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Which is the BEST summary of this article? The First EarthSenator G. A. Nelson brought about changes to lawsregarding pollution by creating Earth Day. Inspired by theteach-ins of Vietnam War protestors, Nelson announced aday of demonstrations for the environment, to be held AprilDay1 It may be hard to imagine today,but not too long ago it wasperfectly legal for a factory topollute the air or for a business todump toxic waste into a river.There were no laws or regulationsto stop them. One motivatedlawmaker, Senator G. A. Nelson ofWisconsin, had a simple idea thathelped change all of that. Hecreated Earth Day.(1) Not long ago, it was legal for factories to dump waste inrivers, but Senator G. A. Nelson made the environment a focusof his work by thinking of Earth Day. On April 22, 1970,20million Americans participated. Earth Day is still celebrated1 of 8Earth Day was a good idea started by Menator G. A. Nelson ofWisconsin to save our environment. In 1969, most politiciansignored the environment, but Nelson thought a national day ofteach-ins, called Earth Day, would help politicians wake up.