You can view the existing Access Control Lists for a set of folders on a Windows system by right-clicking the folder you want to view, selecting Properties, and clicking the:


Answer 1


And clicking the security tab option.


Lets explain what an object's ACL is. I will use an example to best explain this. Let's suppose that user Bob would want to access a folder in a Windows environment. What supposedly will happen is that Windows will need to determine whether Bob has rights to access the folder or not. In order to do this, an ACE with the security identity of John will be created. These ACEs are the ones that grant John access to the folder and the ACLs of this particular folder that John is trying to access is a list of permissions of everyone who is allowed to access this folder. What this folder will do is the to compare the security identity of John with the folders ACL and determine whether John has Full control of the folder or not.

By right clicking the folder and selecting the security tab, John will be in a position to see a list of the permissions (ACLs) granted to him by the folder.

Related Questions

A nearest neighbor approach is best used: (a) With large-sized data sets. (b) When irrelevant attributes have been removed from the data. (c) When a generalized model of the data is desirable. (d) When an explanation of what has been found is of primary importance. Select only one choice and give additional explanations



(b) When irrelevant attributes have been removed from the data.


A nearest neighbor approach -

It refers to the method of searching where the nearest point from the given set can be determined with respect to some specific point , is referred to as the nearest neighbor approach .

The method is used for the purpose of finding soe data in order to replace , edit , remove or add some data .

Hence , from the given question ,

The correct answer about nearest neighbor approach is b.

Final answer:

A Nearest Neighbor approach is best used when irrelevant attributes have been removed from the data. This algorithm works best when the dataset is clean and free of irrelevant, misleading, or noisy data. It is less effective with large data sets, and doesn't provide a generalized model or easy explanation of results.


A Nearest Neighbor approach in machine learning is typically best used when irrelevant attributes have been removed from the data. This type of algorithm generally works well when the dataset is clean and free of irrelevant, misleading, or noisy data that could interfere with finding the nearest neighbors. Notably, it does not work as effectively with large data sets due to computational demands. Furthermore, it does not provide a generalized model of the data or an easy explanation of the results, which eliminates options (a), (c), and (d).

To illustrate, consider a dataset used for predicting house prices. Irrelevant attributes including the house color, name of the owner, etc., have to be removed for the Nearest Neighbor algorithm to be effective as they do not have a direct impact on the house price. The algorithm then identifies the 'neighbor' house prices that are most similar to the house price we're trying to predict.

Learn more about Nearest Neighbor approach here:


You are required to come up with a single header file (IntList.h) that declares and implements the IntNode class (just copy it exactly as it is below) as well as declares the IntList Class interface only. You are also required to come up with a separate implementation file (IntList.cpp) that implements the member functions of the IntList class. While developing your IntList class you must write your own test harness (within a file named main.cpp).

Never implement more than 1 or 2 member functions without fulling testing them with your own test harness. IntNode struct I am providing the IntNode class you are required to use. Place this class definition within the IntList.h file exactly as is. Make sure you place it above the definition of your IntList class. Notice that you will not code an implementation file for the IntNode class. The IntNode constructor has been defined inline (within the class declaration). Do not write any other functions for the IntNode class. Use as is.

struct IntNode {

int data;

IntNode *next;

IntNode(int data) : data(data), next(0) {} };

IntList class Encapsulated (Private) Data Fields

head: IntNode *

tail: IntNode *

Public Interface (Public Member Functions)

IntList(): Initializes an empty list.

~IntList(): Deallocates all remaining dynamically allocated memory (all remaining IntNodes). void display() const: Displays to a single line all of the int values stored in the list, each separated by a space. This function does NOT output a newline or space at the end.

void push_front(int value): Inserts a data value (within a new node) at the front end of the list.

void pop_front(): Removes the value (actually removes the node that contains the value) at the front end of the list. Does nothing if the list is already empty.

bool empty() const: Returns true if the list does not store any data values (does not have any nodes), otherwise returns false. main.cpp test harness for lab

Use this main.cpp file for testing your IntList:

. #include using namespace std; #include "IntList.h" int main() {

//tests constructor, destructor, push_front, pop_front, display { cout << "\nlist1 constructor called"; IntList list1;cout << "\npushfront 10"; list1.push_front(10); cout << "\npushfront 20"; list1.push_front(20); cout << "\npushfront 30"; list1.push_front(30); cout << "\nlist1: "; list1.display(); cout << "\npop"; list1.pop_front(); cout << "\nlist1: "; list1.display(); cout << "\npop"; list1.pop_front(); cout << "\nlist1: "; list1.display(); cout << "\npop"; list1.pop_front(); cout << "\nlist1: "; list1.display(); cout << endl; } cout << "list1 destructor called" << endl; return 0;}



The sample output is been attached below



#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

#include "IntList.h"

int main() {

//tests constructor, destructor, push_front, pop_front, display

cout << "\nlist1 constructor called";

IntList list1;

cout << "\npushfront 10";


cout << "\npushfront 20";


cout << "\npushfront 30";


cout << "\nlist1: ";


cout << "\npop";


cout << "\nlist1: ";


cout << "\npop";


cout << "\nlist1: ";


cout << "\npop";


cout << "\nlist1: ";


cout << endl;

cout << "list1 destructor called" << endl;

return 0;




#include <iostream>

#include "IntList.h"

using namespace std;

IntList::IntList() : head(NULL), tail(NULL) { }

IntList::~IntList() {





void IntList::push_front(int value) {

/*Creates a temporary pointer of type IntNode, assigning a memory address (block of memory)

to temp_ptr of type IntNode and then initializing with a constructor. */

IntNode* temp_ptr = new IntNode(value);

/*Then we assign the current address of head (if just empty list, this is NULL) to the

dereferenced temporary pointer's next memory address */

(*temp_ptr).next = this->head;

/*Assign the memory address of temporary pointer (which points to the newly created block of memory) to head. */

this->head = temp_ptr;



void IntList::display() const {

/* If empty list, exit out of display function */

if(empty()) {



//Since the list is not empty, print the data which the dereferenced head points to

cout << (*head).data;

//Initialize a new pointer, which is assigned to the next pointer in the linked list

IntNode* plc_ptr = (*head).next;

// Create a while loop that checks whether the pointer points to anything.

// This checks to see whether it is the end of the linked list

while(plc_ptr != NULL) {

// Prints the dereferenced pointers data

cout << " " << (*plc_ptr).data;

/*Updates the memory address which the temporary pointer points to,

going through the list each time it goes through the while loop */

plc_ptr = (*plc_ptr).next;




bool IntList::empty() const {

//The linked list is empty if the head doesn't point to any memory addres/is NULL

if(head == NULL) {

return true;


return false;


void IntList::pop_front() {

//First check to see if the linked list is empty/if there is a first item that needs to be deleted

if(empty()) {



//Set a temporary pointer to the next of the first item, which is the memory address of the second item

IntNode* temp_ptr = (*head).next;

//Delete the memory address for head

delete head;

//Reassign to head the memory address of what was the memory address of the second item

head = temp_ptr;





#ifndef _INTLIST_H

#define _INTLIST_H

struct IntNode {

int data;

IntNode* next;

IntNode(int data) : data(data), next(NULL) {}


class IntList {




void display() const;

void push_front(int);

void pop_front();

bool empty() const;


IntNode* head;

IntNode* tail;




Write a program whose input is two integers and whose output is the two integers swapped. Ex: If the input is: 38 then the output is: 83 Your program must define and call a function. SwapValues returns the two values in swapped order. void SwapValues (int* userVali, int* userVal2) LAB ACTIVITY 6.22.1: LAB: Swapping variables 22.1. LAB 0/10 ] main.c Load default template... #include /* Define your function here */ int main(void) { Ovo AWN /* Type your code here. Your code must call the function. */ return 0; 10 }



Following are the program in the C++ Programming Language.

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

//define function for swapping

void SwapValues(int* userVal1,int* userVal2){  

//set integer variable to store the value

int z = *userVal1;

//interchange their value

*userVal1 = *userVal2;  

//interchange their value

*userVal2 = z;


//define main method

int main()


//declare variables

int x,y;

//get input from the user


//Call the method to swap the values


//print their values

cout<<x<<" "<<y;

return 0;



3 8

8 3


Following are the description of the program.

Firstly, we define required header file and function 'SwapValues()', pass two pointer type integer variables in argument that is 'userVal1' and 'userVal2'.Set integer data type variable 'z' and initialize the value of 'userVal1' in it, then initialize the value of 'userVal2' in 'userVal1' and then initialize the value of 'z' in 'userVal2'.Finally, define the main method in which we set two integer type variables and get input from the user in it then, call and pass those variables and print it.

To swap two integers in C, you define a function using pointers. The program reads two integers, swaps them using this function, and then prints the swapped values. Implementing SwapValues ensures correct swapping.

To swap two integers in C, you need to use a function that takes pointers as arguments. A particularly clever application of pointer manipulation allows us to swap the values of two variables.

Firstly, let's define the function SwapValues:

void SwapValues(int* userVal1, int* userVal2) { int temp = *userVal1; *userVal1 = *userVal2; *userVal2 = temp; }

Inside main(), we will call this function:

#include <stdio.h>
void SwapValues(int* userVal1, int* userVal2);
int main(void) { int num1, num2;
scanf("%d %d", &num1, &num2);
SwapValues(&num1, &num2);
printf("%d %d\n", num1, num2);
return 0; }

This code reads two integers, swaps them using the SwapValues function, and prints the result.

Choose two prime numbers p and q (these are your inputs). Suppose that you need to send a message to your friend, and you implement the RSA algorithm for secure key generation. You need public and private keys (these are your outputs). You are free to choose other parameters or inputs if you need any. Write a program for the RSA algorithm using any programing language you know to generate your public and private key. The program may also show a message for any wrong inputs such as "you entered a number, which is not a prime".



Answer is attached in the doc file


The explanation is given in the file attached.

The screenshot of the output is attached.

Write a function stats that takes an array and the number of elements in the array. Then, it computes and prints the minimum value, maximum value, and the average value of all the values in the array. The output should be formatted with a two-digit precision. The function name: stats The function parameters (in this order): an array, double The number of elements in the array, int The function should not return anything.




using namespace std;

void stats(double [],int);  

int main()


int totalElements,i;


cout<<"Enter total elements:"<<endl;


double array[totalElements];

cout<<"Enter the elements in array:"<<endl;





void stats(double array[],int totalElements)


int i;

double minimum,maximum;

double Sum=0.0,average=0.0;











cout<<"Test: ";


cout << fixed << setprecision(2) <<array[i]<<" ";


cout <<"minimum:"<< fixed << setprecision(2) <<minimum<<endl;

cout <<"maximum:"<< fixed << setprecision(2) <<maximum<<endl;

cout <<"average:"<< fixed << setprecision(2) <<average<<endl;




Loop through the total elements to get the input from user and call the stats function.In the stats function check whether a number is maximum, minimum or average.Calculate the average by finding the sum of all the numbers in array  and dividing it by total numbers.Finally display the results.

Final answer:

The 'stats' function calculates and prints the minimum, maximum, and average values from a given array with two-digit precision.


The function named stats is designed to compute statistical values such as the minimum value, maximum value, and the average value of elements in an array. The function takes two parameters: an array of type double and the number of elements in the array of type int. It then proceeds to calculate the required statistics and prints them with a precision of two decimal places. This function does not return any value as its primary purpose is to print out the calculated statistics.

Write a function called print_kth_top_movie_year. It should take a single argument, the rank of the year (like 2, 3, or 5 in the above examples). It shouldn't have a return statement.


Final answer:

Creating a function to print the kth top movie year involves programming skills, understanding of data structures, and error handling. In the example provided, Python is used to access a list of movie years sorted by rank and print the year at the provided rank, illustrating both functional logic and basic error management.


Creating a function in a programming language to print the kth top movie year involves selecting a programming language (like Python), then utilizing data about movie years and their ranks. The function, print_kth_top_movie_year, would likely access a pre-sorted or dynamically sorted list or array of movie years based on some criteria, such as box office success, critical acclaim, or other metrics. Given the specificity of the task, it assumes access to structured data about movies.

For example, in Python, one might start with creating a list of movie years and their rankings. Then, the function would use the rank (an integer) as an index to find and print the respective year from the list. It's important to handle cases where the rank provided is out of range, ensuring the function gracefully handles such errors without crashing.

An illustration of this in code (assuming Python and a predefined list of movie years named movie_years_ranked):

def print_kth_top_movie_year(k):
       print(movie_years_ranked[k-1]) # Adjust for zero-based indexing
   except IndexError:
       print("Rank out of range.")

This illustrative example highlights not only the function's logic but also the importance of error handling in software development.

The manager of a football stadium wants you to write a program that calculates the total ticket sales after each game. There are four types of tickets—box, sideline, premium, and general admission. After each game, data is stored in a file in the following form:

ticketPrice numberOfTicketsSold
Sample data are shown below:
250 5750
100 28000
50 35750
25 18750

The first line indicates that the ticket price is $250 and that 5750 tickets were sold at that price. Output the total number of tickets sold and the total sale amount into an output file. Format your output with two decimal places. (You are required to generate an output file that has the results.)

So far my answer is




using namespace std;

int main() {

double total = 0;

int nTickets = 0;

std::ifstream infile("tickets.txt");

int a, b;

while (infile >> a >> b)


total = a*b;

nTickets = nTickets + b;


cout << "Total Sale amount: " << total << endl;

cout << "Number of tickets sold: " << setprecision(2) << nTickets << endl;


return 0;



Final answer:

The corrected C++ program calculates total ticket sales and the total number of tickets sold, with results written to an output file, properly accumulating sales using += and outputting with fixed precision.


The student's question is about writing a C++ program to calculate total ticket sales after a football game, formatting the output to show the total number of tickets sold and the total sale amount with two decimal places. A critical mistake in the original program is the calculation of total sales, where the total should accumulate all sales rather than being overwritten on each iteration. Below is the corrected version of the program.

Corrected C++ Program:

using namespace std;

int main() {
   double total = 0;
   int nTickets = 0, a, b;
   ifstream infile("tickets.txt");
   while (infile >> a >> b) {
       total += a * b; // Correct accumulation of total sales
       nTickets += b;
   ofstream outfile("sales_summary.txt");
   outfile << fixed << setprecision(2);
   outfile << "Total Sale amount: " << total << endl;
   outfile << "Number of tickets sold: " << nTickets << endl;
   return 0;

This program reads ticket data from a file, calculates both the total number of tickets sold and the total sales amount, and writes these results to an output file. Note that the setprecision function is used to format the output as required.

This C++ program reads ticket data from a file, calculates total ticket sales and total number of tickets sold, and outputs the results to a file with proper formatting.

To calculate the total ticket sales for a football stadium, we can write a C++ program that reads ticket data from a file and computes the total number of tickets sold as well as the total sales amount. Below is the corrected version of the program:

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;

int main() {
   double total = 0;
   int nTickets = 0;
   ifstream infile("tickets.txt");
   ofstream outfile("sales.txt");
   double ticketPrice;
   int numberOfTicketsSold;
   while (infile >> ticketPrice >> numberOfTicketsSold) {
       total += ticketPrice * numberOfTicketsSold;
       nTickets += numberOfTicketsSold;
   outfile << "Total Sale amount: " << fixed << setprecision(2) << total << endl;
   outfile << "Total Number of tickets sold: " << nTickets << endl;
   return 0;

This program reads the ticket price and the number of tickets sold from the input file "tickets.txt" and calculates the total sales amount in dollars and the total number of tickets sold. The results are then written to an output file "sales.txt" formatted to two decimal places for the sales amount.

Consider an array of size nine with the numbers in the following order: 40, 60, 20, 80, 70, 90, 30, 10, 50. (a) Create the heap using the algorithm described in class. Show the heap as a tree. Show the heap as an array. Exactly how many comparisons did heap creation use



See attached picture for heap creation steps.

10 comparisons were used.


See attached pictures.

A person's birth date consists of the month, day, and year in which that person was born. The domain for a relation R is a set of people. There are at least two people in the group with the same birth date and at least two people with different birth dates. A person x is related to person y under the relation if they have the same birth date or if x's birth date is earlier than y's birth date. Which description correctly characterizes the relation?


Final answer:

The relation R in question is a partial order relation characterized as reflexive, antisymmetric, and transitive, based on the properties of birth dates among a set of people.


The relation R described in the question operates under two conditions within the domain of people's birth dates: first, a person x is related to person y if they have the same birth date; second, x is related to y if his birth date is earlier than y's birth date. Given that there are at least two people with the same birth date and at least two people with different birth dates, the correct characterization for this relation is that it is reflexive, antisymmetric, and transitive. These characteristics define a partial order relation. Reflexive because every person is related to themselves (has the same birth date), antisymmetric because if person x is related to person y due to an earlier birth date, then y cannot be related to x in the same manner, and transitive because if person x is born earlier than person y, who in turn is born earlier than person z, then x is also born earlier than z.

British mathematician Alan M. Turing wrote a number of papers on theoretical computer science. In one paper, written in 1936 before any programmable computer had ever been built, he described the logical structure any such machine would have to possess. His description of an idealized computer specified in mathematical terms the relations between the input, output, actions, and states of what is called a Turing machine.

What can the reader infer from the passage?

A. Turing invented the first computer.
B. Turing physically developed the structure of a programmable computer.
C. Turing analyzed the first computer.
D. Turing conceived the structure of a programmable computer.


Answer: D. Turing conceived the structure of a programmable computer.

Explanation: The passage describes how Alan M. Turing described the theoretical aspect of a programmable computer. There is no reference to a physical machine or Turing working on an actual (physical) computer.

The Turing machine, although it does sound like a physical computer was an abstract idea, conceived in mathematical form of what a programmable machine would be like. Alan Turing is considered one of the founding fathers of theoretical computer science.

The correct answer is D. Turing conceived the structure of a programmable computer.The passage indicates that Alan Turing conceived the theoretical structure of a programmable computer in 1936. He did not physically build or analyze an actual computer.

The passage describes how Alan Turing, a British mathematician, conceived the structure of a programmable computer in a 1936 paper. He did not invent or physically build the first computer but outlined its logical framework in mathematical terms, which later became known as the Turing machine. Turing's work laid the foundation for modern computers and is why he is regarded as the father of theoretical computer science and artificial intelligence.Turing conceived the structure of a programmable computer: The passage explains Turing’s conceptual and theoretical contributions rather than any physical development or analysis of an existing computer.

Thus The correct answer is D. Turing conceived the structure of a programmable computer.

19. When troubleshooting a desktop motherboard, you discover the network port no longer works. What is the best and least expensive solution to this problem? If this solution does not work, which solution should you try next?



Disable the network port and install a network card in an expansion slot.


The best and least expensive solution will be to disable the network port, once that is done, you install a network card in the card expansion slot.

This way you can still connect wireless devices to your computer and the network issue will be solved.

Answer: Update the Motherboard Drivers

Explanation:  I would try update the motherboard drivers 1st.

ular RSA modulus sizes are 1024, 2048, 3072 and 4092 bits. How many random odd integers do we have to test on average until we expect to find one that is a prime



In RSA, the bit size n of the public modulus N is often of the form n=c⋅2k with c a small odd integer. c=1 (n=512, 1024, 2048, 4096.. bit) is most common, but c=3 (n=768, 1536, 3072.. bit) and c=5 (n=1280..) are common. One reason for this is simply to limit the number of possibilities, and similar progressions are found everywhere in cryptography, and often in computers where binary rules (e.g. size of RAM).

The difficulty of factoring (thus, as far as we know, the security of RSA in the absence of side-channel and padding attacks) grows smoothly with n. But the difficulty of computing the RSA public and private functions grows largely stepwise as n increases (more on why in the next paragraph). The values of n just below a step is thus more attractive than the value just above a step: they are about as secure, but the later is more difficult/slow in actual use. And, not coincidentally, the common RSA modulus sizes are just below such steps.

One major factor creating a step is when one more word/storage unit becomes required to store a number. When the storage unit is b-bit, there is such step every b bits for the RSA public function x↦xemodN; and a step every r⋅b bits for the RSA private function x↦xdmodN, with r=1 for the naïve implementation, and r equal to the number of factors of N when using the CRT with factors of equal bit size (most usually r=2, but I have heard of plans up to r=8). On any modern general-purpose CPU suitable for RSA, b is a power of two and at the very least 25, creating a strong incentive that n is at least a multiple of 26 (r=2 is common, and the only reasonable choice for n below about a thousand).

Note: n=1984=31⋅26 is not unseen in the field of Smart Cards, because the next multiple of 26 would break the equivalent of a sound barrier in a common transport protocol, ISO/IEC 7816-3 T=0. For a list of common RSA modulus size in this field, search LENGTH_RSA_1984.

As an aside, it is significantly simpler to code quotient estimation in Euclidian division (something much used in RSA) when the number of bits of the divisor is known in advance. This creates an incentive to reduce the number of possible bit sizes for the modulus. The two simplest cases are when the number of bits is a multiple of b, and one more than a multiple of b; the former won.

Write a do-while loop that repeatedly prompts for and takes input until a value in the range 0 through 15 inclusive is input. Include code that prevents the loop from executing forever on input of a wrong data type



#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main (){

int num=0;





}while(num>=0 && num<=15)

return 0;



In this exercise we have to use the computer language knowledge in C++  to write the code as:

the code is in the attached image.

In a more easy way we have that the code will be:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main (){

int num=0;





}while(num>=0 && num<=15)

return 0;


See more about C++ code at

Bill is building a project network that involves testing a prototype. he must design the prototype (activity 1), build the prototype (activity 2), and test the prototype (activity 3). activity 1 is the predecessor for activity 2 and activity 2 is the predecessor for activity 3. if the prototype fails testing, bill must redesign the prototype; therefore, activity 3 is a predecessor for activity 1. this is an example of

a. conditional statements.
b. looping.
c. having more than one start node.
d. good network development.
e natural network flow.



Bill is building a project network that involves testing a prototype. he must design the prototype (activity 1), build the prototype (activity 2), and test the prototype (activity 3). activity 1 is the predecessor for activity 2 and activity 2 is the predecessor for activity 3. if the prototype fails testing, bill must redesign the prototype; therefore, activity 3 is a predecessor for activity 1. this is an example of

b. looping


The given example is of looping because each activity is leading to another activity on the completion of some conditions. The answer a is not valid as it is not just an example of conditional statements rather it is a loop which will keep moving until unless reached a situation to end it.The option c, d an e are not right options for the given example.

Write a program to do the following: Load $t0 with 12 and call it x. Load 21 in $t1 and denote it as y. Finally, load 32 in $t2 and refer to it as z. Now, compute 3x2 +10y+5z. Output the result using syscall 1 (remember the result has to be in $a0). Write down the output number on your answer sheet.



Complete code is given below:


addi $t0, $zero, 12 # x = 12

addi $t1, $zero, 21    # y = 21

addi $t2, $zero, 32    # z = 32

addi $t3, $zero, 3

mul $t3, $t3, $t0

mul $t3, $t3, $t0  # $t3 = 3x^2

addi $t4, $zero, 10

mul $t4, $t4, $t1  # $t4 = 10y

addi $t5, $zero, 5

mul $t5, $t5, $t2  # $t5 = 5z

add $a0, $t3, $t4

add $a0, $a0, $t5  # $a0 = 3x^2 + 10y + 5z

addi $v0, $zero, 1


Nunya is a computer software company that employs highly intelligent, but somewhat unusual people. Every Friday, free lollipops, toys, or other treats are given out to encourage employees to remember how creative they were when they were children. All the new members of the organization are told about the founders who were three young people who "got lucky" and sold a video game that they invented. The employees are allowed to dress informally and can set their own working hours. Informing employees about the founders is an example of which technique for transmitting culture?





Storytelling is regarded as being on the core of culture. Stories is a way of passing history down generations after generations, and how customs are being shared. It also denotes how people adopt a tradition and these traditions never change. The stories told by a group indicates the values of its culture. In the question, informing employees about founders is like telling them stories to pass customs, values, and tradition.

Question 3. Using simulation with 10,000 trials, assign chance_of_all_different to an estimate of the chance that if you pick three words from Pride and Prejudice uniformly at random (with replacement), they all have different lengths. Hint: Remember that !


Final answer:

The chance of picking three words with different lengths from Pride and Prejudice can be estimated using a simulation of 10,000 independent trials, checking for unique word lengths in each trial.


To estimate the chance that if you pick three words from Pride and Prejudice uniformly at random (with replacement), they all have different lengths, you need to perform a simulation with 10,000 trials. This simulation involves generating lengths for three different words and checking if all lengths are unique, then repeating this trial 10,000 times to estimate the probability of this event.

Each word length can be thought of as a random variable, and since words are picked with replacement, the trials are independent. Use the principle of statistical independence as well as discrete distribution and the concept of distinguishability of random variables to structure the simulation. For example, you could use a list of words from the book and their lengths. In each trial, three word lengths would be randomly selected with replacement, and you would check if all three are different. The series of trials would give you a proportion of trials where all the word lengths are different. However, this problem is not a binomial distribution, as each trial can have more than two outcomes.

In this Python code, a simulation is performed to determine the number of times, out of 10,000 trials, that two words chosen randomly with replacement from the text "Pride and Prejudice" have different lengths.

Import random module: This module is used for random number generation.

Define the list of words from "Pride and Prejudice": Replace the ellipsis (...) with the actual list of words from the text.

Set the number of trials and initialize num_different to 0:

trials is the number of times you want to repeat the experiment.

num_different will keep track of the number of times two words have different lengths.

Run the simulation using a for loop:

The loop runs trials times.

Inside the loop, two words are randomly chosen from the list using random.choice().

Check if the lengths of the two words are different:

If the lengths are different, increment num_different.

Print the result:

After the loop, print the final count of num_different.

import random

# Assume you have a list of words from "Pride and Prejudice"

pride_and_prejudice_words = ["word1", "word2", "word3", ...]  # Replace ellipsis with the actual words

trials = 10000

num_different = 0

# Run the simulation

for _ in range(trials):

   # Randomly pick two words with replacement

   word1 = random.choice(pride_and_prejudice_words)

   word2 = random.choice(pride_and_prejudice_words)

   # Check if the lengths of the two words are different

   if len(word1) != len(word2):

       num_different += 1

# Print the result

print("Number of times two words have different lengths:", num_different)

This code will give you an estimate of the number of times two words with different lengths are chosen randomly from "Pride and Prejudice" in 10,000 trials.

Complete question:

Using a simulation with 10,000 trials, assign num_different to the number of times, in 10,000 trials, that two words picked uniformly at random (with replacement) from Pride and Prejudice have different lengths. Hint 1: What function did we use in section 1 to sample at random with replacement from an array? Hint 2: Remember that != checks for non-equality between two items. trials = 10000 num_different = ... for ... in ...: num_different =... num_different

There is a way to use Linux commands to display all programs with the setuid bit on. I run this periodically to look for programs that are setuid and owned by root, and I jot down the number of them. If this number gets larger it may indicate a security breech. Why



The SUID bit is a type of permission files that is previously granted to a file. In Linux when you run a program, these special permissions are inherited to the user who is working. The SUID grants permissions to a user temporarily.


If the time lengthens, it is possibly due to a security breach. A change of the password is recommended, through the passwd command. Through this command, some files cannot be opened or seen by the user, only by the user who has root permissions. By configuring the passwd through the SUID we can grant root user permissions to any type of user, so that in such case update, use the shadow and files.

Monitoring setuid root programs helps spot security risks. These programs have high privileges and can be exploited if compromised. A sudden increase might indicate a new risky program or a malicious attack. But it's not the only sign, so stay familiar with your system's programs.

You're right on track! Monitoring the number of setuid programs owned by root is a good security practice. Here's why:

Setuid programs have elevated privileges: The `setuid` bit allows a program to run with the permissions of the file's owner, even if the user running it doesn't have those permissions themselves. This is useful for some programs that need to access resources or perform actions that normal users can't.

Root ownership implies high privilege: Programs owned by `root` have the highest level of permissions on the system.  

Security vulnerabilities in setuid root programs are critical: If a program with `setuid` and root ownership has a security vulnerability, an attacker can exploit it to gain complete control of the system. This is because the program is already running with the most powerful privileges.

By monitoring the number of `setuid root` programs, you can potentially detect:

Accidental addition:*A new program might have been incorrectly given `setuid` privileges, creating an unnecessary risk.

Malicious activity: An attacker might try to add a malicious program with `setuid root` permissions to gain access.

However, it's important to note that a sudden increase isn't the only indicator of a security breach. Here are some additional points to consider:

Some legitimate programs require setuid root: There are valid reasons for some system programs to be `setuid root`. You'll need to be familiar with the expected setuid programs on your system.  

Look for changes in specific programs: A program that wasn't previously `setuid root` becoming so is more suspicious than a known program remaining setuid.  

In conjunction with monitoring the number of `setuid root` programs, consider these security practices:

Keep your system updated: This includes patching the kernel and all installed software.

Minimize the number of setuid root programs: If a program doesn't strictly need `setuid` privileges, remove them.

Use tools for a more comprehensive security check:  There are system security scanners that can help identify vulnerabilities in setuid programs.

Which of the following types of malware is self-replicating within computer systems and may have a payload which can delete, encrypt, and/or email files on the host computer?a. Trojanb. Rootkitc. Wormd. Backdoor



The answer is "Worm"


Worm is a kind of malware, which primarily infects certain machines whereas remaining on compromised devices. It replicates the malware, which itself to uninfected by computers, and certain options were wrong which can be defined as follows:

In option a, It specifically targets the android devices. In option b, It is intended to cover up other processes. In option d, It is used in unauthorized remote access.

Consider the following code segment: theSum = 0.0 while True: number = input("Enter a number: ") if number == ": break theSum += float(number) How many iterations does this loop perform?


n where n is the number of chances user takes to enter a blank number and n>=1.


The loop starts with a universal condition where it is initialized using a true value. Hence the iteration count goes to 1. The user is asked to enter a number after 1st iteration. If number is a blank number, the loop is terminated, else the loop goes on until the users enters a blank number. Hence the iterations depend on the number of chances taken by the user to enter a blank number. Since the user is going to enter a number at least once, the minimum value of n will be 1.

Final answer:

The provided code segment includes an indeterminate while loop that performs iterations based on user input. The loop stops only when the user inputs a colon, with the number of iterations being entirely dependent on the user.


The question concerns a while loop in a code segment that runs indefinitely until the user enters a specific character (please note there is a typo in the original question, it should be "if number == ":"). We are asked how many iterations this loop performs. In this case, the number of iterations is indeterminate, as it depends entirely on the user's actions. Each time the user inputs a number, the loop completes one iteration. The loop only stops (breaks) when the user inputs a colon (":").

Since the user can potentially input an infinite number of numbers before entering the colon, there's no fixed number of iterations that we can provide. The loop is designed to accumulate a sum of the numbers entered by the user, which is a common programming task in various programming languages.

Write a Scheme function that takes two atoms and a list as parameters and returns a list identical to the parameter list except all occurrences of the first given atom in the list are replaced with the second given atom, no matter how deeply the first atom is nested.



(define (delete-atom list atom )

(cond ((null? list) '()) ;;if list is empty returns empty

((equal? (car list) atom) (delete-atom (cdr list) atom)) ;;checking fiest element of element of list with item

(else (cons (car list) (delete-atom (cdr list) atom))))) ;;recursively check for rest of the elements


atom is first compared with first element of list, if both are equal it recursively calls that function with deleting first element. if both are not equal it cons the first element and recursively calls rest of the elements.

Obeserve that if list is nested list for ex '((1 2) 2 3) and if we want to delete 2 it returns ((1 2) 3) becuase it deletes top level of 2 only. when (car list) i., (2 3) compared with 2, both are not equal and it cons the entire sublist ((2 3) and recursively calls delete-atom function. so it doesn't deletes the element inside and deletes top level only.

Consider a simple list '( 1 2 3). Here deleting 1 is just a simple deletion and returns (2 3)

consider deleting 1 from top level of a nested list '(1 2 3 (1 3) 1 3 4) returns (2 3 (1 3) 3

Given dictionaries, d1 and d2, create a new dictionary with the following property: for each entry (a, b) in d1, if a is not a key of d2 (i.e., not a in d2) then add (a,b) to the new dictionary for each entry (a, b) in d2, if a is not a key of d1 (i.e., not a in d1) then add (a,b) to the new dictionary For example, if d1 is {2:3, 8:19, 6:4, 5:12} and d2 is {2:5, 4:3, 3:9}, then the new dictionary should be {8:19, 6:4, 5:12, 4:3, 3:9} Associate the new dictionary with the variable d3

Done in Python please!

Here's what I have:

d3 = {}

for i,v in d1.items():

if v in d2.keys():
d3[i] = d2[v]



Python code explained below


# python code

import sys

import readline

from sys import stdin

import random

d1 = {2:3, 8:19, 6:4, 5:12}

d2 = {2:5, 4:3, 3:9}

d3 = {}

#for each entry (a, b) in d1

for i,v in d1.items():

  # if a is not a key of d2

  if i not in d2.keys():

      # add (a,b) to the new dictionary

      d3[i] = v

# for each entry (a, b) in d2

for i,v in d2.items():

  # if a is not a key of d1

  if i not in d1.keys():

      #add (a,b) to the new dictionary

      d3[i] = v

print "d3: ", d3

#output: d3: {8: 19, 3: 9, 4: 3, 5: 12, 6: 4}


d1 = {2:3, 8:19, 6:4, 5:12}

d2 = {2:5, 4:3, 3:9}

d3 = {}

for key,value in d1.items():  

       if key not in d2.keys():

                   d3[key] = value

for key,value in d2.items():

        if key not in d1.keys():

                   d3[key] = value



The code is written in python as instructed from the question.

d1 = {2:3, 8:19, 6:4, 5:12}  This is the d1 dictionary entry with the key-value pair.

d2 = {2:5, 4:3, 3:9}   This is the d2 entry with the key-value pair.

d3 = {}  This is an empty dictionary to unpack values

for key,value in d1.items():  This code loops through dictionary d1 and get the key-value pair

if key not in d2.keys():  If any of key in d1 is not in d2 keys.

d3[key] = value  Then add the key-value pair to the empty d3

for key,value in d2.items():  This code loops through dictionary d2 and get the key-value pair

if key not in d1.keys():   If any of key in d2 is not in d1 keys

d3[key] = value  Then add the key-value pair to the empty d3

print(d3)  Display the final key-value pairs of d3

Consider an ERD for a beauty salon in which there is a superclass entity EMPLOYEE with four subclasses:
A HAIR_STYLIST is a specialization of EMPLOYEE and can also inherit from the MANAGER class. Which of the following terms best describes the relationship between HAIR_STYLIST, EMPLOYEE, and MANAGER?
O multiple inheritance
O tree structure
O single inheritance
O partial and disjoint



Partial and disjoint


Since there is overlapping in relationship of HAIR_STYLIST and MANAGER it can't be tree structure.

A MANAGER can or can't be HAIR_STYLIST. In order for the relationship to be multiple inhertiance am entity in sub-class has to be union of all subclasses

In single inheritance, a sub-class has to be a union of a single super class.

In partial and disjoint, some entity in super class may or may not be related to a sub-class.

The easiest type of error to fix is Group of answer choices a runtime error because the program will halt when it gets to the error a user error because you can rewrite the code to account for this a syntax error because web browsers and IDEs provide helpful error messages a logic error because the program will run even with a logic error



A Syntax error because web browsers and IDEs provide helpful error messages


A Syntax error occurs when an aspect of a code don't completely  conform to the syntax of the programming language. They are mistakes in the source code, such as the misspelling of an instruction  or failure to declare a label before using it in the program. This   can be easily corrected by going back to the code to trace where the error and correcting it.

The GNU/Linux operating system comes with many built-in utilities for getting real work done. For example, imagine you had to analyze thousands of files as part of a digital forensics investigation. One utility you might use is the wc command, which prints the newline, word, and byte counts for a given file. For example, if a file contained the text "This is the first line.\nThis is the second.", the wc command would print 1 9 43 (i.e., 1 newline character, 9 words, 43 total characters). For this exercise, you will implement a similar utility. Create a new class named WordCount that has a single method named analyze that takes a string parameter named text and returns an array of three integers. This method should count the number of newlines, words, and characters in the given string. (The return value is an array of these three counts.) Note that a "word" is any sequence of characters separated by whitespace. Hint: You can use a Scanner to count the number of words in a string. The method returns the next word, ignoring whitespace.



Detailed solution is given below:

Suppose that the UDP receiver computes the Internet checksum for the received UDP segment and finds that it matches the value carried in the checksum field.
Can the receiver be absolutely certain that no bit errors have occurred?



No, the receiver cannot be absolutely certain that no bit errors have occurred. This is because of the manner in which the checksum for the packet is calculated. If the corresponding bits (that would be added together) of two 16-bit words in the packet were 0 and 1 then even if these get flipped to 1 and 0 respectively, the sum still remains the same. Hence, the 1s complement the receiver calculates will also be the same. This means the checksum will verify even if there was transmission error


No, the receiver cannot be confident that there haven't been any bit mistakes.

What is UDP?

UDP stands for user data protocol. UDP is defined as a messaging protocol that makes it easier for computers to communicate with one another via a network. A communications protocol called User Datagram Protocol (UDP) is largely used to provide low-latency, loss-tolerant connections between internet-based applications. UDP allows data to be transferred before the receiving party provides an agreement, which speeds up transfers.

A checksum field on UDP allows for the detection of IP header errors; if a checksum error is found, the IP header checksum is recalculated before the IP packet is delivered. Therefore, it cannot ensure that your package will reach the receiver. However, UDP does guarantee that if it is delivered, it will be error-free.

Thus, no, the receiver cannot be confident that there haven't been any bit mistakes.

To learn more about UDP, refer to the link below:


Which sort has the best big-oh in the best case? Which sort has the best big-oh in the worst case? Which sort does the most swapping in the worst case. Which sorts swap? Which sorts shift? What is the best big-oh off all the sorts?



The answer to these questions can be defined as below:


Question 1:

In the best case big-oh the bubble and selection sort is used, where bubble style simply swaps the items, whereas the sort of sorting takes place by choosing the element.

Question 2:

In the worst case, the merge and selection is used, where Merge-sort splits the list into two sub-lists equally and incessantly names itself in the sublists to still be sorted, whereas Heap-sort is an anti-recursive type.  

Question 3:

In the worst case of swapping the bubble sort algorithm is used.

Question 4:

In sorts of swap selection, bubble, and quick sort is used.

Question 5:

Insertion sorts provide the shift sorts.

Question 6:

The best big-oh is o(n), in the worst case, best case complexity of different sorts are different.

Find the number of times a value appears in a list, and create a new list that contains the index positions where the value occurs in the list argument.



Program :

list_1=[]#take the empty list.

size=int(input("Enter the size of the list: "))#take the size of the list from the user

for x in range(size): #for loop which insert the elemnt on the list.

   list_1.append(int(input("Enter the "+str(x+1)+" element of the list: ")))#take the user input and insert the element.

element=int(input("Enter the element to be searched: "))#it take the elemnt to search.

loc=1#intialize the location value.


for x in list_1:#for loop to check the element.

   if(x==element): #check the element.

       print(loc,end=", ")#print the location of the element.




   print("The element is not present on the list")#print when elemnt are not present.


If the user input 5 for the size and 1,2,3,4,5 for the list and 5 for the element, then it will print 5.


The above code is in python language which is used to take the size for the list, then take the value to add on the list.Then the element is entered from the user to search on the list.Then the element is searched on the list with the help of for loop.It prints the location when the element is matched.

Write an if-else statement to describe an integer. Print "Positive even number" if isEven and is Positive are both true. Print "Positive number" if isEven is false and is Positive is true. Print "Not a positive number" otherwise. End with newline.



C code explained below


#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdbool.h>

int main(void) {

int userNum;

bool isPositive;

bool isEven;

scanf("%d", &userNum);

isPositive = (userNum > 0);

isEven = ((userNum % 2) == 0);

if(isPositive && isEven){

  printf("Positive even number");


else if(isPositive && !isEven){

  printf("Positive number");



  printf("Not a positive number");



return 0;


Design a program that gives simple math quizzes. The program should display two random numbers that are to be added, such as


+ 129

The program (Java language) should allow the student to enter the answer. If the answer is correct, a message of congratulations should be displayed. If the answer is incorrect, a message showing the correct answer should be displayed

Here is the pseudo-code to follow

//Declare the variables to hold intermediate and final values

Declare Integer rand1, rand2, sum ans

//Get the random numbers generated by the function

//random and assign those values in rand1 and rand2 respectively

Set rand1 = random(1, 999)

Set rand2 = random(1, 999)

//Dsiplay rand1 and rand2 in a formatted way treated for addition




import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.Random; public class Main {    public static void main(String[] args) {        int rand1, rand2, sum, ans;        Random rand = new Random();        rand1 = rand.nextInt(1000);        rand2 = rand.nextInt(1000);        sum = rand1 + rand2;        System.out.println(rand1 + " + " + rand2);         Scanner input = new Scanner(;        System.out.print("Please enter your answer: ");        ans = input.nextInt();        if(ans == sum){            System.out.println("Congratulations! You did it right!");        }else{            System.out.println("Wrong answer. The correct answer should be " + sum);        }    } }


Firstly import Scanner and Random libraries which will be used to get input number and to generate random value (Line 1 -2).

Next declare all the necessary variables as given in pseudo-code (Line 7 - 8)

Then use nextInt method to randomly generate integer and assign them to rand1 and rand 2, respectively (Line 10 - 11). Next, sum up the two random values and assign it to variable ans (Line 12).

Display the two random numbers (Line 14) and create a Scanner object and prompt user input for answer (Line 16- 18).

Create an if-else condition to check if the input answer (ans) is equal to the real answer (sum) and display the appropriate message accordingly (Line 20 - 24).

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