______________ are attacks that obtain access by means of remote services, such as vendor networks, employee remote access tools, and point-of sale (POS) devices. Improperly segmented network environment Malicious code or malware Insecure wireless Insecure remote access


Answer 1




A virus is an attack with malicious code that can affect the computer and can restrict specific things.

Related Questions

The function below takes one parameter: a list of strings (string_list). Complete the function to return a single string from string_list. In particular, return the string that contains the most copies of the word the as upper case or lower case. Be sure, however, to return the string with its original capitalization. You may want to use the count() method of sequences to implement this function.



def string_with_most_the(string_list):

   index = 0

   count = []

   max_length = 0

   for i in range(len(string_list)):

       s1 = string_list[i].lower()


       if count[i] > max_length:

           max_length = count[i]

           index = i

   return string_list[index]


Create a function called string_with_most_the that takes one parameter, string_list

Inside the function:

Initialize the variables

Initialize a for loop that iterates through string_list

Set the lower case version of the strings in string list to s1

Count how many "the" each string in string_list contain and put the counts in the count list

If any string has more "the" than the previous one, set its count as new maximum, and update its index

When the loop is done, return the string that has maximum number of "the", string_list[index]

This program builds on the program developed in part
1. This program will read a word search from the provided file name. you will develop six methods, (1) a method to search for a word placed in a horizontal direction(rows) in the word search,
(2) a method to search for a word placed in a vertical direction (columns) in the word search,
(3) a method to search for a word placed in a diagonal direction in the word search, and
(4) test methods for the horizontal, vertical, and diagonal search methods.



The solution is in C++


// C++ programs to search a word in a 2D grid  


using namespace std;  

// Rows and columns in given grid  

#define R 3  

#define C 14  

// For searching in all 8 direction  

int x[] = { -1, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1 };  

int y[] = { -1, 0, 1, -1, 1, -1, 0, 1 };  

// This function searches in all 8-direction from point  

// (row, col) in grid[][]  

bool search2D(char grid[R][C], int row, int col, string word)  


// If first character of word doesn't match with  

// given starting point in grid.  

if (grid[row][col] != word[0])  

return false;  

int len = word.length();  

// Search word in all 8 directions starting from (row,col)  

for (int dir = 0; dir < 8; dir++)  


 // Initialize starting point for current direction  

 int k, rd = row + x[dir], cd = col + y[dir];  

 // First character is already checked, match remaining  

 // characters  

 for (k = 1; k < len; k++)  


  // If out of bound break  

  if (rd >= R || rd < 0 || cd >= C || cd < 0)  


  // If not matched, break  

  if (grid[rd][cd] != word[k])  


  // Moving in particular direction  

  rd += x[dir], cd += y[dir];  


 // If all character matched, then value of must  

 // be equal to length of word  

 if (k == len)  

  return true;  


return false;  


// Searches given word in a given matrix in all 8 directions  

void patternSearch(char grid[R][C], string word)  


// Consider every point as starting point and search  

// given word  

for (int row = 0; row < R; row++)  

for (int col = 0; col < C; col++)  

 if (search2D(grid, row, col, word))  

  cout << "pattern found at " << row << ", "

   << col << endl;  


// Driver program  

int main()  


char grid[R][C] = {"GEEKSFORGEEKS",  




patternSearch(grid, "GEEKS");  

cout << endl;  

patternSearch(grid, "EEE");  

return 0;  


This response outlines the creation of a word search program including six key methods: horizontal, vertical, and diagonal search methods, along with their respective test methods to ensure accuracy.

In this task, we aim to develop a program that reads a word search from a file and includes six main methods. Below are the steps and methods you need to implement:

1. Horizontal Search Method

Create a method to search for a word placed horizontally in the word search. You can iterate through each row and check for the presence of the target word within that row.

2. Vertical Search Method

Create a method to search for a word placed vertically in the word search. In this method, you'll iterate over each column, constructing potential matches vertically.

3. Diagonal Search Method

Create a method to search for a word placed diagonally in the word search. Handle both diagonals from top-left to bottom-right and top-right to bottom-left.

4. Test Methods

Develop test methods for horizontal, vertical, and diagonal search methods. Ensure you have test cases that cover various scenarios to validate the correctness of your searches.

The code for the following programs are:

class WordSearchSolver:

   def __init__(self, filename):

       self.grid = self.read_word_search(filename)

   def read_word_search(self, filename):

       # Method to read word search from file and return grid


   def horizontal_search(self, word):

       # Method to search for a word horizontally in the grid


   def vertical_search(self, word):

       # Method to search for a word vertically in the grid


   def diagonal_search(self, word):

       # Method to search for a word diagonally in the grid


   def test_methods(self):

       # Test methods for horizontal, vertical, and diagonal search


# Test the class

if __name__ == "__main__":

   filename = "word_search.txt"  # Example filename

   solver = WordSearchSolver(filename)


By implementing these methods, the program can effectively search for words in different orientations within the word search grid.

(a) Show how to use (the Boolean formula satisfiability program) satisfiable num (and substitute) to find a satisfying assignment that minimizes the number of variables set to TRUE. Write the pseudo-code. HINT: eurtottesebtsumselbairavynamwohenimretedtsrif. HINT for hint: sdrawkcabtidaer. (b) How fast is your algorithm? Justify.


Final answer:

To find the satisfying assignment that minimizes the number of variables set to TRUE using the satisfiable num program, follow the provided pseudo-code.


To use the Boolean formula satisfiability program satisfiable num to find a satisfying assignment that minimizes the number of variables set to TRUE, you can follow the pseudo-code:

Convert the Boolean formula to Conjunctive Normal Form (CNF). Assign FALSE to the first variable and check if the formula is still satisfiable. If the formula is still satisfiable, assign TRUE to the first variable. If not, proceed to the next variable. Repeat step 3 for all variables, checking if assigning FALSE minimizes the number of variables set to TRUE. Output the assignment that minimizes the number of variables set to TRUE.

Write a program that illustrates rethrowing an exception. Define methods CISP401Method and CISP401Method2. Method CISP401Method2 should initially throw an exception. Method CISP401Method should call CISP401Method2, catch the exception and rethrow it. Call CISP401Method from method main, and catch the rethrown exception. Print the stack trace of this exception.



See explaination


The code here:

import java.io.*;

public class CISP401V11A5 {

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

try {


} catch (Exception e) {

System.out.println("Exception thrown in " + e.getStackTrace()[0].getMethodName() + "\n");

StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();

e.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(sw));

String exceptionAsString = sw.toString();

String bagBegin = exceptionAsString.substring(0, 19);

String bagEnd = exceptionAsString.substring(19);

System.out.println(bagBegin + ": Exception thrown in " + e.getStackTrace()[0].getMethodName() + bagEnd);



public static void CISP401Method() throws Exception {

try {


} catch (Exception e) {

throw e;



public static void CISP401Method2() throws Exception {

throw new Exception();



See attachment for sample output

Write an application for a condo owner on a Florida Beach. The owner wants an application to be able to accept the season for the rental and the amount of days of the customer wishes to rent the condo. Based on each, the application will determine a final price for the rental.



in_season_price = 120.0

off_season_price = 70.0

price = 0

season = input("Which season you plan to rent \"IN/OFF\" season: ")

days = int(input("Enter the days you want to rent: "))

if season == "IN":

   price = in_season_price * days

elif season == "OFF":

   price = off_season_price * days

print("Rental price is: " + str(price))


Set the prices for in and off season

Ask the user to choose the season and number of days they want to stay

Depending on the user choice calculate the price, multiply the season price with the number of days

Print the total price

he cost of an international call from New York to New Delhi is calculated as follows: connection fee,$1.99; $2.00 for the first three minutes; and $0.45 for each additional minute. Write a program thatprompts the user to input a number. The program should then output the number of minutes the calllasted and output the amount due. Format your output with two decimal places



// This program is written in C++ programming language

// Comments are used for explanatory purpose

// Program starts here


using namespace std;

int main ()


// Declare and initialize variables

float connecfee = 1.99;

float first3 = 2.00;

float addmin = 0.45; float cost;

int minutes;

// Prompt user for minutes talked

cout<<"Enter Number of Minutes: ";


// Calculate cost;

if(minutes < 1)


cout<<"Enter a number greater than 0";


else if(minutes <= 3)


// Calculating cost for minutes less than or equal to 3

cost = connecfee + first3 * minutes;

cout<<"Talk time of "<<minutes<<" minutes costs "<<cost;




cost = connecfee + first3 * 3 + addmin * (minutes - 3);

cout<<"Talk time of "<<minutes<<" minutes costs "<<cost;


return 0;


// End of Program

[1] Please find all the candidate keys and the primary key (or composite primary key) Candidate Key: _______________________ Primary Key: ____________________________ [2] Please find all the functional dependencies ________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ [3] Please find out the second normal form (in relational schema). [4] Please find out the third normal form.



Check the explanation


1. The atomic attributes can't be a primary key because the values in the respective attributes should be unique.

So, the size of the primary key should be more than one.

In order to find the candidate key, let the functional dependencies be obtained.

The functional dependencies are :

Emp_ID -> Name, DeptID, Marketing, Salary

Name -> Emp_ID

DeptID -> Emp_ID

Marketing ->  Emp_ID

Course_ID -> Course Name

Course_Name ->  Course_ID

Date_Completed -> Course_Name

Closure of attribute { Emp_ID, Date_Completed } is { Emp_ID, Date_Completed , Name, DeptID, Marketing, Salary, Course_Name, Course_ID}

Closure of attribute { Name , Date_Completed } is { Name, Date_Completed , Emp_ID , DeptID, Marketing, Salary, Course_Name, Course_ID}

Closure of attribute { DeptID, Date_Completed } is { DeptID, Date_Completed , Emp_ID,, Name, , Marketing, Salary, Course_Name, Course_ID}

Closure of attribute { Marketing, Date_Completed } is { Marketing, Date_Completed , Emp_ID,, Name, DeptID , Salary, Course_Name, Course_ID}.

So, the candidate keys are :

{ Emp_ID, Date_Completed }

{ Name , Date_Completed }

{ DeptID, Date_Completed }

{ Marketing, Date_Completed }

Only one candidate key can be a primary key.

So, the primary key chosen be { Emp_ID, Date_Completed }..


The functional dependencies are :

Emp_ID -> Name, DeptID, Marketing, Salary

Name -> Emp_ID

DeptID -> Emp_ID

Marketing ->  Emp_ID

Course_ID -> Course Name

Course_Name ->  Course_ID

Date_Completed -> Course_Name


For a relation to be in 2NF, there should be no partial dependencies in the set of functional dependencies.

The first F.D. is

Emp_ID -> Name, DeptID, Marketing, Salary

Here, Emp_ID -> Salary ( decomposition rule ). So, a prime key determining a non-prime key is a partial dependency.

So, a separate table should be made for Emp_ID -> Salary.

The tables are R1(Emp_ID, Name, DeptID, Marketing, Course_ID, Course_Name, Date_Completed)

and R2( Emp_ID , Salary)

The following dependencies violate partial dependency as a prime attribute -> prime attribute :

Name -> Emp_ID

DeptID -> Emp_ID

Marketing ->  Emp_ID

The following dependencies violate partial dependency as a non-prime attribute -> non-prime attribute :

Course_ID -> Course Name

Course_Name ->  Course_ID

So, no separate tables should be made.

The functional dependency Date_Completed -> Course_Name has a partial dependency as a prime attribute determines a non-prime attribute.

So, a separate table is made.

The final relational schemas that follows 2NF are :

R1(Emp_ID, Name, DeptID, Marketing, Course_ID, Course_Name, Date_Completed)

R2( Emp_ID , Salary)

R3 (Date_Completed, Course_Name, Course_ID)

For a relation to be in 3NF, the functional dependencies should not have any transitive dependencies.

The functional dependencies in R1(Emp_ID, Name, DeptID, Marketing, Date_Completed) is :

Emp_ID -> Name, DeptID, Marketing

This violates the transitive property. So, no table is created.

The functional dependencies in R2 (  Emp_ID , Salary) is :

Emp_ID -> Salary

The functional dependencies in R3 (Date_Completed, Course_Name, Course_ID) are :

Date_Completed -> Course_Name

Course_Name   ->  Course_ID

Here there is a transitive dependency as a non- prime attribute ( Course_Name ) is determining a non-attribute ( Course_ID ).

So, a separate table is made with the concerned attributes.

The relational schemas which support 3NF re :

R1(Emp_ID, Name, DeptID, Course_ID, Marketing, Date_Completed) with candidate key as Emp_ID.

R2 (  Emp_ID , Salary) with candidate key Emp_ID.

R3 (Date_Completed, Course_Name ) with candidate key Date_Completed.

R4 ( Course_Name, Course_ID ).  with candidate keys Course_Name and Course_ID.

read_data Define a function named read_data with two parameters. The first parameter will be a csv reader object (e.g., the value returned when calling the function csv.reader) and the second parameter will be a list of strings representing the keys for this data. The list matches the order of data in the file, so the second parameter's first entry is the key to use for data in the file's first column, the second parameter's second entry is the key to use for data in the file's second column, and so on. The function's first parameter will be a csv reader object and not a string. This means you do not need the with..as nor create the csv reader in your function, but this will be done in the code calling your function. For example, to execute read_data using a file named "smallDataFileWithoutHeaders.csv" you would write the following code: with open("smallDataFileWithoutHeaders.csv") as f_in: csv_r = csv.reader(f_in) result = read_data(csv_r,['tow_date','tow_reason']) You would then want to include code to check that header had the expected value. The function should return a list of dictionaries. This list will contain a dictionary for each row read using the first parameter. The keys of these dictionaries will be the entries in the second parameter and the values will be the data read in from the file (you can assume there will be equal numbers list entries and columns).
For example, suppose the lines of the file being read by csv_r were:



then the call read_data(csv_r,['tow_date','tow_reason']) would need to return:

[{'tow_date': '2015-12-30', 'tow_reason': 'IL'},
{'tow_date': '2018-04-07', 'tow_reason': 'GA'}]



Check the explanation


Given below is the code for the question. PLEASE MAKE SURE INDENTATION IS EXACTLY AS SHOWN IN IMAGE.

import csv

def read_data(csv_r, keys):

  data = []

  for row in csv_r:

      mydict = {}

      for i in range(len(keys)):

          mydict[keys[i]] = row[i]


  return data


Which of the following is not regression test case? A. A representative sample of tests that will exercise all software functions B. Additional tests that focus on software functions that are likely to be affected by the change C. Tests that focus on the software components that have been changed D. Low-level components are combined into clusters that perform a specific software sub-function



D. Low-level components are combined into clusters that perform a specific software sub-function


Normally, regression testing are done on a manual basis by simply re-executing a subset of the entire available test cases or it can be done automatically by utilizing playback tools or automated capture. Hence, from the options, a combination of low-level components into clusters that perform a specific sub-function does not align with how regression testing are done either manually or automatically.

Low-level components are combined into clusters that perform a specific software sub-function. Thus option D is correct.

What is a regression test?

Regression testing is a statistical method of finding the relation between variables and is done by use of software such as functional and non-functional. It ensures that the development  of the software are made by utilizing playback tools or capture.

Thus, the options, are a combination of the low-level components into the clusters that perform specific sub-functions.

Find out more information about the regression.


Use greedy approach to implement fractional knapsack problem. a. Ask user for knapsack capacity. b. Ask user for n objects weights and profits or read an input.txt that contains n objects weights and profits. c. List objects that maximize the profit and show the maximum profit as output considering knapsack capacity.



see explaination



* To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties.

* To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates

* and open the template in the editor.


package knapsack;

import java.util.*;



* atauthor Administrator


public class MyKnapsack {

static int max(int a, int b) { return (a > b)? a : b; }

static int calculate(int W, int wt[], int val[], int n)


if (n == 0 || W == 0)

return 0;

if (wt[n-1] > W)

return calculate(W, wt, val, n-1);

else return max( val[n-1] + calculate(W-wt[n-1], wt, val, n-1),

calculate(W, wt, val, n-1)



public static void main(String[] args)


Scanner sc=new Scanner(System.in);

System.out.printf("|Enter value of capacity");

int Capacity =sc.nextInt();

System.out.printf("|Enter value of number of objects");

int n=sc.nextInt();

int profits[] = new int[n];

int weight[] = new int[n];

System.out.printf("|Enter values for profits");

for(int i=0;i<n;i++)




System.out.printf("|Enter values for weights");

for(int j=0;j<n;j++)




System.out.println(calculate(Capacity,weight, profits, n));


Note: change the at with the sign


You are asked to design a system of FP numbers representation (with your own design choices), labeled Custom_FP_48, for which we have 48 bits at our disposal in order to represent a number, in analogy with the IEEE 754 prototype. You are asked to provide: a) The types for evaluating this number b) The width of representation of these numbers (upper and lower) 6 c) The maximu



Check the explanation


The most significant bit is the sign bit (S), with 0 for positive numbers and 1 for negative numbers.

   Normalize significand: 1.0 ? |significand| < 2.0

       Always has a leading pre-binary-point 1 bit, so no need to represent it explicitly (hidden bit)

   The following 9 bits represent exponent (E).(0 TO 511)

       E is : actual exponent + Bias

       Bias = 255;

   The remaining 38 bits represents fraction (F).

Width of representation

smallest value :

   Exponent: 000000001 because 000000000 is reserved

       actual exponent = 1 – 255 = –254

   Fraction: 000…00  \rightarrow significand = 1.0

Kindly check the attached image below to see the concluding solution to the question above.

) Suppose algorithm A takes 10 seconds to handle a data set of 1000 records. Suppose the algorithm A is of complexity O(n2). Answer the following: (i) Approximately how long will it take to handle a data set of 1500 records? Why? (ii) How long will it take to handle a data set of 5000 records? Can you come up with a reason why this will not be entirely accurate but will just be an approximation?



i) The time taken for 1500 records = 15 seconds.

ii) The time taken for 1500 records = 50 seconds.


A is an O(n) algorithm.

An algorithm with O(n) efficiency is described as a linearly increasing algorithm, this mean that the rate at which the input increases is linear to the time needed to compute that algorithm with n inputs.

From the question, it is given that for 1000 records, the time required is: 10 seconds.

Algorithm time taken is O(n)


1) For 1,500 records

=> 10/1000 = x/1500

=> 10x1500/1000 = x

x = 15 seconds

Thus, the time taken for 1500 records = 15 seconds.

2) For 5,000 records

=> 10/1000 = x/5000

=> 10x5000/1000 = x

x = 50 seconds

Thus, the time taken for 1500 records = 50 seconds.

g given the signature of a function void ascendingwords(char sentence[], int size), where sentence is an array of characters(i.e. a null terminated string) and size is the amount of memory allocated for the buffer sentence. Complete the function to print the words in the sentence in an ascending order. the user needs to provide the input. for example if the sentence is Programming is Fun. then the function should print the output Fun is Programming



// This program is written in C++ programming language

// Comments are used for explanatory purpose

// Program starts here


using namespace std;

// Function starts here

string ascendingwords(string sentence)


// Calculate length of input text

int len = sentence.length() - 1;

// Create a begin and end variable

int begin, end = len + 1;

// Declare and initialize an output string

string output = "";

// Perform iteration while there's still some text in the input string

while(len >= 0)


if(sentence[len] == ' ')


begin = len + 1;

while(begin != end)

output += sentence[start++];

output += ' ';

end = len;




begin = 0;

while(begin != end)

output += sentence[begin++];

return output;


// Main method starts here

int main()


// Declare string

string sentence;

// Prompt user for input

cout<<"Enter a string: ";


cout <<ascendingwords(sentence);

return 0;


If I asked you to design a client server application that would work as a progressive slot machine (if you don't know what that is look it up before proceeding) client server application...what three choices would you make for that, why? Is the design much different from the time synchronization server?




Iterative vs Concurrent:

An iterative server handles both the association demand and the exchange engaged with the call itself. Iterative servers are genuinely straightforward and are reasonable for exchanges that don't keep going long.

Be that as it may, if the exchange takes additional time, lines can develop rapidly, when Client A beginnings an exchange with the server, Client B can't make a call until A has wrapped up.

In this way, for extensive exchanges, an alternate kind of server is required — the simultaneous server, Here, Client A has just settled an association with the server, which has then made a youngster server procedure to deal with the exchange. This permits the server to process Client B's solicitation without trusting that An's exchange will finish. Beyond what one youngster server can be begun along these lines. TCP⁄IP gives a simultaneous server program called the IMS™ Listener.

Some idea on on time synchronization is Synchronization of Clocks: Software-Based Solutions


1.time stamps of real-time clocks

2.message passing

3. round-trip time (local measurement)

4.Cristian’s algorithm

5.Berkeley algorithm

6.Network time protocol (Internet)

A system time server isn't something numerous entrepreneurs consider, and timekeeping is generally not a need for organize executives. In any case, legitimate system time synchronization is a fundamental piece of checking a system and settling issues inside it.

We will use linear interpolation in a C program to estimate the population of NJ between the years of the census, which takes place every 10 years. For our program the x's are the years and the y's are the population. So given a year, we will use linear interpolation to calculate the population for that year, using the surrounding census years.

1. read the data from the file njpopulation.dat into two arrays, one for the years and one for the populations
2. use int for the years and float for the populations
3. create a loop to do the following, until the user enters 0 1. prompt the user to enter a year between 1790 and 2010 2. give an error message and reprompt if the user enters a value outside the valid range 3. use linear interpolation to approximate the population for the given year
4. print the year and the approximate population; print the population with two decimal places



See explaination for program code


program code below:


int main()


//file pointer to read from the file

FILE *fptr;

//array to store the years

int years[50];

//array to store the population

float population[50];

int n = 0, j;

//variables for the linear interpolation formula

float x0,y0,x1,y1,xp,yp;

//opening the file

fptr = fopen("njpopulation.dat", "r");

if (fptr != NULL)


//reading data for the file

while(fscanf(fptr, "%d %f", &years[n], &population[n]) == 2)


//prompting the user

int year = -1;

printf("Enter the years for which the population is to be estimated. Enter 0 to stop.\n\n");

while(year != 0)


printf("Enter the year (1790 - 2010) : ");

scanf("%d", &year);

if (year >= 1790 && year <= 2010)


//calculating the estimation

xp = year;

for (j = 0; j < n; j++)


if (year == years[j])


//if the year is already in the table no nedd for calculation

yp = population[j];


else if (j != n - 1)


//finding the surrounding census years

if (year > years[j] && year < years[j + 1])


//point one

x0 = years[j];

y0 = population[j];

//point two

x1 = years[j + 1];

y1 = population[j + 1];

//interpolation formula

yp = y0 + ((y1-y0)/(x1-x0)) * (xp - x0);




printf("\nEstimated population for year %d : %.2f\n\n", year, yp);


else if (year != 0)


printf("\nInvalid chioce!!\n\n");







printf("File cannot be opened!!");



return 0;



Enter the years for which the population is to be estimated. Enter 0 to stop.

Enter the year (1790 - 2010) : 1790

Estimated population for year 1790 : 184139.00

Enter the year (1790 - 2010) : 1855

Estimated population for year 1855 : 580795.00

Enter the year (1790 - 2010) : 2010

Estimated population for year 2010 : 8791894.00

Enter the year (1790 - 2010) : 4545

Invalid chioce!!

Enter the year (1790 - 2010) : 1992

Estimated population for year 1992 : 7867020.50

Enter the year (1790 - 2010) : 0


Banks have many different types of accounts often with different rules for fees associated with transactions such as withdrawals. Customers can transfer funds between accounts incurring the appropriate fees associated with withdrawal of funds from one account.Write a program with a base class for a bank account and two derived classes as described belowrepresenting accounts with different rules for withdrawing funds. Also write a function that transfers funds from one account of any type to anotheraccount of any type.A transfer is a withdrawal from one accountand a deposit into the other.



See explaination


// Defination of MoneyMarketAccount CLASS

MoneyMarketAccount::MoneyMarketAccount(string name, double balance)


acctName = name;

acctBalance = balance;


int MoneyMarketAccount::getNumWithdrawals() const


return numWithdrawals;


int MoneyMarketAccount::withdraw(double amt)


if (amt < 0)


cout << "Attempt to withdraw negative amount - program terminated."<< endl;



if((numWithdrawals < FREE_WITHDRAWALS) && (amt <= acctBalance)){

acctBalance = acctBalance - amt;

return OK;


if((numWithdrawals >= FREE_WITHDRAWALS) &&((amt + WITHDRAWAL_FEE) <= acctBalance)){

acctBalance = acctBalance - (amt + WITHDRAWAL_FEE);

return OK;




// Defination of CDAccount CLASS

CDAccount::CDAccount(string name, double balance, double rate)


acctName = name;

acctBalance = balance;

interestRate = rate/100.0;


int CDAccount::withdraw(double amt)


if (amt < 0)


cout << "Attempt to withdraw negative amount - program terminated."<< endl;



double penalty = (PENALTY*interestRate*acctBalance);

if((amt + penalty) <= acctBalance){

acctBalance = acctBalance - (amt + penalty);

return OK:





void transfer (double amt, BankAccount& fromAcct, BankAccount& toAcct)


if (amt < 0 || fromAcct.acctBalance < 0 || toAcct < 0)


cout << "Attempt to transfer negative amount - program terminated."<< endl;



if(fromAcct.withdraw(amt) == OK){ // if withdraw function on fromAcct return OK, then me can withdraw amt from fromAcct

// and deposit in toAcct

toAcct.acctBalance = toAcct.acctBalance + amt;



Consider a system consisting of processes P1 , P2 , ..., Pn , each of which has a unique priority number. Write a monitor that allocates three identical printers to these processes, using the priority numbers for deciding the order of allocation.



See explaination


The code

type printer = monitor

var P: array[0…2] of boolean;

X: condition;

procedure acquire (id: integer, printer-id: integer);


if P[0] and P[1] and P[2] then X.wait(id)

if not P[0] then printer-id := 0;

else if not P[1] then printer-id := 1;

else printer-id := 2;



procedure release (printer-id: integer)






P[0] := P[1] := P[2] := false;

end ;


Monitors are implemented by using queues to keep track of the processes attempting to become active int he monitor. To be active, a monitor must obtain a lock to allow it to execute the monitor code. Processes that are blocked are put in a queue of processes waiting for an unblocking event to occur.

This solution utilizes a monitor to allocate printers to processes based on their unique priority numbers.

To allocate three identical printers to a system of processes P1, P2, ..., Pn, each of which has a unique priority number, we can utilize a monitor structure.
The monitor ensures that higher priority processes get access to the printers before lower priority ones.
Here is a pseudocode example of how such a monitor can be implemented,

monitor PrinterAllocation {
   int availablePrinters = 3;
   condition printerAvailable;
   int[] priorityQueue = new int[n]; // stores process IDs based on priority
   boolean[] waiting = new boolean[n]; // to track waiting processes

   // Function to request a printer
   procedure requestPrinter(int processID, int priority) {
       priorityQueue[priority] = processID;
       waiting[processID] = true;
       while (availablePrinters == 0 || !highestPriority(processID)) {
       waiting[processID] = false;

   // Function to release a printer
   procedure releasePrinter() {

   // Check if the process has the highest priority among the waiting ones
   boolean highestPriority(int processID) {
       for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
           if (waiting[priorityQueue[i]] && priorityQueue[i] != processID) {
               return false;
       return true;

In this solution, the monitor uses a condition variable printerAvailable to manage the allocation based on priorities.
The requestPrinter procedure adds processes to the priority queue and waits if no printer is available or if there is a process with a higher priority waiting.
The releasePrinter procedure increases the count of available printers and signals all waiting processes.
The highestPriority function ensures that the highest priority process gets the printer first.

. Write a toString method for this class. The method should return a string containing the base, height and area of the triangle. b. Write an equals method for this class. The method should accept a Triangle object as an argument. It should return true if the argument object contains the same data as the calling object, or false otherwise. c. Write a greaterThan method for this class. The method should accept a Triangle object as an argument. It should return true if the argument object has an area that is greater than the area of the calling object, or false otherwise.



Check the explanation



public class Circle {

private double radius;

public Circle(double r) {

radius = r;


public double getArea() {

return Math.PI * radius * radius;


public double getRadius() {

return radius;


public String toString() {

String str;

str = "Radius: " + radius + "Area: " + getArea();

return str;


public boolean equals(Circle c) {

boolean status;

if (c.getRadius() == radius)

status = true;


status = false;

return status;


public boolean greaterThan(Circle c) {

boolean status;

if (c.getArea() > getArea())

status = true;


status = false;

return status;



I have created a class also to test this class below is the class: -


public class MainCircle {

public static void main(String args[]) {

Circle c = new Circle(2.5);

Circle c1 = new Circle(2.5);

Circle c2 = new Circle(4.5);




System.out.println("Is c and c1 equal : "+c.equals(c1));

System.out.println("Is c2 greater than c1 : "+c1.greaterThan(c2));



Output: -

Radius: 2.5Area: 19.634954084936208

Radius: 2.5Area: 19.634954084936208

Radius: 4.5Area: 63.61725123519331

Is c and c1 equal : true

Is c2 greater than c1 : true

g write a program which will take a list of integer number from the user as input and find the maximum and minimum number from the list. first, ask the user for the size of the array and then populate the array. create two user define functions for finding the minimum and maximum numbers from the array. finally, you need to print the entire list along with the max and min numbers. you have to use arrays and user-define functions for the problem.



see explaination


#include <stdio.h>

// user defined functions

int min(int arr[], int n)


int m=arr[0];

for(int i=1;i<n;i++)



// return minimum

return m;


int max(int arr[], int n)


int m=arr[0];

for(int i=1;i<n;i++)



// return maximum

return m;


int main() {

int n;

// read N

printf("Enter number of elements: ");


// read n values into list

int arr[n];

printf("Enter elements: ");

for(int i=0;i<n;i++)


// find max and min

printf("The List is: ");

for(int i=0;i<n;i++)

printf("%d ",arr[i]);

printf("\nThe minimum value is: %d\n",min(arr,n));

printf("The maximum value is: %d\n",max(arr,n));

return 0;


see attachment for screenshot and output

Write a Python class named Rectangle constructed by a length and width. methods it should have Area()- this should return the area as a value Perimeter()- this should return the total of all the sides as a value Print()- this should print the rectangle such that "Length X Width" Should ask the user to enter the width and length



class Rectangle:

   def __init__(self, length=1, width=1):

       self.length = length

       self.width = width

   def Area(self):

       return self.length * self.width

   def Perimeter(self):

       return 2 * (self.length + self.width)

   def Print(self):

       print(str(self.length) + " X " + str(self.width))

l = float(input("Enter the length: "))

w = float(input("Enter the width: "))

a = Rectangle(l, w)

print(str(a.Area()) + " " + str(a.Perimeter()))



Create a class called Rectangle

Create its constructor, that sets the length and width

Create a method Area to calculate its area

Create a method Perimeter to calculate its perimeter

Create a Print method that prints the rectangle in the required format

Ask the user for the length and width

Create a Rectangle object

Calculate and print its area and perimeter using the methods from the class

Print the rectangle


class Rectangle():

   def __init__(self, l, w):

       self.len = l

       self.wi  = w

   def area(self):

     return self.len*self.wi

   def perimeter(self):

     return self.len+self.len+self.wi+self.wi

   def printing(self):

     print('{} Lenght X Width {}'.format(self.len, self.wi))

length = int(input("enter the length "))

width = int(input("enter the width "))

newRectangle = Rectangle(length, width)


print("Area is: ")


print("The perimeter is: ")



The class rectangle is defined with a constructor that sets the length and width

As required the three methods Area, perimeter and printing are also defined

The input function is used to prompt and receive user input for length and width of the rectangle

An object of the Rectangle class is created and initalilized with the values entered by the user for length and width

The three methods are then called to calculate and return their values

Write a modular program that allows the user to enter a word or phrase and determines whether the word or phrase is a palindrome. A palindrome is a word or phrase that reads the same backwards as forwards. Examples include: civic, kayak, mom, noon, racecar, Never odd or even., and Was it a Rat I saw



import java.util.Scanner;

public class num10 {

   public static void main(String[] args) {

       Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);

       System.out.println("Enter a word");

       String word = in.nextLine();

       String reversed = "";

       //Get the length of the string entered

       int length = word.length();

       //Loop through the string and reverse th string

       for ( int i = length - 1; i >= 0; i-- )

           reversed = reversed + word.charAt(i);

       //Compare the two strings "word" and "reversed"

       if (word.equals(reversed))

           System.out.println(word+" is a palindrome");


           System.out.println(word+" is not a palindrome");




Since we know that a palindrome word is a word that reads the same forward and backward, The Idea here is:

To obtain a word from a user.  Use a for loop to reverse the word and store in another variableUse if....else to compare the two strings and determine if they are equal, if they are equal then the word is palindrome.

Write a calculator program that keeps track of a subtotal like real calculators do. Start by asking the user for an initial number. Inside a loop, asks the user for a mathematical operation and a second number. Do the operation with the first number on the second number. Keep track of the result as a 'subtotal' to be used as the first number when going back to the top of the loop. When the user quits, print out the final result and quit the program. See output for an example for the behavior of the program. The operations should be at least



num1 = float(input("Enter the first number: "))

while True:

   print("Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide, or Quit ?")

   choice = input("Your choice is: ")

   if choice == "Quit":


   num2 = float(input("Enter the second number: "))

   if choice == "Add":

       num1 += + num2

       print("The subtotal is: " + str(num1))

   elif choice == "Subtract":

       num1 -= num2

       print("The subtotal is: " + str(num1))

   elif choice == "Multiply":

       num1 *= num2

       print("The subtotal is: " + str(num1))

   elif choice == "Divide":

       num1 /= num2

       print("The subtotal is: " + str(num1))

print("The final result is: " + str(num1))


Ask the user for the first number

Create a while loop that iterates until specified condition occurs inside the loop

Ask the user for the operation or quitting

If the user chooses quitting, stop the loop. Otherwise, get the second number, perform the operation and print the subtotal

When the loop is done, the user enters Quit, print the final value result

Suppose we perform a sequence of stack operations on a stack whose size never exceeds kk. After every kk operations, we make a copy of the entire stack for backup purposes. Show that the cost of nn stack operations, including copying the stack, is O(n)O(n) by assigning suitable amortized costs to the various stack operations.



The actual cost of  (n) stack operations will be two ( charge for push and pop )


The cost of (n) stack operations involves two charges which are actual cost of operation of the stack which includes charge for pop ( poping an item into the stack) which is one and the charge for push ( pushing an item into the stack ) which is also one. and the charge for copy which is zero. therefore the maximum size of the stack operation can never exceed K because for every k operation there are k units left.

The amortized cost of the stack operation is constant 0 ( 1 ) and the cost of performing an operation on a stack made up of n elements will be assigned as 0 ( n )

The amortized cost of n stack operations, including backup copying after every k operations, remains O(n). This is achieved by assigning an amortized cost of 2 to each operation and distributing the copying cost evenly.

To analyze the cost of stack operations including backups, we consider the sequence of operations and calculate the total cost over time, assigning an amortized cost. Here’s the breakdown:

Each stack operation (push or pop) is assigned an amortized cost of 2.Every k operations, the entire stack is copied. This copy operation takes O(k) time.

Since each operation has an amortized cost of 2, and every k operations involve an additional O(k) time for copying, the total cost for n operations is O(n) over time. This is because the cumulative effect of the every-k copying is distributed evenly across the individual operations, ensuring that the average cost per operation remains constant.

Therefore, the total cost comprises the individual stack operations plus the copying operations, yielding an overall cost of O(n).

a text file has student data such that each line of text has a student first name (a non-empty alphabetic string) followed by exam scores (non-negative integers) separated by spaces. the number of scores might be different for each student, and each student has at least one score. see studentdata1, student data2, and student data3 in the drive folder homework. define a function student_minmax(filename) that has one parameter, the name of the file that has the student data, and returns a dictionary. the dictionary has the student names as keys and, as values, a list of two scores, the min and max scores for that student. for example, the call student_minmax('studentdata1.txt') will return the dictionary: {'joe': [5, 10], 'sue': [7, 10]}.



def student_minmax(filename):  


      Description: Reads student names and finds min and max score

      Input: Name of the file that has the student data

      Output: Dictionary with name as key and value is a list with min and max values


  # Dictionary that holds the results

  studentDict = {}

  # Opening and reading file

  with open(filename, "r") as fp:

      # Reading data line by line

      for line in fp:

          # Stripping new line

          line = line.strip()

          # Splitting into fields

          fields = line.split(' ')

          # Getting name and scores

          name = fields[0]

          scores = []

          scoresStr = fields[1:]

          # Converting to integer

          for score in scoresStr:


          # Storing in dictionary

          studentDict[name] = []




  # Returning dictionary

  return studentDict  


# Testing function

resDict = student_minmax("d:\\Python\\studentMarks.txt")

# Printing dict



What is the purpose of the Excel Function Reference?
to look up functions and their purposes
to add customized functions to the list
to delete functions from the list
to sort and organize functions in the list



To look up functions and their purposes




a on edge


just took the question

The greatest common divisor (GCD) of two values can be computed usingEuclid's algorithm. Starting with the values m and n, we repeatedly applythe formula: n, m = m, ni'.m until m is 0. At that point, n is the GCD ofthe original m and n. Write a program that finds the GCD of two numbersusing this algorithm.



The answer is in the explanation and check the attached file for the output



def gcd(a, b):

  if b > a:

       a, b = b, a

  while b != 0:

       t = b

       b = a % t

       a = t

   return a

def main():

   m = eval(input("Enter m: "))

   n = eval(input("Enter n: "))

   print("GCD(",m,",",n,") = ",gcd(m,n))


Output: check the output in the attached file


I am writing a C++ program.

#include <iostream> // for input output functions

using namespace std; // to identify objects like cin cout

int gcd(int m, int n) {

//function to compute greatest common divisor of two value m and n

  if (n == 0) //if value of n is equal to 0 (base condition)

  return m; // returns the value of m

  return gcd(n, m % n); }

// calls gcd function recursively until base condition is reached  

void get_value(int c, int d){ // function to obtain two values

  cout<<"Enter the two values: "<<endl;

//prompts user to enter values of c and d

  cin>>c>>d; //reads the input values of c and d

  while(c <= 0 || d<= 0){ // the loop continues to ask user to enter positive //values until user enters values greater than 0

      cout<<"Enter a positive value";

      cin>>c>>d;   } //reads values from user

    cout<<"GCD of "<< c <<" and "<< d <<" is "<< gcd(c, d); }

//calls gcd funtion to compute greatest common divisor of two values    

int main() { // main() function body

   int a,b; //two integer variables are declared

   get_value(a,b); // calls this method to take values of a and b from user

   char ch; // used to enter a choice by user to perform gcd again

   while(true)      {

//asks the user if he wants to continue to compute gcd

       cout<<"Would you like to do another computation or not?(Y/N)\n"<<endl;

       cin >> ch; //reads the choice user enters

/*if user enters Y or y then it calls get_value function to take values from user and computer gcd, if user types N or n then the program exits */

       if(ch == 'Y'|| ch =='y'){


       }else if(ch =='N'||ch =='n'){

           break;         }    }}



The program has three methods. gcd method that computes greatest common divisor (GCD) of two values can be computed using Euclid's algorithm. get_value method takes two positive integers from user to find gcd of these values. It keeps asking user to enter positive values until user enters positive values. Third is the main() function which calls get_value function and after computing gcd of two values, asks user to if he wants to find gcd again? If user types Y or y which indicates yes, it moves the program control to get_value function and if user enters n, then the program ends.

This project is to mimic a meeting request system by checking the requesting party’s validity, and the number of people attending. Then it will make a decision as to whether the meeting can take place and display an informative message.

Display a welcome message and then ask the user to enter his/her name Display a personal welcome message by addressing the user by his/her name. Declare a constant and assign a number to it as the Conference Room capacity.

Ask the user how many people are attending the meeting. Display a meaningful message for each of the three different scenarios. The message informs the user whether he/she can have the requested room and also displays the number of people that must be excluded or that can still be invited based on the room capacity. Here are the three scenarios.

people attending are fewer than the Room Capacity
people attending are more than the Room Capacity
people attending are exactly the same as the Room Capacity

The system will keep running until the user quits (meaning all this happens in a loop)



See explaination for the program code




import java.util.Scanner;

public class Meeting {

public static void main(String[] args) {

Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);

final int ROOM_CAPACITY = 100;

int numPeople, diff;

String name;

System.out.println("****** Meeting Organizer ******");

System.out.print("Enter your name: ");

name = input.nextLine();

System.out.println("Welcome " + name);


System.out.print("\nHow many people would attend the meeting? (type 0 to quit): ");

numPeople = input.nextInt();

if(numPeople < 0)

System.out.println("Invalid input!");

else if(numPeople != 0)


if(numPeople > ROOM_CAPACITY)


diff = numPeople - ROOM_CAPACITY;

System.out.println("Sorry! The room can only accommodate " + ROOM_CAPACITY +" people. ");

System.out.println(diff + " people have to drop off");


else if(numPeople < ROOM_CAPACITY)


diff = ROOM_CAPACITY - numPeople;

System.out.println("The meeting can take place. You may still invite " + diff + " people");




System.out.println("The meeting can take place. The room is full");



}while(numPeople != 0);

System.out.println("Goodbye!"); }




****** Meeting Organizer ******

Enter your name: John

Welcome John

How many people would attend the meeting? (type 0 to quit): 40

The meeting can take place. You may still invite 60 people

How many people would attend the meeting? (type 0 to quit): 120

Sorry! The room can only accommodate 100 people.

20 people have to drop off

How many people would attend the meeting? (type 0 to quit): 100

The meeting can take place. The room is full

How many people would attend the meeting? (type 0 to quit): 0


Write a method that takes in two numbers that represent hours worked and hourly pay. The function should return the total amount paid for the hours entered. For any hours over 40, you should receive overtime pay, which is 1.5 times the regular pay.


payday(50, 10.00) --> 550.0
payday(20, 5.00) --> 100.0

public static double payDay(int hours, double pay)



Answer is in the provided screenshot!


Steps required:

check if pay is greater than 40, if so then handle logic for pay over 40, else treat normally.

Create a class that stores an array of usable error messages. Create an OrderException class that stores one of the messages. Create an application that contains prompts for an item number and quantity. Allow for the possibility of nonnumeric entries as well as out-of-range entries and entries that do not match any of the currently available item numbers. The program should display an appropriate message if an error has occurred. If no errors exist in the entered data, compute the user’s total amount due (quantity times price each) and display it.



Check the explanation


Given below is the code for the question.

import java.util.*;

public class PlaceAnOrder


  public static void main(String[] args)


      final int HIGHITEM = 9999;

      final int HIGHQUAN = 12;

      int code;

      int x;

      boolean found;

      final int[] ITEM = {111, 222, 333, 444};

      final double[] PRICE = {0.89, 1.47, 2.43, 5.99};

      int item;

      int quantity;

      double price = 0;

      double totalPrice = 0;

      Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);


          System.out.print("Enter Item number: ");


              item = input.nextInt();

              if(item < 0)

                  throw new OrderException(OrderMessages.message[2]);

              if(item > HIGHITEM)

                  throw new OrderException(OrderMessages.message[3]);


              System.out.print("Enter Item quantity: ");


                  quantity = input.nextInt();


                  if(quantity < 1)

                      throw new OrderException(OrderMessages.message[4]);

                  if(quantity > HIGHQUAN)

                      throw new OrderException(OrderMessages.message[5]);

                  found = false;

                  for(int i = 0; i < ITEM.length; i++){

                      if(ITEM[i] == item){

                          found = true;

                          totalPrice = PRICE[i] * quantity;





                      throw new OrderException(OrderMessages.message[6]);

                  System.out.println("Total Amount due: $" + totalPrice);



                  throw new OrderException(OrderMessages.message[1]);



              throw new OrderException(OrderMessages.message[0]);

      }catch(OrderException e){





Which example task should a developer use a trigger rather than a workflow rule for?
A. To set the primary contact on an account record when it is saved
B. To notify an external system that a record has been modified
C. To set the name field of an expense report record to expense and the date when it is saved
D. To send an email to a hiring manager when a candidate accepts a job offer



A. To set the primary contact on an account record when it is saved


After updating a Contact and then you set the Primary checkbox, the contact becomes the primary contact and this then updates the reference in the Parent Account. Triggers are used for this purpose and not workflow rule. In this case there is only one contact at a time that is set as Primary Contacts, and in the case where an Account does not have any Contacts, the first contact that is created is made the primary and the trigger sets that value in reference.

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