Write a program that uses a two dimensional array to store the highest and lowest temperatures for each month of the calendar year. The temperatures will be entered at the keyboard. This program must output the average high, average low, and highest and lowest temperatures of the year. The results will be printed on the console. The program must include the following methods:


Answer 1


Java program is explained below with appropriate comments



import java.util.Scanner;

public class Temperatures {

public static Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);

private static int highTemperature, lowTemperature,averageHigh, averageLow;

private static int index;//keeps track of months

private static int indexOfHighestTemp=0, indexOfLowestTemp=0;

private static int[][] highAndLowTemps = new int [12][2];//array for highs and lows

private static String[] months = new String[12];//array of monthss

public static void main(String[] args) {






//outputs results

System.out.println("Average High: "+averageHigh);

System.out.println("Average Low: "+averageLow);

System.out.println("Highest Temp and Month: "+highAndLowTemps[indexOfHighestTemp][0]+" "+months[indexOfHighestTemp]);

System.out.println("Lowest Temp and Month: "+highAndLowTemps[indexOfLowestTemp][1]+" "+months[indexOfLowestTemp]);


private static void inputTempForMonth(int[][] highAndLowTemps)


System.out.println("Input the high temperature for "+months[index]+":");

highTemperature = keyboard.nextInt();//inputs months high temp


System.out.println("Input the low temperature for "+months[index]+":");

lowTemperature = keyboard.nextInt();//inputs months low temp



private static int[][] inputTempForYear()













months[11]="December";//fills month array

for (index=0;index<=11;index++)//fills array with highs and lows




return highAndLowTemps;


private static int calculateAverageHigh(int[][] highAndLowTemps)


for(int i=0;i<=11;i++)//finds sum of high temps




averageHigh/=12;//calculates average

return averageHigh;


private static int calculateAverageLow(int[][] highAndLowTemps)


for(int i=0;i<=11;i++)//finds sum of low temps




averageLow/=12;//calculates average

return averageLow;


private static int findHighestTemp(int[][] highAndLowTemps)


double max=highAndLowTemps[0][0];

int indexHigh;//index for highest

for(indexHigh=0;indexHigh<11;indexHigh++)//find highest high temp








return indexOfHighestTemp;


private static int findLowestTemp(int[][] highAndLowTemps)


double min=highAndLowTemps[0][1];

int indexLow;//index for lowest

for(indexLow=0;indexLow<11;indexLow++)//finds lowest low temp








return indexOfLowestTemp;



Related Questions

Complete function PrintPopcornTime(), with int parameter bagOunces, and void return type. If bagOunces is less than 2, print "Too small". If greater than 10, print "Too large". Otherwise, compute and print 6 * bagOunces followed by " seconds". End with a newline.


The completed function "PrintPopcornTime()" can be referred to as given below.

We have,

The completed function "PrintPopcornTime()" as requested:

void PrintPopcornTime(int bagOunces) {

   if (bagOunces < 2) {

       System.out.println("Too small");

   } else if (bagOunces > 10) {

       System.out.println("Too large");

   } else {

       int time = 6 * bagOunces;

       System.out.println(time + " seconds");




In this function, we check the value of "bagOunces" using conditional statements.

If it's less than 2, we print "Too small".

If it's greater than 10, we print "Too large".

Otherwise, we calculate the time by multiplying 6 with "bagOunces" and print it followed by " seconds".

Finally, we print a new line to end the output.


The completed function "PrintPopcornTime()" can be referred to as given above.

Learn more about programming of functions here:



Final answer:

The question involves creating a function, PrintPopcornTime(), that uses conditional logic to print different messages based on the provided parameter value, demonstrating fundamental programming concepts such as if-else statements and arithmetic operations.


The question asks to complete a function named PrintPopcornTime() in a programming context, which requires conditional logic to print different outputs based on the value of the parameter bagOunces. The function is supposed to print "Too small" if the value of bagOunces is less than 2, "Too large" if the value is greater than 10, and compute the time in seconds (by multiplying bagOunces by 6) to print for any value between 2 and 10 inclusive.

To fulfill this requirement, a combination of if-else statements can be used to check the size of bagOunces and print the corresponding message. The computation and print statement for values between 2 and 10 inclusive uses the logic of 6 * bagOunces followed by appending " seconds" to the result. Here's an example in pseudocode:

void PrintPopcornTime(int bagOunces) {
 if (bagOunces < 2) {
   print("Too small");
 } else if (bagOunces > 10) {
   print("Too large");
 } else {
   print(6 * bagOunces + " seconds");
 print("\n"); // Prints a newline

This function demonstrates basic control structures like conditional statements which are fundamental in programming.

Compare and Contrast IPv4 and IPv6. Find examples of companies who are currently using IPv6. What are some of the benefits of using IPv6 over IPv4 and vice versa.



IPv4 address field is of 32-bits while the address field of IPv6 is 128-bits.The IPv4 requires a packet size of 576 bytes with optional fragmentation whereas, IPv6 uses 1280 bytes without fragmentation.IPv6 is preferred over IPv4 because of its large address range. IPv4 uses 32-bit source and destination address and we are running out of addresses. To solve this issue, Internet Engineering Task Force has devised a solution by introducing IPv6 which uses 128-bits address field. It is being said that if we convert the water bodies present on earth into deserts and then we assign each particle of desert with an address even then the addresses of IPv6 won't end.IPv6 provides flexible options and extensions.IPv6 provides multi broadcast while, IPv4 just provides broadcast.Internet has switched from IPv4  to IPv6.

Explain how increasingly standardized data, access to third-party datasets, and current trends in hardware and software are collectively enabling a new age of decision making?


Answer and Explanation:

The information revolution has had profound impacts on decision-making allowing more informed decision as a result of "stone throw" information reach- in our pockets, the desk, the TV, and the vast number of technologies that make this possible.

Standardized data which involves data formatted to bring uniformity and be easily understood and compared by programs and people , access to rich, outsider dataset and less tasking and flexible plus powerful programming have all contributed to empowering another time of information driven decision-making that are less prone to errors and mistakes.

. Write a shell script that copies the file named by its first argument to a file with the same name with the filename extension of .bak. Thus, if you call the script with the argument first (and a file named first exists in the working directory), after the script runs you would have two files: first and first.bak. Demonstrate that the script works properly



Hi! The requirement of this question is a simple shell script that makes a copy of a file if it exists in the directory. The main command for this is "cp <file_to_copy> <copy_filename>"  


We can write a code below to implement this in a file called "backup_script". The first argument to the script is taken as the fie_name. Then a check is done to see if the file exists with the "[-f file_name]" code, and the file is copied with a ".bak" if true. A success message is finally printed out to the user.


#! /bin/bash

set file_name = $1

if [ -f file_name ]; then

 cp file_name file_name.bak


if [ -f file_name.bak ]; then

 echo "File successfully copied"


In this exercise, you’ll design a "starter" HealthProfile class for a person. The class attributes should include the person’s first name, last name, gender, date of birth (consisting of separate attributes for the month, day and year of birth), height (in inches) and weight (in pounds). Your class should have a constructor that receives this data. For each attribute, provide setters and getters.The class should include methods that calculate and return the user’s age in years, maximum heart rate and target heart rate range, and body mass index (BMI). Write a Java application that prompts for the person’s information, instantiates an object of class HealthProfile for that person and prints the information from that object—including the person’s first name, last name, gender, date of birth, height and weight—then calculates and prints the person’s age in years, BMI, maximum heart rate and target-heart-rate range. It should also display the BMI values chart.



package healthcare;

import java.util.Calendar;

public class HealthProfile {

  private String firstName;

  private String lastName;

  private char gender;

  private int day;

  private int month;

  private int year;

  private double height;

  private double weight;

  public HealthProfile(String firstName, String lastName, char gender, int day, int month, int year, double height,

          double weight) {


      this.firstName = firstName;

      this.lastName = lastName;

      this.gender = gender;

      this.day = day;

      this.month = month;

      this.year = year;

      this.height = height;

      this.weight = weight;


  public String getFirstName() {

      return firstName;


  public void setFirstName(String firstName) {

      this.firstName = firstName;


  public String getLastName() {

      return lastName;


  public void setLastName(String lastName) {

      this.lastName = lastName;


  public char getGender() {

      return gender;


  public void setGender(char gender) {

      this.gender = gender;


  public int getDay() {

      return day;


  public void setDay(int day) {

      this.day = day;


  public int getMonth() {

      return month;


  public void setMonth(int month) {

      this.month = month;


  public int getYear() {

      return year;


  public void setYear(int year) {

      this.year = year;


  public double getHeight() {

      return height;


  public void setHeight(double height) {

      this.height = height;


  public double getWeight() {

      return weight;


  public void setWeight(double weight) {

      this.weight = weight;


  public int calculateAge() {


      Calendar dateOfBirth = Calendar.getInstance();

      dateOfBirth.set(year, month, day);

      Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance();

      return now.get(Calendar.YEAR) - dateOfBirth.get(Calendar.YEAR);


  public int maximumHeartRate() {

      return 220 - calculateAge();


  public double[] targetHeartRateRange() {

      double[] range = new double[2];

      // Calculate Stating range(50 % of maximumHeartRate)

      range[0] = 0.5 * maximumHeartRate();

      // Calculate End range(85 % of maximumHeartRate)

      range[1] = 0.85 * maximumHeartRate();

      return range;


  public double calculateBMI() {

      return (weight * 703)/(height * height);


  public String getBMIValue()


      double bmi=calculateBMI();

      if(bmi < 18.5)


          return "Underweight";


      else if (bmi>18.5 && bmi<24.9)


          return "Normal";


      else if (bmi>25 && bmi<29.9)


          return "Normal";


      else if (bmi>=30)


          return "Obese";


      return "DafultValue"; //you can give any default value of your choice here if no condition meets the given criteria



  public String toString() {

      return "HealthProfile [firstName=" + firstName + ", lastName=" + lastName + ", gender=" + gender + ", Date Of Birth="

              + day + "-" + month + "-" + year + ", height=" + height + ", weight=" + weight + "]";



package healthcare;

import java.util.Scanner;

public class TestHealthCare {

  private static Scanner sc;

  public static void main(String[] args) {

      sc = new Scanner(System.in);

      System.out.println("Please enter following details of the Patient");

      System.out.println("First Name");

      String firstName=sc.nextLine();

      System.out.println("Last Name");

      String lastName=sc.nextLine();

      System.out.println("Gender ...... M or F ?");

      char gender=sc.next().charAt(0);

      System.out.println("Date of Birth");


      int day=sc.nextInt();


      int month=sc.nextInt();


      int year=sc.nextInt();

      System.out.println("Height in inches");

      double height =sc.nextDouble();

      System.out.println("weight (in pounds)");

      double weight =sc.nextDouble();


      HealthProfile obj=new HealthProfile(firstName, lastName, gender, day, month, year, height, weight);

      int age=obj.calculateAge();

      System.out.println("Patient age is   "+age + " Years");


      int maxHeartRate=obj.maximumHeartRate();

      System.out.println("Patient Maximum Heart Rate is   "+maxHeartRate + " beats per minute");


      //Call targetHeartRateRange

      double targetHeartRateRange []=obj.targetHeartRateRange();

      System.out.println("Target Heart Range is   "+targetHeartRateRange [0] + " - " +targetHeartRateRange [1]);


      //Call calculateBMI

      double bmi=obj.calculateBMI();

      System.out.println("Patient BMI is   "+bmi);


      //call getBMIValue

      System.out.println("Patient BMI Value is   "+obj.getBMIValue());




Inside the calculate the age in years  method, create Date of Birth of Object.Create Current Date .Inside the method maximumHeartRate , create a New Object of HealthProfile class and Call its constructor .

Write a iterative function that finds the n-th integer of the Fibonacci sequence. Then build a minimal program (main function) to test it. That is, write the fib() solution as a separate function and call it in your main() function to test it



Answer is provided in the Explanation section


#include &lt;stdio.h&gt;

// Function to find the nth integer of Fibonnaci sequence

int fib(int n)


 if( n &lt;= 1)

   return n;

 int prev_num = 0, curr_num =1;

 for(int i =0; i &lt; n-1 ; i++)


     int newnum=prev_num + curr_num;




 return curr_num;


int main(void)



   return 0;


Output = 21

When you connect to an unsecured wireless network, what might dishonest or unscrupulous computer users try to do?



Hackers can snoop on data sent over your network.

Hackers can use your network to access your computer's files and system information.

Explanation: Unsecured Wireless connections are wireless connections which are have no passwords they are open to the general public,such networks can be very risky to use as it gives easy access to dishonest persons who can manipulate that opportunity to SNOOP ON DATA SENT OVER YOUR NETWORKS. They can use this hacking to fraudulently steal from your bank account and obtain your private information.

Final answer:

When connecting to an unsecured wireless network, dishonest or unscrupulous computer users may try to eavesdrop, intercept data, and gain unauthorized access to personal information.


When connecting to an unsecured wireless network, dishonest or unscrupulous computer users may attempt to carry out various malicious activities such as eavesdropping, data interception, and unauthorized access to your devices and personal information.

For example, they may use packet sniffing techniques to capture sensitive data transmitted between your devices and the network, such as passwords or credit card information. They can also launch man-in-the-middle attacks, where they intercept data between your device and the network to gain unauthorized access or manipulate the information exchanged.

To protect yourself, it is important to always connect to a secure and encrypted network, use a virtual private network (VPN) for added security, and avoid transmitting sensitive information over unsecured networks.

Learn more about Wireless Network Security here:



Based on the results of the MAP inventory you performed in the lab, how many desktop and server software applications were installed on the TargetWindows02b server?A. 0B. 1C. 2D. 3



Option A 0 is best option

No desktop and server software application are installed on the target Windows server.


The MAP Inventory used for monitoring the server to make sure it does not install any other applications. That’s why there is no desktop and server software application is installed on it.  So best option for this question is A

There are two methods of enforcing the rule that only one device can transmit. In the centralized method, one station is in control and can either transmit or allow a specified other station to transmit. In the decentralized method, the stations jointly cooperate in taking turns.
What do you see as the advantages and disadvantages of the two methods?



In centralized method, the authorized sender is known, but the transmission line is dominated by the control station, while in decentralized method, one station can not dominate the line but collision on the transmission line may occur.


Centralized method of communication requires for a control station to manage the activities if other stations in the network. It assigns turns to one known station at a time, for transmission.

Decentralized method allows stations in a network to negotiate and take turns in transmitting data. When a station is done with the transmission line, another station on the queue immediately claims the line.

Defeating authentication follows the method–opportunity–motive paradigm.
1. Discuss how these three factors apply to an attack on authentication?



Method:- This is related to hackers technique and way of accessing to copy other data. It also includes the skill, knowledge, tools and other things with which to be able to pull off the attack.

Opportunity:- this is related to how a user gives way to access to the hackers. It includes the time, the chance, and access to accomplish the attack.

Motive:- This may relate to the hacker to destroy the reputation of another or for money. It is reason to want to perform this attack against this system

Final answer:

Authentication attacks leverage the method, opportunity, and motive paradigm to breach security systems. Employing stronger authentication measures, reducing security vulnerabilities, and understanding potential motives can significantly enhance protection against these attacks.


Understanding Authentication Attacks Through Method, Opportunity, and Motive

Authentication attacks are sophisticated efforts to bypass security measures and access unauthorized information. These attacks thrive on the method, opportunity, and motive paradigm, making it vital for users and organizations to understand these concepts to bolster their defenses.

Let’s delve into how these three factors play a crucial role.

MethodThe method refers to the techniques and tools attackers use to breach authentication systems. This could range from brute force attacks, where attackers try numerous password combinations, to more sophisticated phishing schemes designed to trick users into divulging their credentials. Implementing robust authentication measures like two-factor authentication can significantly mitigate such risks.OpportunityOpportunity arises when security vulnerabilities exist, such as weak passwords or unpatched software. Attackers exploit these weaknesses to gain unauthorized access. Reducing opportunities for attackers involves regular updates to security systems and educating users on strong password practices and the importance of security updates.MotiveThe motive behind an authentication attack is often driven by the desire to access valuable data for financial gain, espionage, or sabotage. Understanding the potential motives helps in anticipating possible threats and tailoring security measures to protect against those specific risks.

In conclusion, defending against authentication attacks requires a comprehensive strategy that addresses the method, opportunity, and motive. By understanding and mitigating these aspects, organizations and individuals can significantly enhance their digital security.

A slow response when opening applications or browsing the Internet, applications that do not work properly, an operating system that does not boot up correctly or does not function normally, and event logs that report numerous, unusual alerts are all:________. A. Signs of computer aging. B. Indications of antivirus software running in the background. C. Symptoms of malware mutation.



C. Symptoms of malware mutation


They are signs that could indicate that ones system is infected by virus.

Such signs includes:

1.Slow booting or startup.

2.Low space storage.

3.Blue screen of death.

4.Slow Internet performance.

5.Sending of spam messages.

6.Disabled security.

7.Browsing error.

8.Pop-up messages.

9.Renaming of files.

10.Loss of certain files, music, messages, etc.


Option c: Symptoms of malware mutation


The most common symptom of a malware mutation is a slow running computer. The main activity of malware programs is to slow down your operating system and cause problems with your local applications even you are not using the internet. Event log reports unusual alerts and RAM is consumed by virus programs which makes RAM unavailable for your tasks.

Data governance consists of? A. the processes, methods, and techniques to ensure that data is of high quality, reliable, and unique (not duplicated), so that downstream uses in reports and databases are more trusted and accurate B. the overarching policies and processes to optimize and leverage information while keeping it secure and meeting legal and privacy obligations in alignment with organizationally stated business objectives; C. established frameworks and best practices to gain the most leverage and benefit out of IT investments and support the accomplishment of business objectives D. None of the above



A. the processes, methods, and techniques to ensure that data is of high quality, reliable, and unique (not duplicated), so that downstream uses in reports and databases are more trusted and accurate


Data governance consists of the processes, methods, and techniques to ensure that data is of high quality, reliable, and unique (not duplicated), so that downstream uses in reports and databases are more trusted and accurate. Master data management (MDM) tools can assist in this effort.

Once the definitions of these three information-related governance disciplines are clear, their differences become more distinct.

Advances in data storage techniques and the rapidly declining costs of data storage threaten​ ________. A. organizational procedures B. individual privacy C. growth in mobile devices D. network advances E. analytical procedures



Option C is the correct option.


In the above scenario, Advancements in storage technologies and fast-declining storage prices are undermining growth in the mobile device because current mobile devices have many useful features of data storage and it can also use in other fields such as cloud storage, also in word processing and many other areas which are useful for the users.

Option A is incorrect because it is not suitable according to the following case. Option B is incorrect because data storage is not related the individual privacy. Options D and E are incorrect because in the above case, it is about the data storage techniques not for the network advances and analytical procedures.

EX 3.8 Write code to declare and instantiate an object of the Random class (call the object reference variable rand). Then write a list of expressions using the nextInt method that generates random numbers in the following specified ranges, including the endpoints. Use the version of the nextInt method that accepts a single integer parameter. 0 to 10 0 to 400 1 to 10 1 to 400 25 to 50 -10 to 15



Following is given the code step-by-step with all necessary decsription as comments in it. I hope it will help you!


Which of the registration patterns is best suited for complex architecture? A. Client side discovery pattern B. Third party registration pattern C. Self registration


Final answer:

In complex microservices architectures, the Client-side discovery pattern is often recommended due to the control it offers clients. However, the Server-side discovery pattern is more suitable for systems with many services or frequent changes. The Self-registration pattern is typically used with one of the other two patterns.


The question pertains to service registration patterns in microservices architectures. In a complex architecture, the most recommended registration pattern is often the A) Client-side discovery pattern. This pattern allows clients to query a service registry, which holds the locations of various service instances. The client-side discovery pattern enables the clients to handle the discovery logic, providing a high degree of control over service invocation.

However, in a system with many services or frequent changes, the Server-side discovery pattern might be more suitable. Here, a server-side service registry is responsible for tracking service instances, and clients make requests via a router that queries the registry and directs each call to the appropriate service. This pattern offloads discovery responsibility from the client, simplifying the client-side logic.

Finally, the Self-registration pattern is where each service instance is responsible for registering and de-registering itself with the service registry. It is often used in combination with either the client-side or server-side discovery pattern.Ultimately, the choice depends on the specific requirements and constraints of the architecture in question, including scale, complexity, and the ability to handle failure scenarios.

Final answer:

In complex architectures, the Third-Party Registration Pattern is typically better suited compared to the Client-Side Discovery Pattern or Self-Registration as it centralizes service information and simplifies the discovery process.


When dealing with complex architecture within a microservices or distributed systems context, the Client-Side Discovery Pattern may not be ideal due to its inherent complexity and the need for each client to manage discovery logic.

The Third-Party Registration Pattern, also known as the Service Registry pattern, is oftentimes more suited for complex architectures. In this pattern, services register themselves with a third-party registry, which clients then query to discover network locations of available service instances.

This decouples the discovery process from the client and the service, centralizing service information and simplifying the overall architecture.

The Self-Registration pattern can be used in conjunction with the Third-Party Registration Pattern; however, it requires that each service instance has the logic to register and deregister itself with the service registry, which could become cumbersome in a system that is very large or highly dynamic.

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