Final answer:
The getNumGoodReviews method returns the number of good reviews for a given product name. It checks if a review contains the string "best" in lowercase and increments the count of good reviews if it does. Finally, the method returns the count of good reviews.
The getNumGoodReviews method can be implemented by iterating over the reviews and checking if each review contains the string "best" in lowercase. If a review matches this condition, the count of good reviews is incremented. Finally, the method returns the count of good reviews.
Here is an example implementation in Java:
public int getNumGoodReviews(String prodName) {
int count = 0;
for (String review : reviews) {
if (review.toLowerCase().contains("best")) {
return count;
1. Your task is to process a file containing the text of a book available as a file as follows:A function GetGoing(filename) that will take a file name as a parameter. The function will read the contents of the file into a string. Then it prints the number of characters and the number of words in the file. The function also returns the content of the file as a Python list of words in the text file.A function FindMatches(keywordlist, textlist): The parameter keywordlist contains a list of words. The parameter textlist contains text from a book as a list of words. For each word in keywordlist, the function will print the number of times it occurs in textlist. Nothing is returned.If you implemented the functions correctly then the following program:booktext = GetGoing('constitution.txt') FindMatches (['War', 'Peace', 'Power'], booktext) Will read the file "constitution.txt" and print something like the following:The number of characters is: 42761The number of words is: 7078The number of occurrences of War is: 4The number of occurrences of Peace is: 2The number of occurrences of Power is: 11
See explaination
#function to count number of characters, words in a given file and returns a list of words
def GetGoing(filename):
file = open(filename)
numbrOfCharacters =0
numberOfWords = 0
WordList = []
#iterate over file line by line
for line in file:
#split the line into words
words = line.strip().split()
#add counn of words to numberOfWords
numberOfWords = numberOfWords + len(words)
#find number of characters in each word and add it to numbrOfCharacters
numbrOfCharacters = numbrOfCharacters + sum(len(word) for word in words)
#append each word from a line to WordList
for word in words:
#display the result
print("The number of characters: ", numbrOfCharacters)
print("The number of Words: ", numberOfWords)
#return the list of words
return WordList
#find matches for keywords given in textlist
def FindMatches(keywordlist, textlist):
for keyword in keywordlist:
keyword = keyword.lower()
print ("The number of occurrences of {} is: {}".format(keyword,len([i for i, s in enumerate(textlist) if s == keyword])))
booktext = GetGoing("constitution.txt")
FindMatches (['War', 'Peace', 'Power'], booktext)
Univariate linear regression Note: Solutions to this problem must follow the method described in class and the linear regression handout. There is some flexibility in how your solution is coded, but you may not use special functions that automatically perform linear regression for you. Load in the BodyBrain Weight.csv dataset. Perform linear regression using two different models: M1: brain_weight = w0 + w1 x body_weight M2: brain_weight = w0 + w1 x body_weight + w2 x body_weight2
a. For each model, follow the steps shown in class to solve for w. Report the model, including w values and variable names for both models.
b. Use subplots to display two graphs, one for each model. In each graph, include: • Labeled x and y axes • Title • Scatterplot of the dataset • A smooth line representing the model
c. For each model, calculate the sum squared error (SSE). Show your 2 SSE values together in a bar plot.
d. Which model do you think is better? Why? Is there a different model that you think would better represent the data?
Body weight (kg) Brain weight (g)
0.023 0.4
0.048 0.33
0.075 1.2
0.12 1
0.122 3
0.2 5
0.28 1.9
0.55 2.4
0.75 12.3
0.785 3.5
0.93 3.5
1.04 5.5
1.35 8.1
1.41 17.5
2.5 12.1
3 25
3.3 25.6
3.6 21
4.288 39.2
5.3 41.6
6.8 179
10 115
10.55 179.5
27.66 115
35 56
36.33 119.5
52.16 440
55.5 175
60 81
62 1320
85 325
93 225
100 157
110 288
110 442
187.1 419
192 180
207 406
250 334
465 423
480 712
521 655
529 680
1400 590
2547 4603
6654 5712
regression line is Y = 124.9281 + 0.9370 *x
SSE= (SSxx * SSyy - SS²xy)/SSxx = 7317401.270
See the attached image file
Perhaps programs used for business purposes ought to conform to higher standards of quality than games. With respect to software warranties, would it make sense to distinguish between software used for entertainment purposes (such as a first-person shooter game) and software used for business (such as for medical testing)?
Answered below
A software warranty is a written promise or guarantee from a software manufacturer or company to repair or replace a product of it has a fault within a particular period of time. Such faults must arise from the manufacturer's errors.
During the warranty period given, the software developer must fix all the defects and bugs within the software so long as it occurred due to a development fault and there is evidence of system failure.
Some software programs and applications really do require a warranty with a longer duration. Such softwares include those used in big businesses and corporations like banks, medical softwares, nuclear softwares and aviation softwares. The warranties are like a testament of reliability of the software in such critical and delicate sectors.
An open source software for a video game may not require a warranty or the warranty period might not be long compared to business softwares.
Assume that network MTU limitations necessitate that an IP datagram be split into two fragments of different sizes. In the resulting IP datagrams, indicate which of the following header fields is guaranteed to be the same and which could be different. You should be comparing the headers of the two fragments to each other, not to the header of the original. Briefly justify each answer.
Header fields:
Total length
D Flag
M flag
Fragment Offset
Header checksum
Consider a packet of size 756 bytes. Enters a network having mtu=500. Now packet will be fragmented in two fragment.
Fragment 1 : 480 data +20 byte header.
Fragment 2 : 276 data + 20 byte header.
Let's compare header of the two fragments.
Internet header length (IHL) ⇒ Due to same size of both fragment header, IHL value will be same. If header length is 20 IHL, then will contain 0101.
Total length ⇒ Total length can be different. Looking at our case, fragment 1 contain 480 byte data while fragment 2 contains 276 byte so total length will be different.
Identification ⇒ Identification is same for all fragment belonging to same packet
D flag (don't fragment) ⇒ This is used to indicate weather packet is fragmented or not. D=1 not a fragment. D=0 fragment. So this D flag will be same.
M flag (more fragment) ⇒ This is used to indicate more fragment present or not. M=1 more fragment are present. M=0 last fragment.
Fragment offset ⇒This is used to indicate position of fragment among fragments. This value will be different for two fragment.
Header checksum : As many other fields of two fragment is different thus checksum of two fragment will also be different.
See all the explanation in the answer.
Create a view named Top10PaidInvoices that returns three columns for each vendor: VendorName, LastInvoice (the most recent invoice date), and SumOfInvoices (the sum of the InvoiceTotal column). Return only the 10 vendors with the largest SumOfInvoices and include only paid invoices.
See Explaination
SELECT TOP 10 VendorName AS Name, MAX(InvoiceDate) AS LastInvoice, SUM(InvoiceTotal) AS SumOfInvoices
FROM dbo.Vendors V JOIN dbo.Invoices I
ON V.VendorID = I.VendorID
GROUP BY VendorName
ORDER BY SumOFInvoices desc;
Final answer:
The question involves creating a SQL view named Top10PaidInvoices, which entails using aggregation functions, a GROUP BY clause, and a LIMIT clause to display the top 10 vendors with the highest sum of paid invoices along with their latest invoice date.
The student's question pertains to the creation of a SQL view named Top10PaidInvoices which requires a combination of SQL commands to generate a list of the ten vendors with the highest sum of paid invoices. To achieve this, a SQL statement including aggregation functions such as SUM and MAX would be used alongside GROUP BY and ORDER BY clauses to calculate the SumOfInvoices and LastInvoice respectively for each vendor. This view should also use a subquery or a common table expression (CTE) with a ROW_NUMBER() window function to ensure that only the top 10 vendors are returned, based on the sum of their paid invoices.
The resulting SQL command might look something like this:
CREATE VIEW Top10PaidInvoices AS
SELECT VendorName,
MAX(InvoiceDate) AS LastInvoice,
SUM(InvoiceTotal) AS SumOfInvoices
FROM Invoices
WHERE IsPaid = 1
GROUP BY VendorName
Note that the exact SQL syntax could vary depending on the database management system (RDBMS) being used. The LIMIT 10 clause specifies that only the top 10 records should be considered, however, in some RDBMS, the TOP or FETCH FIRST clause might be appropriate
This program will keep track of win-tied-loss and points earned records for team. There are 6 teams and each week there are three games (one game per team per week). Enter the team numbers and game scores in an array within the program rather than user typing at command prompt.After reading in each week, the program should print out the win-tied-loss records and points earned for each team. A win is two points, tied game is one point and a loss is zero points. For example:How many weeks of data: 3For week 1, game 1, enter the two teams and the score: 0 1 1 4That is in week 1, game 1 is between team 0 team 1. Final scores are team 0 is 1 and team 1 is 4. Therefore, team 1 has 2 points, team 0 has 0 points. Similarly,For week 1, game 2, enter the two teams and the score: 2 3 1 2For week 1, game 3, enter the two teams and the score: 4 5 2 0For week 2, game 1, enter the two teams and the score: 0 2 3 0For week 2, game 2, enter the two teams and the score: 1 4 0 1For week 2, game 3, enter the two teams and the score: 3 5 4 4For week 3, game 1, enter the two teams and the score: 0 4 8 7For week 3, game 2, enter the two teams and the score: 1 5 0 0For week 3, game 3, enter the two teams and the score: 2 3 6 9
Check the explanation
import java.util.*;
public class TeamRecords {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int teams = 6;
System.out.print("How many weeks of data: ");
Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
int weeks = sc.nextInt();
int[] wins = new int[teams];
int[] ties = new int[teams];
int[] losses = new int[teams];
//Each entry in points is an array with two elements
//the first element is the team and the second element is the points
//This will keep the team associated with the points when we sort the array
int[][] points = new int[teams][2];
for (int i = 0; i<teams; i++) {
points[i][0] = i;
int[] pointsFor = new int[teams];
int[] pointsAgainst = new int[teams];
for (int week=1; week <= weeks; week++) {
for (int game=1; game <= teams/2; game++) {
System.out.print("For week "+week+", game "+game+", enter the two teams and the score: ");
int team1 = sc.nextInt();
int team2 = sc.nextInt();
int score1 = sc.nextInt();
int score2 = sc.nextInt();
if (score1 > score2) {
points[team1][1] += 2;
} else if (score1 < score2) {
points[team2][1] += 2;
} else {
points[team1][1] ++;
points[team2][1] ++;
pointsFor[team1] += score1;
pointsFor[team2] += score2;
pointsAgainst[team1] += score2;
pointsAgainst[team2] += score1;
System.out.println("League Standing after 2 weeks:");
System.out.println("W T L");
for (int team=0; team < teams; team++) {
System.out.println("Team "+team+" "+wins[team]+" "+ties[team]+" "+losses[team]);
System.out.println("Points Table:");
// sort the points array in descending order
// based on the number of points earned by each team
// (which is the second element of each int array that makes up the points array)
Arrays.sort(points,new Comparator<int[]>() {
public int compare(int[] o1, int[] o2) {
return (new Integer(o2[1])).compareTo(o1[1]);
for (int i=0; i<points.length; i++) {
System.out.println("Team "+points[i][0]+" "+points[i][1]);
System.out.println("Winning percentages: ");
for (int i=0; i<teams; i++) {
System.out.println("Team "+i+" "+(wins[i]*100/(new Float(weeks)))+"%");
System.out.println("Points scored for/against:");
for (int i=0; i<teams; i++) {
System.out.println("Team "+i+" "+pointsFor[i]+"/"+pointsAgainst[i]);
With the sheets grouped, apply Underline to cell B5 and Double Underline to cell B6. Ungroup the worksheets. Note, use the Format Cells dialog box to ensure that the Underline styles Single and Double are applied, rather than Single Accounting or Double Accounting.
Check Explanation.
Task: (1). Apply Underline to cell B5 and Double Underline to cell B6.
(2). Ungroup the worksheets.
(3).use the Format Cells dialog box to ensure that the Underline styles Single and Double are applied, rather than Single Accounting or Double Accounting.
Steps to follow;
Step one: On the Excel document that you are working on, make sure you highlight from B6 cell to F6 cell.
Step two: Then, press CTRL+SHIFT+F.
Step three: from action in step two above, the "format cells dailogue box" will come up, click underline > (underline type) dropdown list > ok.
Step four: next, highlight from B7 to F7.
Step five: press CTRL+SHIFT+F. As in step two above.
Step Six: do the same thing as in Step three above.
Please note that to apply the SINGLE UNDERLINE, you need to type the data in the cell for cells of B6 to F6 ONLY.
Also, for DOUBLE UNDERLINE for B7 to F7; just type the data in the cell and it will apply.
There are number of issues to consider when composing security policies. One such issue concerns the use of security devices. One such device is a ____________, which is a network security device with characteristics of a decoy that serves as a target that might tempt a hacker.
Okay, let us first fill in the gap in the question above. Please, note that the capitalized word is the missing word.
"There are number of issues to consider when composing security policies. One such issue concerns the use of security devices. One such device is a HONEYPOT , which is a network security device with characteristics of a decoy that serves as a target that might tempt a hacker''.
In order to make the world a safer place to live, there is a need for good and efficient Security policies. These policies are set by the authority or the government (legislative arm and executive arm of the Government) and with this the Judicial arm of the Government interprete and make sure that the policies are enforced.
In order to enforce the security policies and with the advancement of science, engineering and technology, devices are being made or produced to help in enforcing security policies and one of them is the use of HONEYPOT.
The main use or advantage of honeypot is to track hackers or anything related to hacking.
Direct current is produced by an electric motor. an armature. a solenoid. a battery.
I just did it
A small monster collector has captured ten Bagel-type small monsters. Each Bagel-type small monster has a 35% chance of being a Sesame Seed-subtype and a 20% chance of being a Whole Wheat-subtype.What is the probability of exactly eight of the captured small monsters being Whole Wheat-subtypes?What is the probability of at least one of the captured small monsters being a Sesame Seed-subtype?What is the probability that there are no Sesame Seed- or Whole Wheat-subtype small monsters captured?What is the probability that are at least two Whole Wheat/Sesame Seed dual-subtype small monsters captured?
Check the explanation
Each Bagel-type small monster has 0.35 probability of being a Sesame Seed-subtype and 0.2 probability of being a Whole Wheat-subtype.
The probability that exactly 8 of them are Whole Wheat-subtype is [tex]\binom{10}{8}(0.2)^8(0.8)^2[/tex] using multiplication principle, because first need to choose which 8 are Whole Wheat-subtype, and if exactly 8 of them are Whole Wheat-subtype, then other two are not Whole Wheat-subtype. The former has probability 0.2, while the latter has probability 1-0.2 = 0.8 .
Kindly check the attached images below for the complete answer to the question above
Write an interactive Python calculator program. The program should allow the user to type a mathematical expression, and then print the value of the expression. Include a loop so that the user can perform many calculations (say, up to 100). Note: To quit early, the user can make the program crash by typing a bad expression or simply closing the window that the calculator program is running in. You'll learn better ways of terminating interactive programs in later chapters.55
please check this images that are below
Create a SavingsAccount class. Use a static data member annualInterestRate to store the annual interest rate for each of the savers. Each member of the class contains a private data member savingsBalance indicating the amount the saver currently has on deposit. Provide member function calculateMonthlyInterest that calculates the monthly interest by multiplying the savingsBalance by annualInterestRate divided by 12; this interest should be added to savingsBalance. Provide a static member function modifyInterestRate that sets the static annualInterestRate to a new value.
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
#include "SavingsAccount.h"
double SavingsAccount::annualInterestRate = 0.0;
SavingsAccount::SavingsAccount( double bal, double AiR )
savingsBalance = ( bal >= 0.0 ? bal : 0.0 );
setAnnualInterestRate( AiR ); //AiR = AnnualInterestRate
void SavingsAccount::setAnnualInterestRate( double AiR)
annualInterestRate = ( AiR >= 0.0 && AiR <= 1.0) ? AiR : .03;
double SavingsAccount::getAnnualInterestRate()
return annualInterestRate;
void SavingsAccount::calculateMonthlyInterest()
savingsBalance += savingsBalance * ( annualInterestRate / 12);
void SavingsAccount::modifyInterestRate( double interest )
annualInterestRate = (interest >= 0.0 && interest <= 1.0) ? interest : .04;
void &SavingsAccount::print() const
cout << fixed << setprecision(2) << "$" << savingsBalance;
int main()
SavingsAccount saver1( 2000.0, .03 );
SavingsAccount saver2( 3000.0, .03 );
cout << "Initial Balance For saver1 Is: " << saver1.print;
cout << "\nInitial Balance For saver2 Is: " << saver2.print << "\n\n";
cout << "Interest Rate For Both Accounts is " << saver1.getAnnualInterestRate << "%";
cout << "Balance After 3% interest For saver1: " << saver1.print;
cout << "\nBalance After 3% interest For saver2: " << saver2.print;
cout << "\n\nSetting Annual Interest Rate to 4%";
saver1.modifyInterestRate( .04 );
saver2.modifyInterestRate( .04 );
cout << "\nBalance After 4% Interest For saver1: " << saver1.print;
cout << "\nBalance After 4% Interest For saver2: " << saver2.print;
cout << endl;
return 0;
What is true regarding the cellular phone concept? a. a single radio broadcast tower system enables greater frequency reuse compared to a multiple cell phone system b. increasing base station transmit power is required to decrease the size of a cell c. by increasing the number and density of cells within a service area, you increase the overall complexity of the entire system d. decreasing the size of a cell expends greater power from the mobile device, and therefore reduces the device’s operating time
The answer is "Option c".
A mobile phone is a telecom device, which uses radio signals around an internet-connected area but is served at the same fixed location with a cell tower or transmitter, enabling calls to be transmitted electronically across a wide range, to a fixed over the Internet. By increasing the amount and size of layers within the same market area, the total size of the overall system is improved, and the wrong choices can be described as follows:
In option a, It is wrong because it can't reuse radio wave frequency. In option b, It decreases the size of the cell, that's why it is incorrect. In option d, It reduces the size of the cells, which increases the capacity of the smartphone and it also decreases the total time of the device, that's why it is wrong.What are techniques for active listening? Select all
that apply.
1. asking clarifying questions, without
2. keeping eye contact
3. indicating full agreement to what is being said
1.) asking clarifying questions, without interrupting
2.) keeping eye contact
Techniques for active listening are
asking clarifying questions, without interruptingkeeping eye contactThe correct options are 1 and 2.
What is active listening?An active listening is when a person actively listens to another person.
A person must maintain eye contact with the speaker while in conversation with him.
Also, they must have two way conversation between them.
Thus, correct options are 1 and 2.
Learn more about active listening.
A company uses the account code 669 for maintenance expense. However, one of the company's clerks often codes maintenance expense as 996. The highest account code in the system is 750. What would be the best internal control check to build into the company's computer program to detect this error?
The correct answer to the following question will be "Valid-code test".
Even though no significance labels (including a standardized test score parameter) exist, valid data input codes or protocols could still be defined by having to type the correct codes as well as ranges.
To diagnose the given mistake, a valid code review will be the strongest internal control audit to incorporate into the organization's computer program.To insert valid code the syntax is: <Code or Range>. Throughout this scenario, each code is decided to enter on another step.Write a program with a method that plays the guess a number game. The program should allow the user to pick a number between 1 and 1000 in his head. The method should guess the user's number in a minimal amount of attempts. The method should ask the user "is the number greater than or less than the number " and the program gives a particular number. The user in some way just inputs (higher or lower) or (greater than or less than). There also has to be a way for the user to say the number has just been guessed. Of course, the user cannot answer incorrectly or change the number midstream. Note - if written efficiently, the method should be able to guess any number in 10 or less attempts.
Please check the explanation
That's the code and it is done with the program in c++ according to instructions given in the question using binary search. It can guess the correct number in 10 or fewer attempts and also shows the number of attempts it took to guess the number.
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int guess() { string input; int l = 1, h = 1000; int mid = (l + h) / 2, count = 0; while (1) { //count the number of attemts to guess the number ++count; //cout << count << "\n"; cout << "\n"; cout << "Is " << mid << " correct? (y/n): "; cin >> input; //if input is y print the guessed no. and return if (input == "y") { cout << mid << " guessed in " << count << " attempts!\n"; return 1; } //if input is n ask the user if it's higher or lower than current guess if (input == "n") { cout << "Is the number greater than or less than the number ? (h/l): "; cin >> input; } //if input is higher assign mid incremented by 1 to low //else decrement mid by 1 and assign to high if (input == "h") l = mid + 1; else h = mid - 1; //calculate mid again according to input by user again mid = (l + h) / 2; } } int main() { cout << "****WELCOME TO THE GUESS THE NUMBER GAME!****\n"; cout << "Guess any number between 1 to 1000.\n"; cout << "This game depends on user giving correct answers and not changing their number middle of game.\n"; guess(); }
A small grocery store has one checkout.You have been asked to write a program to simulate the grocery store as it checks out customers.YOU ARE REQURED TO USE A QUEUE TO SOLVE THE PROBLEM.The queue program ( is located on the Instructor drive.Here are some guidelines:
1. A customer gets to the checkout every 1 – 5 minutes
2. The checker can process one customer every 5 – 15 minutes (depends on how many groceries customer has 10 items or less will take 5 minutes, 11- 20 items will take 6 10 minutes, more than 20 items will take 11-15 minutes- you will need two random numbers)
3. The program should find the average wait time for customers and the number of customers left
4. Use the random number generator to get values for when customers get to the checkout and 5 You are not required to use classes, but it might make things easier than 20 items will take 11 - 15 minutes-you will need two random numbers) in the queue how long the checker will take.
Check the explanation
#import random function
from random import randint
#class Queue declaration
class Queue:
#declare methods in the Queue
def __init__(self):
self. items = []
def isEmpty(self):
return self. items == []
def enqueue(self, item):
self.items. insert(0, item)
def dequeue(self):
return self. items. pop()
def size(self):
return len(self. items)
def getInnerList(self):
return self.items
#This is customer Queue
class Customer:
#declare methods
def __init__(self,n):
def __str__(self):
return str(self. numberOfItems)
def getNumberOfItems(self):
return self. numberOfItems
#This is expresscheker customer queue
class Expresschecker:
def __init__(self,n):
def __str__(self):
return str(self. numberOfItems)
def getNumberOfItems(self):
return self. numberOfItems
#Returns random checkout time, based on number of items
def checkOut(Expresschecker):
items = Expresschecker. getNumberOfItems()
if items <= 10:
return randint(2, 5)
if items <= 20:
return randint(6, 9)
return randint(10, 14)
#Initiate queue for the Expresschecker
Expresschecker = Queue()
#declare total customers
totalcheckoutCustomers = 10
#express Customers shopping..
for i in range(totalcheckoutCustomers):
#Each putting Between 1 to 25 items
randomItemsQty = randint(1, 25)
customer = Customer(randomItemsQty)
#Getting into queue for checkout
Expresschecker. enqueue(customer)
#====Now all express Customers having
#random qty of items are in Queue======
#intial time
#define the size of the queue
totalcheckoutCustomers = Expresschecker. size()
#using for-loop until queue is empty check out
#the items in the express cheker queue
while not(Expresschecker. isEmpty()):
#Picking a customer
expresscustomer = Expresschecker. dequeue()
#Processing the customer
timeTaken = checkOut(expresscustomer)
#add the time for each custimer
#compute average waiting time
averageWaitingTime = totalTime/totalcheckoutCustomers
#display the average waiting time
print("Average waiting time for the express customer queue is "
+str(averageWaitingTime)+" minutes ")
print("Remaining Custimers in the express customer Queue is: ",
Expresschecker. size())
#Returns random checkout time, based on number of items
def checkOut(customer):
items = customer. getNumberOfItems()
if items <= 10:
return randint(1, 5)
if items <= 20:
return randint(6, 10)
return randint(11, 15)
customersQueue = Queue()
totalCustomers = 20 #Change number of customers here
#Customers shopping..
for i in range(totalCustomers):
#Each putting Between 1 to 25 items
randomItemsQty = randint(1, 25)
customer = Customer(randomItemsQty)
#Getting into queue for checkout
customersQueue. enqueue(customer)
#====Now all Customers having random qty
#of items are in Queue======
totalCustomers = customersQueue. size()
while not(customersQueue. isEmpty()):
#Picking a customer
customer = customersQueue. dequeue()
#Processing the customer
timeTaken = checkOut(customer)
averageWaitTime = totalTime/totalCustomers
print("Average wait time for the customer queue is
"+str(averageWaitTime)+" minutes ")
print("Remaining Customers in the customer Queue is:
",customersQueue. size())
Asks the user for the full path of a file to be read - path should include the folder and filename.
Asks the user for the full path of a file to be written - path should include the folder and filename.
Declares an array of strings of 1024 words.
Opens the input and output files.
Reads the file word by word into the array.
Prints the content of the array in reverse order to both screen and output file at the same time.
Remember :
Check that input file opened successfully.
Input file can be quite smaller than 1024 words, exactly 1024 words or much larger than 1024 words.
Close the files before program ends.
Put a 'pause' in your program before it ends.
See explaination
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int size = 10;
string inputFileName, outputFileName;
cout << "Please enter input file name, including full path: ";
cin >> inputFileName;
cout << "Please enter output file name, including full path: ";
cin >> outputFileName;
ifstream inFile(inputFileName.c_str());
ofstream outFile(outputFileName.c_str());
// checking whether input and output files are good to open
cout << "Cannot open " << inputFileName << endl;
cout << "Cannot open " << outputFileName << endl;
// declare an array of string to store 1024 words
string words[size];
// read the file for exactly 1024 words
// assuming each line of input file contains only 1 word
int count = 0;
string word;
while(getline(inFile, word))
if(count == size)
words[count++] = word;
// now we need to print the words array in reverse order both to the console and to the output file, simultaneously
cout << "WORDS:\n------\n";
for(int i = size - 1; i >= 0; i--)
if(words[i] != "")
cout << words[i] << endl;
outFile << words[i] << endl;
return 0;
Final answer:
The question is about creating a program for file reading and writing, including array manipulation and outputting content in reverse. The program must handle input/output operations, file size variations, and ensure resource management by closing files properly.
The student's question pertains to writing a program that can read and write files, and specifically handle reading words into an array and then outputting them in reverse order to a file and the screen. The steps to achieve this involve prompting the user for file paths, checking the success of opening files, handling files of various sizes, and managing resources correctly by closing files. A 'pause' before the program ends is also required, likely to allow the user to see the output before the program closes.
To begin, here's a simplified pseudo-code outline:
Ask the user for the input file path (including the directory and file name).Ask the user for the output file path (including the directory and file name).Declare an array of strings, sized to 1024 elements.Open the input file and check if it opens successfully. If not, display an error message.Open the output file for writing.Read the words from the input file into the array until the file ends or the array is full.Output the array contents in reverse order to the screen and write them to the output file.Close both files.Implement a pause at the end of the program.Note: When implementing the read operation, the program should consider the file size which may be larger than the array and handle it appropriately, perhaps by reading in chunks if necessary.
5. Write a 500- to 1,000-word description of one of the following items or of a piece of equipment used in your field. In a note preceding the description, specify your audience and indicate the type of description (general or particular) you are writing. Include appropriate graphics, and be sure to cite their sources correctly if you did not create them (see Appendix, Part B, for documentation systems). a. GPS device b. MP3 player c. waste electrical and electronic equipment d. automobile jack e. bluetooth technology
Final answer:
This response examines the role of smartphones, laptops, and GPS devices in daily life, considering how they affect communication, work, travel, and convenience.
Understanding how electronic devices shape our daily lives can provide insight into their pervasive influence and the reliance we've developed on technology. For this exercise, we'll examine three common devices: a smartphone, a laptop, and a GPS device.
Smartphones have become nearly indispensable in modern life. They serve as communication hubs, personal assistants, and portable entertainment systems. The smartphone keeps us connected through calls, texts, emails, and social media. It also helps manage our schedules, set alarms, and capture memories through its camera. Life without smartphones would mean a return to separate devices for each of these functions and a significant loss in convenience and efficiency.
Laptops offer portable computing power that enables us to work, learn, and play from virtually anywhere. They are essential for students and professionals alike, as they support software for creating documents, managing data, and facilitating online meetings. The absence of laptops would drastically change the landscape of mobile work and education, likely requiring a heavier reliance on desktop computers and physical media.
A GPS device provides accurate navigation and location tracking, which is especially useful for travel and logistics. The utility of GPS extends beyond simple navigation to include applications in science, military, and emergency services. Without GPS technology, we would need to rely on physical maps and alternative methods for location tracking, potentially complicating travel and critical operations.
General Description You have been chosen to create a version of connect 4. In this version, there can be forbidden positions, or places that neither x nor o can play. However, connecting four together is still the way to win, and this can be done vertically, horizontally, diagonally (or anti-diagonally if you distinguish between the backward diagonal). Required Features 1. You must implement two new game options, one for two players, and one for x player vs computer. a. The player is always x and the computer is always o in that case. b. Player one and two alternate turns. c. Players cannot overwrite each other's moves. d. Players cannot play on forbidden places, and forbidden places do not count for victory. 2. At the start of each game:________. a. Ask the player what game board they want to load. b. Then start with the x player, and alternate. c. Check for victory after each move, not after each pair of moves. d. Players may enter a move, two integers separated by a space, or the words "load game" or "save game" which will either load or save over the current game. 3. You must implement a load game feature. Ask for the file name and load that file. If a game is currently in progress, overwrite that game and immediately start on the loaded game. 4. You must implement a save game feature. Ask for the name that you wish to save to, and save the file to that name. 5. Detect when one or the other player has adjoined the spheres (connected four). a. Display a message with the winning player. b. End that game. c. Go back to the main menu. d. If the board is full, then that is a tie. Design Document There is no design document for this project. It has been replaced with a testing script. Any questions about design documents will be ignored. Required names and Interface Your project should be in The design of project 2 is mostly up to you, but we will require that your project create a class: class Adjoin TheSpheres: This must have a method whose definition is: def main menu self):
To create a custom Connect 4 game in Python, implement two modes (two players and player vs. computer), along with save and load features.
The code for the following is:
from IPython.display import display, HTML, clear_output
import random
import time
# Game Constants
ROWS = 6
PIECE_NONE : 'white',
PIECE_ONE : 'black',
PIECE_TWO : 'red',}
DIRECTIONS = ((-1, -1), (-1, 0), (-1, 1),( 0, -1), ( 0, 1),( 1, -1), ( 1, 0), ( 1, 1),)
# Board Functions
def create_board(rows=ROWS, columns=COLUMNS):
''' Creates empty Connect 4 board '''
board = []
for row in range(rows):
board_row = []
for column in range(columns):
return board
# Copy board
def copy_board(board):
''' Return a copy of the board '''
rows = len(board)
columns = len(board[0])
copied = create_board(rows, columns)
for row in range(rows):
for column in range(columns):
copied[row][column] = board[row][column]
return copied
def print_board(board):
''' Prints Connect 4 board '''
for row in board:
print('|' + '|'.join(row) + '|')
def drop_piece(board, column, piece):
''' Attempts to drop specified piece into the board at the
specified column If this succeeds, return True, otherwise return False.'''
for row in reversed(board):
if row[column] == PIECE_NONE:
row[column] = piece
return True
return False
def find_winner(board, length=4):
''' Return whether or not the board has a winner '''
rows = len(board)
columns = len(board[0])
for row in range(rows):
for column in range(columns):
if board[row][column] == PIECE_NONE:
if check_piece(board, row, column, length):
return board[row][column]
return None
def check_piece(board, row, column, length):
''' Return whether or not there is a winning sequence starting from
this piece '''
rows = len(board)
columns = len(board[0])
for dr, dc in DIRECTIONS:
found_winner = True
for i in range(1, length):
r = row + dr*i
c = column + dc*i
if r not in range(rows) or c not in range(columns):
found_winner = False
if board[r][c] != board[row][column]:
found_winner = False
if found_winner:
return True
return False
# HTML/SVG Functions
def display_html(s):
''' Display string as HTML '''
def create_board_svg(board, radius):
''' Return SVG string containing graphical representation of board '''
rows = len(board)
columns = len(board[0])
diameter = 2*radius
svg = '<svg height="{}" width="{}">'.format(rows*diameter, columns*diameter)
svg += '<rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="blue"/>'
for row in range(rows):
for column in range(columns):
piece = board[row][column]
color = PIECE_COLOR_MAP[piece]
cx = column*diameter + radius
cy = row*diameter + radius
svg += '<circle cx="{}" cy="{}" r="{}" fill="{}"/>'.format(cx, cy, radius*.75, color)
svg += '</svg>'
return svg
Assume you have a variable, budget, that is associated with a positive integer. Assume you have another variable, shopping_list, that is a tuple of strings representing items to purchase in order of priority. (For example: ("codelab", "textbook", "ipod", "cd", "bike")) Furthermore, assume you have a variable, prices that is a dictionary that maps items (strings such as those in your shopping list) to positive integers that are the prices of the items. Write the necessary code to determine the number of items you can purchase, given the value associated with budget, and given that you will buy items in the order that they appear in the tuple associated with shopping_list. Associate the number of items that can be bought with the variable number of items.
Final answer:
To calculate the number of items purchasable within a budget, use a for loop to iterate through the shopping_list, subtracting item prices from the budget and incrementing a counter until the budget cannot afford an item.
To determine the number of items a student can purchase with their given budget, we need to iterate through the shopping_list tuple in order and subtract the item prices from the budget using the prices dictionary until the budget cannot cover any additional items. Here is a code snippet that accomplishes this task:
number_of_items = 0
for item in shopping_list:
if budget >= prices[item]:
budget -= prices[item]
number_of_items += 1
In this code, we use a loop to go through each item in the shopping_list. If the current budget can cover the cost of the item based on its price, we deduct the price from the budget and increment the number_of_items counter by one. If the budget is not sufficient to cover an item's cost, we exit the loop, and number_of_items will then hold the total number of items that can be purchased within the budget constraint.
g The state of Massachusetts at one time had considered generating electric power by harvesting energy crops and burning them. Assume that the state requires 4000 MW of electricity and that planted crops yield between 10,000 and 20,000 lb of dry biomass per acre per year that could be burned to produce electricity at 35% efficiency. How many acres would the state need to plant to supply all its electricity in this way? HTML EditorKeyboard Shortcuts
The require number of acres is between 220714.991 acres and 4414287.982 acres
Power = 4,000MW
Yield = 10,000lb - 20,000 lb/year
Electricity Efficiency = 35%
Number of acres needed
To calculate the required number of acres, the following steps will be followed.
1. Calculate total energy
2. Calculate the intensity of energy
3. Calculate number of acres.
Calculating the total energy
Energy = Power * Time
From the question;
Power = 4,000MW
The crop yield is measured on a yearly basis. So, time = 1 year.
Convert time to seconds.
First, we convert to days
1 year = 365 days;
Then to hours
= 365 * 24
Then to minutes
= 365 * 24 * 60
Then to seconds
= 365 * 24 * 60 * 60
1 year = 365 * 24 * 60 * 60
1 year = 31,536,000s.
Energy = 4,000 MW * 31,536,000
Emergy = 1.26144E11 MJ
Calculating the intensity of energy.
Energy Intensity = Required Energy * Efficiency
Efficiency = 35%
Calculating Required Energy
When Yield = 10,000 lb
First, we convert this to kilogram
1 lb = 0.453592 kg
10,000 lb = 10,000 * 0.453592
10,000 lb = 4535.92 kg
From energy characterisation factors and method table.
1 kg requires 18 MJ of energy.
4535.92 will require:
4535.92 * 18MJ
= 81646.56 MJ of energy.
Hence, Required Energy = 81646.56 MJ
So, Energy Intensity = 81646.56 MJ * 35%
Energy Intensity = 28576.296 MJ.
Hence, when yield = 10,000 lb; the energy intensity is 28576.296 MJ
When Yield = 20,000 lb
Energy Intensity = Required Energy * Efficiency
If the energy intensity is 28576.296 MJ when yield = 10,000 MJ
Energy Intensity = 2 * 28576.296 MJ
Yield = 2 * 10,000 lb
Hence, Energy Intensity = 2 *28576.296 MJ
Energy Intensity = 57152.592 MJ
Now, the number of acres can be calculated.
Number of acres = Total Energy ÷ Intensity.
Total Energy = 1.26144E11 MJ
When Yield = 10,000 lb, Intensity = 28576.296 MJ
Number of acres = 1.26144E11 ÷ 28576.296
Number of acres = 4414287.982 acres
When Yield = 20,000 lb, Intensity = 57152.592 MJ
Number of acres = 1.26144E11 ÷ 57152.592
Number of acres = 220714.991 acres
Hence, the require number of acres is between 220714.991 acres and 4414287.982 acres
The operation times for the major functional units are 200ps for memory access, 200ps for ALU operation, and 100ps for register file read or write. For example, in single-cycle design, the time required for every instruction is 800ps due to lw instruction (instruction fetch, register read, ALU operation, data access, and register write). Here, we only consider lw instruction for speedup comparison. [2 pts]
a. If the time for an ALU operation can be shortened by 25%, will it affect the speedup obtained from pipelining? If yes, why? Otherwise, why?
b. What if the ALU operation now takes 25% more time? Will it affect the speedup obtained from pipelining? If yes, why? Otherwise, why? Then what is clock cycle time?
No, it will not affect the speedup obtained from pipe lining.
Yes,it will affect.
Speedup time can be calculated as; 850 / 250 = 3.4
It means that pipeline speed up will reduce to 3.4, so the clock cycle time is 850 ps
See all solution attached
14. Which of the following statements is true? A. The most secure email message authenticity and confidentiality isprovided by signing the message using the sender’s public key and encrypting the message using the receiver’s private key. B. The most secure email message authenticity and confidentiality isprovided by signing the message using the sender’s private key and encrypting the message using the receiver’s public key. C. The most secure email message authenticity and confidentiality isprovided by signing the message using the receiver’s private key and encrypting the message using the sender’s public key. 266 D. The most secure email message authenticity and confidentiality isprovided by signing the message using the receiver’s public key and encrypting the message using the sender’s private key.
A. The most secure email message authenticity and confidentiality is provided by signing the message using the sender’s public key and encrypting the message using the receiver’s private key
Public key cryptography helps to send public key in an open and an insecure channel as having a friend's public key helps to encrypt messages to them.
The private key helps to decrypt messages encrypted to you by the other person.
The most secure email message authenticity and confidentiality is provided by signing the message using the sender’s public key and encrypting the message using the receiver’s private key
Which of the following statements about weathering is true?
a Physical and chemical are the two types of weathering,
b. Weathering occurs when rocks are subjected to the movement of wind or water
C, Humans are the only cause of weathering
d. Movement is required for weathering to take place,
Please select the best answer from the choices provided
us Activity
Physical and chemical are two types of weathering
In C++ Programming:Given the following header:vector split(string target, string delimiter);
Implement the function split so that it returns a vector of the strings in target that are separated by the string delimiter.For example: split("10,20,30", ",") should return a vector with the strings "10", "20", and "30".Similarly, split("do re mi fa so la ti do", " ") should return a vector with the strings "do", "re","mi", "fa", "so", "la", "ti", and "do".1. Write a program that inputs two strings and calls your function to split the first target string by the second delimiter string and prints the resulting vector all on line line with elements separated by commas.A successful program should be as below with variable inputs:Examples with inputs of :10,20,30and:do re mi fa so la ti doEnter string to split: 10,20,30 Enter delimiter string: , The substrings are: "10", "20", "30"Enter string to split: do re mi fa so la ti do Enter delimiter string: The substrings are: "do", "re", "mi", "fa", "so", "la", "ti", "do"
The provided C++ program reads two strings, calls the `split` function using the given header, and prints the resulting vector with elements separated by commas.
Below is an updated C++ program that adheres to the given header and meets the specified requirements. It reads two strings, calls the `split` function, and prints the resulting vector:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
// Function to split a string by a delimiter
std::vector<std::string> split(std::string target, std::string delimiter) {
std::vector<std::string> substrings;
size_t start = 0;
size_t end = target.find(delimiter);
while (end != std::string::npos) {
substrings.push_back(target.substr(start, end - start));
start = end + delimiter.length();
end = target.find(delimiter, start);
return substrings;
int main() {
std::string inputString, delimiter;
std::cout << "Enter string to split: ";
std::getline(std::cin, inputString);
std::cout << "Enter delimiter string: ";
std::getline(std::cin, delimiter);
// Call the split function
std::vector<std::string> result = split(inputString, delimiter);
// Print the resulting vector
std::cout << "The substrings are: ";
for (size_t i = 0; i < result.size(); ++i) {
std::cout << "\"" << result[i] << "\"";
if (i < result.size() - 1) {
std::cout << ", ";
return 0;
This program uses the `split` function to tokenize the input string based on the given delimiter, and it prints the resulting vector as required.
Write a method that checks whether the input string or a sentence (a string with spaces) is a palindrome or not. The method should be case insensitive and should ignore spaces. Write a test program that prompts the user to input a string and invokes this method. Some example runs are: Enter the input string: madam Input string madam is a palindrome Enter the input string: banana Input string banana is NOT a palindrome Enter the input string: Race Car Input string Race Car is a palindrome Enter the input string: Too HOT to hoot Input string Too HOT to hoot is a palindrome
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Pallindrome {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner in = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("Enter the input string: ");
String word = in.nextLine();
public static String isPallindrome(String word){
String rev ="";
int len = word.length();
for ( int i = len - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
rev = rev + word.charAt(i);
if (word.equals(rev))
return word+" is palindrome";
return word+ " is not palindrome";
Create the method in Java to receive a String parameterUsing a for loop reverse the stringUse another for loop to compare the characters of the original string and the reversed stringIf they are equal print palindromeelse print not palindromeWithin the main method prompt user for a sentenceCall the method and pass the sentence entered by userIn this exercise we have to use the knowledge in computational language in JAVA to describe a code that best suits, so we have:
The code can be found in the attached image.
To make it simpler we can write this code as:
public class Pallindrome {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner in = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("Enter the input string: ");
String word = in.nextLine();
public static String isPallindrome(String word){
String rev ="";
int len = word.length();
for ( int i = len - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
rev = rev + word.charAt(i);
if (word.equals(rev))
return word+" is palindrome";
return word+ " is not palindrome";
See more about JAVA at
Write code to complete DoublePennies()'s base case. Sample output for below program:Number of pennies after 10 days: 1024#include // Returns number of pennies if pennies are doubled numDays timeslong long DoublePennies(long long numPennies, int numDays){long long totalPennies = 0;/* Your solution goes here */else {totalPennies = DoublePennies((numPennies * 2), numDays - 1);}return totalPennies;}// Program computes pennies if you have 1 penny today,// 2 pennies after one day, 4 after two days, and so onint main(void) {long long startingPennies = 0;int userDays = 0;startingPennies = 1;userDays = 10;printf("Number of pennies after %d days: %lld\n", userDays, DoublePennies(startingPennies, userDays));return 0;}
The complete code along with output and comments for explanation are given below.
#include <stdio.h>
// function DoublePennies starts here
// The function DoublePennies returns number of pennies if pennies are doubled numDays times
// this is an example of recursive function which basically calls itself
long long DoublePennies(long long numPennies, int numDays){
long long totalPennies = 0;
\\ here we implemented the base case when number of days are zero then return the number of pennies
if(numDays == 0)
return numPennies;
// if the base case is not executed then this else condition will be executed that doubles the number of pennies for each successive day.
totalPennies = DoublePennies((numPennies * 2), numDays - 1);
return totalPennies;
// driver code starts here
// Program computes pennies if you have 1 penny today,
// 2 pennies after one day, 4 after two days, and so on
int main(void)
// initialize starting pennies and number of days
long long startingPennies = 0;
int userDays = 0;
// input starting pennies and number of days
startingPennies = 1;
userDays = 10;
// print number of pennies and number of days
printf("Number of pennies after %d days: %lld\n", userDays, DoublePennies(startingPennies, userDays));
return 0;
Test 1:
Number of pennies after 10 days: 1024
Test 2:
Number of pennies after 2 days: 4
Test 3:
Number of pennies after 0 days: 1
To complete the base case of the DoublePennies() function, you add an 'if' condition to check if numDays is less than or equal to zero and return numPennies. Otherwise, the function calls itself recursively with doubled pennies and decremented days.
The student is asking how to complete the base case for the DoublePennies function, which is a recursive function designed to calculate the number of pennies if the number of pennies doubles every day for a certain number of days. The base case should stop the recursion by returning the current number of pennies when the number of days remaining reaches zero.
To complete the base case for the DoublePennies function, you would write the following code:
if (numDays <= 0) {This code checks if numDays is less than or equal to zero and, if so, assigns the current value of numPennies to totalPennies. If numDays is greater than zero, the function recursively calls itself with doubled pennies and one less day.
Hannah weighs 210 pounds using the English System of measurement. If we convert her weight to the Metric System, she would weigh 95.34 kilograms. If Jessica weighs 145 pounds using the English System, what is her weight using the Metric System. To convert pounds from the English System to kilograms using the Metric System you multiply the number of pounds by .454 to get the number of kilograms. Write a program that will prompt the user for a weight, measured in pounds, and convert the weight to kilograms.
Check the explanation
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
float pounds;
float kilograms;
cout<<"Please enter the weight in pounds :";
cout<<"The weight in Kilogram is:"<<kilograms<<"kilograms";
return 0;
Kindly check the attached image below for the code output.
Linda is starting a new cosmetic and clothing business and would like to make a net profit of approximately 10% after paying all the expenses, which include merchandise cost, store rent, employees’ salary, and electricity cost for the store. She would like to know how much the merchandise should be marked up so that after paying all the expenses at the end of the year she gets approximately 10% net profit on the mer- chandise cost. Note that after marking up the price of an item she would like to put the item on 15% sale. Write a program that prompts Linda to enter the total cost of the merchandise, the salary of the employees (including her own salary), the yearly rent, and the estimated electric- ity cost. The program then outputs how much the merchandise should be marked up so that Linda gets the desired profit.
Program Plan:
• Declare the variables.
• Prompt the user to enter the cost of the merchandise.
• Prompt the user to enter the salary of the employees.
• Prompt the user to enter the yearly rent.
• Prompt the user to enter the electricity cost.
• Compute the total expenses.
• Compute the markup price.
• Compute the markup percentage.
• Display the percentage on the screen.
See attached images for the program and sample output
This answer includes a Python program to help Linda calculate the required markup for her business. It ensures she achieves her desired 10% net profit after all expenses and a 15% sale discount.
To calculate the markup percentage Linda needs in her cosmetic and clothing business, we have to account for all her expenses (merchandise cost, store rent, employees' salary, electricity cost) and her desired profit margin. Here is a Python program to help Linda determine the required markup-
def calculate_markup(total_merchandise_cost, salary, yearly_rent, electricity_cost):
total_expenses = total_merchandise_cost + salary + yearly_rent + electricity_cost
desired_profit = 0.10 × total_merchandise_cost # 10% of merchandise cost
sales_needed = total_expenses + desired_profit
# When the item has to be sold at a 15% discount
selling_price_after_discount = sales_needed / (1 - 0.15) # reverse engineering the discount
# Markup percentage calculation
markup = (selling_price_after_discount - total_merchandise_cost) / total_merchandise_cost * 100
return markup
# Example usage
merchandise_cost = float(input('Enter the total cost of the merchandise: '))
salary = float(input("Enter the salary of the employees (including her own salary): "))
yearly_rent = float(input("Enter the yearly rent: "))
electricity_cost = float(input("Enter the estimated electricity cost: "))
markup_percentage = calculate_markup(merchandise_cost, salary, yearly_rent, electricity_cost)
print(f'The merchandise should be marked up by approximately {markup_percentage:.2f}% to achieve the desired profit.')
This program calculates the total expenses, adds the desired profit, adjusts for the 15% discount and then calculates the necessary markup.