying interest over the specified number of years.

2. Interest Rate: The variable `interestRate` is defined within the function to represent the annual interest rate, which is set to 2.5%. This value is expressed as a decimal (0.025) for mathematical calculations.

3. For Loop: The heart of the function lies in the `for` loop, which iterates from 1 to `numberYears` (inclusive). This loop represents each year over which interest is applied to the savings balance.

4. Interest Calculation: Within the loop, the savings balance (`savingsBalance`) is updated in each iteration to reflect the accumulated interest. The formula `savingsBalance = savingsBalance + (savingsBalance * interestRate)` calculates the interest earned for the current year (2.5% of the current balance) and adds it to the existing balance. This process repeats for each year specified by `numberYears`, effectively simulating the accumulation of interest over time.

5. Return Value: Finally, the function returns the updated `savingsBalance` after all iterations of the `for` loop have been completed. This value represents the total savings balance after applying interest for the specified number of years.

Overall, the function provides a straightforward and efficient way to compute the savings balance over time, making it a useful tool for financial calculations.

Write a method called printGrid that accepts two integers representing a number of rows and columns and prints a grid of integers from 1 to (rows * columns) in column major order. For example, the call printGrid(4, 6); should produce the following output: 1 5 9 13 17 212 6 10 14 18 223 7 11 15 19 234 8 12 16 20 24



See attached pictures.


See attached picture for code with explanation.

Create a class called Clock to represent a Clock. It should have three private instance variables: An int for the hours, an int for the minutes, and an int for the seconds. The class should include a threeargument constructor and get and set methods for each instance variable. Override the method toString which should return the Clock information in the same format as the input file (See below). Read the information about a Clock from a file that will be given to you on Blackboard, parse out the three pieces of information for the Clock using a StringTokenizer, instantiate the Clock and store the Clock object in two different arrays (one of these arrays will be sorted in a later step). Once the file has been read and the arrays have been filled, sort one of the arrays by hours using Selection Sort. Display the contents of the arrays in a GUI that has a GridLayout with one row and two columns. The left column should display the Clocks in the order read from the file, and the right column should display the Clocks in sorted order.



public class Clock


private int hr; //store hours

private int min;  //store minutes

private int sec; //store seconds

public Clock ()


 setTime (0, 0, 0);


public Clock (int hours, int minutes, int seconds)


 setTime (hours, minutes, seconds);


public void setTime (int hours, int minutes, int seconds)


 if (0 <= hours && hours < 24)

      hr = hours;


      hr = 0;


 if (0 <= minutes && minutes < 60)

      min = minutes;


      min = 0;


 if (0 <= seconds && seconds < 60)

      sec = seconds;


      sec = 0;



 //Method to return the hours

public int getHours ( )


 return hr;


 //Method to return the minutes

public int getMinutes ( )


 return min;


 //Method to return the seconds

public int getSeconds ( )


 return sec;


public void printTime ( )


 if (hr < 10)

      System.out.print ("0");

 System.out.print (hr + ":");

 if (min < 10)

      System.out.print ("0");

 System.out.print (min + ":");

 if (sec < 10)

      System.out.print ("0");

 System.out.print (sec);



 //The time is incremented by one second

 //If the before-increment time is 23:59:59, the time

 //is reset to 00:00:00

public void incrementSeconds ( )




 if (sec > 59)


  sec = 0;

  incrementMinutes ( );  //increment minutes



 ///The time is incremented by one minute

 //If the before-increment time is 23:59:53, the time

 //is reset to 00:00:53

public void incrementMinutes ( )




if (min > 59)


  min = 0;

  incrementHours ( );  //increment hours



public void incrementHours ( )




 if (hr > 23)

     hr = 0;


public boolean equals (Clock otherClock)


 return (hr == otherClock.hr

  && min == otherClock.min

   && sec == otherClock.sec);



write an assembly language procedure that also performs the binary search. The C program will time multiple searches performed by both the C code and your assembly language procedure and compare the result. If all goes as expected, your assembly language procedure should be faster than the C code.



Let’s identify variables needed for this program.

First variables will be the one which will hold the values present in the Given Numbers in Array list and key of 16-bit and it will be array ARR and KEY. variables will be holding the Messages MSG1 “KEY IS FOUND AT “, RES ”  POSITION”, 13, 10,” $” and MSG2 ‘KEY NOT FOUND!!!.$’ to be printed for the User. Other variables will be holding Length of the Array and it will be LEN, So in all Six variables.

The identified variables are ARR, KEY, LEN, RES, MSG1 and MSG2.


    ARR DW 0000H,1111H,2222H,3333H,4444H,5555H,6666H,7777H,8888H,9999H

    LEN DW ($-ARR)/2

    KEY EQU 7777H


    RES DB "  POSITION",13,10," $"

    MSG2 DB 'KEY NOT FOUND!!!.$'






     MOV DS,AX


     MOV BX,00




      JA FAIL

      MOV AX,BX

      ADD AX,DX

      SHR AX,1

      MOV SI,AX

      ADD SI,SI

      CMP CX,ARR[SI]

      JAE BIG

      DEC AX

      MOV DX,AX



      INC AX

      MOV BX,AX



        ADD AL,'0'

        MOV RES,AL

        LEA DX,MSG1

        JMP DISP



     INT 21H


     MOV AH,4CH

     INT 21H      



In this Assembly Language Programming, A single program is divided into four Segments which are 1. Data Segment, 2. Code Segment, 3. Stack Segment, and 4. Extra  Segment. Now, from these one is compulsory i.e. Code Segment if at all you don’t need variable(s) for your program.if you need variable(s) for your program you will need two Segments i.e. Code Segment and Data Segment.


The attached Logic is a C like Program to conduct a binary search we need small Algorithm Shown above in a very simple way, So Just we will covert the logic into Assembly There are many things uncommon in the programing Language. There are No While Loops or Modules but this things are to be implemented in different ways.

What is the shortest sequence of MIPS instructions that extracts a field for the constant values of bits 7-21 (inclusive) from register $t0 and places it in the lower order portion of register $t3 (zero filled otherwise)?



What is the shortest sequence of MIPS instructions that extracts a field for the constant values of bits 7-21 (inclusive) from register $t0 and places it in the lower order portion of register $t3 (zero filled otherwise)? - sll$t0, $t3, 9# shift $t3 left by 9, store in $t0

srl $t0, $t0, 15# shift $t0 right by 15


The shortest sequence of MIPS instructions that extracts a field for the constant values of bits 7-21 (inclusive) from register $t0 and places it in the lower order portion of register $t3 (zero filled otherwise) is shown below:

sll$t0, $t3, 9# shift $t3 left by 9, store in $t0

srl $t0, $t0, 15# shift $t0 right by 15

Project Description The Department plans to purchase a humanoid robot. The Chairman would like us to write a program to show a greeting script the robot can use later. Our first task is to use the following script to prototype the robot for presentation: (Robot) Computer: Hello, welcome to Montgomery College! My name is Nao. May I have your name? (Visitor) Human: Taylor (Robot) Computer: Nice to have you with us today, Taylor! Let me impress you with a small game. Give me the age of an important person or a pet to you. Please give me only a number! (Visitor) Human: 2 (Robot) Computer: You have entered 2. If this is for a person, the age can be expressed as 2 years or 24 months or about 720 days or about 17280 hours or about 1036800 minutes or about 62208000 seconds. If this is for a dog, it is 14 years old in human age If this is for a gold fish, it is 10 years old in human age (Robot) Computer: Let's play another game, Taylor. Give me a whole number (Visitor) Human: 4 (Robot) Computer: Very well. Give me another whole number (Visitor) Human: 5 (Robot) Computer: Using the operator +'in C++, the result of 4 + 5 is 9. Using the operator , the result of 4/5 is 0; however, the result of 4.0/5.0 is about 0.8 (Robot) Computer: Do you like the games, Taylor? If you do, you can learn more by taking our classes. If you don't, I am sad. You should talk to our Chairman! Write a program that uses the script above as a guide without roles, i.e. robot computer and visitor human, to prototype robot greeting in C++



C++ code is explained below


#include <iostream>

#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

int main()


// Variables to store inputs

string robot_name = "Nao";

string visitor_name;

int age, first_num, second_num;

// Constant variable initialisation for programmer name

const string programmer_name = "XXXXXXXX";

// Constant variable initialisation for assignment number

const string assignment_num = "123546";

// Constant variable initialisation for due date

const string due_date = "16 August, 2019";

// Displaying robot's name as script

cout << "Hello, welcome to Montgornery College!";

cout << "My name is " << robot_name << " . May I have your name?" << "\n\n";

// Taking visitor's name as input from the visitor

cin >> visitor_name;

// Displaying vistor's name as script

cout << "\n\nNice to have your with us today, " << visitor_name << "! ";

cout << "Let me impress you with a small game.";

cout << "Give me the age of an important person or a pet to you. ";

cout << "Please give me only a number!" << "\n\n";

// Taking human age as input from the visitor

cin >> age;

// Displaying human's age as script

cout << "\n\nYou have entered " << age << ". If this is for a person,";

cout << " the age can be expressed as " << age << " years or ";

// Computing months, days, hours, minutes and seconds from age input

double months = age*12;

double days = months*30;

double hours = days*24;

double minutes = hours*60;

double seconds = minutes*60;

// Computing dogs and fish age from human's age

double dogs_age = 7*age;

double gold_fish_age = 5*age;

// Displaying months, hours, minutes, hours and seconds as script

cout << months << " months or about " << days << " days or";

cout << " about " << fixed << setprecision(0) << hours << " hours or about " << minutes;

cout << " or about " << fixed << setprecision(0) << seconds << " seconds. If this is for a dog.";

// Displaying dogs age and gold fish age as script

cout << " it is " << dogs_age << " years old in human age.";

cout << " If this is for a gold fish, it is " << gold_fish_age;

cout << " years old in human age" << "\n\n";

cout << "Let's play another game, " << visitor_name << "!";

cout << "Give me a whole number." << "\n\n";

// Taking first whole number from the visitor

cin >> first_num;

cout << "\nVery well. Give me another whole number." << "\n\n";

// Taking second whole number from the vistor

cin >> second_num;

// Computing sum and division for displaying in the script

double sum = first_num+second_num;

double division = first_num/second_num;

float floatDivision = (float)first_num/second_num;

// Displaying sum and division script

cout << "\nUsing the operator '+' in C++,";

cout << " the result of " << first_num << " + " << second_num;

cout << " is " << sum << ". Using the operator '/', the result ";

cout << "of " << first_num << " / " << second_num << " is " << division;

cout << "; however, the result of " << first_num << ".0 /" << second_num;

cout << ".0 is about " << floatDivision << "." << "\n\n";

cout << "Do you like the games, " << visitor_name << "?";

cout << " If you do, you can learn more by taking our classes.";

cout << ". If you don't, I am sad, You should talk to our Chairman!" << "\n\n";

// Displaying Programmer Name, Assignment Number and due date to output screen

cout << "Programmer Name : " << programmer_name << endl;

cout << "Assignment Number : " << assignment_num << endl;

cout << "Due Date : " << due_date << endl;


return 0;


An odometer is the gauge on your car that measures distance traveled. In the United States, an odometer measures in miles; elsewhere else, it measures kilometers. Many vehicles with electronic odometer interfaces can switch between miles and kilometers. Something to consider: if an odometer gets replaced, a new one must be able to be set to some specified mileage. a) Write an Odometer class which must include the following methods: • _init__, _str_1_repr__, overloaded add and substract method The constructor must take two arguments mileage, and any other specification that uses units (you choose the unit specification) . Both arguments must have a default value (you may choose the default values) O Addition and subtraction both have one odometer operand and one numeric operand, where the numeric operand represents the miles being added/subtracted (not two odometer operands). o Addition should be commutative (but not subtraction). o Output methods should always be rounded to 1/10 mile (kilometer), but the odometer itself should maintain full floating-point accuracy. b) Include sample code that uses your class and demonstrates the use of all methods as well as demonstrating error handling. c) at the end of your code show an illustrated run of your code "W" "



class Odometer():

   def __init__(self, mileage=0, unit='miles'):

       if mileage < 0:  

           raise ValueError('Mileage cannot be in negative')

       self.mileage = mileage

       if unit in ['miles', 'kilometers']:  

           self.units = unit


           raise ValueError("Miles and kilometer unit are allowed only")

   def __repr__(self):

       return self.__str__()

   def __str__(self):

       return 'Mileage: {:.1f} {}'.format(self.mileage, self.units)

   def add(self, odometer, distance):

       if odometer.units == self.units:

           self.mileage = odometer.mileage + distance

       elif self.units == 'miles':  

           self.mileage = odometer.mileage / 1.6 + distance


           self.mileage = odometer.mileage * 1.6 + distance

   def subtract(self, odometer, distance):

       if odometer.units == self.units:

           self.mileage = odometer.mileage + distance

       elif self.units == 'miles':

           self.mileage = odometer.mileage / 1.6 - distance


           self.mileage = odometer.mileage * 1.6 - distance

honda_odometer = Odometer(100.56, 'miles')

print('Reading of Honda odometer:', honda_odometer)

new_odometer = Odometer(100, 'kilometers')

print('Reading of New odometer:', new_odometer)

new_odometer.add(honda_odometer, 10)

print('Reading of New odometer after adding honda odometer:', new_odometer)


print('Reading of New odometer after subtracting honda odometer:', new_odometer)


Create a class only supports miles and kilometers as units .Create the add method that accepts an odometer, distance and adds it to the current object .Create the subtract method that accepts an odometer and distance and subtract it to the current object .

Write the routines with the following declarations: void permute( const string & str ); void permute( const string & str, int low, int high ); The first routine is a driver that calls the second and prints all the permutations of the characters in string str. If str is "abc", then the strings that are output are abc, acb, bac, bca, cab, and cba. Use recursion for the second routine.



Here is the first routine:

void permute( const string &str ) {  // function with one parameter

 int low = 0;

 int high = str.length();

 permute(str, low, high);


Or you can directly call it as:

 permute(str, 0, str.length());


The second routine:

void permute( const string &str, int low, int high)  

//function with three parameters

{ string str1 = str;

 if ( low == high ) {  //base case when last index is reached

   for (int i = 0; i <= high; ++i)

     cout << str1[i]; }  //print the strings  

 else {

   for (int i=low; i<high; ++i) {  // if base case is not reached

     string temp = str1;   //fix a character

     swap( str1[i], str1[low] ); //swap the values

     permute( str1, low + 1, high );  //calling recursive function (recursion case)

     swap( str1[i], str1[low] );     }  } } //swap again to go to previous position

In this function the following steps are implemented:

A character is fixed in the first position.

Rest of the characters are swapped with first character.

Now call the function which recursively repeats this for the rest of the characters.

Swap again to go to previous position, call the recursive function again and continue this process to get all permutations and stop when base condition is reached i.e. last index is reached such that high==low which means both the high and low indices are equal.

You can write a main() function to execute these functions.

int main() {

 string str;

 cout << "Enter a string: ";

 cin >> str;

 permute(str);  }

Final answer:

The question requires defining two routines to output all permutations of a given string. The first function 'permute' serves as a driver, while the second 'permute' function is a recursive method that systematically swaps characters to produce each permutation.


Routines to Permute a String:

The task is to write routines to generate all permutations of the characters in a given string. The first function serves as a driver, while the second function uses recursion to perform the actual permutation process.

void permute(const string &str) {
   permute(str, 0, str.size() - 1);
void permute(const string &str, int low, int high) {
   if (low == high) {
       cout << str << endl;
   } else {
       for (int i = low; i <= high; i++) {
           // Swap the current index with the low element
           swap(str[low], str[i]);
           // Recursively call permute on the substring
           permute(str, low + 1, high);
           // Swap back for the next iteration
           swap(str[low], str[i]);
In the above code, permute(const string &str) is the driver function that calls the recursive function permute(const string &str, int low, int high), initiating the process with the full range of the string (from index 0 to the length of the string minus one).

Within the recursive function, when the low index matches the high index, it indicates that a permutation has been generated, and it gets printed. If not, the function enters a for-loop, where recursive calls are made after swapping the current character with the one at the start of the substring defined by low and high. After the recursive call returns, the characters are swapped back to their original position, allowing for correct generation of subsequent permutations.

For this lab you will be creating your own struct, called Frog. You will need to create an array of Frog, and prompt the user for information to create Frogs and fill in the array.

(3 pts) First, create a Frog struct (first test). It should have the following fields: Name, Age, and Leg Length. Expect sample input to look like this:

Todd Jones //Name
12 //Age
12.34 //LegLength
(1 pt) After that, ask the user how many frogs they would like to create:

How many frogs do you want?
(2 pts) Next, loop for the supplied number of times, asking for user input:

What is the name of Frog 1?
What is the age of Frog 1?
What is the leg length of Frog 1?
What is the name of Frog 2?
What is the age of Frog 2?
What is the leg length of Frog 2?



The solution code is written in c++

#include <iostream>using namespace std;struct Frog {  string Name;  int Age;  float LegLength;}; int main (){   Frog frog_test;   frog_test.Name = "Todd Jones";   frog_test.Age = 12;   frog_test.LegLength = 12.34;     int num;   cout<<"Enter number of frogs: ";   cin>>num;     Frog frog[num];     int i;   for(i = 0; i < num; i++){             cout<<"What is the name of Frog "<< i + 1 <<" ?";       cin>> frog[i].Name;             cout<<"What is the age of Frog "<< i + 1 <<" ?";       cin>> frog[i].Age;             cout<<"What is the leg length of Frog "<< i + 1 <<" ?";       cin>> frog[i].LegLength;   }}


Firstly, define a Frog struct as required by the question (Line 4 - 8).

We create a test Frog struct (Line 12 - 15).

If we run the code up to this point, we shall see a Frog struct has been build without error.

Next, prompt user to input number of frogs desired (Line 17 -19).

Use the input number to declare a frog array (Line 21).

Next, we can use a for loop to repeatedly ask for input info of each frog in the array (Line 23- 34).

At last, we shall create num elements of Frog struct in the array.

Write me some pseudocode for one pass of the Selection Sort algorithm through random values stored in an Unordered-List, or Linked-List, of values (rather than a standard "Python" List).
• How would you implement a swap using a Linked-List?
• What is the minimum number of variables required?



Minimum of 6 variables is required


class LinkedList:

def __init__(self, v):

self.data = v

self.next = None

def sortSelections(first):  

x = y = first

while y.next:

z = p = y.next  

while p:

if y.data > p.data:

if y.next == p:

if y == first:

y.next = p.next

p.next = y

y, p = p, y

z = p

first = y

p = p.next


y.next = p.next

p.next = y

x.next = p

y, p = p, y

z = p

p = p.next


if y == first:

r = y.next

y.next = p.next

p.next = r

z.next = y

y, p = p, y

z = p

p = p.next

first = y


r = y.next

y.next = p.next

p.next = r

z.next = y

x.next = p

y, p = p, y

z = p  

p = p.next


z = p

p = p.next

x = y

y = y.next

return first

def display(first):

while first:

print(first.data, end = " ")

first = first.next

if __name__ == "__main__":

print("Sorted List: ")

first = LinkedList(53)

first.next = LinkedList(14)

first.next.next = LinkedList(2)

first.next.next.next = LinkedList(9)

first.next.next.next.next = LinkedList(92)

first = sortSelections(first)


Suppose that one byte in a buffer covered by the Internet checksum algorithm needs to be decremented (e.g., a header hop count field). Give an algorithm to compute the revised checksum without rescanning the entire buffer. Your algorithm should consider whether the byte in question is low order or high order



The algorithm required for the question is given below.


Step 1: The data is shown below for the algorithm.

Original checksum.Byte location is decrementable.Price to decrease by what bit.

Step 2: Get a checksum compliment from one.

Step 3: Whether byte is of lesser importance to still be decremented by x.

Subtract x from those bytes.

Step 4: Whether byte is of higher importance to still be decremented by x.

Subtract 2⁸×x from those bytes.

Step 5: Start taking one's outcome compliment to get amended iterator checksum.

Mary from sales is asking about the plan to implement Salesforce.com's application. You explain to her that you are in the process of getting technical specifications and pricing so that you can move forward with the rollout. This would be part of which of the following plans?
a) IT architecture
b) IT infrastructure
c) System architecture
d) Server upgrade program
e) IT strategy



The correct answer to the following question will be Option b ( IT infrastructure).


This refers to either the integrated devices, applications, network infrastructure, as well as facilities needed by an organization This system to function, run, and maintain.

Your technology infrastructure seems to be the nervous system, which is accountable for supplying end customers with a streamlined operation.Total control of both your operating system infrastructure ensures you can guarantee the channel's safety is tracked.

Therefore, it will be a part of the design of Mary.

Final answer:

The process of getting technical specifications and pricing for the rollout of Salesforce.com's application is a part of the organization's IT strategy, as it involves careful and strategic planning.


When explaining to Mary from sales about the plan to implement Salesforce.com's application, and mentioning the process of getting technical specifications and pricing for the rollout, you are discussing a key component of IT strategy.

This is because the process involves planning for the adoption of a significant system, considering its impact on business processes, and assessing the costs and technical requirements. The implementation of an application such as Salesforce.com usually undergoes careful planning within the broader context of the organization's overall technology plan, aligning with business goals and ensuring sustainability and efficiency in operations.

In the lab, you wrote a four-paragraph __________ that summarized your findings, described the approach and prioritization of critical, major, and minor risk assessment elements, included a risk assessment and risk impact summary of the seven domains of a typical IT infrastructure, and provided recommendations and next steps for executive management.

a.management overview
b.risk assessment outline
c.IT infrastructure recap





The two mathematical models of language description are generation and recognition. Describe how each can define the syntax of a programming language.



The correct answer to the following question will be "Semantic and Syntax error".


Syntax error:

Corresponds to such a mistake in a pattern sentence structure that is composed in either a specific language of that same coding. Because computer programs have to maintain strict syntax to execute appropriately, any elements of code that would not adhere to the programming or scripting language syntax can result inside a syntax error.

Semantic error:

That would be a logical error. This is because of erroneous logical statements. Write inaccurate logic or code of a program, which results incorrectly whenever the directives are implemented.

So, it's the right answer.

Question 2. Complete the following conditional statement so that the string 'More please' is assigned to the variable say_please if the number of nachos with cheese in ten_nachos is less than 5. Hint: You should not have to directly reference the variable ten_nachos.



The solution code is written in Python 3:

ten_nachos = [True, True, False, False, False, True, False, True, False, False] count = 0 for x in ten_nachos:    if (x == True):        count += 1 if count < 5:    say_please = "More please"


By presuming the ten_nachos hold an array of True and False values with True referring to nachos with cheese and False referring to without cheese (Line 1).

We create a counter variable, count to track the occurrence of True value in the ten_nachos (Line 3).

Create a for-loop and traverse through the True and False value in the ten_nachos and then check if the current value is True, increment count by 1 (Line 5 - 7).

If the count is less than 5, assign string "More please" to variable say_please (Line 9 -10).

Final answer:

The question requires creating a conditional statement to assign a string to a variable based on a comparison. The statement would look something like 'if nacho_count < 5: say_please = 'More please'' in pseudocode, where 'nacho_count' represents the variable for the number of nachos.


The student's question involves completing a conditional statement in a programming context. The problem provided requires constructing logic that assigns the string 'More please' to a variable say_please based on the condition of the number of nachos with cheese being less than five. This scenario is aligned with conditional programming logic, often taught in computer science classes at the high school level. The completion of the conditional statement can be achieved by setting a variable (presumably counting the number of nachos) and checking if it is less than five.

For the given scenario, assuming the variable counting nachos is nacho_count, the conditional statement in pseudocode would look something like:

if nacho_count < 5:
   say_please = 'More please'

It is important to note that in actual code, the specifics of the syntax will depend on the programming language being used. The underlying concept of using a conditional statement (if statement) to control the flow of a program, however, remains the same across different languages.

Read the Security Guide about From Anthem to Anathema on pages 238-239 of the textbook. Then answer the following questions in the format on an essay. Create a heading for each question. Questions: Think about all of the cloud services you use. How vulnerable are you right now to having your data stolen



Answer explained below


Think about all of the cloud services you use. How vulnerable are you right now to having your data stolen?

At its most basic level, “the cloud” is just fancy talk for a network of connected servers. (And a server is simply a computer that provides data or services to other computers). When you save files to the cloud, they can be accessed from any computer connected to that cloud’s network.

The cloud is not just a few servers strung together with Cat5 chords. Instead, it’s a system comprised of thousands of servers typically stored in a spaceship-sized warehouse—or several hundred spaceship-sized warehouses. These warehouses are guarded and managed by companies capable of housing massive loads of data, including the likes of Google (Google Docs), Apple (iCloud), and Dropbox.

So, it’s not just some nebulous concept. It’s physical, tangible, real.

When you save files to the cloud, you can access them on any computer, provided it’s connected to the Internet and you’re signed into your cloud services platform. Take Google Drive. If you use any mail, you can access Drive anywhere you can access your email. Sign in for one service and find your entire library of documents and photos in another.

Why are people concerned with cloud security?

It’s physically out of your hands.

You aren’t saving files to a hard drive at your house. You are sending your data to another company, which could be saving your data thousands of miles away, so keeping that information safe is now dependent on them. “Whether data is being sent automatically (think apps that sync to the cloud) or driven by users uploading photos to social media, the end result is that it’s all there somewhere being logged and stored,” says Jérôme Segura, Senior Security Researcher at Malwarebytes.

And that somewhere is a place that’s not in your direct control.

Risks of cloud storage

Cloud security is tight, but it’s not infallible. Cyber gurus can get into those files, whether by guessing security questions or bypassing passwords. That’s what happened in The Great iCloud Hack of 2014, where unwanted pictures of celebrities were accessed and published online.

But the bigger risk with cloud storage is privacy. Even if data isn’t stolen or published, it can still be viewed. Governments can legally request information stored in the cloud, and it’s up to the cloud services provider to deny access.

c++ design a class named myinteger which models integers. interesting properties of the value can be determined. include these members: a int data field named value that represents the integer's value. a constructor that creates a myinteger object with a specified int value. a constant getter that returns the value



#include <iostream>using namespace std;class myinteger {        private:        int value;            public:        myinteger(int x){            value = x;        }               int getValue(){           return value;       }        };int main(){    myinteger obj(4);    cout<< obj.getValue();    return 0;}


Firstly, we use class keyword to create a class named myinteger (Line 5). Define a private scope data field named value in integer type (Line 7 - 8).

Next, we proceed to define a constructor (Line 11 - 13) and a getter method for value (Line 15 -17) in public scope. The constructor will accept one input x and set it to data field, x. The getter method will return the data field x whenever it is called.

We test our class by creating an object from the class (Line 23) by passing a number of 4 as argument. And when we use the object to call the getValue method, 4 will be printed as output.

Which date formats are allowed in Excel for February 14, 2018? Check all that apply.
February 14, 2018



1,2,5 and 6


Hope this helps!!!!!!!

Forever friend and helper,


The date formats which are allowed in Microsoft Excel for February 14, 2018 are:

A. 14-Feb-18.

B. 14-Feb.

E. 02/14/18.

F. 2/14/2018​.

Microsoft Excel can be defined as a software application (program) designed and developed by Microsoft Inc., to avail end users the ability to analyze and visualize spreadsheet documents.

Formatting is simply the appearance of textual information and data in a document such as an Excel spreadsheet.

In Microsoft Excel, an end user can set the display format for the following:


A date provides information about the day, month and year a document was created, last modified, used, etc.

In Microsoft Excel, the date formats which are allowed for February 14, 2018 are:

14-Feb-18. 14-Feb.02/14/18. 2/14/2018​.

Read more: https://brainly.com/question/23822910

The input is an N by N matrix of numbers that is already in memory. Each individual row is increasing from left to right. Each individual column is increasing from top to bottom. Give an O(N) worst-case algorithm that decides if a number X is in the matrix.


Final answer:

An efficient O(N) algorithm can determine if a number X is present in an N x N sorted matrix by starting from the top-right corner and moving left or down through matrix elements based on comparisons with X, eliminating one row or column at a time.


Suppose we have an N x N matrix, where each row is sorted in increasing order from left to right and each column is sorted in increasing order from top to bottom. To determine if a given number X is in this matrix, we can employ an efficient algorithm with a time complexity of O(N), which is much faster than checking every element in the matrix.

The algorithm starts from the top-right corner of the matrix. At each step, if the current element is greater than X, we move one step to the left. If the current element is less than X, we move one step down. If the current element is equal to X, we return true, indicating that X is found in the matrix. If we reach the left border or the bottom border of the matrix without finding X, we return false.

This algorithm works because the matrix is sorted row-wise and column-wise, allowing us to eliminate a row or a column at each step. Hence, we perform at most N steps, leading to a worst-case time complexity of O(N).

You are tasked to calculate a specific algebraic expansion, i.e. compute the value of f and g for the expression: ???? = (???????? − ???????????? + ???????????? − ????????) ???? = (???????????? + ????????????????) without using any intrinsic multiplication instructions, subroutines, and function calls. More formally, write MIPS assembly code that accepts four positive integers A, B, C, and D as input parameters.




prompt: .asciiz "Enter 4 integers for A, B, C, D respectively:\n"

newLine: .asciiz "\n"

decimal: .asciiz "f_ten = "

binary: .asciiz "f_two = "

decimal2: .asciiz "g_ten = "

binary2: .asciiz "g_two = "



#display prompt

li $v0, 4

la $a0, prompt


#Read A input in $v0 and store it in $t0

li $v0, 5


move $t0, $v0

#Read B input in $v0 and store it in $t1

li $v0, 5


move $t1, $v0

#Read C input in $v0 and store it in $t2

li $v0, 5


move $t2, $v0

#Read D input in $v0 and store it in $t3

li $v0, 5


move $t3, $v0

#Finding A^4

#Loop (AxA)

li $t6, 0


bge $t6, $t0, quit

add $s1, $s1, $t0 # A=S+A => $s1= A^2

addi $t6, $t6, 1 # i=i+1

j L1


#Loop (A^2 x A^2)

li $t6, 0


bge $t6, $s1, quit1A

add $s5, $s5, $s1

addi $t6,$t6, 1

j L1A

#End of Finding A^4

#Finding 4xA^3


#Loop (4xB)

li $t6, 0


bge $t6, 4, quit2

add $s2, $s2, $t1

addi $t6, $t6, 1

j L2


#Loop (BxB)

li $t6 , 0


bge $t6, $t1, quit2A #loop2

add $s6, $s6, $t1 #add

addi $t6, $t6, 1 #add immediate

j L2A #loop2

quit2A: # perform proper program termination using syscall for exit

#Loop (BxB)

li $t6 , 0 #load immediate


bge $t6, $s2, quit2AA #loop2

add $t7, $t7, $s6 #add

addi $t6, $t6, 1 #add immediate

j L2AA #loop2

#End ofFinding 4xA^3

#Finding 3xC^2

quit2AA: # perform proper program termination using syscall for exit

#3 Loop (3 x (C x C)) FOR S3

li $t6 , 0 #load immediate


bge $t6, $t2, quit3 #loop3

add $s3, $s3, $t2 #add

addi $t6,$t6, 1 #add immediate

j L3 #loop3

quit3: # perform proper program termination using syscall for exit

#3 Loop (3 x (C x C)) FOR S3

li $t6 , 0 #load immediate


bge $t6, 3, quit3A #loop3

add $s0, $s0, $s3 #add

addi $t6,$t6, 1 #add immediate

j L3A #loop3

#End of Finding 3xC^2

#Finding 2xD

quit3A: # perform proper program termination using syscall for exit

#4 Loop (2 x D) FOR S4

li $t6 , 0


bge $t6, 2, quit4 #loop4

add $s4, $s4, $t3 #add

addi $t6, $t6, 1 #add immediate

j L4 #Loop4

#End of Finding 2xD

#Finding AxB^2


li $t6, 0

li $s1, 0


bge $t6, $t1, quit5

add $s1, $s1, $t1

addi $t6, $t6, 1

j L5


li $t6, 0

li $s2, 0


bge $t6, $t0, quit6

add $s2, $s2, $s1

addi $t6, $t6, 1

j L6

#End of Finding AxB^2

#Finding C^2XD^3

quit6: #finds C^2

li $t6, 0

li $s1, 0


bge $t6, $t2, quit7

add $s1, $s1, $t2

addi $t6, $t6, 1

j L7

quit7: #finds D^2

li $t6, 0

li $s6, 0


bge $t6, $t3, quit8

add $s6, $s6, $t3

addi $t6, $t6, 1

j L8

quit8: #finds D^3

li $t6, 0

li $s7, 0


bge $t6, $t3, quit9

add $s7, $s7, $s6

addi $t6, $t6, 1

j L9

quit9: #finds C^2XD^3

li $t6, 0

li $s3, 0


bge $t6, $s1, end

add $s3, $s3, $s7

addi $t6, $t6, 1

j L10

#End of Finding C^2XD^3

end: # perform proper program termination using syscall for exit

#f is $t8

li $t8 , 0

sub $t8, $s5, $t7 # addition

add $t8, $t8, $s0 # subract

sub $t8,$t8, $s4 # subract

#g is $t9

li $t9 , 0

add $t9, $s2, $s3 # addition


#1st equation

li $v0,4 # display the answer string with syscall having $v0=4

la $a0, decimal # Gives answer in decimal value

syscall # value entered is returned in register $v0

li $v0, 1 # display the answer string with syscall having $v0=1

move $a0, $t8 # moves the value from $a0 into $t8

syscall # value entered is returned in register $v0

li $v0,4 # display the answer string with syscall having $v0=4

la $a0, newLine # puts newLine in between answers

syscall # value entered is returned in register $v0

li $v0,4 # display the answer string with syscall having $v0=4

la $a0, binary # Gives answer in binary

syscall # value entered is returned in register $v0

li $v0, 35

move $a0, $t8 # moves the value from into $a0 from $t8

syscall # value entered is returned in register $v0

li $v0,4 # display the answer string with syscall having $v0=4

la $a0, newLine # puts newLine in between answers

syscall # value entered is returned in register $v0

#2nd equation

li $v0,4 # display the answer string with syscall having $v0=4

la $a0, decimal2 # Gives answer in decimal value

syscall # value entered is returned in register $v0

li $v0, 1 # display the answer string with syscall having $v0=1

move $a0, $t9 # moves the value from $a0 into $t8

syscall # value entered is returned in reg $v0

li $v0,4 # display the answer string with syscall having $v0=4

la $a0, newLine # puts newLine in between answers

syscall # value entered is returned in register $v0

li $v0,4 # display the answer string with syscall having $v0=4

la $a0, binary2 # Gives answer in binary

syscall # value entered is returned in register $v0

li $v0, 35

move $a0, $t9 # moves the value from into $a0 from $t8

syscall # value entered is returned in register $v0

li $v0,4 # display the answer string with syscall having $v0=4

la $a0, newLine # puts newLine in between answers

syscall # value entered is returned in register $v0

#end the program

li $v0, 10


Create a class named College Course that includes data fields that hold the department (for example, ENG), the course number (for example, 101), the credits (for example, 3), and the fee for the course (for example, $360). All of the fields are required as arguments to the constructor, except for the fee, which is calculated at $120 per credit hour. Include a display () method that displays the course data. Create a subclass named Lab Course that adds $50 to the course fee. Override the parent class display () method to indicate that the course is a lab course and to display all the data. Write an application named UseCourse that prompts the user for course information. If the user enters a class in any of the following departments, create a LabCourse: BIO, CHM, CIS, or PHY. If the user enters any other department, create a CollegeCourse that does not include the lab fee. Then display the course data. Save the files as CollegeCourse.java, LabCourse.java, and UseCourse.java.



File: clgCourse.java

public class clgCourse


  private final double CREDIT_HOUR_FEE = 120.00;

  private String dpt;

  private int courseNo;

  private int credits;

  private double courseFee;

  public clgCourse(String newdpt, int newcourseNo, int newCredits)


      dpt = newdpt.toUpperCase();

      courseNo = newcourseNo;

      credits = newCredits;

      courseFee = CREDIT_HOUR_FEE * credits;


  public String getdpt()


      return dpt;


  public int getcourseNo()


      return courseNo;


  public int getCredits()


      return credits;


  public double getcourseFee()


      return courseFee;


  public void display()


      System.out.println("\n Course Data");

      System.out.println("Course: " + "College Course");

      System.out.println("dpt: " + this.getdpt());

      System.out.println("Course Number: " + this.getcourseNo());

      System.out.println("Credit Hours: " + this.getCredits());

      System.out.println("Course Fee: $" + this.getcourseFee());



File: LabCourse.java

public class LabCourse extends clgCourse


  private final double LAB_FEE = 50.00;

  private double labCourseFee;

  public LabCourse(String newdpt, int newcourseNo, int newCredits)


      super(newdpt, newcourseNo, newCredits);

      labCourseFee = super.getcourseFee() + LAB_FEE;


  public double getLabCourseFee()


      return labCourseFee;


  public void display()


      System.out.println("\n Course Data");

      System.out.println("Course: " + "Lab Course");

      System.out.println("dpt: " + super.getdpt());

      System.out.println("Course Number: " + super.getcourseNo());

      System.out.println("Credit Hours: " + super.getCredits());

      System.out.println("Course Fee: $" + this.getLabCourseFee());      



File: UseCourse.java

import java.util.Scanner;

public class UseCourse


  public static void main(String[] args)


      Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);

      System.out.print("Enter the dpt of the course: ");

      String dept = keyboard.nextLine();


      System.out.print("Enter the number of the course: ");

      int number = keyboard.nextInt();

      System.out.print("Enter the credit hours of the course: ");

      int hours = keyboard.nextInt();

      if(dept.equalsIgnoreCase("BIO") || dept.equalsIgnoreCase("CHM")

              || dept.equalsIgnoreCase("CIS") || dept.equalsIgnoreCase("PHY"))


          LabCourse labCourse = new LabCourse(dept, number, hours);





          clgCourse clgCourse = new clgCourse(dept, number, hours);







Create a getdpt method that returns the dpt of the course .Create a getcourseNo method that returns the number of the course.Create a display method that displays all the data of college course .Check if the user enters any of the lab dpts (BIO, CHM, CIS, or PHY),  then create a LabCourse and then display the course data .Check if the user does not enter any of the lab dpts (BIO, CHM, CIS, or PHY),  then create a clgCourse and then display the course data .

Create a class called Employee that includes three instance variables—a first name (type String), a last name (type String) and a monthly salary (double). Provide a constructor that initializes the three instance variables. Provide a set and a get method for each instance variable. If the monthly salary is not positive, do not set its value. Write a test app named EmployeeTest that demonstrates class Employee’s capabilities. Create two Employee objects and display each object’s yearly salary. Then give each Employee a 10% raise and display each Employee’s yearly salary again.



public class Employee {

   private String Fname;

   private String Lname;

   private double monthlySalary;


   public Employee(String fname, String lname, double monthlySalary) {

       Fname = fname;

       Lname = lname;

       this.monthlySalary = monthlySalary;


   //Set and Get Methods

   public String getFname() {

       return Fname;


   public void setFname(String fname) {

       Fname = fname;


   public String getLname() {

       return Lname;


   public void setLname(String lname) {

       Lname = lname;


   public double getMonthlySalary() {

       return monthlySalary;


   public void setMonthlySalary(double monthlySalary) {

       if(monthlySalary>0) {

           this.monthlySalary = monthlySalary;




public class EmployeeTest {

   public static void main(String[] args) {

       Employee employeeOne = new Employee("Dave","Jones",1800);

       Employee employeeTwo = new Employee("Junely","Peters",1200);

       double empOnecurrentYrSalary =(employeeOne.getMonthlySalary()*12);

               System.out.println("Employee One Yearly salary is " +


       double empTwocurrentYrSalary =(employeeTwo.getMonthlySalary()*12);

       System.out.println("Employee Two Yearly salary is " +


// Incremments of 10%

        double newSalaryOne = empOnecurrentYrSalary+(empOnecurrentYrSalary*0.1);

        double newSalaryTwo = empTwocurrentYrSalary+(empTwocurrentYrSalary*0.1);



       System.out.println("Employee One's New Yearly Salary is " +


       System.out.println("Employee Two's New Yearly Salary is " +





As required by the question Two Java classes are created Employee and EmployeeTest

The required fields, constructor, get and set methods are all created in the Employee class, pay attention to the comments in the code

In the EmployeeTest, two objects of the class are created as required by the question.

The current salaries are printed as initialized by the constructor

Then an increase of 10% is added and the new salary is printed.

Note the use of the setMonthlySalary and getMonthlySalary for the update and display of the salaries respectively

In order to paint a wall that has a number of windows, we want to know its area. Each window has a size of 2 ft by 3 ft. Write a program that reads the width and height of the wall and the number of windows,.





Step 1:

import java.util.Scanner;

class AreaOfRectangle {

public static void main (String[] args)


Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in);

System.out.println("Enter the length of Rectangle:");

double length = scanner.nextDouble();

System.out.println("Enter the width of Rectangle:");

double width = scanner.nextDouble();

//Area = length*width;

double area = length*width;

System.out.println("Area of Rectangle is:"+area);




Enter the length of Rectangle:


Enter the width of Rectangle:


Area of Rectangle is:6.0

Define function multiply(), and within the function: Get user input() of two strings made of whole numbers Cast the input to int() Multiply the integers and return the equation with result as a str()



str(int(input("enter the vale of first whole number: "))*int

          (input("Enter the value of the second whole number: ")))


boom this works bc it does boom

In response to the question, a conceptual code example for a multiply() function has been provided where user input is taken, cast to int, multiplied, and the result is returned as a string.

The question asks to define a multiply() function in a programming context, specifically to use user input, cast string to int, perform multiplication, and return the result as a string. Here is a conceptual example of how you might write such a function:

def multiply():
   # Get user input
   num1 = input('Enter the first whole number: ')
   num2 = input('Enter the second whole number: ')
   # Cast the input to integers
   int_num1 = int(num1)
   int_num2 = int(num2)

   # Perform multiplication
   result = int_num1 * int_num2

   # Requate the equation with result as a string
   return str(int_num1) + ' * ' + str(int_num2) + ' = ' + str(result)

The multiply() function first captures two strings from the user, converts them into integers, multiplies them, and then returns the equation with the result as a string.

In Java, variables of the super class class can point to objects of the subclass. For example, if Student is a super class to Athletes, then any variable (say s) of type Student can point to either Student or Athlete objects. Sometimes we want to know exactly whether s is pointing to Student or pointing to Athlete. This can be accomplished with an if statement. Complete the missing part in the following if statement so it prints YES if the variable s is currently pointing to an Athlete if (s ____________ Athlete) System.out.print("YES");



"instanceof" is the correct answer for the above question.


The "instanceof" is a statement in java, which is used to check for an object that any object is derived from that class or not. The syntax of this statement is "object instanceof class name". If the object is derived from declared class, then it will result in true or otherwise it will result in false.The above question asked about that condition which is used to check that the s object is derived from the Athlete class or not so when the if condition blanks will fill from the "instanceof", then the user will get the if condition which can check. Hence "instanceof" is the correct answer.

Write a function sum them() that sums a set of integers, each of which is the square or cube of a provided integer. Specifically, given an integer n from a list of values, add n2 to the total if the number’s index in nums is even; otherwise, the index is odd, so add n3 to the total.



# sum_them function is defined

def sum_them():

   # A sample of a given list is used

   given_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 9, 10]

   # The total sum of the element is initialized to 0

   total = 0

   # for-loop to goes through the list

   for element in given_list:

       # if the index of element is even

       # element to power 2 is added to total

       if(given_list.index(element) % 2 == 0):

           total += (element ** 2)


       # else if index of element is odd

       # element to power 3 is added to total

           total += (element ** 3)

   # The total sum of the element is displayed

   print("The total is: ", total)        


# The function is called to display the sum



The function is written in Python and it is well commented.

Image of sample list used is attached.

Describe a defense in depth strategy from an Information Systems Manager perspective; for a medium size organization with 3 campuses. There is one main campus and two satellite campuses. Campuses need communications amongst all campuses and remote workers need access to company data and email. Explain the following in your defense in depth strategy with the following concepts:
d.Information Security,
e.Risk management,
e.Vulnerability management




Confidentiality: This involves the protection of the information from being accessed by unauthorized persons within or outside of the organization as an attempt by an outsider to access it could lead to a breach which may not be easily remedied.

Integrity: This is concerned with ensuring that the information provided to the users are from a reliable source and that the information is not being altered en-route.

Availability: This means that the information is readily accessible to the authorized users. Any attempt for the unavailability of service or information could have been a denial of service (DNS) from an attacker (black hat).

Risk management: This is the understanding of the security threats and their interaction at an individual, organizational or community level. This involves assessment of possible threats as well as vulnerability.

Vulnerability Management: This is a measure taken in reducing the flaws in codes or networks. This is one of the most easily figured out concept from the five above as there are vulnerability scanners for open ports, insecure software configurations as well as susceptibility to malware  infections.

Other Questions
Widmer Watercrafts predetermined overhead rate for the year 2017 is 200% of direct labor. Information on the companys production activities during May 2017 follows. Purchased raw materials on credit, $220,000. Materials requisitions record use of the following materials for the month. Job 136 $ 50,000 Job 137 33,000 Job 138 19,400 Job 139 23,200 Job 140 7,200 Total direct materials 132,800 Indirect materials 20,500 Total materials used $ 153,300 Paid $15,500 cash to a computer consultant to reprogram factory equipment. Time tickets record use of the following labor for the month. These wages were paid in cash. Job 136 $ 12,100 Job 137 10,500 Job 138 37,500 Job 139 39,200 Job 140 3,200 Total direct labor 102,500 Indirect labor 25,500 Total $ 128,000 Applied overhead to Jobs 136, 138, and 139. Transferred Jobs 136, 138, and 139 to Finished Goods. Sold Jobs 136 and 138 on credit at a total price of $525,000. The company incurred the following overhead costs during the month (credit Prepaid Insurance for expired factory insurance). Depreciation of factory building $ 68,000 Depreciation of factory equipment 36,500 Expired factory insurance 12,000 Accrued property taxes payable 35,000 Applied overhead at month-end to the Work in Process Inventory account (Jobs 137 and 140) using the predetermined overhead rate of 200% of direct labor cost. Required: 1. Prepare a job cost sheet for each job worked on during the month. Scenario 1: Suppose savers either buy bonds or make deposits in savings accounts at banks. Initially, the interest income earned on bonds or deposits is taxed at a rate of 20%. Now suppose there is a decrease in the tax rate on interest income, from 20% to 15%.This change in the tax treatment of saving causes the equilibrium interest rate in the market for loanable funds to ____ and the level of investment spending to ____ . How does George S. Kaufman use understatement in his play? Cite textual evidence to support your answer. According to your psychology textbook, which of the following activities would be considered "behavior"? a. A student feels sad because of her grade. b. A student daydreams in class. c. A teacher writes an assignment on the board. d. All of these would be considered behaviors. 5y+1=1Subtract 1 from both sides 1. Mike and Lisa Lerner had combined wages of $91,301 last year. They also had a bank interest of $792 and$667. They received stock dividends of $287 and $530. During the year, Lisa won a $1,000 prize. Find thetotal income from wages, bank interest, dividends, and the prize. Commodity money is A.backed by gold. B.the principal type of money in use today. C.money with intrinsic value. D.receipts created in international trade that are used as a medium of exchange. British colonization greatly affected the livelihood of Aboriginal society in Australia. Colonization has affected their land, laws, and spiritual beliefs in the most traumatizing ways. Throughout all of this, there has been one stable force that has helped preserve the Aboriginal way of life and heritage. Which explanation BEST describes this force and how it has helped preserve Aboriginal heritaA) The Australian government has fought to protect and preserve the Aboriginal way of life in Australia. B) The aboriginal family structure has been the cohesive force binding Aboriginal people and culture in Austrailia. C) Aboriginal warriors have been effective in fighting off colonizers and preserving traditional Aboriginal ways of life. D) The British upon colonizing Australia saw the importance of Aboriginal culture and sought to live in harmony with them as well as preserve their culturege? Where did France's explorations largely take place? A. East coast B. Midwest and South East C. Midwest and Eastern Canada D. West Coast The __________ cipher is a single-alphabet substitution cipher that is a permutation of the Caesar cipher. All characters are rotated 13 characters through the alphabet. The widening gap between the ultra-wealthy and the middle and lower classes in this country contributes to their different attitudes on a topic. This is in reference to which type of identity?a. ethnic identity.b. religious identity.c. socio-economic identity.d. national identity. How many solutions are there to the equation n^2-13n=-40 Develop a Python program. Define a class in Python and use it to create an object and display its components. Define a Student class with the following components (attributes): Name Student number Number of courses current semester A stack is initially empty, then the following commands are performed: push 5, push 7, pop, push 10, push 5, pop, which of the following is the correct stack after those commands (assume the top of the stack is on the left)? A. 5, 10, 7, 5.B. 5, 10.C. 7, 5.D. 10, 5. Quackenbush Widgets has developed a new type of widget that whistles, sings, and plays the accordionmaking it unlike any other widget ever produced. Quackenbush wishes to grab a hold in the musical widget market before its competitors create similar products, so when it releases its new widget it prices it at only $250even though most of its other widgets start at $350. Which pricing strategy does this example show? 1. Cost-plus pricing 2. Price penetration 3. Price skimming 4. Value pricing Russell is 72 years old and is still working part-time as a professor. He has noticed some arm and hand shaking in the past year, but assumed it must be related to low or high blood sugar levels because he has had some issues with that in the past. However, the shaking/twitching has become more consistent lately and does not seem to be correlated with his diet. Russell's doctor said that the stress of his job could be the problem, so he took the entire summer off from teaching. When he returned to work in the fall, Russell and his students noticed that his handwriting has become nearly illegible. Drinking a cup of coffee without spilling had also become a challenge. Russell returned to his doctor, who performed a physical exam and a few tests. Here are the notable results: shuffling gait, mild bradykinesia, mild voice tremor, intermittent rigidity of the limbs, and normal EEG. If Russell is having symptoms in his upper extremities, lower extremities, and his speech is slurred, which of the following body regions is most likely experiencing a pathology? a. Brain and spinal cord b. Cranial nerves c. Peripheral nerves d. Spinal nerves A circular coil of 185 turns has a radius of 1.60 cm. (a) Calculate the current that results in a magnetic dipole moment of magnitude 1.79 Am2. (b) Find the maximum magnitude of the torque that the coil, carrying this current, can experience in a uniform 47.7 mT magnetic field. The free cash flow hypothesis supports A. decreasing stockholder dividends to retain more cash within the firm. B. reducing a firm's level of debt to reduce the amount of cash used to pay interest. C. increasing the debt portion of a firm's capital structure to increase firm value. D. hiring managers with little or no stock ownership in the firm. E. the idea that firms with high levels of free cash flow are more apt to make good acquisitions than firms with low levels. Reset Selection\ What is 30% of 120 is what number? describe the different connotations of the three words in each group of words? crowd/mob/gathering