Write a program that receives a series of numbers from the user and allows the user to press the enter key to indicate that he or she is finished providing inputs. After the user presses the enter key, the program should print:

The sum of the numbers

The average of the numbers

An example of the program input and output is shown below:

Enter a number or press Enter to quit: 1
Enter a number or press Enter to quit: 2
Enter a number or press Enter to quit: 3
Enter a number or press Enter to quit:

The sum is 6.0
The average is 2.0

theSum = 0.0
data = input("Enter a number: ")
while data != "":
number = float(data)
theSum += number
data = input("Enter the next number: ")
print("The sum is", theSum)


Answer 1


theSum = 0.0#defined in the question.

count=0 #modified code and it is used to intialize the value to count.

data = input("Enter a number: ") #defined in the question.

while data != "": #defined in the question.

   number = float(data) #defined in the question.

   theSum += number #defined in the question.

   data = input("Enter the next number or press enter to quit ") #defined in the question "only some part is modified"

   count=count+1#modified code and it is used to count the input to print the average.

print("The sum is", theSum)#defined in the question.

print("The average is", theSum/count) #modified code and it is used to print the average value.


If the user inputs as 1,4 then the sum is 5 and the average is 2.5.


The above code is written in the python language, in which some part of the code is taken from the question and some are added.The question has a code that tells the sum, but that code is not print the average value of the user input value.To find the average, some codes are added, in which one count variable which is initialized at the starting of the program and gets increased by 1, when the user gives the value. Then that count divides the sum to print the average.
Answer 2

Final answer:

The program asks the user for a series of numbers and when the enter key is pressed without an input, it calculates and outputs the sum and average of the entered numbers. A counter variable is used to count the number of inputs which aids in calculating the average.


To receive a series of numbers from the user and calculate the sum and average when the user is finished by pressing the enter key, you can complete your base code as follows:

theSum = 0.0
count = 0

# Get initial input
data = input("Enter a number or press Enter to quit: ")

# Loop until user hits Enter without providing a number
while data != "":
   number = float(data)
   theSum += number
   count += 1
   data = input("Enter a number or press Enter to quit: ")

# Check to prevent division by zero when calculating average
if count > 0:
   average = theSum / count
   average = 0

print("The sum is", theSum)
print("The average is", average)

This program initializes a counter to keep track of the number of inputs, asks the user for numbers in a loop, and adds them to the sum. It also increments the counter by 1 for each valid input. After the loop, if the count is greater than zero, it calculates the average; otherwise, it sets the average to zero to handle edge cases where no number was entered. Finally, it prints the sum and average of the entered numbers.

Related Questions

In this lab, you add nested loops to a Java program provided.
The program should print the letter E. The letter E is printed using asterisks, three across and five down. Note that this program uses System.out.print("*"); to print an asterisk without a new line.
Write the nested loops to control the number of rows and the number of columns that make up the letter E.
In the loop body, use a nested if statement to decide when to print an asterisk and when to print a space. The output statements have been written, but you must decide when and where to use them.
Execute the program. Observe your output.
Modify the program to change the number of rows from five to seven and the number of columns from three to five.
What does the letter E look like now?



/Create a class LetterE.

public class LetterE


//Define the main() function.

public static void main(String args[])


//Declare the variables.

final int NUM_ACROSS = 3;

final int NUM_DOWN = 5;

int row;

int column;

//Begin the for loop.

for(int k=1; k<=NUM_DOWN; k++)


//Begin the for loop.

for(int l=1; l<=NUM_ACROSS; l++)


//Check the condition.

if(k == 1 || k==5 || k == 3)

//Display the asterisk.


// Decide when to print asterisk in column 1.

else if(l==1)

//Display the asterisk.


//Else part of above if .


//Display the space.

System.out.print(" ");

}//End of for loop.

//Statement for the next line.


}//End of for loop.

//End of the workdone.


}//End of the main() function.

}//End of the LetterE class.


Final answer:

To create the letter E using asterisks, use nested loops in your Java program. Modify the program by changing the number of rows and columns for a different representation of the letter E.


To create the letter E using asterisks, you will need to use nested loops in your Java program. The outer loop will control the number of rows, and the inner loop will control the number of columns. Within the loop body, you can use a nested if statement to decide when to print an asterisk and when to print a space. Here's an example of how the nested loops can be implemented:

for (int row = 1; row <= 5; row++) {
 for (int col = 1; col <= 3; col++) {
   if (col == 1 || (row == 1 || row == 3 || row == 5)) {
   } else {
     System.out.print(" ");

When you modify the program to change the number of rows to seven and the number of columns to five, the letter E will look different. It will have seven rows and five columns, resulting in a larger representation of the letter E.

Which features would work well for text entered into cells? Check all that apply.






The correct answer is A,B,E,F


but u should give top guy brainliest

Write a program that prints the day number of the year, given the date in the form month-day-year. For example, if the input is 1-1-2006, the day number is 1; if the input is 12-25-2006, the day number is 359. The program should check for a leap year. A year is a leap year if it is divisible by 4, but not divisible by 100. For example, 1992 and 2008 are divisible by 4, but not by 100. A year that is divisible by 100 is a leap year if it is also divisible by 400. For example, 1600 and 2000 are divisible by 400. However, 1800 is not a leap year because 1800 is not divisible by 400.




C++ Code:

#include <iostream>

#include <string>

using namespace std;

struct date


  int d,m,y;


int isLeap(int y)





      return 1;

      return 0;



  return 1;

  return 0;


int day_no(date D)


  int m = D.m;

  int y = D.y;

  int d = D.d;

  int i;

  int mn[13] = {0,31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31};



      d += mn[i];







  return d;


date get_info(string s)


  date D;

  int i,p1,p2,l = s.length();



      if(s[i] == '-')


      p1 = i;

      break ;





      if(s[i] == '-')


      p2 = i;

      break ;




  D.m = 0;


  D.m = (D.m)*10 + (s[i]-'0');


  D.d = 0;


  D.d = (D.d)*10 + (s[i]-'0');


  D.y = 0;


  D.y = (D.y)*10 + (s[i]-'0');


  return D;



int main()


  string s1 = "4-5-2008";

  string s2 = "12-30-1995";

  string s3 = "6-21-2000";

  string s4 = "1-31-1500";

  string s5 = "7-19-1983";

  string s6 = "2-29-1976";


  cout<<"Date\t\tDay no\n\n";









  return 0;



The computer program that prints the day number of the year, given the date in the form month-day-year is; written below

How to write computer programs?

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

bool isLeapYear(int year);

bool isLeapYear(int year)


   if ((year  % 4 == 0) && (year % 100 != 0))

       ((year % 100 == 0) &&(year % 400 == 0));


       cout << year << " is a leap year";

       return true;


   return false;


   int main ()


       int day, month, year, dayNumber;

       char ch;

       cout << "\n\n\tEnter a date(mm-dd-yyyy) : ";

       cin >> month;

       cin >> ch;

       cin >> day;

       cin >> ch;

       cin >> year;

      dayNumber = 0;


       if ((month >= 1 && month <= 12) && (day >=1 && day <= 31))


           while (month > 1 && month <= 12)


                       switch (month - 1)


                           case 1:

                           case 3:

                           case 5:

                           case 7:

                           case 8:

                           case 10:

                           case 12:

                               dayNumber += 31;


                           case 4:

                           case 6:

                           case 9:

                           case 11:

                               dayNumber += 30;


                           case 2:

                               dayNumber += 28;

                               if (isLeapYear(year))







           else {

               cout << "Enter Correct month or day";

               return 0;


           dayNumber += day;

           cout << "\n\n\tThe day number is " << dayNumber;

           return 0;


Read more about computer programming at; https://brainly.com/question/23275071

• Write a program that asks the user to enter a number of seconds. • If there are less than 60 seconds input, then the program should display the number of seconds that was input. • There are 60 seconds in a minute. If the number of seconds entered by the user is greater than or equal to 60, the program should display the number of minutes in that many seconds (note that ther



The solution code is written in Python:

sec = int(input("Enter number of seconds: ")) if(sec >=60):    min = sec // 60    sec = sec % 60 else:    min = 0 print(str(min) + " minutes " + str(sec) + " seconds")


Firstly, use input function to prompt user to enter number of seconds and assign the input value to variable sec (Line 1).

Next, create an if statement to check if the sec is bigger or equal to 60 (Line 3). If so, we user // operator to get minutes and use % operator to get the seconds (Line 4 - 5).

Then we use print function to print the minutes and seconds (Line 9).


Here is the program in C++. Let me know if you want this program in some other programming language.

#include <iostream> //for input output functions

using namespace std;//to detect objects like cin cout

int main()//start of main() function body

{  int seconds; // stores the value of seconds

   int time;    // stores value to compute minutes hours and days

   cout << "Enter a number of seconds: ";

//prompts user to enter number of seconds

   cin >> seconds; // reads the value of seconds input by user

   if (seconds <= 59) //if the value of seconds is less than or equal to 59

   { cout << seconds<<" seconds\n";    } //displays seconds

   else if (seconds >= 60 && seconds < 3600)

//if value of seconds is greater than or equal to 60 and less than 3600

   {  time = seconds / 60; //computes minutes

       cout << time << " minutes in "<<seconds<<" seconds \n ";    }

//displays time in minutes

   else if (seconds >= 3600 && seconds < 86400)    {

//if input value of secs is greater than or equal to 3600 and less than 85400

       time = seconds / 3600; //calculate hours in input seconds

       cout << time << " hours in "<<seconds<<" seconds \n";   }

//displays the time in hours

   else if (seconds >= 86400)    { //if seconds is greater or equal to 86400

       time = seconds / 86400; //compute the days

       cout << time << " days in  "<<seconds<<" seconds \n";   } }

//displays the number of days in input number of seconds


This program first prompts the user to enter the time in seconds and computes the number of minutes, hour or days according to the conditions specified in the program. If the value of seconds entered by the user is less than or equal to 59, the number of seconds are displayed as output, otherwise the if and else if conditions are checked if the input value of seconds is greater than 60 to compute the corresponding minutes, hours or days. Everything is explained within the comments in the program.You can change the data type of time variable from int to float to get the value floating point numbers. Here i am using int to round the time values. The screenshot of the output is attached.

Design a database to keep data about college students, their academic advisors, the clubs they belong to, the moderators of the clubs, and the activities that the clubs sponsor. Assume each student is assigned to one academic advisor, but an advisor counsels many students. Advisors do not have to be faculty members. Each student can belong to any number of clubs, and the clubs can sponsor any number of activities. The club must have some student members in order to exist. Each activity is sponsored by exactly one club, but there might be several activities scheduled for one day. Each club has one moderator, who might or might not be a faculty member. Draw a complete E-R diagram for this Database.

(a) All entities with their attributes must be represented, indicating all candidate keys. You must indicate and justify all assumptions you have made.

(b) Describe non-trivial domains for attributes where needed.

(c) Make a decision about the cardinality and participation constraints of all relationships, and add appropriate symbols to the E-R diagram.



Complete design is attached below.please have a look.



This is a typical example of a constraint max/min. The method used to solve this problem is called

the method of Lagrange multipliers. Let’s generalize the situation:

Given: A function: f(x, y, z) and a constraint that we can write as g(x, y, z) = 0.

Goal: Find min or max of f(x, y, z) for (x, y, z) satisfying g(x, y, z) = 0.

To have a “visual grasp” for the concept of Lagrange multipliers one can think about the following


Take a balloon (here approximated by a perfect sphere centered at the origin) and a box (think of

a cube for example). We want to find the maximum radius of the balloon (this is the function to

maximize) that can fit inside the box (this is the constraint). We start inflating the balloon and we

realize that the maximum radius is obtained when the balloon touches the box. At the touching

point(s) the surface of the balloon and the one of the box are tangent to each other!

This simple experiment is not a special case. In fact in general1

if P0 = (x0, y0, z0) is a point sitting

on the level surface given by the constraint where max/min for f occur, then at this point the level

surface of the constraint is tangent to the level surface of f passing through P0:

If the two surfaces are tangent, then all normal vectors to the two surfaces are parallel to each other.

In particular their gradients at P0 are parallel, that is

O~ f(P0) = λO~ g(P0) (3.1)

for some parameter λ. This parameter is called the Lagrange multiplier.

We discovered that the max/min points for a function f(x, y, z) constraint by g(x, y, z) = 0 are

found among the solutions (x, y, z, λ) for the system

O~ f(x, y, z) − λO~ g(x, y, z) = 0

g(x, y, z) = 0.

Notice that this system contains four equations and four unknowns:


f(x, y, z) − λ


g(x, y, z) = 0


f(x, y, z) − λ


g(x, y, z) = 0


f(x, y, z) − λ


g(x, y, z) = 0

g(x, y, z) = 0.


but in general it is not a linear system!

One can present the method of Lagrange Multipliers in a more efficient (but less illuminating) way.

Define in fact the new function

L(x, y, z, λ) = f(x, y, z) − λg(x, y, z).

The critical points of L solve the vector equation

O~ L(x, y, z, λ) = 0.

But remember that now the variables are (x, y, z, λ) so we need to take four partial derivatives for

L. If one does so then again (3.2) is obtained!

Write code that prints: Ready! numVal ... 2 1 Start! Your code should contain a for loop. Print a newline after each number and after each line of text Ex: numVal = 3 outputs: Ready! 3 2 1 Start!



Code to this question can be described as follows:


#include <iostream> //defining header file

using namespace std;

int main() //defining main method


int n1,j,x1=0; //defining integer variable

cout<<"Enter a number: "; //print message

cin>>n1; //input value from the user

cout<<n1<<endl; //print input value

for(j=1;j<n1;j++)  //loop to count reverse number


x1=n1-j; //calculate value

cout<<x1<<endl;  //print value


return 0;



Enter a number: 3





In the above C++ language program, three integer variable "n1,j and x1" is declared, in which variable n1 take input from the user end and the variable j and x1 are used in the loop to calculate the value in the reverse order. In the next step, a for loop is declared, in which the variable x1 calculates the value in reverse order and uses a print method to print its value.  

Personal Web Page Generator Write a program that asks the user for his or her name, then asks the user to enter a sentence that describes himself or herself. Here is an example of the program's screens: Enter your name: Describe yourself: Once the user has entered the requested input, the program should create an HTML file, containing the input, for a simple Web page.



// Python code

username=input("Type your name: ")

desc=input("Describe yourself: ")
















Code for profile.html file






<h1>Jon Doe</h1>



A software engineer working at a startup.





Get the name and description of user  as an input.Write HTML content by opening the file. Create and develop the essential HTML syntax. Write the information into the HTML file and finally close the file. Write the HTML code in the profile.html file.

In a ring-based system, procedure p is executing and needs to invoke procedure q. Procedure q's access bracket is (5,6,9). In which ring(s) must p execute for the following to happen?


Complete Question:

Consider Multics procedures p and q. Procedure p is executing and needs to invoke procedure q. Procedure q's access bracket is (5, 6) and its call bracket is (6, 9). Assume that q's access control list gives p full (read, write, append, and execute) rights to q. In which ring(s) must p execute for the following to happen?

A) p can invoke q, but a ring-crossing fault occurs.

B) p can invoke q provided that a valid gate is used as an entry point.

C) p cannot invoke q.

D) p can invoke q without any ring-crossing fault occurring, but not necessarily through a valid gate


If we suppose the access bracket as (a, b) and call bracket as (b, c), for q we have (a, b) = (5, 6) and (b, c) = (6, 9). Let the ring be denoted by r.

A) p can invoke q, but a ring-crossing fault occurs.

p must execute in rings where r < a., in r < 5, p must execute.

B) p can invoke q provided that a valid gate is used as an entry point.

p must execute in the rings between 6 and 9. r must be between a and b.

C) p cannot invoke q.

When r > c, then p cannot invoke q. That means, for this condition to happen p must execute in rings > 9

D) p can invoke q without any ring-crossing fault occurring, but not necessarily through a valid gate

When r is between a and b then the condition can be satisfied. That means p must execute in rings between 5 and 6.



A.Rings 0 through 4

B. Rings 7 through 9

C.Ring number greater than 9

D.Riing 5 or 6


(a)p can invoke q, but a ring-crossing fault occurs. R< a1 for access permitted but ring crossing fault occurs. Therefore, go through - rings 0 through 4.

(b)p can invoke q provided a valid gate is used as an entry point.

A2 < r <= a3 for access allowed if make through a valid gate. Therefore, go through - rings 7 through 9.

(c)p cannot invoke q.

a3 < r for all access denied. Hence, proceed through - ring with number greater than 9.

(d)p can invoke q without any ring-crossing fault occurring, but not through a valid gate.proceed through – ring 5 or 6.

"Using the printf method, print the values of the integer variables bottles and cans so that the output looks like this: Bottles: 8 Cans: 24 The numbers to the right should line up. (You may assume that the numbers have at most 8 digits.)"


Use printf with format specifiers %-8d to print the integer variables bottles and cans left-justified in a field of 8 characters, to align the numbers as requested.

To print the values of the integer variables bottles and cans with the output aligned as specified using printf, you can use the following printf statement in your code:

printf("Bottles: %-8d Cans: %-8d\n", bottles, cans);

The %-8d format specifier is used for both integers. This means the integer will be left-justified in a field of at least 8 characters wide, which ensures that the numbers will be aligned. The hyphen (-) is used for left-justification, and the number 8 specifies the minimum width of the field.

Alice and Bob agree upon using Lamport one-time password algorithm with an original password PO, a counter 6, and a hash function h. What will be the third password generated by this algorithm and used by Alice and Bob? a.PO b.Oh3(p0) c.h(h(h(h(po)))) d.h(h(h(po)) e.h(h(po))



The correct answer to the following question will be Option C (h(h(h(h(po))))).


As we recognize, the individual and device generate a linearly modified password that used a hash feature at the Lamport one-time code or password.

hn(x) = h(hn-1(x)) hn-1(x) = h(hn-2(x)) ........ h2(x) = h(h(x)) h1x = h(x)

Suppose that Bob and Alice accept an initial P0 password as well as a counter 6.

The counter would be 6-1 that is 5 throughout the next step, as well as the password should be h5(P0). Which implies the third code created over the next step would be h4(P0).

So, Option C is the right answer.

I claim that in most situations if you can solve the decision problem in polynomial time then you can solve the optimization problem in polynomial time. Prove that this is true for the CLIQUE problem.



Yes CLIQUE has decision problem as

Input: G (V.E.) and number k

Output : There is set of vertices in U and edge in E

The clique decision problem is NP - complete where clique is a fixed parameter and hard to approximate. In clique, all maximal clique listed.


In the computer, the CLIQUE is the computational problem of finding the cliques in subsets of vertices, all sides in a graph. It depending on cliques in which information should be found.

A clique has an edge in connecting the vertices; An edge connects only two vertices. For example, if you want to connect two vertices, then two edges need if you want three, then three edges need.

The clique problem is finding the clique in adjacent to each other in a graph. Its decision problem is NP-complete.

In computer science, a decision problem is a problem that posed yes or no of the input values. In computational and computability theory. it is a method used for solving a decision problem that is called the decision procedure of the problem.

A critical activity is________________.a. an activity that consumes no time but shows precedence between events. b. a milestone accomplishment within the project. c. an activity with zero slack. d/ the beginning of an event.





Critical activity is the sequential activities from beginning to the end of a project. A lot of projects have a single critical path, although some projects may have more than one critical activity which depends on the flow logic utilized in the project.

Which of the following statement is true for Service Request Floods A. An attacker or group of zombies attempts to exhaust server resources by setting up and tearing down TCP connections B. It attacks the servers with a high rate of connections from a valid source C. It initiates a request for a single connection



"Option A and Option B" is the correct answer.


It is a form of attack, that is usually used by breaching huge amounts of transport, that open up the network instead of a service. It is a large- server through the valid source, that tries to steal server resources of a group of cyborgs by establishing and disconnecting the link. That's why options A and B are correct.

In option C, It doesn't initiate a single call, if the intruder must first create and delete TCP connections as the servers become underfunded for authorized source links.

The purpose of this programming project is to demonstrate a significant culmination of most constructs learned thus far in the course. This includes Lists, Classes, accessors, mutators, constructors, implementation of Comparable, Comparator, use of Collections sort, iterators, properly accessing fields of complex objects, and fundamental File I/O.

You will create a LinkedList of Word objects using all the words found in the input file words.txt. A Word object contains 2 String fields; 1 to store a word in its normal form and the other to store a word in its canonical form. The canonical form stores a word with its letters in alphabetical order, e.g. bob would be bbo, cat would be act, program would be agmoprr, and so on. The class Word constructor has the responsibility of storing the normal form of the word in the normal form field and converting the normal form into the canonical form which is stored in the canonical form field (you should call a separate method for this conversion purpose).

Once all the words from the input file have been properly stored in a LinkedList of Word, you should use Collections to sort this list ascending alphabetically based on the canonical words by making the Word class Comparable.

Using an Iterator on the LinkedList of Word, create a 2nd list (new LinkedList) consisting of objects of a new class named AnagramFamily. AnagramFamily should contain at least 2 fields; 1 to hold a list of "Word" words that are all anagrams of each other (these should all be grouped together in the original canonical sorted list), and the 2nd field to store an integer value of how many items are in the current list. (Keep in mind, because the original list contains both the normal and canonical forms, as the AnagramFamily List will also have, a family of anagrams will all have the same canonical form with different normal forms stored in the normalForm field of the Word class). Each AnagramFamily List of Word should be sorted Descending by normal form using a Comparator of Word (if you insert Word(s) into a family one at a time, this presents an issue on how to get this list sorted as each Word insertion will require a new sort to be performed to guarantee the list is always sorted. For this reason it is best to form a list, sort it, and then create an AnagramFamily by passing the sorted list to it).

Sort the AnagramFamily LinkedList in descending order based on family size by use of a Comparator to be passed to the Collections sort method.

Next, output the top five largest families then, all families of length 8, and lastly, the very last family stored in the list to a file named "out6.txt." Be sure to format the output to be very clear and meaningful.

Finally, the first 4 people to complete the assignment should post their output results to the Canvas discussion forum for the remaining students to see the correct answer.

Be sure to instantiate new objects whenever transferring data from one object to another. Also, be sure to include various methods for manipulation and access of fields as well as helper methods to reduce code in main, such as the input/output of file data (like all other assignments, you will be graded on decomposition, i.e. main should not contain too many lines of code).

Part of your grade will depend on time. If written correctly (use of iterators and care taken when creating the anagram families), the running time should be less than 3 seconds. Programs that take longer will lose points based on the time. As encouragement to consider all options for speed, programs taking 1 minute will receive a 40 point deduction. Any longer than 3 minutes will receive only minimal points (10) for effort.

Though the basic algorithms involved are straight forward enough, there is a great deal of complexity involved with various levels of access to specific data. As mentioned before and never so importantly as with this assignment, start early and set a goal for completion by this weekend. Trust me, this is sound advice.

As a reminder, you will create at least 5 files: the driver, Word class, AnagramFamily class, and 2 comparators: 1 to compare Word objects for sorting descending based on the normal form of Word objects and 1 to compare AnagramFamily sizes for a descending sort.



Java program explained below


here is your files : ----------------------

Word.java : --------------

import java.util.*;

public class Word implements Comparable<Word>{

private String normal;

private String canonical;

public Word(){

 normal = "";

 canonical = "";


public Word(String norm){



public void setNormal(String norm){

 normal = norm;

 char[] arr = norm.toCharArray();


 canonical = new String(arr);


public String getNormal(){

 return normal;


public String getCanonical(){

 return canonical;


public int compareTo(Word word){

 return canonical.compareTo(word.getCanonical());


public String toString(){

 return "("+normal+", "+canonical+")";



AnagramFamily.java : ------------------------------

import java.util.*;

public class AnagramFamily implements Comparable<AnagramFamily>{

private LinkedList<Word> words;

private int size;

private class WordComp implements Comparator{

 public int compare(Object o1,Object o2){

  Word w1 = (Word)o1;

  Word w2 = (Word)o2;

  return w2.getNormal().compareTo(w1.getNormal());



public AnagramFamily(){

 words = new LinkedList<>();

 size = 0;


public LinkedList<Word> getAnagrams(){

 return words;


public void addAnagram(Word word){




public void sort(){

 Collections.sort(words,new WordComp());


public int getSize(){

 return size;


public int compareTo(AnagramFamily anag){

 Integer i1 = new Integer(size);

 Integer i2 = new Integer(anag.getSize());

 return i2.compareTo(i1);


public String toString(){

 return "{ Anagrams Family Size : "+size+" "+words.toString()+"}";



WordMain.java : ------------------------------

import java.util.*;

import java.io.File;

import java.io.PrintWriter;

public class WordMain{

public static void readFile(LinkedList<Word> words){


  Scanner sc = new Scanner(new File("words.txt"));


   words.add(new Word(sc.next()));



 }catch(Exception e){





public static void findAnagrams(LinkedList<AnagramFamily> anagrams,LinkedList<Word> words){

 Iterator<Word> itr = words.iterator();


  Iterator<AnagramFamily> aitr = anagrams.iterator();

  Word temp = itr.next();


  boolean st = true;


   AnagramFamily anag = aitr.next();

   Iterator<Word> anags = anag.getAnagrams().iterator();


    Word t1 = anags.next();

    if(t1.compareTo(temp) == 0 && !t1.getNormal().equals(temp.getNormal())){


     st = false;







   AnagramFamily anag = new AnagramFamily();







public static void writeOutput(LinkedList<AnagramFamily> anagrams){


  PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(new File("out6.txt"));


  int i = 0;

  Iterator<AnagramFamily> aitr = anagrams.iterator();

  while(i < 5 && aitr.hasNext()){

   AnagramFamily anag = aitr.next();





  aitr = anagrams.iterator();

  pw.println("\n\nAnagramsFamily size 8 datas : ");


   AnagramFamily anag = aitr.next();


   if(anag.getSize() == 8){





 }catch(Exception e){





public static void main(String[] args) {

 LinkedList<Word> words = new LinkedList<>();




 LinkedList<AnagramFamily> anagrams = new LinkedList<>();






How many bits does it take to store a 3-minute song using an audio encoding method that samples at the rate of 40,000 bits/second, has a bit depth of 16, and does not use compression



115200000 bits


Given Data:

Total Time = 3 minute = 3 x 60 sec = 180 sec

Sampling rate = 40,000 bits / sample

Each sample contain bits = 16 bits /sample

Total bits of song = ?


Total bits of song = Total Time x Sampling rate x Each sample contain bits

                             = 180 sec x 40,000 bits / sec x 16 bits /sample

                             = 115200000 bits

                             =  115200000/8 bits

                             = 14400000 bytes

                             = 144 MB

There are total samples in one second are 40000. Total time of the song is 180 seconds and one sample contains 16 bits. so the total bits in the song are 144 MB.

Write a while loop that prints userNum divided by 4 (integer division) until reaching 2. Follow each number by a space. Example output for userNum = 160:

40 10 2

Note: These activities may test code with different test values. This activity will perform four tests, with userNum = 160, then with userNum = 8, then with userNum = 0, then with userNum = -1. See "How to Use zyBooks".

Also note: If the submitted code has an infinite loop, the system will stop running the code after a few seconds, and report "Programend never reached." The system doesn't print the test case that caused the reported message.

using namespace std;

int main() {
int userNum;

cin >> userNum;

/* Your solution goes here */

cout << endl;

return 0;


Final answer:

The solution requires creating a while loop in C++ that divides a number by 4 using integer division and prints each result until the number is less than or equal to 2.


To write a while loop in C++ that prints userNum divided by 4 until reaching 2, you can follow the given instructions to modify the provided code snippet. The loop should include integer division and check the condition if the current userNum is greater than 2. Here's the complete detailed code inside the main function:

using namespace std;

int main() {
 int userNum;
 cin >> userNum;
 while (userNum > 2) { // Loop continues as long as userNum is greater than 2
   userNum = userNum / 4; // Integer division by 4
   cout << userNum << " "; // Printing the result followed by a space
 cout << endl;
 return 0;

This loop will continue to execute, reducing userNum with integer division by 4, until userNum becomes less than or equal to 2. After the loop, the program will print a newline character and terminate.

Final answer:

A while loop in C++ is used to perform integer division of a user input by 4 until the value drops below or equal to 2, only printing values above 2.


You have been asked to write a while loop in C++ that continues to print the variable userNum divided by 4, using integer division, until the result reaches 2. Below is an example code snippet that accomplishes this task:

using namespace std;
int main() {
   int userNum;
   cin >> userNum;
   while (userNum > 2) {
       userNum = userNum / 4;
       if (userNum < 2) {
       cout << userNum << " ";
   cout << endl;
   return 0;

Please note that the loop includes a check to prevent printing numbers less than 2 and ends the loop using a break statement if userNum becomes less than 2 after the division.

What moderation capabilities does Salesforce communities provide to automate the process ofidentifying and replacing words that are offensive or inappropriate for the Community?
A. Enable Moderation for the Community to block offensive or inappropriate content.
B. Use moderation rules in the Community to block offensive or inappropriate content.
C. Create Process flows to identify posts with the offensive or inappropriate words and replace withother content.
D. Write a trigger to identify posts with the offensive or inappropriate words and replace with othercontent.



a is the answer



D. Is the correct answer i think


Create a program called InsertionSort.java that implements the Insertion Sort algorithm. The program should be able to do the following:
-accepts two command line parameters, the first one is an integer specifying how many strings to be sorted, and the second one is the path to a text file containing the values of these strings, one per line.
-reads the strings from the text file into an array of strings. sorts the strings using InsertionSort, and then print out a sorted version of those input strings with one string per line.
The implementation should follow the given pseudo code/algorithm description.



import java.io.File;

import java.io.FileNotFoundException;

import java.util.Scanner;

public class InsertionSort {

   public static void insertionSort(String[] array) {

       int n = array.length;

       for (int i = 1; i < n; i++)


           String temp = array[i];

           int j = i - 1;

           while (j >= 0 && temp.compareTo(array[j]) < 0)


               array[j + 1] = array[j];



           array[j+1] = temp;



   public static void main(String[] args) {

       if (args.length == 2) {

           int n = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);

           File file = new File(args[1]);

           try {

               Scanner fin = new Scanner(file);

               String[] strings = new String[n];

               for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {

                   strings[i] = fin.nextLine();



               for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {




           } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {

               System.out.println(file.getAbsolutePath() + " is not found!");


       } else {

           System.out.println("Please provide n and filename as command line arguments");





Consider a satellite orbiting the earth. Its position above the earth is specified in polar coordinates. Find a model-view matrix that keeps the viewer looking at the earth. Such a matrix could be used to show the earth as it rotates.



[1 0 0 0]

[0 1 0 0]

[0 0 1 -d]

[0 0 0 1]


Write a program that determines the commission for a sales person's weekly sales. The program will first ask for a sales person's name and then for sales for each day of the week (M-Su)! Then the total will be printed along with the commission. The commission is set at 10%.



# The user is prompt to enter name

name = str(input("Enter the name: "))

# the user is prompt to enter monday sale

mon = int(input("Enter Monday sales: "))

# the user is prompt to enter tuesday sale

tue = int(input("Enter Tuesday sales: "))

# the user is prompt to enter wednesday sales

wed = int(input("Enter Wednesday sales: "))

# the user is prompt to enter thursday sales

thurs = int(input("Enter Thursday sales: "))

# the user is prompt to enter friday sales

fri = int(input("Enter Friday sales: "))

# the user is prompt to enter saturday sales

sat = int(input("Enter Saturday sales: "))

# the user is prompt to enter sunday sales

sun = int(input("Enter Sunday sales: "))

# the total is calculated

total = mon + tue + wed + thurs + fri + sat + sun

# the commission is calculated

commission = (10 * total) / 100

# the total is displayed

print(name, "your total is: ", total)

# the commission is displayed

print(name, "your commission is: ", commission)


The program is written in Python. And the program is well-commented.


Find the python script below. Copy and paste directly into your python interpreter. Attached is  also the formatting


def check_number(a):    

   flag = True



   except ValueError:



       except ValueError:

           flag = False

           print("wrong input!")



print("Welcome To Weekly Commission Calculator")

name = input("Input your name please and press enter:  ")

check = False


   day1 = input ("Enter the sales for day 1 and press enter: ")

   check = check_number(day1)  


check = False


   day2 = input ("Enter the sales for day 2 and press enter: ")

   check = check_number(day2)  


check = False


   day3 = input ("Enter the sales for day 3 and press enter: ")

   check = check_number(day3)  


check = False


   day4 = input ("Enter the sales for day 4 and press enter: ")

   check = check_number(day4)  


check = False


   day5 = input ("Enter the sales for day 5 and press enter: ")

   check = check_number(day5)  


check = False


   day6 = input ("Enter the sales for day 6 and press enter: ")

   check = check_number(day6)  


check = False


   day7 = input ("Enter the sales for day 7 and press enter: ")

   check = check_number(day7)  


Total_sales = float(day1)+float(day2)+float(day3)+float(day4)+float(day5)+float(day6)+float(day7)

#rate = 10%  

rate = 0.1

#commission = rate * Total sales

Commission = rate * Total_sales

print("Total sales is " ,Total_sales)

#print("%s is %d years old." % (name, age))

print("Total sales for %s is $%d and the commission is $%e." % (name, Total_sales,Commission))

Write code that prints: Ready! countNum ... 2 1 Blastoff! Your code should contain a for loop. Print a newline after each number and after each line of text Ex: countNum = 3 outputs: Ready! 3 2 1 Blastoff!


Final answer:

The question involves writing a Python code that uses a for loop to print a countdown from a specified number to 1 followed by "Blastoff!". The code utilizes the range function to generate the countdown sequence for the loop.


To create a Python program that counts down from a given number to one and then prints "Blastoff!", you can use a for loop. Here is an example code snippet that accomplishes this task:

countNum = 3
for i in range(countNum, 0, -1):

The range function generates a sequence of numbers starting from countNum down to 1, and the for loop iterates over this sequence. After the loop finishes, it prints "Blastoff!" ensuring a newline is printed after each iteration and after the last line of text.

Write a function to check for balancing { and } in C programming language. (Assume that the entire program to be checked is given as a null-terminated string).





// CPP program to check for balanced parenthesis.  


using namespace std;  


// function to check if paranthesis are balanced  

bool areParanthesisBalanced(string expr)  


   stack<char> s;  

   char x;  


   // Traversing the Expression  

   for (int i=0; i<expr.length(); i++)  


       if (expr[i]=='('||expr[i]=='['||expr[i]=='{')  


           // Push the element in the stack  





       // IF current current character is not opening  

       // bracket, then it must be closing. So stack  

       // cannot be empty at this point.  

       if (s.empty())  

          return false;  


       switch (expr[i])  


       case ')':  


           // Store the top element in a  

           x = s.top();  


           if (x=='{' || x=='[')  

               return false;  



       case '}':  


           // Store the top element in b  

           x = s.top();  


           if (x=='(' || x=='[')  

               return false;  



       case ']':  


           // Store the top element in c  

           x = s.top();  


           if (x =='(' || x == '{')  

               return false;  





   // Check Empty Stack  

   return (s.empty());  



// Driver program to test above function  

int main()  


   string expr = "{()}[]";  


   if (areParanthesisBalanced(expr))  

       cout << "Balanced";  


       cout << "Not Balanced";  

   return 0;  


What subnet mask or CIDR notation would be required to maximize the host counts while still meeting the following requirements: Required Networks: 2 Required Hosts: 20




subnet mask: defines the host and the network part of a ip

CIDR notation : is the shortened form for subnet mask that uses the number of host bits for defining the host and the network part of a ip

For example: has CIDR equivalent of\25

To have atleast 20 hosts

20 ≤ (2^x) -2

x ≈5

with 5 host bits, we have 2^5-2 = 30 hosts per subnet

and 2^3 = 8 subnets

To get the subnet mask, we have 3 network bits

1110000 to base 10 = 2^7 + 2^6 +2^5= 224

Define an iterative function named alternate_i; it is passed two linked lists (ll1 and ll2) as arguments. It returns a reference to the front of a linked list that alternates the LNs from ll1 and ll2,



answer is attached

The problem requires the definition of an iterative function called alternate_i that takes two linked lists, ll1 and ll2, as arguments. This function should return a reference to the front of a linked list that alternates the elements from ll1 and ll2.

The problem requires the definition of an iterative function called alternate_i that takes two linked lists, ll1 and ll2, as arguments. This function should return a reference to the front of a linked list that alternates the elements from ll1 and ll2.

To solve this problem, you can create a new linked list and iterate through both ll1 and ll2 simultaneously, adding elements alternately. If either linked list becomes empty, you can append the remaining elements from the other linked list.

Here is a possible implementation:

def alternate_i(ll1, ll2):
   result = None
   current = None
   while ll1 is not None and ll2 is not None:
       if result is None:
           result = current = LN(ll1.value)
           current.next = LN(ll1.value)
           current = current.next
       current.next = LN(ll2.value)
       current = current.next
       ll1 = ll1.next
       ll2 = ll2.next
   if ll1 is not None:
       current.next = ll1
   elif ll2 is not None:
       current.next = ll2
   return resultThe Question is:Define an iterative function named alternate_i;it is passed two linked lists (ll1 and ll2) as arguments. It returns a reference to the front of a linked list that alternates the LNs from ll1 and ll2, starting with ll1;if either linked list becomes empty, the rest of the LNs come from the other linked list. So, all LNs in ll1 and ll2 appear in the returned result (in the same relative order, possibly separated by values from the other linked list).The original linked lists are mutated by this function (the .nexts are changed; create no new LN objects).For example, if we defined a = list_to_ll(['a', 'b', 'c',]) and b = list_to_ll([1,2,3,4,5]) alternate_i(a,b) returns a->1->b->2->c->3->4->5->None and alternate_i(b,a) returns 1->a->2->b->3- >c->4->5->None. You may not create/use any Python data structures in your code: use linked list processing only. Change only .next attributes (not .value attributes).class LN:def __init__(self,value,next=None):self.value = valueself.next = nextdef list_to_ll(l):if l == []:return Nonefront = rear = LN(l[0])for v in l[1:]:rear.next = LN(v)rear = rear.nextreturn frontdef str_ll(ll):answer = ''while ll != None:answer += str(ll.value)+'->'ll = ll.nextreturn answer + 'None'

Write a public static method called getPIDs that has a parameter of type Map called nameToPID (keys are student names and values are student PIDs). It should return a HashSet containing all PIDs in nameToPID.



Java program is explained below


import java.util.HashSet;

import java.util.Map;

import java.util.TreeMap;

public class TruckRace1 {

   public static HashSet<String> getPIDs (Map<String,String>nameToPID ){

       HashSet<String> pidSet = new HashSet<>();

       for(String ids: nameToPID.values()){



       return pidSet;


   public static void main(String[] args) {

       Map<String,String> pids = new TreeMap<>();






       HashSet<String> ids = getPIDs(pids);

       for(String id:ids){





Write a Python function that takes as input parameters base_cost (a float) and customer_type and prints a message with information about the total amount owed and how much the tip was. You may recognize this program from HW1. We'll write a very similar program, just modifying it and using string formatting. Feel free to copy/paste code from before and modify it. As a reminder, the tip amounts are 10%, 15% and 20% for stingy, regular, and generous customers. And the tax amount should be 7%. The total amount is calculated as the sum of two amounts: check_amount = base_cost*1.07 tip_amount = tip_percentage*check_amount To receive full credit, you must use string formatting to print out the result from your function, and your amounts owed should display only 2 decimal places (as in the examples below). To "pretty print" the float to a desired precision, you will need to use this format operator (refer back to class slides for more explanation): %.2f Print the results to the console like in the example below, including the base cost of the meal, tax, three tip levels, and total for regular customers. Test cases: inputs: check_amount = 20, customer_type = "regular" --> output: Total owed by regular customer = $24.61 (with $3.21 tip) inputs: check_amount = 26.99, customer_type = "generous" --> output: Total owed by generous customer = $34.66 (with $5.78 tip) inputs: check_amount = 26.99, customer_type = "generous" --> output: Total owed by stingy customer = $16.83 (with $1.53 tip)




Thanks for the question, here is the code in python

The 3rd example given in question is incorrect

inputs: check_amount = 26.99, customer_type = "generous" --> output: Total owed by stingy customer = $16.83 (with $1.53 tip)

the customer type in the above passed is generous but why the output is showing for stingy, I think this is incorrect

Here is the function, I have given explanatory names so that you can follow the code precisely and also used pretty formatting.

thank you !


def print_tip(base_cost, customer_type):





   check_amount = base_cost * TAX_PERCENTAGE

   tip_amount = 0.0

   if customer_type == 'regular':

       tip_amount = check_amount * REGULAR_PERCENTAGE

   elif customer_type == 'generous':

       tip_amount = check_amount * GENEROUS_PERCENTAGE

   elif customer_type == 'stingy':

       tip_amount = base_cost * STINGY_PERCENTAGE

   total_amount = tip_amount + check_amount

   print('Total owed by {} customer = ${} (with ${} tip)'.format(customer_type, '%.2f' % total_amount,'%.2f' % tip_amount))

print_tip(20, 'regular')

print_tip(26.99, 'generous')

print_tip(14.99, 'stingy')

The following data fragment occurs in the middle of a data stream for which the byte-stuffing algorithm is used: A B ESC C ESC FLAG FLAG D. What is the output after stuffing?


Byte-stuffing is applied to the data stream 'A B ESC C ESC FLAG FLAG D', resulting in the stuffed output 'A B ESC ESC C ESC ESC ESC FLAG ESC FLAG ESC FLAG D'.

The question is about byte-stuffing which is a technique used in data transmission to distinguish data from control information. In byte-stuffing, special bytes like ESC (escape) and FLAG are inserted into the data stream to encode occurrences of these bytes in the data. Considering the data fragment 'A B ESC C ESC FLAG FLAG D' and assuming ESC is used to escape control bytes, and FLAG is a control byte, the output after stuffing would be 'A B ESC ESC C ESC ESC ESC FLAG ESC FLAG ESC FLAG D'. This ensures that the receiver can differentiate between actual data and control bytes.

Consider each of the following possible recovery strategies and discuss the merits and drawback of each one with your classmates, specifically focusing on their appropriateness for limited, average, and substantial budget:  Weekly full server backups with daily incremental backups  Daily full server backups  Daily full server backups with hourly incremental backups  Redundant array of independent (or inexpensive) disks (RAID) storage devices with periodic full backups  Storage area network (SAN) devices for multiple servers  Replicated databases and folders on high-availability alternate servers



The advantages and disadvantages of recovery strategies are described.


1. Weekly full server backups with daily incremental backups: It is recommended to run full copies periodically for example weekly and between copy and full copy make incremental or differential copies. Daily full server backups: It is not recommended to make copies on the same server where the information is located. Disadvantage larger storage space.

2. Daily full server backups with hourly incremental backups: Less storage space than full or differential copy. Minor copy window. Disadvantage - if any dependent copy fails, the copy cannot be restored.

3. Redundant array of independent (or inexpensive) disks (RAID) storage devices with periodic full backups: RAID allows you to store the same data redundantly (in multiple paces) in a balanced way to improve overall performance. RAID disk drives are used frequently on servers but aren't generally necessary for personal computers.

4. Replicated databases and folders on high-availability alternate servers: Easy recovery. You have all the data copied.

4. Write an interactive program CountOddDigits that accepts an integer as its inputs and prints the number of even-valued digits in that number. An even-valued digit is either 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9. For example, the number 8546587 has four even digits (the two 5s, and a 7). So the program CountOddDigits(8546587) should return "The number of Odd Digits in 8546587 is 3".



Program :

number=int(input("Enter the number: "))#take the input from the user.


count=0#take a variable for count.

while(number>0):#loop which check every number to be odd or not.

   value=number%10 #it is used to take the every number from integer value.

   number=int(number/10)#it is used to cut the number which is in the use.

   if(value%2!=0):#It is used to check the number to be odd.

       count=count+1#It is used to increase the value.

print("The number of Odd Digits in "+str(number1)+" is "+str(count))#It is used to print the count value of odd digit.


If the user inputs is '1234567890', it will prints "5".If the user inputs is "8546587", it will prints "3".


The above program is in python language, which takes the integer value from the user.Then The number will be distributed into many individual units with the help of a while loop.The while loop runs when the number is greater than 0.There is a two operation, one is used to take the number by the help of modulo operator because it gives the remainder.The second operation is used to divide the number to let the number 0.

2. Imagine that the user at computer A wants to open a file that is on computer C's hard disk, in a peer-to-peer fashion. What path do you think data would take between these two computers?



Since there is no server in a peer-to-peer network, both computers will share resources through the network component used in linking them together such as a cable or a switch.


In its simplest form, a peer-to-peer (P2P) network is created when two or more computers (in this case computer A and C) are connected and share resources without going through a separate server computer. A P2P network can be an ad hoc connection—a couple of computers connected via a Universal Serial Bus to transfer files or through an Ethernet cable. A P2P network also can be a permanent infrastructure that links a half-dozen computers in a small office over copper wires using switches as a central connector. Or a P2P network can be a network on a much grander scale in which special protocols and applications set up direct relationships among users over the Internet.

Please find attached the diagram of the peer-to-peer network of the two computers, computer A and computer. We have two network connections in the diagram.

The first one was implemented using a crossover Ethernet cable to connect both computers through the RJ45 LAN port on their network interface card.

In this network configuration, that will go through the NIC card from Computer C, through the cable to the NIC on computer A and vice versa.

In the second implementation, we used a switch to connect both computers using a straight Ethernet cable.

In this connection, data will go through the NIC card in computer C, through the cable connecting Computer C to the switch, through the switch, then through the cable connecting the switch to computer A and finally through the NIC card on computer A and vice versa

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